Assoc. Prof. Nuri Alper Şahbaz is an experienced doctor with medical education from Istanbul University, Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine, and scientific and clinical experience from Baylor College of Medicine and The University of Texas Medical School. He is specialized in endocrine surgery (thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal gland and neuroendocrine tumors) and has performed over 2000 successful surgeries in this area. He also specializes in laparoscopic and minimally invasive surgeries, as well as in diagnostic and therapeutic gastrointestinal system endoscopy.
Transfer airport-hotel-clinic-airport
Coordinateur médical personnel
Organisation de voyage médical — réservation des tickets de vol et des chambres d'hôtel à des prix réduits pour les partenaires
Prise en charge du patient lors d'un voyage médical