Dr. Nicola Vione specializes in Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Pathology.
He began his training at the University of Turin where, in 1996 he obtained a degree in Medicine and Surgery, and in 1997 the qualification to practice. Subsequently, in 2001 he obtained the specialist diploma in Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Pathology.
Over the years of his career he has attended various prestigious hospitals, perfecting himself in Functional and Aesthetic Surgery of the nose, performing thousands of operations and obtaining excellent results. He regularly attends specialization courses and national and international congresses, learning the most avant-garde techniques of the moment such as preservation rhinoplasty which allows primary rhinoplasty operations to be performed, guaranteeing respect for the anatomy of the nose and obtaining extremely natural and a shorter post-operative period.
Since 2015, he has been collaborating with the "Micheli-Pellegrini" Study Center, one of the most prestigious schools in Italy of rhino-cervical-facial reconstructive surgery, as a member of the scientific committee and as a Professor of Functional and Aesthetic Surgery of the Nose. He currently works at the San Luigi Gonzaga public hospital in Orbassano (Turin), as Medical Director of the Otolaryngology Operative Unit. He also works in some private clinics, such as Santa Caterina da Siena GVM and the Fornaca Clinic in Sessant.
Dr Vione is a member of numerous national scientific societies such as AICEFF (Italian Association of Aesthetic and Functional Surgery of the Face), AOOI (Association of Italian Hospital Otorhinolaryngologists), AIOCC (Italian Association of Head and Neck Oncology) and SIOeChCF ( Italian Society of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery). Registered, since 1997, in the Provincial Order of Surgeons of Asti
Dr. Nicola Vione is an established professional in the field of Otolaryngology and particularly expert in Functional and Aesthetic Surgery of the nose.
Lire la suiteEducation:
Ankara University Faculty of Medicine (2009-2015)
Ankara Bilkent City Hospital Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (Speciality 2016-2022)
Foreign Language: English
Professional Experiences:
Aktif International Bahcelievler (2024 – Ongoing)
Tekirdag City Hospital (2022-2024)
Ankara Bilkent City Hospital (2019-2022)
Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital (2016-2019)
Medical Interests:
Breast Aesthetics
Tummy Tuck
Liposuction/ Fat grafting applications
Le Dr Agustín Granado Tiagonce est un chirurgien espagnol expérimenté dans le domaine de la chirurgie plastique, esthétique et reconstructive, avec 25 ans de pratique. Il a occupé divers postes à Madrid, à Mexico DF et à la clinique Ruber Madrid. Il est actuellement directeur et fondateur de la clinique Granado Tiagonce. Le Dr Granado Tiagonce est spécialisé dans la chirurgie esthétique du visage et du corps, la chirurgie mammaire esthétique et reconstructive, il est diplômé en médecine générale et professeur à l'université autonome de Madrid. Il est également membre de plusieurs organisations, dont l'ASAPS, l'ISAPS et la Société espagnole de chirurgie plastique, reconstructive et esthétique.
Lire la suiteLe Dr Yoon Eul-sik est un chirurgien plasticien et reconstructeur expérimenté avec plus de 35 ans d'expérience et membre de plusieurs sociétés prestigieuses, notamment l'Association médicale coréenne, la Société coréenne d'association de microchirurgie et l'American Society of Plastic Surgery. Il se spécialise en chirurgie plastique, chirurgie esthétique, chirurgie esthétique, épilation au laser, rajeunissement du visage au laser, lasers Fraxel, chirurgie esthétique du sein et liposuccion.
Lire la suiteEuropean Board Certified Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeon (FEBOPRAS)
Foreign Languages:
Professional Experiences:
Aktif International Hospital Bahçelievler Hospital (2024-continues)
Iğdır Dr Nevruz Erez State Hospital (Compulsory Service) (2022-2024)
HNO-Zentrum Simmering, Vienna-Austria (Internship) (November 2023)
Beyoğlu Community Health Centre (Compulsory Service) (2015-2016)
World Health Organisation (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland (Internship) (July-August 2013)
Lire la suiteSpecializations
Breast Aesthetics
Tummy Tuck
Genital Aesthetics
Eyelid aesthetic
Gynecomastia Correction
Prominent Ear Aesthetics
Botox Applications
Filling Applications
Postbariatric Surgeon
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Surgeon specializing in surgery, number one in
DRC Rhinoplasty technique with 3D face scanning program, beautiful shape that suits each person.
Specialized eye surgery techniques to correct drooping eyelids and double eyelids to adjust the eyes to look beautiful and restore brightness to the original pair of eyes.
Lire la suiteMEMBRE DE LA SOCIÉTÉ BRÉSILIENNE DE LASER EN MÉDECINE ET CHIRURGIE Le Dr Lívia Camargo est spécialisée en dermatologie esthétique et propose une variété de soins de beauté et de soins de la peau et des cheveux. Combinant haute technologie et techniques modernes, notre clinique est située à Praia do Flamengo, au sud de Rio de Janeiro, offrant une belle vue sur la ville. Notre objectif est de promouvoir la santé, la beauté et le bien-être, le tout dans un environnement élégant et accueillant.
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