Accommodation is not included
Transfer is not included
Trifocal intraocular lenses, popularly known as Multifocal Lenses, usually eliminate the vision problems of patients for life. Wearers of trifocal lenses do not have to wear glasses when looking both far and near distance.
*Lens Replacement Surgery Method and Procedure*
Cataract surgery is typically performed with the phacoemulsification method, needle-free, and suture-free.
The operation is completed in twenty minutes.
You will be asked to rest for half an hour after the operation.
You will be asked to come for a check-up 1 day after the operation.
Our patients are generally comfortable because the surgeries are usually performed with numbing anesthetic drops.
Three to four days after the operation, the person can return to work.
If you work in a dusty environment, you should rest for at least two weeks.
Do not drive on the day of surgery to minimize recovery time and complications.
Avoid bathing for 4 days to minimize the risk of infection.
We ask you not to enter the pool and the sea for 2 weeks.
Avoid activities such as lifting heavy objects and bending over for several weeks.
Do not put unnecessary pressure on the eyes. Do not rub your eyes after surgery.
Take the eye drops prescribed by your doctor.
Shortly after the surgery, most of our patients report that their vision has improved. However, recovery continues the week after surgery and vision continues to improve.
The surgically placed artificial intraocular lens replaces the natural lens.
So you can't feel this lens like a contact lens. It is designed to last a lifetime.
Coordinateur médical personnel
Organisation de voyage médical — réservation des tickets de vol et des chambres d'hôtel à des prix réduits pour les partenaires
Prise en charge du patient lors d'un voyage médical
Prix spécial pour les patients Bookimed
$3200 $2600