Accommodation is not included
Transfer airport-hotel-clinic-airport
-Accurate Diagnosis: Thorough evaluation of your medical history, imaging studies (such as angiography or MRI), and expert consultation to precisely diagnose and characterize the AVM.
-Multidisciplinary Team: Collaboration among our experienced medical specialists to develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific condition.
-Surgical Expertise: Utilization of advanced surgical techniques, including microsurgery or endovascular approaches, for precise AVM removal while preserving surrounding tissue.
-Anesthesia and Comfort: Ensuring your comfort and safety through the use of appropriate anesthesia and postoperative pain management.
-Recovery Facilities: Access to well-equipped recovery areas during your hospital stay, ensuring a comfortable and monitored post-surgery environment.
-Specialized Care: 24/7 specialized care and monitoring to facilitate a smooth and safe recovery.
-Follow-Up Visits: Regular follow-up appointments with our medical team to assess your progress and address any concerns.
Coordinateur médical personnel
Organisation de voyage médical — réservation des tickets de vol et des chambres d'hôtel à des prix réduits pour les partenaires
Prise en charge du patient lors d'un voyage médical