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Transfert aéroport-clinique-aéroport
Invisalign, the world’s leading orthodontic treatment, is now more accessible than ever in Colombia—at nearly 50% less than the cost in the United States! This highly effective treatment is suitable for all ages, making it the perfect solution for patients looking to correct their tooth alignment and bite. Misaligned teeth or a poor bite can lead to joint issues, difficulties with oral and overall health, and even problems chewing food properly.Invisalign is also an optimal treatment for patients looking to become eligible for smile design or dental implants, as it helps align your teeth and create the necessary space for implants to replace missing teeth.Why not combine your treatment with an unforgettable cultural experience? Take advantage of dental tourism in Colombia, where you’ll receive world-class care while exploring a beautiful country.
Coordinateur médical personnel
Organisation de voyage médical — réservation des tickets de vol et des chambres d'hôtel à des prix réduits pour les partenaires
Prise en charge du patient lors d'un voyage médical