I was born in Naples, born in 1981, and I have the best job in the world. Imagine waking up every morning and knowing that on that day you will make someone's dream come true: you will change a man's life forever, you will give birth to a new woman, you will help a girl achieve happiness, a boy gain self-confidence. I am Silvio Ascione, specialist in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. Son of art, from my father, a great man and great plastic surgeon, I learned the complex and enchanting magic of aesthetic plastic surgery. Nourished by art and medical knowledge, I grew up in operating theatres, always behind my father's back who, like the best of masters, passed on to me, a young disciple, the passion for a profession in which art combines to science to create masterpieces. Graduated in Medicine and Surgery in 2005 from the Second University of Naples, qualified in the first session of 2006 and specialized in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery at the School of Specialization of the Second University of Naples directed by Prof. Francesco D'Andrea, I am enrolled in the 'Order of Surgeons of Benevento and I obtained a Master's degree in Oncoplastic Surgery and integrated treatments at the University of Genoa.
My experience in the surgical room, however, began much earlier, and it was an intense, very hard journey, characterized by total dedication, constant updating, continuous training: initially internal at the Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery of the S.U.N., I frequented then the Department of Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery of the Mediterranean Clinic of Naples affiliated with the “Tor Vergata” University of Rome, the A.O.R.N. Major Burns Center Department, directed by Prof. Roberto D'Alessio, the Trauma Center Department of Prof. Antonio Martin.
I regularly participate in all the main national and international Plastic Surgery conferences to stay constantly updated on the technological innovations offered by the market, the cutting-edge products and instruments to be used for my treatments, the new research and the most recent studies in the field of plastic and aesthetic surgery.
I studied and carried out in-depth internships at universities and hospital centers in Spain, France and North America, gaining extraordinary experience on the most advanced surgical techniques, in particular on facial and breast rejuvenation.
My innate passion for surgery, my attention to the care of the image and the harmony of forms, my obsessive precision and attention to detail, my unstoppable research and updating activity, my decades of experience in the most varied spheres of plastic and aesthetic surgery, working side by side with my specialized team, allow me today to boast a curriculum full of successes and satisfactions and to be able to offer my patients a detailed and scrupulous visit, a precise diagnosis, a treatment plan personalized and efficient intervention, agreed on the basis of the patient's needs and desires, highly effective personal techniques and tools to eliminate all types of blemishes, signs of aging or congenital imperfections, through increasingly less invasive interventions and with increasingly natural results.
Experience, professionalism, harmony, naturalness: these are the four key points on which I build a relationship that is first human, then professional, with my patient. The choice of plastic or aesthetic surgery does not only involve the decision to undertake a path of external change. For this reason I dedicate myself with dedication and attention to listening to the discomforts and wishes of each of my patients, so that we can plan together the most appropriate intervention for their needs and to achieve the expected result and to accompany them step by step towards a path of external and internal rebirth
Lire la suiteDr. Domenico Riitano, specialist in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery, graduated in Medicine and Surgery in 1989 and specialized in Orthopedics and Traumatology in 1994 at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. In 2007 he completed his training with a further specialization in reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgery at the University of Messina.
He perfected his technique in Brazil at various specialized hospitals and clinics, including the Fluminense Clinic of Plastic Surgery “Niteroi” in Rio De Janeiro.
Lire la suiteVisite du médecin | prix sur demande |
Lifting des sourcils | $6258.15 - $8344.2 |
Le professeur Boris Todorov est un spécialiste très expérimenté en chirurgie plastique et reconstructive. Il est spécialisé dans l'élimination des rides, le lifting du visage, le lifting du front, la correction du cou, la correction des paupières, la correction du menton, la rhinoplastie, la correction des oreilles, les traitements anti-âge, l'augmentation mammaire, le lifting des seins, la réduction mammaire, la plastie abdominale, la correction des épaules, la liposuccion, le lifting des hanches et le lifting des fesses. Il dirige le département de chirurgie plastique et reconstructive de l'hôpital Saint-Joseph de Vienne et a récemment entamé sa présidence de deux ans lors de la 54e réunion annuelle de la Société autrichienne de chirurgie plastique, esthétique et reconstructive.
Lire la suiteLe docteur est un spécialiste en chirurgie plastique, titulaire de certificats de troisième cycle en chirurgie et en chirurgie plastique, d'un diplôme de candidat aux sciences et d'une licence d'exercice de la médecine en chirurgie et en chirurgie plastique. Il a occupé des postes de médecin-chef dans plusieurs cliniques privées, dans un centre de santé et dans un quartier de la ville. Il a participé à des stages et à des séminaires dans différents pays et est l'auteur et le co-auteur de 45 conférences et publications scientifiques en tchèque, en russe et en anglais, ainsi que de centaines d'articles éducatifs et de contributions écrites. Il est membre de plusieurs sociétés médicales et chirurgicales.
Lire la suiteVisite du médecin | prix sur demande |
Lifting des sourcils | $146.02 - $438.07 |
Dr. Jose Cortes is a top plastic surgeon in Mexico City, specializing in esthetic and reconstructive surgery, tummy tucks, BBLs, rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, facelift and liposuction. He is a member of various international organizations and has won multiple awards. He has extensive education in the field and has published 10 scientific articles.
Lire la suiteIl a poursuivi ses études au lycée militaire Kuleli d'Istanbul en 1998. Elle a étudié la médecine à la faculté de médecine militaire de Gülhane entre 2002 et 2008. Plus tard, elle a complété sa formation spécialisée à la clinique de chirurgie plastique, reconstructive et esthétique de l'hôpital de formation et de recherche Keçiören d'Ankara.
Il a travaillé comme médecin spécialiste à l'hôpital municipal de Yozgat et à l'hôpital de formation et de recherche d'Ümraniye. Durant cette période, il a participé à des congrès, conférences et présentations sur la chirurgie plastique. Ses articles ont été publiés dans des revues nationales et internationales.
Lire la suiteMédecin, 8 ans d'études médicales à l'université de Gaziantep (Turquie) et 5 ans d'internat en chirurgie plastique, reconstructive et esthétique à l'université de Yüzüncü Yıl (Turquie). Il a travaillé comme médecin de famille et assistant manager pendant 4 ans et a pratiqué la chirurgie plastique pendant sa résidence. Membre de TPRCD, TTB, EPCD et ISAPS.
Lire la suiteil est diplômé de l'université d'Istanbul, chirurgie du nerf tendineux, replantation, toutes sortes de blessures par écrasement de la main et des doigts, blessures vasculaires de la main, anomalies congénitales de la main (syndactylie, polydactylie, main radiale et autres), transferts de tendons, anomalies de fente labiale et de fente palatine, peau tumeurs, traumatismes maxillo-faciaux (fractures de l'orbite et de la mandibule), chirurgie du lambeau, opérations microchirurgicales, reconstruction des anomalies cutanées méningocèles du nouveau-né (avec chirurgie cérébrale), escarres (ulcères de décubitus), mammoplastie de réduction, mastopexie, mammoplastie d'augmentation, abdominoplastie, liposuccion, lipofeeling, chirurgie postbariatrique, rhinoplastie, lifting des cuisses et des bras, lifting du visage, lifting du cou, gynécomastie.
Congrès auxquels ont participé :
1. Congrès national turc 2010 de chirurgie de la main et des membres supérieurs, Antalya.
2. 2010 32e Congrès national turc de chirurgie plastique, Trabzon.
3. 2015 37e Congrès national turc de chirurgie plastique, Ankara.
4. Congrès national turc de chirurgie de la main et des membres supérieurs 2016, Fethiye.
5. 2016 13e Congrès européen de microchirurgie, Antalya.
6. Congrès européen de chirurgie de la main (FESSH) 2016, Santander, Espagne.
7. Congrès national turc 2018 de chirurgie de la main et des membres supérieurs, Denizli.
Lire la suiteVisite du médecin | prix sur demande |
Lifting des sourcils | $1800 - $2500 |
Dr. Erik E. Marquez is an experienced general surgeon in Puerto Rico with over 20 years of practice. His specialties include general surgery and repairing tissue and organs in the abdomen, such as the stomach and colon.
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