Le Dr Sibel Sahin BULAM est une radiologue dévouée et expérimentée avec plus de 12 ans d'expérience. Elle possède une solide expérience en imagerie diagnostique et s'engage à fournir des diagnostics précis et rapides aux patients.
Expérience professionnelle
Radiologue dans sa propre clinique (2023-présent)
Radiologue à la Regenerative Clinic Istanbul (2021-2022)
Radiologue résident à l'Université Gazi d'Ankara, Turquie (2008-2014)
Docteur en médecine (MD) Spécialité en radiologie - Université Gazi d'Ankara Turquie (2014)
Docteur en médecine (MD) - Université d'Ankara Ankara Turquie (2005)
Maîtrise des techniques d'imagerie diagnostique
Excellentes compétences en communication et en relations interpersonnelles
Lire la suiteAss. Prof. Dr. Nihat Mustafayev began his professional career by receiving his medical doctorate after a six-year disciplined education at Turgut Ozal University Faculty of Medicine. After completing his neurology specialization at Istanbul Bezmialem University, he conducted studies on neuromodulation and ultrasonography-guided botulinum toxin applications.
He completed a fellowship at the Department of Algology at UCLA University in the USA, worked at the Austrian American Association, gave speeches internationally, and edited the book “Practical Approaches to Medical Aesthetics.” He also further developed his knowledge by working at the Movement Disorder Clinic at AKH Hospital in Vienna, Austria.
He is also a member of prestigious organizations that reinforce his reputation in his field of expertise. He is an active member of important associations such as the International Headache Society and the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS). He is also a member of prestigious organizations such as the Turkish Neurological Association, the European Academy of Neurology and the International Headache Society
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Name: Zeynep Betul
Surname: Tatac
Birth date: 1986
Medical Doctor and Consultant
Medical Faculty Graduation: Hacettepe University Medical Faculty (2004-2010)
Specialization in Mesotherapy
Fillers and Botox course
Certification of Acupuncture
Certification of Ozone Therapy
Certification of Cupping Therapy
Wellness and Longevity Course
Functional Medicine Course
Iv therapies and anti-oxidan therapies
Anti-aging therapies
Check-up an diagnostic services
City: Antalya
Country: Turkey
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Hello, I am Fatma Duha Özkılıç. I was born in Antalya in 1994. I completed my undergraduate studies in Health Vocational High School Nursing studies between 2008-2012 and Ankara Gazi University Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation between 2015-2019. I was developed by obtaining various certifications such as Manual Therapy Training, Norton School International Lymphedema Certification and Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy Training. Throughout my career, I have discovered the only principle of continuous improvement in the expanding spectrum of education. I have in my body the hard work, theoretical and practical knowledge required in every field of the health sector, the ability of teams, the ability to empathize and many more. My main goals are to minimize the pain and suffering that people experience due to their diseases and to improve their quality of life. Being involved in the improvements of the treatment process increases my commitment to the profession. I think that I will contribute to my profession with my devoted efforts in dealing with patients, whether they are treated or not.
Lire la suiteL'esthétique médicale est un domaine spécialisé de la médecine qui se concentre sur l'amélioration de l'apparence esthétique par le traitement de problèmes tels que les cicatrices, le relâchement cutané, les rides, les grains de beauté, les taches brunes, l'excès de graisse, la cellulite, les poils indésirables, la décoloration de la peau et les varicosités. À Istanbul, en Turquie, l'esthétique médicale englobe un large éventail de procédures non chirurgicales qui visent à améliorer l'apparence d'un individu et à renforcer sa confiance en soi.