Université d'Istanbul, Faculté de médecine Cerrahpasa 2007-2013
Université Ondokuz Mayis, Faculté de médecine 2014-2022
Université d'Istanbul-Cerrahpasa, Institut de cardiologie 2022
Ecoles / Formations
Université de Trakya, Faculté de médecine, L11an1 2001-2007
Université d'Istanbul, Faculté de médecine Cerrahpasa, Spécialisation 2007-2013
Dilatation aortique (anévrisme)
Problèmes de valve cardiaque
Dissection aortique
Maladie de l'artère coronaire
Occlusion de l'artère carotide (sténose carotidienne)
Maladie vasculaire périphérique
Insuffisance aortique
Maladies de la valve aortique
Insuffisance mitrale
Problème de valve mitrale
Sténose mitrale
Ulcère variqueux
Pied diabétique
Thrombose veineuse profonde (TVP)
Maladie de Raynaud
Cardiopathie rhumatismale
Maladie cardiaque ischémique
Douleur cardiaque
Occlusion de l'artère de la jambe
Rupture capillaire
Insuffisance cardiaque
Anévrisme de l'aorte abdominale
Anévrisme de l'arc aortique
Anévrisme de l'aorte ascendante
Anévrisme de l'aorte thoraco-abdominale
En 2007, j’ai obtenu mon diplôme de la Faculté de Médecine de l’Université de Trakya et j’ai reçu le titre de « Docteur en Médecine ». La même année, à la suite de l’examen TUS que j’ai passé, j’ai commencé ma formation de spécialisation à l’Université d’Istanbul, Faculté de Médecine Cerrahpaşa, Département de Chirurgie Cardiovasculaire.
Au cours de ma formation de spécialisation, en 2010, j'ai travaillé comme médecin invité au « Lenox Hill Hospital, Aortic Wellness Center » à New York, aux États-Unis, sur la chirurgie de préservation de la valve aortique, la chirurgie de la racine aortique, la chirurgie de la crosse aortique, la chirurgie aortique thoraco-abdominale et la chirurgie cardiaque robotisée.
En 2013, j'ai travaillé comme « fellow » à la clinique « Landeskrankenhaus Salzburg, Paracelsus Universitätsklinik für Gefäßchirurgie und endovaskuläre Chirurgie » à Salzbourg, en Autriche, et j'ai mené des études sur les techniques de chirurgie endovasculaire et vasculaire avancée.
En 2013, j'ai travaillé comme médecin visiteur à la clinique « Vita-Salute University, Scientific Institute, Ospedale San Raffaele, dipartimento di chirurgia vascolare ed endovascolare » à Milan, en Italie, sur les techniques endovasculaires, les techniques vasculaires avancées et le traitement chirurgical des anévrismes de l'aorte thoraco-abdominale.
En 2013, j’ai terminé ma formation d’assistant et obtenu le titre de « Spécialiste en chirurgie cardiovasculaire ».
Depuis 2014, j'ai commencé à travailler comme « médecin spécialiste » au département de chirurgie cardiovasculaire de la faculté de médecine de l'université Ondokuz Mayıs.
En 2016, j'ai reçu le titre de « Professeur assistant docteur ». La même année, j'ai reçu le « Certificat de compétence » délivré par le « Conseil turc de qualification en chirurgie cardiovasculaire ».
En 2017, j'ai travaillé comme médecin invité pendant 3 mois à la clinique « Landeskrankenhaus Nürnberg, Paracelsus Universitätsklinik für Gefäßchirurgie und endovaskuläre Chirurgie » à Nuremberg, en Allemagne, sur les techniques endovasculaires avancées (FEVAR, BEVAR, CHEVAR, EVAR, TEVAR) dans les maladies aortiques.
J’ai reçu le titre de « Professeur associé » en 2019. Je parle couramment l’anglais.
Je travaille à l'Université d'Istanbul-Cerrahpaşa, Institut de cardiologie, Département de chirurgie cardiovasculaire depuis 2022
Lire la suiteThe prof. Giuseppe Speziale holds the positions of the National Coordinator of Cardiac Surgery of GVM Care & Research, the Director of the Department of Cardiac Surgery at Anthea Hospital and Città di Lecce Hospital, and Director of the Department of Cardiac Surgery of the Santa Maria Hospital. He works at the Cardiological Clinical Institute (ICC) and San Carlo di Nancy Hospital in Rome. Since 2011 he has also held the position of Vice President of GVM Care & Research. In 2012 he occupied the charge of President of Confindustria Puglia, Health Section, and since 2018 he is Vice President of Aiop Puglia (Italian association of private hospitals). The prof. Speziale is a cardiac surgeon specializing in the minimally invasive surgical treatment of valve diseases, expert in minimally invasive repair of the mitral valve, in On and Off Pump myocardial revascularization, in thoracic aortic surgery. He is Co - Founder and President of the Scientific Committee of Mitral Academy, an independent association born from the passion for mitral surgery and the desire to pursue and share excellence in restorative surgery, with particular attention to minimally invasive techniques and the evaluation of potential therapeutic treatments deriving from the use of new technologies. Until 2016 he was elected Director of the Italian Society of Cardiac Surgery. He is part of the following associations: AATS (American Association for Thoracic Surgery), Italian Society of Cardiology Accredited Hospital, SICOA (active member), ISMICS (International Society for Minimally Invasive Cardiothoracic Surgery). Since 2004 he has held the position of Scientific Director of the Italian Cardiopathic Association onlus.
In the field of scientific research, he focuses on new approaches, applicable in the field of minimally invasive and non-invasive mitral, aortic, cardiac arrhythmias and tricuspid surgery. He was the coordinator and researcher of the various projects of the National Research Council on Myocardial Infarction, on the treatment of pulmonary hypertension, on new technologies for carrying out coronary, cardiopulmonary and normothermic bypass. He was an adjunct professor at the Sapienza University of Rome where he held the Chair of Cardiology II, and at the University of Ferrara, where he teaches Cardiac Surgery. He has presented numerous scientific papers at national and international congresses of cardiology and cardiac surgery.
Bibliography: He is co-author of 6 books known nationally and internationally. The most recent one is Advances in Treatments for Aortic Valve and Root Diseases, publisher Springer International Publishing, 2018.
He is Reviewer and author of over 90 publications of multiple journals, such as Seminars in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Journal of Geriatric Cardiology, Heart & Lung: The Journal of Cardiopulmonary and Acute Care, European Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery, The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Journal on Cardiac, Vascular and Thoracic Surgery etc.
Awards: “Top Doctors Awards”, 2021
Lire la suiteMédecin possédant plus de 20 ans de formation et d'expérience en cardiologie, y compris un diplôme de professeur. 52 articles internationaux et 20 documents publiés, ainsi que 3 chapitres dans des livres nationaux/internationaux. Membre de plusieurs organisations, dont la Société turque de cardiologie, l'Association des cellules souches et des thérapies cellulaires et la Société européenne de cardiologie.
Lire la suiteDr. Ahmed then, traveled to the Italian city of Modena to prepare the Fellowship of Interventional Cardiology and Endovascular therapy from the University of Modena and Reggo Emelia, where he was appointed as a lecturer for postgraduate students, in Interventional Cardiology. Then he traveled to Milan, Italy, in 2012 to prepare a fellowship in structural heart diseases.
The Journey continues to the Japanese city of Tokyo in the year 2013 to start training in the field of chronic total coronary oclusions and complex interventions. Finally, he returned to Cairo in 2013, where he obtained a doctorate degree in the field of cardiovascular medicine from Ain Shams University.
Member of the European Heart Association since 2007.
Dr. Ahmed attended many international medical conferences and was a lecturer in several important international forums.
He contributed to publishing important books, articles and medical research in international magazines.
DR. Arzu Musaeva
Education: Azerbaijan Medical University.
Specialization: therapist
Working hours and days: weekdays 10:00-15:00.
Training and membership:
16.02-31.03.2000 thematic development of the cycle “Current issues of infectious diseases”.
02.01-15.02.2001 thematic cycle “Clinical pharmacotherapy of internal diseases”.
01-30.12.2005 thematic improvement in the course “Chronic renal failure”.
22.11-27.12.2005 "Applied Homotoxicology" (56 hours) prof. Safihan Gasanov.
26-30.01.2006 "Applied Homotoxicology" (36 hours) Dr. Klaus Kuestermann (Baden-Baden,
12-24.11.2006 "Applied Homotoxicology" (48 hours) Doctor of Technical Sciences Elena Nekrasova
23-28.04.2007 "Homeoisopathy" Dr. Burkhard Flechsig.
28.05-02.06.2007 "Sanum Therapy" Dr. Anita Krake (Germany).
13.12. 2008. “Microbiological Therapy” Doctor of Medical Sciences Michael Schreiber (Germany).
14-18.03.2008 "Module B" Dr. Marion Krasnitzer-Geyer, Dr. med. Siddhartha Popat (Baden-
Baden, Germany).
20-22.06.2008. "Acupuncture and Homeosiniatry" Dr. med. Siddhartha Popat (Baden-Baden,
27-29.11.2009. "Introduction to Homeosiniatry" Dr. med. Joachim Bandlow.
02/16/2010. "Homotoxicology" Dr. Alta Smith.
05-09.11.2010. Course "Applied Homotoxicology" (36 hours). Dr. med. Burkhard Flechsig, Dr. med.
Joachim Bandlow.
21-22. 01.2011. "Introduction to Isopathy and Sanum Therapy". Med. Thomas Rau.
04.04.2011. "Microbiological Therapy" Dr. Kerstin Rasch, Dr. Volker Rusch.
10.20.2013. "Traditional medicine with biological medicine in diseases of the endocrinological and lymphatic systems"
"Sharing Methods" by Dr. Jurgen Frost.
07.04-02.05.2014 "Azerbaijan State Medical Institute named after A.Aliyev"
refresher course.
11/12/2014. "Inflammation: A New Concept" by Dr. Alta Smith.
10-11.04.2015. "Diabetes, Stress and Associated Diseases" Dr. med. Siddhartha Popat
(Baden-Baden, Germany).
12-16.05.2015. "Neurology, autoimmune diseases" Dr. of Medical Sciences Thomas Rau (Switzerland).
05/28/2015. "Basics of acid-base balance" "Hormones and health" Dr. med. Burkhard
Flechsig (Germany).
10.21.2015. "Fundamentals of Oncology" by Dr. Gerhard Reiss (Germany).
12/21/2015. "Mesotherapy" Dr. Alta Smith (Germany).
01-03.04.2016. Dr. "Allergy, Inflammation, Stress". Bert Hannosset (Germany).
05/28-29/2016 “Aesthetic Medicine” Dr. Tatiana Rivkina (Italy).
06/13-14/2016 “Fibromyalgia, Gout, Psoriasis” Dr. med. Gerhard Reis (Germany).
04-08.10.2016. "Mucosa Syndrome" Dr. Arturo Obirne (Colombia).
21.10. 2016. "Microbiological Therapy" by Dr. Uwe Peters (Germany).
31.10-01.11.2016. "Thyroid depletion syndrome" Dr. Gerhard Reiss (Germany).
10-11.11.2017. "Microbiological therapy – the basis of regulation" Dr. Uwe Peters (Germany).
12.2017. "Neurotherapy and Homotoxicology" Dr. med. Siddhartha Popat (Baden-Baden,
2017. "Metabolic Syndrome" Dr. med. Annette Jaensch.
2017. "Healthy Aging, Proven Remedies in Integrative Medicine", Dr. Ralf Ottmaier
14-20.05.2018. "From segment to barrier, nutrition and inflammation, vitamin C and diabetes", doctor.
honey. Arturo Obirne (Colombia).
15-17.11.2018 "Elimination Therapy Methods, Success in Old Age" Dr. Marion Krasnitzer-Geyer
(Baden-Baden, Germany).
04.2018. "Bioregulatory treatment of chronic infections" Dr.rer.nat. Petra Grüning.
21-23.09.2018. "Possibilities of treating degenerative diseases using systemic bioregulatory medicine"
Doctor med. Siddhartha Popat (Baden-Baden, Germany).
01/25/2019. "Basics of mistletoe therapy with Helixor and its application in practice" Doctor of Medical Sciences Christfried
Preussler (Germany).
05/11/2019 “Mesotherapy” Dr. Nicoletta Frasca
05/14/2019. "Sanum Therapy for Liver Diseases" by Dr. Dieter Sonntag
06.04.2019. "Isn't fatigue the call of the liver?" Dr. Petra Grüning.
14-19.10.2019. "Bioregulatory treatment of dermatological diseases". med. Arturo Obirne
Based on the results of successful treatment of trophic ulcers of various origins with biological preparations
Received the Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg Prize for clinical cases.
Examinations and treatment performed:
• Bioregulatory therapy of all therapeutic diseases.
• Atherosclerosis, stenosis, occlusion of peripheral arteries.
• Varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, lymphostasis of peripheral veins.
• Peripheral nerve neuropathy.
• Diabetic paw, osteoarthropathy, osteomyelitis.
• Detoxification and bioregulation of blood glucose at the cellular level. Diabetes mellitus
treatment and prevention of delayed complications in the lower extremities.
• Gangrenous pyoderma.
• Treatment of trophic ulcers.
Lire la suiteLe Dr Murtaza Ahmed Chishti est un chirurgien cardiaque et un chirurgien spécialisé dans la transplantation cœur-poumon très expérimenté, avec plus de 34 ans d'expérience, des prix décernés par la Society of Heart Failure and Transplant et Heart Failure 360, et une expertise dans la transplantation cœur-poumon, la revascularisation artérielle totale, la chirurgie coronarienne complexe et réopératoire, et la chirurgie de l'aorte.
Lire la suite