Dr. Serdar Kabatas, graduated from Trakya University Medical Faculty, Edirne/Turkey in 1997. He became a neurosurgeon-specialist- in 2003 and then gained an award for postdoctoral fellowship in Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) and Neural Stem Cell (NSC) at Harvard Medical School in 2007. He has spent most of his scientific carrier in the study of SCI related stem cell applications either experimentally or clinically, stem cell clinical applications in hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, traumatic brain injury, cerebral palsy, autism spectrum disorders, periferic nervous system injuries, cell-based approaches for intervertebral disc regeneration, dentritic stem cell vaccines regarding brain tumours, trigeminal neuralgia, aneurysm surgery, etc. Among his achievements are the prediction of neural and anatomical abnormalities of the gastrointestinal system resulting from contusion SCI and functional multipotency of NSCs- its therapeutic implications- in USA.
In addition to his scientific interests, he is the President of Society of Stem Cell and Cellular Therapies in Turkey. He is also member of AANS, CNS, Society of Neuroscience, Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Society of Nervous System Surgery and Turkish Spine Society. He is the chief editor of Journal of Nervous System Surgery. He had been teaching neurosurgery to medical students at the Baskent University, Turkey from 2008 to 2013. Between 2013 to 2015, he was the chief of Neurosurgery Department in Private Reyap Hospital, Tekirdağ. Curently, he has been the chief of Department of Neurosurgery in University of Health Sciences Turkey, Gaziosmanpaşa Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey since 2016. He was awarded as the first candidate for Specialization Thesis (2004) and Board Exam (2011) in Turkey, respectively. He was also awarded as research project regarding Stem Cell Applications in Rat Model (2013) in Turkey. He has more than 100 publications in peer-reviewed international journals with around 1300 citations. His h-index is 21 in google scholar and 17 in web of science.
Selected Publications:
1. S.Kabatas, D.Yu, X.D.He, H.S.Thatte, D.Benedict, K.T.Hepgul, P.M.Black, S.Sabharwal, Y.D.Teng, “Neural and anatomical abnormalities of the gastrointestinal system resulting from contusion spinal cord injury.“ Neuroscience 154(4): 1627-1638 pp., 2008
2. Y.D.Teng, S.Kabatas, J.Li, D.R.Wakeman, E.Y.Snyder, R.L.Sidman, “Functional Multipotency of Neural Stem Cells and Its Therapeutic Implications“, ed. H.Ulrich. Perspectives of Stem Cells, 255-270 pp., Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York © Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2010
4. S.Kabatas, Y.D.Teng, “Potential Roles of Neural Stem Cell in Restoration of the Injured Spinal Cord: Review of the Literature.“ Turk Neurosurg 20(2): 103-110 pp., 2010
5. S. Kabataş, T. Cansever, E. Civelek, C. Yılmaz, "The therapeutic potential of neural stem cells in traumatic brain injuries", Curr Signal Transd T 6(3): 327-336 pp., 2011
6. Teng YD, Yu D, Ropper AE, Li J, Kabatas S, Wakeman DR, Wang J, Sullivan MP, Redmond DE Jr, Langer R, Snyder EY, Sidman RL. Functional multipotency of stem cells: a conceptual review of neurotrophic factor-based evidence and its role in translational research. Curr Neuropharmacol 9(4): 574-85, 2011.
7. Karaoz E, Kabatas S, Duruksu G, Okcu A, Subası C, Ay B, Musluman M, Civelek E. Reduction of lesion in injured rat spinal cord and partial functional recovery of motility after bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cell transplantation. Turk Neurosurg 22(2): 207-17, 2012.
8. Han I-B, Kim S-W, Ropper AE, Thakor D, Kabatas S, Teng YD. Recent Patents on Cell-based Approaches for Intervertebral Disc Regeneration. Recent Patents on Biomedical Engineering, 5: 122-30, 2012
9. Sonmez E, Kabatas S, Ozen O, Karabay G, Turkoglu S, Ogus E, Yilmaz C, Caner H, Altinors N. Minocycline Treatment Inhibits Lipid Peroxidation, Preserves Spinal Cord Ultrastructure and Improves Functional Outcome after Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury in the Rat . Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2013 Jan 30.
10. Han I-B, Ropper AE, Konya D, Kabatas S, Toktas Z, Aljuboori Z, Chi JH, Teng YD. Biological Approaches to Treating Intervertebral Disc Degeneration: Devising stem cell therapies. Cell Transplant 24 (11): 2197-208, 2015.
11. Aras Y, Sabancı PA, Kabataş S, Duruksu G, Subaşı C, Erguven M, Karaöz E. The Effects of Adipose Tissue-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transplantation During The Acute And Subacute Phases Following Spinal Cord Injury. Turk Neurosurg 26 (1):127-39, 2016.
12. Kabatas S, Demir CS, Civelek E, Yilmaz I, Kircelli A, Yilmaz C, Akyuva Y, Karaoz E. Neuronal regeneration in injured rat spinal cord after human
dental pulp derived neural crest stem cell transplantation. Bratisl Med J 119 (3): 143-151, 2018
13. Karaoz E, Tepekoy F, Yilmaz I, Subasi C, Kabatas S. Reduction of Inflammation and Enhancement of Motility after Pancreatic Islet Derived Stem Cell Transplantation Following Spinal Cord Injury. J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 2019 Mar;62(2):153-165.
14. Han IB, Thakor DK, Ropper AE, Yu D, Wang L, Kabatas S, Zeng X, Kim SW, Zafonte RD, Teng YD. Physical impacts of PLGA scaffolding on hMSCs: Recovery neurobiology insight for implant design to treat spinal cord injury.
Exp Neurol. 2019 Oct;320:112980.
15. Kabataş S, Cİvelek E, Sezen GB, Kaplan N, Savrunlu EC, Çetİn E, Dİren F, KaraÖz E. Functional Recovery after Wharton's Jelly-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Administration in a Patient with Traumatic Brain Injury: A Pilot Study. Turk Neurosurg. 2020;30(6):914-922.
16. Kabataş S, Civelek E, İnci Ç, Yalçınkaya EY, Günel G, Kır G, Albayrak E, Öztürk E, Adaş G, Karaöz E. Wharton's Jelly-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transplantation in a Patient with Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy: A Pilot Study. Cell Transplant. 2018 Oct;27(10):1425-1433.
17. Teng YD, Wang L, Kabatas S, Ulrich H, Zafonte RD. Cancer Stem Cells or Tumor Survival Cells? Stem Cells Dev. 2018 Nov 1;27(21):1466-1478.
18. Kabatas S, Civelek E, Savrunlu EC, Kaplan N, Boyalı O, Diren F, Can H, Genç A, Akkoç T, Karaöz E. Feasibility of allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells in pediatric hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy: Phase I study. World J Stem Cells. 2021 May 26;13(5):470-484.
19. Kabataş S, Civelek E, Kaplan N, Savrunlu EC, Sezen GB, Chasan M, Can H, Genç A, Akyuva Y, Boyalı O, Diren F, Karaoz E. Phase I study on the safety and preliminary efficacy of allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells in hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. World J Exp Med. 2021 Mar 20;11(2):17-29.
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Adresse professionnelle : Hôpital universitaire de Biruni, département de chirurgie neurologique, Istanbul
Éducation et formation
Premier cycle : 1997 - 2001 Lycée Halkali, Istanbul, Turquie
Diplômé : 2001 - 2007 Université de Mersin, Faculté de médecine, Mersin, Turquie
Postgraduate: 2009 – 2014 Hôpital de recherche et de formation de Bakırköy pour les maladies psychiatriques et neurologiques, département de chirurgie neurologique, Istanbul, Turquie
Observateur : juin-décembre 2017 Université du Wisconsin – Département de chirurgie neurologique, Madison, États-Unis
Juin-août 2020 Université Acıbadem - Spine Center, Istanbul, Turquie
Intérêt professionnel : Chirurgie crânienne, Neurochirurgie fonctionnelle (utilisée pour traiter les troubles du mouvement), Chirurgie de la colonne vertébrale
Licence et certification
2007 juin : Docteur en médecine, Ministère turc de la Santé
Juillet 2014 : Neurochirurgien, Ministère turc de la Santé
2014– 2021 Neurochirurgien - Hôpital de recherche et de formation Kanuni Sultan Suleyman d'Istanbul
2021 - Neurochirurgien - Hôpital universitaire de Biruni, Département de chirurgie neurologique
Formations / Ateliers / Réunions / Colloques
(En ordre chronologique)
A participé à 18 cours nationaux et internationaux, rencontres scientifiques (certifiées) en neurochirurgie et chirurgie de la colonne vertébrale.
Article publié
Résumés et présentations publiés lors de réunions scientifiques internationales
(En ordre chronologique)
Résumés et présentations publiés lors de réunions scientifiques nationales
(En ordre chronologique)
Compétences informatiques
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Le professeur Dr. Gülşah Bademci est un médecin spécialisé dans le domaine de la chirurgie du cerveau, des nerfs, de la colonne vertébrale et de la moelle épinière. Elle a obtenu son diplôme de quatrième étudiante de la Faculté de médecine de l'Université d'Ankara en 1993. Elle a obtenu son titre de chirurgienne du cerveau et des nerfs du Département de chirurgie cérébrale et nerveuse de la Faculté de médecine de l'Université d'Ankara en 2001. En 2008, elle est devenue associée. professeur à la Faculté de médecine de l'Université de Kırıkkale, et en 2021, elle devient professeur à la Faculté de médecine de l'Université Yüksek İhtisas. Elle a contribué à de nombreuses publications internationales, en tant que chercheuse et chercheuse clinique à l'Université des sciences médicales de l'Arkansas avec le professeur M. Gazi Yaşargil, et en tant que chercheuse à la faculté de médecine de l'université de Yale. Elle est titulaire des certificats ECFMG America Board Step 1 et EANS European Board. Elle parle un anglais de niveau avancé et a reçu des récompenses en tennis et en natation. Elle pratique également la caricature de niveau professionnel et l'illustration médicale. Au cours de ses 30 années de carrière, elle a effectué de nombreuses interventions chirurgicales en tant que spécialiste de la chirurgie du cerveau et des nerfs, notamment dans la chirurgie de la sténose du canal rachidien, les hernies discales lombaires et cervicales, les tumeurs cérébrales, la chirurgie de l'hydrocéphalie et les compressions nerveuses.
Lire la suiteLe Dr Nail Özdemir est né à Akhisar/Manisa le 6 mars 1971. Il est diplômé de la faculté de médecine de l'université Dokuz Eylül en 1994. Il a obtenu sa spécialisation en neurochirurgie au département de neurochirurgie de la faculté de médecine de l'université Dokuz Eylül en 2002. De 2003 à 2010, il a travaillé comme spécialiste à la clinique de neurochirurgie de l'hôpital d'éducation et de recherche Izmir Atatürk, et de 2010 à 2019, il a travaillé comme résident en chef, professeur associé et conférencier à la clinique de neurochirurgie de l'hôpital d'éducation et de recherche Izmir Tepecik. En 2013, alors qu'il travaillait à la clinique de neurochirurgie de l'hôpital d'éducation et de recherche d'Izmir Tepecik, il est devenu professeur associé. Depuis mars 2019, il travaille en tant que médecin indépendant dans son propre cabinet privé.
p style="text-align : justify ;">p style="text-align : justify").
Lire la suiteKTU Faculty of Medicine 2005-2011
Izmir Ege University Faculty of Medicine Hospital Department of Brain and Nerve Surgery
2011-2017 Erzincan BY University Faculty of Medicine
2017-2023 Izmir University of Economics Medicalpark Hospital
Spine Surgery
Lumbar hernias, (fully closed herniated disc surgery, microsurgery herniated disc surgery)
Cervical hernias (fully closed cervical disc herniation surgery, microsurgery cervical disc herniation surgery)
Spinal Fracture Treatment (open surgery and fully closed surgery = kyphoplasty vertebroplasty)
Scoliosis (Spine Curvatures)
Ankylosing Spondylitis (Hunchback)
Spine Tumors
Nerve Compression
Endoscopic (Closed Method) Brain Tumor Surgeries
Brain tumor surgery with neuronavigation
Brain Hemorrhages
Pain Intervention Procedures (Radiofrequency, Laser)
Hydrocephalus (accumulation of water in the brain)
Congenital Anomalies
Minimally Invasive Procedures and Head Traumas.
Lire la suiteDuring his career, Dr. Covaro has a continuous participation in international meetings and contributed to several articles published in scientific magazines. Dr. Covaro is a member of several professional organizations, including the Spanish Society of Orthopedics, AOspine, GEER and Eurospine.
Currently, Dr. Covaro attends his patients at the Institut Universitari Dexeus and the Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge, in Barcelona. To make an appointment with Dr. Augusto Covaro, contact ICATME, Institut Universitari Dexeus
Estetik Cerrahi: Deneyimli cerrahlarımızla, güncel teknikleri kullanarak estetik cerrahi hizmetleri sunuyoruz. Her bireyin ihtiyacına özel çözümler üreterek, doğal ve estetik sonuçlar elde etmeyi amaçlıyoruz.
Saç, Sakal ve Kaş Ekimi: Saç dökülmesi, seyrek sakal ya da kaş problemleriyle mücadele edenlere özel çözümler sunuyoruz. Uzman ekibimiz, kişinin yüz hatlarına uygun doğal sonuçlar elde etmeyi hedefler.
Dolgu Uygulamaları: Yüz gençleştirme ve kontürleme amacıyla kullanılan dolgu uygulamalarını, uzman estetik cerrahlarımız ile güvenli bir şekilde gerçekleştiriyoruz. Doğallığı ön planda tutan yaklaşımımızla, müşterilerimize istedikleri görünüme kavuşmalarında yardımcı oluyoruz.
Lire la suiteDr Ozates was born in 1966 in Birecik district of Sanliurfa in Turkey. He completed his primary and secondary education in my hometown, Birecik. He got into Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine in 1983. After 6 years of successful education, he started Radiology education at Dicle University Faculty of Medicine by passing the Medical Specialization Examination (TUS) in the same year I graduated in 1989.
Between 1993 and 1995, he worked as a Radiology Specialist in various hospitals in Gaziantep. He passed the Assistant Professorship exam and started to work as a faculty member at Dicle University in 1995.
Post-Specialization Trainings:
2003, Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, MRI Department, Ankara
2003, Marmara University Faculty of Medicine, MRI Department, Istanbul
2001-2004, ESNR European Course of Neuroradiology (3 Semesters)
1997, Johns Hopkins University, Neuroradiology, Baltimore, USA
1997, Cornell University, Neuroradiology, New York, USA
1996, Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine, MRI Department, Istanbul
1994, Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine, MRI Department, İzmir
1993, Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine, MRI Department, Bursa
1993, UCLA Medical Center (as visitor), Los Angles, USA
1992-1993, Maçka EMAR, Dr. Murat Dinçer, Istanbul
His Academic Studies:
International Publications: 23
International Papers: 27
National Publications: 45
National Papers: 48
Conferences: 11
Citations: 210 Scientific Publications (Average Citations per Item: 10.50, h-index: 9), USA edition 1 Book, Various Conferences
Scientific Organizations he is a member of:
European Society of Radiology (ESR)
Turkish Radiology Association (TRD)
Magnetic Resonance Association
Istanbul Medical Chamber (ITO)
Turkish Neuroradiology Association
In 2003, he was awarded the title of Associate Professor with the examination held at Marmara University Faculty of Medicine. In 2005-2013, Dr. Lütfi Kırdar Kartal Training and Research Hospital Radiology Clinic Chief, Training and Administrative Officer.
In 2013, he started to work as a professor at Nişantaşı University. On March 15, 2013, he was appointed as the Inter-University Board Representative for 1 year. He is a Member of the Board of Trustees of Ayvansaray University. He is a sub – specialist in “Pediatric Radiology”
His articles have been published in many magazines in Turkey and abroad. He presented written and oral presentations and gave conferences at congresses in various cities and countries.
As the Radiology Clinic Chief of Bağcılar Training and Research Hospital, he is the first professor who performed Coronary CT Angiography in a state hospital in Istanbul.
He is one of Turkey’s first Children’s Radiology Specialist Minor. He did his military service between March and April 2000 at the 200-bed Malatya Military Hospital.
Lire la suiteAssoc. Dr. İsmail Gülşen is a distinguished neurosurgeon serving at Lokman Hekim Van Hospital in Turkey. With extensive expertise in advanced brain and spine surgery, he has contributed significantly to the field through innovative techniques and patient-focused care. Dr. Gülşen specializes in diagnosing and treating complex neurological conditions, offering cutting-edge surgical interventions. His commitment to excellence is reflected in his continuous pursuit of medical advancements and personalized treatment strategies. For further details on his qualifications and professional achievements contact lokman hekim health group.
Lire la suiteSystème de navigation sans fil. Séoul, E-public, 2011
. Le Dr Kim HS est membre de la Société coréenne de neurochirurgie, de la Société coréenne de neurochirurgie de la colonne vertébrale et d'autres sociétés professionnelles. Il possède une vaste expérience de la chirurgie mini-invasive de la colonne vertébrale et des procédures, de la hernie du noyau pulpeux (HNP) lombaire et cervicale, de la sténose rachidienne et des maladies dégénératives de la colonne vertébrale. Il a obtenu son doctorat en 2006 et s'est formé à l'hôpital universitaire de Chosun, à l'hôpital 21 Century Spine, à l'hôpital Anna et dans divers autres hôpitaux. Il parle couramment l'anglais et le coréen et est professeur auxiliaire à la faculté de médecine de l'université de Chosun. Il a publié de nombreux manuels et articles et fait partie des examinateurs des revues World Neurosurgery et Korean Neurological Society.
Lire la suiteLe Dr Lim JH est professeur à l'hôpital Paik de l'université Inje à Séoul. Il est spécialisé dans la chirurgie microscopique de la colonne vertébrale, les maladies de la colonne cervicale, les disques artificiels, les tumeurs vertébrales, la mini-fusion vertébrale, la scoliose et la thérapie non chirurgicale par l'exercice. Il a suivi des formations à l'étranger, présenté des symposiums et publié de nombreux articles.
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