République de Corée, Séoul

Fécondation In Vitro (FIV) à Ewha Womans University Medical Center

9 avis
4 accréditations de qualité de l'hôpital

À propos de la Clinique

année de création

  • Pendant trois années consécutives, le centre a été classé au premier rang pour la "qualité des services" sur la base des commentaires des patients.
  • Lauréat du prix de la "meilleure marque" de 2009 à 2017, ce qui témoigne d'une excellence constante.
  • Reconnu par le ministère de la santé et des affaires sociales de Corée du Sud comme le meilleur hôpital pour le traitement du cancer du côlon.
  • Partenaire de l'université Ewha Womans, ce qui garantit l'accès à des équipements modernes et la formation continue des médecins.
  • Accrédité par l'Institut coréen d'accréditation des soins de santé (Korean Institute for Healthcare Accreditation), ce qui témoigne de son engagement à respecter des normes médicales de haute qualité.


Prix des traitements dans la clinique

Dernière mise à jour de prix — 29/04/2024. Les prix peuvent être changés selon le cas médical et les recommandations du médecin.
Neurochirurgie pédiatrique
Consultation avec un neurologue $28.32
Consultation avec un neurochirurgien $28.32
Obstétrique et de gynécologie
Consultation avec un gynécologue $28.32
Test de Papanicolaou (analyse PAP) $230
Consultation avec un urologue $28.32
Ultrason $136.79
IRM d'une zone $352.33
Consultation avec un proctologue $28.32
Biopsie $525.04 - $1036.26
Consultation avec un chirurgien cardiaque $28.32
IRM de la poitrine $352.33
Consultation avec un cardiologue $28.32
Hématologie Oncologie
Consultation avec un hématologue $28.32
Scanner d'une partie du corps $290.15 - $310.88
IRM du rachis lombaire $352.33
IRM cérébrale $393.78
Mammographie $98.79
CT de la poitrine $290.15
Consultation avec un orthopédiste (traumatologue) $28.32
Consultation avec un pneumologue $28.32
TEP/TDM $1001.72 - $1208.97
Consultation avec un chirurgien thoracique $28.32
Consultation avec un mammologue $28.32
Diagnostic complexe du cancer du sein $3000 - $6000
Consultation avec un chirurgien $28.32
Oncologie pédiatrique
Consultation avec un oncologue $28.32
Tests de laboratoire $400
Consultation d'un radiologue $28.32
Scintigraphie $214.16
Scintigraphie $214.16

accréditations de qualité de l'hôpital

Joint Commission International
US, Le diplôme Joint Commission International atteste pour Ewha Womans University Medical Center
Korean Institute for Healthcare Accreditation
KR, Le diplôme Korean Institute for Healthcare Accreditation atteste pour Ewha Womans University Medical Center
World's Best Hospitals 2021 by Newsweek
US, Le diplôme World's Best Hospitals 2021 by Newsweek atteste pour Ewha Womans University Medical Center
World's Best Hospitals 2022 by Newsweek
US, Le diplôme World's Best Hospitals 2022 by Newsweek atteste pour Ewha Womans University Medical Center

Ewha Womans University Medical Center: plus de détails à propos de la clinique

République de Corée, Séoul

Ewha Woman's University Medical Center (EUMC) was founded in 1887. This is the first hospital in South Korea where only women are treated.

The clinic works in cooperation with the country's largest Women's University Ewha. Thanks to it, the hospital has modern equipment, and its doctors regularly undergo training.

Ewha Strong Points

  • Sparing treatment. Surgeons perform minimally invasive operations through small incisions or through natural holes (vagina, anus). Thanks to that, tissues are injured marginally, and there are almost no scars on the woman's body.
  • Equipment. The clinic is equipped with the latest model of the da Vinci robot for high-precision operations, the newest 128-slice PET/CT, which can detect tumors up to 2 mm in diameter (which is equal to a rice grain).

Ewha Hospital In Figures

Ewha Hospital in Figures

Awards And Achievements Of Ewha University Hospital

  • 3 years in a row the hospital takes the 1st place in the national competition "Quality of Services". The ranking is based on patient feedback.
  • From 2009 to 2017, Ewha Medical Center won the "Best Brand" nomination.
  • The hospital is recognized as the best one in the country for the colon cancer treatment by the Ministry of Health and Welfare of South Korea.

Ewha Hospital Video Presentation

Robotic Surgery Center

Doctors of the center provide robotic operations to treat the uterine and thyroid cancer.

The department is equipped with the latest Da Vinci robot model with a high-resolution 3D-HD camera. The surgeon sees the area of operation super precisely and performs it as accurately as possible.

The team of the clinic first in the world made the robotic gynecological intervention through a small single incision (usually doctors make 3-4 incisions).

Robotic Surgery

Robotic surgery at Ewha

Breast and Thyroid Cancer Center

The department's team consists of oncologists, mammologists, otorhinolaryngologists, and plastic surgeons.

Doctors specialize in organ saving and minimally invasive operations through small incisions. They select the most sparing surgery method to keep the beauty of the female body.

In some cases, the doctor has to remove a significant part of the breast tumor with following mammoplasty.

Bladder Cancer Center

This is the only center in South Korea where doctors install artificial bladders (according to the Ewha hospital data).

This procedure helps patients return their healthy everyday life after the removal of the cancer-affected bladder. Surgeons create the artificial organ from the small intestine tissue, and that's why it is not rejected by the organism.

Raiotherapy in Ewha Hospital

Radiotherapy in Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital

Joint Replacement Center

The Ewha Endoprosthetic Center is the largest in South Korea due to the number of operations performed.

Orthopedics of the department have developed an artificial hip joint "Proxima", which does not require cement for fastening (according to the clinic data). This implant prevents the erasing and destruction of the bone after the operation.

The doctors also specialize in complicated joint replacements. They perform a procedure by patients with diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease.


Patients live in the chosen ward — single, double, or VIP.

Most operations are minimally invasive, so there is no need for extended hospitalization. In such cases, the patient stays in one of the hotels near the hospital. The price of hotel accommodation is from $60 to $250 per night.

Лобби клиники Ихва

Lobby in Ewha Womans University Medical center

Avis des patients

1 étoiles
2 étoiles
3 étoiles
4 étoiles
5 étoiles
Le tarif global de Ewha Womans University Medical Center comprend
Support linguistique

Gul'bahit Kobzhasarova • Fécondation In Vitro (FIV) République de Corée

20 avr. 2023
Avis vérifié.
Avis vérifié.