L'hébergement n'est pas inclus
Le transfert n'est pas inclus
Unique experience having your surgery in one of the most iconic cities in the country. Top doctos with high quality medical facilities, mommy makeover is one of our specialties with very good results, taking care of you, but most important your safety, making you feel comfortable and relaxed, knowing tht your dcotor is going to take care of you thru all the process, even when you are back home, he personally will be texting and finding out if everything is as it should be
Coordinateur médical personnel
Organisation de voyage médical — réservation des tickets de vol et des chambres d'hôtel à des prix réduits pour les partenaires
Prise en charge du patient lors d'un voyage médical
Prix spécial pour les patients Bookimed
$10200 $9300