Publications :
1. Karacor- Altuntas Z, Ismayilzade M (2017) Quelles sont les différences entre les fractures pédiatriques de la mandibule ? J Aesthet Reconstr Surg. Vol. 3 n ° 2:11.
2. Ince B, Yildirim MEC, Ismayilzade M, Dadaci M. Vitamine D et effets systémiques de la carence en vitamine D. Selcuk Med J 2018;34(2) : 84-89 .
3. Altuntaş Z, İsmayilzade M. Fractures pédiatriques de la mandibule. Yıldırım AM, éditeur. Fractures de la mandibule. 1ère édition. Ankara : Cliniques de Turquie ; 2018. p.70-4.
4. Ince B, Oltulu P, Yildirim MEC, Ismayilzade M, Dadaci M. Effets du temps d'aspiration sur la viabilité immédiate des cellules adipocytes dans la liposuccion assistée par ultrasons (UAL) et dans la lipectomie traditionnelle assistée par aspiration (SAL). J Plast Surg Chirurgie à la main. Février 2019;53(1):14-19. est ce que je: 10.1080/2000656X.2018.1515770. Publication en ligne le 1er février 2019. PMID : 30707040.
5. Gundeslioglu AO, Yildirim MEC, Yarar S, Uyar I, Ismayilzade M. Une technique de stabilisation différente des greffes de cartilage autogène dans la déformation du nez de selle : prévention du gauchissement et de la résorption. J Craniofac Surg. 2019 mai/juin ;30(3):811-815. est ce que je: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000005123. PMID : 30615006.
6. Ince B, Ismayilzade M, Soylu A, Uyanik O, Dadaci M. Reconstruction totale de la voûte palmaire avec greffe de veine saphène suite à une blessure par balle. Indien J Plast Surg. Décembre 2020;53(3):447-449. est ce que je: 10.1055/s-0040-1715263.
7. Ince B, Ismayilzade M, Dadaci M, Zuhal E. Reconstruction mandibulaire à main levée assistée par ordinateur ou conventionnelle avec lambeau libre du péroné : une revue systématique et une méta-analyse. Plast Reconstr Surg. 21 août 2020. est ce que je : 10.1097/PRS.00000000000007295. Publication électronique avant impression. PMID : 32852473.
8. Ince B, Uyanık O, Oltulu P, Ismayilzade M, Dadaci M, Savaci N. Alcool éthylique versus toxine botulique A : une étude comparative des résultats visuels et histopathologiques dans le modèle de muscle auriculaire antérieur du lapin. Dermatol Surg. 25 août 2020. est ce que je : 10.1097/DSS.00000000000002600. Publication électronique avant impression. PMID : 32852430.
9. Ince B, Ismayilzade M, Arslan A, Oltulu P, Baycar Z, Dadaci M. Évaluation de l'effet de l'oxygénothérapie hyperbare sur la formation de cicatrices hypertrophiques dans un modèle d'oreille de lapin : une étude expérimentale. Dermatol Ther. 5 août 2020 : e14146. est ce que je : 10.1111/dth.14146. Publication électronique avant impression. PMID : 32761727.
10. Altuntas ̧ Z, Ismayilzade M, Altuntas ̧ M, Yildirim MEC. Expression variable du syndrome de Van derWoude : à propos d'un cas. Surg Pract. 2020 ; 1–3.
11. Altuntaş Z, Ismayilzade M, Baştürk F. Comparaison des fractures maxillo-faciales entre piétons et passagers lors d'accidents de la route. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 26 novembre 2020 : S0278-2391(20)31412-9. est ce que je: 10.1016/j.joms.2020.11.022.
12. Dadaci M, Ismayilzade M, Zuhour M, Uyanık O, Ince B, Altuntaş Z. Prise en charge des blessures par arme à feu taupe : examen de 19 cas avec algorithme de traitement proposé. Rééducation pour les chirurgies de la main. 2021 juin ;40(3):319-325. est ce que je : 10.1016/j.hansur.2021.01.004.
13. Ismayilzade M, Nurşen HAB, İnce B. Comparaison des techniques de fermeture des plaies par pression négative et des techniques normales de fermeture des plaies dans l'ostéomyélite du pied diabétique. Mev Med Sci. 2021;1(1): 16-20
14. Kemer MS, Ismayilzade M, Ince B, Uyanık O, Dadacı M. Replantation du bout des doigts par anastomose artérielle uniquement avec une méthode de réduction des tissus pulpaires. Ann Plast Surg. 1er juillet 2021;87(1):114-115. est ce que je: 10.1097/SAP.0000000000002844.
15. Altuntas Z, Ismayilzade M. Pandémie de COVID-19 et approche disciplinaire en chirurgie plastique, reconstructive et esthétique. Turk J Plast Surg 2021;29:195-7
16. Ince B, Zuhour M, Ismayilzade M. Comparaison de la fermeture assistée par vide avec une éponge normale, de la fermeture assistée par vide avec une éponge argentée et des méthodes conventionnelles de fermeture des plaies dans les plaies infectées par des cavités. Mev Med Sci. 2021;1(3): 79-84
Publications :
1. Karacor- Altuntas Z, Ismayilzade M (2017) Quelles sont les différences entre les fractures pédiatriques de la mandibule ? J Aesthet Reconstr Surg. Vol. 3 n ° 2:11.
2. Ince B, Yildirim MEC, Ismayilzade M, Dadaci M. Vitamine D et effets systémiques de la carence en vitamine D. Selcuk Med J 2018;34(2) : 84-89 .
3. Altuntaş Z, İsmayilzade M. Fractures pédiatriques de la mandibule. Yıldırım AM, éditeur. Fractures de la mandibule. 1ère édition. Ankara : Cliniques de Turquie ; 2018. p.70-4.
4. Ince B, Oltulu P, Yildirim MEC, Ismayilzade M, Dadaci M. Effets du temps d'aspiration sur la viabilité immédiate des cellules adipocytes dans la liposuccion assistée par ultrasons (UAL) et dans la lipectomie traditionnelle assistée par aspiration (SAL). J Plast Surg Chirurgie à la main. Février 2019;53(1):14-19. est ce que je: 10.1080/2000656X.2018.1515770. Publication en ligne le 1er février 2019. PMID : 30707040.
5. Gundeslioglu AO, Yildirim MEC, Yarar S, Uyar I, Ismayilzade M. Une technique de stabilisation différente des greffes de cartilage autogène dans la déformation du nez de selle : prévention du gauchissement et de la résorption. J Craniofac Surg. 2019 mai/juin ;30(3):811-815. est ce que je: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000005123. PMID : 30615006.
6. Ince B, Ismayilzade M, Soylu A, Uyanik O, Dadaci M. Reconstruction totale de la voûte palmaire avec greffe de veine saphène suite à une blessure par balle. Indien J Plast Surg. Décembre 2020;53(3):447-449. est ce que je: 10.1055/s-0040-1715263.
7. Ince B, Ismayilzade M, Dadaci M, Zuhal E. Reconstruction mandibulaire à main levée assistée par ordinateur ou conventionnelle avec lambeau libre du péroné : une revue systématique et une méta-analyse. Plast Reconstr Surg. 21 août 2020. est ce que je : 10.1097/PRS.00000000000007295. Publication électronique avant impression. PMID : 32852473.
8. Ince B, Uyanık O, Oltulu P, Ismayilzade M, Dadaci M, Savaci N. Alcool éthylique versus toxine botulique A : une étude comparative des résultats visuels et histopathologiques dans le modèle de muscle auriculaire antérieur du lapin. Dermatol Surg. 25 août 2020. est ce que je : 10.1097/DSS.00000000000002600. Publication électronique avant impression. PMID : 32852430.
9. Ince B, Ismayilzade M, Arslan A, Oltulu P, Baycar Z, Dadaci M. Évaluation de l'effet de l'oxygénothérapie hyperbare sur la formation de cicatrices hypertrophiques dans un modèle d'oreille de lapin : une étude expérimentale. Dermatol Ther. 5 août 2020 : e14146. est ce que je : 10.1111/dth.14146. Publication électronique avant impression. PMID : 32761727.
10. Altuntas ̧ Z, Ismayilzade M, Altuntas ̧ M, Yildirim MEC. Expression variable du syndrome de Van derWoude : à propos d'un cas. Surg Pract. 2020 ; 1–3.
11. Altuntaş Z, Ismayilzade M, Baştürk F. Comparaison des fractures maxillo-faciales entre piétons et passagers lors d'accidents de la route. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 26 novembre 2020 : S0278-2391(20)31412-9. est ce que je: 10.1016/j.joms.2020.11.022.
12. Dadaci M, Ismayilzade M, Zuhour M, Uyanık O, Ince B, Altuntaş Z. Prise en charge des blessures par arme à feu taupe : examen de 19 cas avec algorithme de traitement proposé. Rééducation pour les chirurgies de la main. 2021 juin ;40(3):319-325. est ce que je : 10.1016/j.hansur.2021.01.004.
13. Ismayilzade M, Nurşen HAB, İnce B. Comparaison des techniques de fermeture des plaies par pression négative et des techniques normales de fermeture des plaies dans l'ostéomyélite du pied diabétique. Mev Med Sci. 2021;1(1): 16-20
14. Kemer MS, Ismayilzade M, Ince B, Uyanık O, Dadacı M. Replantation du bout des doigts par anastomose artérielle uniquement avec une méthode de réduction des tissus pulpaires. Ann Plast Surg. 1er juillet 2021;87(1):114-115. est ce que je: 10.1097/SAP.0000000000002844.
15. Altuntas Z, Ismayilzade M. Pandémie de COVID-19 et approche disciplinaire en chirurgie plastique, reconstructive et esthétique. Turk J Plast Surg 2021;29:195-7
16. Ince B, Zuhour M, Ismayilzade M. Comparaison de la fermeture assistée par vide avec une éponge normale, de la fermeture assistée par vide avec une éponge argentée et des méthodes conventionnelles de fermeture des plaies dans les plaies infectées par des cavités. Mev Med Sci. 2021;1(3): 79-84
Salih Onur Basat est diplômé du programme « Médecine anglaise » de la Faculté de médecine de l'Université Cerrahpaşa d'Istanbul en 2005. Il a travaillé dans le secteur de la santé publique pendant un certain temps, menant des études universitaires publiées et présentées dans de nombreuses revues et congrès nationaux et internationaux de premier plan. au cours de cette période. Il a contribué et participé à de nombreux congrès nationaux et internationaux. Ayant été accrédité par TPRECD et EBOPRAS. Le Dr Salih Onur Basat est un chirurgien très expérimenté, qui a réalisé un grand nombre de cas, notamment des procédures réussies de remodelage corporel, d'esthétique mammaire et d'opérations esthétiques du visage.
Lire la suiteSalih Onur Basat est diplômé du programme « Médecine anglaise » de la Faculté de médecine de l'Université Cerrahpaşa d'Istanbul en 2005. Il a travaillé dans le secteur de la santé publique pendant un certain temps, menant des études universitaires publiées et présentées dans de nombreuses revues et congrès nationaux et internationaux de premier plan. au cours de cette période. Il a contribué et participé à de nombreux congrès nationaux et internationaux. Ayant été accrédité par TPRECD et EBOPRAS. Le Dr Salih Onur Basat est un chirurgien très expérimenté, qui a réalisé un grand nombre de cas, notamment des procédures réussies de remodelage corporel, d'esthétique mammaire et d'opérations esthétiques du visage.
Face, nez, paupières, lèvres:
Corps, fesses, jambes:
Membre certifié de l'USAPS (Ukrainian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons).
Lire la suiteFace, nez, paupières, lèvres:
Corps, fesses, jambes:
Membre certifié de l'USAPS (Ukrainian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons).
Dr. Tanongsak Panyayvirulroj is a highly esteemed plastic surgeon based in Bangkok, Thailand by Asia Cosmetic Hospital, with extensive expertise in various cosmetic procedures. His commitment to excellence and patient satisfaction has made him a sought-after professional in the field of aesthetic surgery.
With a focus on enhancing natural beauty, Dr. Tanongsak specializes in a range of transformative procedures, including Rhinoplasty, Blepharoplasty, Breast Augmentation, and Sexual Reassignment Surgery. His meticulous approach and attention to detail ensure that each patient receives personalized care to achieve their desired results.
Dr. Tanongsak's journey in the medical field began as a General Physician, gradually evolving into the Deputy Director of Koh Yao Noi Hospital. His residency at Siriraj Hospital marked a pivotal moment, leading to specialization in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Over the years, he has held key positions in prestigious hospitals, contributing significantly to the field.
Driven by a quest for knowledge, Dr. Tanongsak pursued international scholarships and visits to institutions in Taiwan, North America, Canada, and South Korea. These experiences enriched his skills in Craniofacial Surgery, Aesthetic Surgery, and Rhinoplasty Surgery, further solidifying his reputation as a global expert.
Dr. Tanongsak's educational journey is marked by excellence. He earned his Doctor of Medicine degree from Siriraj Hospital Medical College, followed by diplomas and certifications in General Surgery, Micro-vascular Surgery, Plastic Surgery, AO Maxillo-facial Surgery, Craniofacial Surgery, and Aesthetic Surgery. His commitment to ongoing education reflects his dedication to staying at the forefront of his field.
Beyond his surgical prowess, Dr. Tanongsak is a visionary entrepreneur. He founded and manages both the Asian Medical Device Company and ASIA Clinic, showcasing his leadership in shaping the healthcare landscape.
As a pioneer Plastic Surgeon at Kamol Private Hospital and the Founder and Managing Director of ASIA Clinic, Dr. Tanongsak Panyayvirulroj stands as a beacon of excellence in the realm of plastic surgery. His commitment to innovation, education, and patient-centric care solidifies his status as a distinguished figure in the field, transforming lives through his surgical artistry.
Lire la suiteDr. Tanongsak Panyayvirulroj is a highly esteemed plastic surgeon based in Bangkok, Thailand by Asia Cosmetic Hospital, with extensive expertise in various cosmetic procedures. His commitment to excellence and patient satisfaction has made him a sought-after professional in the field of aesthetic surgery.
With a focus on enhancing natural beauty, Dr. Tanongsak specializes in a range of transformative procedures, including Rhinoplasty, Blepharoplasty, Breast Augmentation, and Sexual Reassignment Surgery. His meticulous approach and attention to detail ensure that each patient receives personalized care to achieve their desired results.
Dr. Tanongsak's journey in the medical field began as a General Physician, gradually evolving into the Deputy Director of Koh Yao Noi Hospital. His residency at Siriraj Hospital marked a pivotal moment, leading to specialization in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Over the years, he has held key positions in prestigious hospitals, contributing significantly to the field.
Driven by a quest for knowledge, Dr. Tanongsak pursued international scholarships and visits to institutions in Taiwan, North America, Canada, and South Korea. These experiences enriched his skills in Craniofacial Surgery, Aesthetic Surgery, and Rhinoplasty Surgery, further solidifying his reputation as a global expert.
Dr. Tanongsak's educational journey is marked by excellence. He earned his Doctor of Medicine degree from Siriraj Hospital Medical College, followed by diplomas and certifications in General Surgery, Micro-vascular Surgery, Plastic Surgery, AO Maxillo-facial Surgery, Craniofacial Surgery, and Aesthetic Surgery. His commitment to ongoing education reflects his dedication to staying at the forefront of his field.
Beyond his surgical prowess, Dr. Tanongsak is a visionary entrepreneur. He founded and manages both the Asian Medical Device Company and ASIA Clinic, showcasing his leadership in shaping the healthcare landscape.
As a pioneer Plastic Surgeon at Kamol Private Hospital and the Founder and Managing Director of ASIA Clinic, Dr. Tanongsak Panyayvirulroj stands as a beacon of excellence in the realm of plastic surgery. His commitment to innovation, education, and patient-centric care solidifies his status as a distinguished figure in the field, transforming lives through his surgical artistry.
Visite du médecin | prix sur demande |
Chirurgie de reconstruction mammaire | $5995.3 |
Rhinoplasty, Breast Surgery, Sex Reassignment
1995 Certificate of Knowledge and Expertise in Medical Practice, Institute of Orthopedic Surgery,The Medical Council of Thailand
1993 Graduate Diploma in Clinical Science in Clinical Surgery, Chulalongkorn University
1980 Physician Training Program in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at East Virginia School (EVIMS), USA
Attend and become an Operation Smile Cleft Lip and Palate member at Norfolk, Virginia, USA Virginia, United States
29th Executive for intermediate, BMA Training and Development Institute
World Congress of Cosmetic Surgery, Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Medicine,
International Academy of Cosmetic Surgery, Japan World Congress of Cosmetic Surgery, Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Medicine, International Academy of Cosmetic Surgery in Japan
Member of the Society of Plastic Aesthetic Surgeons of Thailand
Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of Thailand (cosmetic surgery and general surgery)
Members of The International College of Surgeons (Plastic Surgery)
Members of Oriental Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (OSAPS)
Lire la suiteRhinoplasty, Breast Surgery, Sex Reassignment
1995 Certificate of Knowledge and Expertise in Medical Practice, Institute of Orthopedic Surgery,The Medical Council of Thailand
1993 Graduate Diploma in Clinical Science in Clinical Surgery, Chulalongkorn University
1980 Physician Training Program in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at East Virginia School (EVIMS), USA
Attend and become an Operation Smile Cleft Lip and Palate member at Norfolk, Virginia, USA Virginia, United States
29th Executive for intermediate, BMA Training and Development Institute
World Congress of Cosmetic Surgery, Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Medicine,
International Academy of Cosmetic Surgery, Japan World Congress of Cosmetic Surgery, Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Medicine, International Academy of Cosmetic Surgery in Japan
Member of the Society of Plastic Aesthetic Surgeons of Thailand
Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of Thailand (cosmetic surgery and general surgery)
Members of The International College of Surgeons (Plastic Surgery)
Members of Oriental Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (OSAPS)
Le Dr Agustín Granado Tiagonce est un chirurgien espagnol expérimenté dans le domaine de la chirurgie plastique, esthétique et reconstructive, avec 25 ans de pratique. Il a occupé divers postes à Madrid, à Mexico DF et à la clinique Ruber Madrid. Il est actuellement directeur et fondateur de la clinique Granado Tiagonce. Le Dr Granado Tiagonce est spécialisé dans la chirurgie esthétique du visage et du corps, la chirurgie mammaire esthétique et reconstructive, il est diplômé en médecine générale et professeur à l'université autonome de Madrid. Il est également membre de plusieurs organisations, dont l'ASAPS, l'ISAPS et la Société espagnole de chirurgie plastique, reconstructive et esthétique.
Lire la suiteLe Dr Agustín Granado Tiagonce est un chirurgien espagnol expérimenté dans le domaine de la chirurgie plastique, esthétique et reconstructive, avec 25 ans de pratique. Il a occupé divers postes à Madrid, à Mexico DF et à la clinique Ruber Madrid. Il est actuellement directeur et fondateur de la clinique Granado Tiagonce. Le Dr Granado Tiagonce est spécialisé dans la chirurgie esthétique du visage et du corps, la chirurgie mammaire esthétique et reconstructive, il est diplômé en médecine générale et professeur à l'université autonome de Madrid. Il est également membre de plusieurs organisations, dont l'ASAPS, l'ISAPS et la Société espagnole de chirurgie plastique, reconstructive et esthétique.
Date of Birth: 18.08.1984
Birthplace: Afyonkarahisar, TURKEY
Nationality:Cyprus (EuropeanCitizen), Turkish
Profession: MedicalDoctor
Field of Specialty: Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgery
SpokenLanguages: Turkish (mother-tongue)
English ( advanced)
2009- 2010 GeneralPractitioner; AnıtkayaHealth Center, Afyonkarahisar, TURKEY
2017-2018 Plastic Surgeon; Kastamonu State Hospital, Kastamonu, TURKEY
2018-2019 Plastic Surgeon; Gulhane Education and Research Hospital, TURKEY
2011 – 2017 Residency in Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgery , GaziUniversityMedical
School Hospital, Ankara | TURKEY
2010 – 2011Residency in Anestesia andReanimation, Ankara UniversityMedical School Hospital;
Ankara | TURKEY
2003 - 2009 SelçukUniversityShool of Medicine, Konya | TURKEY
1999 - 2002 Süleyman Demirel Science High School, Afyonkarahisar | TURKEY
1995 - 1999 KocatepeAnatolian High School, Middle School, Afyonkarahisar | TURKEY
1. 21th Basic MicrosurgeyEducation, Hacettepe University, Ankara | TURKEY
1.Bulam H, Findikcioglu K, Ozmen S, Sanlier N, SEZGİN B, Hurkal O, Gulsen A. Theeffect of
individualizeddietaryprograms on postoperative body compositionandnutritionalstatus of
theorthognaticsurgerypatients. Gazi Med J. 2014; 25: 103-106.
2. Hurkal O, Sibar S, Cenetoglu S, Tuncer S, Elmas C, Seymen C M. Arterial Occlusion After
Hyaluronic Acid Injection: Treatment With Hyaluronidase and Streptokinase. Annals of Plastic
Surgery PMID: 34334667
1. 13th EuropeanMicrosurgeryCongress (EFSM) 21-24 April, Antalya | TURKEY
1. 34th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 31
October-4 November 2012, Antalya | TURKEY
2. 5th Rhinoplasty Course 10-12 May 2012, Ankara | TURKEY
3. 8th Prof. Dr Rıdvan Ege HandSurgey Course 27-28 September 2013, Ankara | TURKEY
4. 21th Microsurgery Course 16-20 September 2014 Hacettepe University, Ankara | TURKEY
5. 36th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 29
October-1 November 2014, Istanbul | TURKEY
6. 37th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 04
November -07 November 2015, Ankara | TURKEY
7. 9th PlasticSurgeryResident School 15-19 April 2016, Antalya | TURKEY
8. 2th FacialAesthetic Course 5-7 May 2016 Hacettepe University, Ankara | TURKEY
9. 38th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons,
27-31 October 2016, Antalya| TURKEY
10. 39 th Congress of the Turkish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons, 11-14
October 2017
11. Eurasian 2019. 20-23 June Istanbul
12. 24 th Congress of the Turkish Society Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons 10-11 January 2022
13. All in One Rhinoplasty Congress 14-15 May 2022 Istanbul
1. 13th EuropeanMicrosurgeryCongress (EFSM) 21-24 April, Antalya | TURKEY (oral presentation)
‘’Defectbased algorithm in lowerextremityreconstruction.Hurkal O.*,Tuncer S.,Şibar S., Manav
2. 13th EuropeanMicrosurgeryCongress (EFSM) 21-24 April, Antalya | TURKEY ;
(oral presentation)MR Angiographicperforator topography of DIEP flaps: a retrospectivereview of 130
cases. Manav S., Tuncer S., Ayhan S., Hurkal O.
3. 13th EuropeanMicrosurgeryCongress (EFSM) 21-24 April, Antalya | TURKEY;(poster
presentation)‘’ArteryonlyEarReplantation’’Sibar S, Hurkal O, Polat O, Manav S
4. 48th Congress of theEuropeanSocietyforSurgicalResearch, 29 May-1 June 2013, Istanbul,
TURKEY (Oral presentation: OP-121 Changes
in society'sperspectivetowardsfacetransplantationaftertheproceduresthatwerecarriedout in
ourcountry.Guney K, SEZGIN B, Barut I, Hurkal O, Findicioglu K, Ozmen S)
1. 38th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons 27-31 October
2016, Antalya | TURKEY (oral presentation)Flapchoise in lowerextremityreconstruction
Hurkal O., Tekin A., Tuncer S., Sibar S.
2. 37th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons 4-7 November
2015, Ankara | TURKEY (oral presentation)Liposuctionassistedbrachioplasty in teimourianstage 2B-
3 cases. Hurkal O.,Sibar Ş., Tuncer S., Erdal A., Sadioglu A.
3. 37th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons 4-7 November
2015, Ankara | TURKEY (oral presentation) . A
rareandfrighteningcomplicationafterdiagnosticandreconstructivebreastsurgery: pyodermagangrenosum
.Polat O, Hurkal O, Sibar S, Tuncer S, Ayhan S
4. 36th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 29 October-1
November 2014, Istanbul | TURKEY (oral presentation) . Maxillofacialfractureexperience: 265 case,
447 fracture. Tatar S, Hurkal O, Erdal A, Findikcioglu K
5. 34th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 31 October-4
November 2012, Antalya, Turkey (poster presentation). Application of groinflap in tissuedefects of
handandforearm. Polat O, Ozel B, Hurkal O, Tatar S, Tuncer S
6. 34th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 31 October-4
November 2012, Antalya, Turkey(poster presentation). Importance of polar
renalarteryencounteredduringkidneytransplantation: Case Report . Ozel B, Hurkal O, Tuncer S,
Findikcioglu K
7. 34th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 31 October-4
November 2012, Antalya, Turkey(poster presentaion ). Repair of omfaloseldefects in
newbornwithalloplasticmaterialorrotationflaps. Sibar S, Sezgin B, Hurkal O, Tatar S, Tuncer S
8. 34th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 31 October-4
November 2012, Antalya, Turkey(poster presentation) .
injection. Bulam H, Hürkal O, Polat O, Findikcioglu K, Ozmen S
9.34th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 31 October-4
November 2012, Antalya, Turkey (Oral presentation: Changes in
society'sperspectivetowardsfacetransplantationaftertheproceduresthatwerecarriedout in
ourcountry.Guney K, SEZGIN B, Barut I, Hurkal O, Findicioglu K, Ozmen S)
10. 34th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 31 October-4
November 2012, Antalya, Turkey (Oral presentation: Theprefferedappearanceof
theplasticsurgeon.Hurkal O.,Bulam H, Tatar S, SEZGIN B, Fındıkçıoğlu K)
11. 34th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 31 October-4
November 2012, Antalya, Turkey (Poster presentation: Nonadhesivedressingtechniques in
EpidermolizisBullosapatients. SEZGIN B, Barut I, Hurkal O, Sarybaeva A, Tuncer S, Latifoglu O)
12. 34th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 31 October-4
November 2012, Antalya, Turkey (Poster presentation: Renaltoxicityduetocolistinadministration in
plasticsurgerypatients.Hurkal O, Bulam H, SEZGIN B, Polat O, Ozmen S)
1. Second prize award in experimental research in 39 th Congress of the Turkish Society of Plastic,
Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons.
PROFESSIONAL: Rhinoplasty, breast reconstruction and breast aesthetic surgery, body countouring.
Yoga instructor in Hatha and Vinyasa yoga (200 hoursInternational Yoga Alliance certified Yoga
Lire la suiteÖZGÜR HÜRKAL
Date of Birth: 18.08.1984
Birthplace: Afyonkarahisar, TURKEY
Nationality:Cyprus (EuropeanCitizen), Turkish
Profession: MedicalDoctor
Field of Specialty: Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgery
SpokenLanguages: Turkish (mother-tongue)
English ( advanced)
2009- 2010 GeneralPractitioner; AnıtkayaHealth Center, Afyonkarahisar, TURKEY
2017-2018 Plastic Surgeon; Kastamonu State Hospital, Kastamonu, TURKEY
2018-2019 Plastic Surgeon; Gulhane Education and Research Hospital, TURKEY
2011 – 2017 Residency in Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgery , GaziUniversityMedical
School Hospital, Ankara | TURKEY
2010 – 2011Residency in Anestesia andReanimation, Ankara UniversityMedical School Hospital;
Ankara | TURKEY
2003 - 2009 SelçukUniversityShool of Medicine, Konya | TURKEY
1999 - 2002 Süleyman Demirel Science High School, Afyonkarahisar | TURKEY
1995 - 1999 KocatepeAnatolian High School, Middle School, Afyonkarahisar | TURKEY
1. 21th Basic MicrosurgeyEducation, Hacettepe University, Ankara | TURKEY
1.Bulam H, Findikcioglu K, Ozmen S, Sanlier N, SEZGİN B, Hurkal O, Gulsen A. Theeffect of
individualizeddietaryprograms on postoperative body compositionandnutritionalstatus of
theorthognaticsurgerypatients. Gazi Med J. 2014; 25: 103-106.
2. Hurkal O, Sibar S, Cenetoglu S, Tuncer S, Elmas C, Seymen C M. Arterial Occlusion After
Hyaluronic Acid Injection: Treatment With Hyaluronidase and Streptokinase. Annals of Plastic
Surgery PMID: 34334667
1. 13th EuropeanMicrosurgeryCongress (EFSM) 21-24 April, Antalya | TURKEY
1. 34th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 31
October-4 November 2012, Antalya | TURKEY
2. 5th Rhinoplasty Course 10-12 May 2012, Ankara | TURKEY
3. 8th Prof. Dr Rıdvan Ege HandSurgey Course 27-28 September 2013, Ankara | TURKEY
4. 21th Microsurgery Course 16-20 September 2014 Hacettepe University, Ankara | TURKEY
5. 36th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 29
October-1 November 2014, Istanbul | TURKEY
6. 37th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 04
November -07 November 2015, Ankara | TURKEY
7. 9th PlasticSurgeryResident School 15-19 April 2016, Antalya | TURKEY
8. 2th FacialAesthetic Course 5-7 May 2016 Hacettepe University, Ankara | TURKEY
9. 38th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons,
27-31 October 2016, Antalya| TURKEY
10. 39 th Congress of the Turkish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons, 11-14
October 2017
11. Eurasian 2019. 20-23 June Istanbul
12. 24 th Congress of the Turkish Society Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons 10-11 January 2022
13. All in One Rhinoplasty Congress 14-15 May 2022 Istanbul
1. 13th EuropeanMicrosurgeryCongress (EFSM) 21-24 April, Antalya | TURKEY (oral presentation)
‘’Defectbased algorithm in lowerextremityreconstruction.Hurkal O.*,Tuncer S.,Şibar S., Manav
2. 13th EuropeanMicrosurgeryCongress (EFSM) 21-24 April, Antalya | TURKEY ;
(oral presentation)MR Angiographicperforator topography of DIEP flaps: a retrospectivereview of 130
cases. Manav S., Tuncer S., Ayhan S., Hurkal O.
3. 13th EuropeanMicrosurgeryCongress (EFSM) 21-24 April, Antalya | TURKEY;(poster
presentation)‘’ArteryonlyEarReplantation’’Sibar S, Hurkal O, Polat O, Manav S
4. 48th Congress of theEuropeanSocietyforSurgicalResearch, 29 May-1 June 2013, Istanbul,
TURKEY (Oral presentation: OP-121 Changes
in society'sperspectivetowardsfacetransplantationaftertheproceduresthatwerecarriedout in
ourcountry.Guney K, SEZGIN B, Barut I, Hurkal O, Findicioglu K, Ozmen S)
1. 38th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons 27-31 October
2016, Antalya | TURKEY (oral presentation)Flapchoise in lowerextremityreconstruction
Hurkal O., Tekin A., Tuncer S., Sibar S.
2. 37th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons 4-7 November
2015, Ankara | TURKEY (oral presentation)Liposuctionassistedbrachioplasty in teimourianstage 2B-
3 cases. Hurkal O.,Sibar Ş., Tuncer S., Erdal A., Sadioglu A.
3. 37th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons 4-7 November
2015, Ankara | TURKEY (oral presentation) . A
rareandfrighteningcomplicationafterdiagnosticandreconstructivebreastsurgery: pyodermagangrenosum
.Polat O, Hurkal O, Sibar S, Tuncer S, Ayhan S
4. 36th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 29 October-1
November 2014, Istanbul | TURKEY (oral presentation) . Maxillofacialfractureexperience: 265 case,
447 fracture. Tatar S, Hurkal O, Erdal A, Findikcioglu K
5. 34th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 31 October-4
November 2012, Antalya, Turkey (poster presentation). Application of groinflap in tissuedefects of
handandforearm. Polat O, Ozel B, Hurkal O, Tatar S, Tuncer S
6. 34th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 31 October-4
November 2012, Antalya, Turkey(poster presentation). Importance of polar
renalarteryencounteredduringkidneytransplantation: Case Report . Ozel B, Hurkal O, Tuncer S,
Findikcioglu K
7. 34th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 31 October-4
November 2012, Antalya, Turkey(poster presentaion ). Repair of omfaloseldefects in
newbornwithalloplasticmaterialorrotationflaps. Sibar S, Sezgin B, Hurkal O, Tatar S, Tuncer S
8. 34th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 31 October-4
November 2012, Antalya, Turkey(poster presentation) .
injection. Bulam H, Hürkal O, Polat O, Findikcioglu K, Ozmen S
9.34th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 31 October-4
November 2012, Antalya, Turkey (Oral presentation: Changes in
society'sperspectivetowardsfacetransplantationaftertheproceduresthatwerecarriedout in
ourcountry.Guney K, SEZGIN B, Barut I, Hurkal O, Findicioglu K, Ozmen S)
10. 34th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 31 October-4
November 2012, Antalya, Turkey (Oral presentation: Theprefferedappearanceof
theplasticsurgeon.Hurkal O.,Bulam H, Tatar S, SEZGIN B, Fındıkçıoğlu K)
11. 34th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 31 October-4
November 2012, Antalya, Turkey (Poster presentation: Nonadhesivedressingtechniques in
EpidermolizisBullosapatients. SEZGIN B, Barut I, Hurkal O, Sarybaeva A, Tuncer S, Latifoglu O)
12. 34th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 31 October-4
November 2012, Antalya, Turkey (Poster presentation: Renaltoxicityduetocolistinadministration in
plasticsurgerypatients.Hurkal O, Bulam H, SEZGIN B, Polat O, Ozmen S)
1. Second prize award in experimental research in 39 th Congress of the Turkish Society of Plastic,
Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons.
PROFESSIONAL: Rhinoplasty, breast reconstruction and breast aesthetic surgery, body countouring.
Yoga instructor in Hatha and Vinyasa yoga (200 hoursInternational Yoga Alliance certified Yoga
Dr. Siripong is a fully qualified and experienced Plastic Surgeon , with a Fellowship in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery from The Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital , Mahidol University. He is a member of The Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Surgeons of Thailand and The Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons of Thailand . Additionally, Dr.Siripong is also an international member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). His main areas of focus are cosmetic surgery, reconstructive surgery and craniofacial surgery.
Dr. Siripong studied medical school in Thailand for six years and pursued further studies in General Surgery for another four years at Chulalongkorn University where he received his diploma and is recognized by the Thai Board of General Surgery in 2008. He had then undertaken fellowship in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and completed three years of specialist plastic surgical training in 2012. Through his extensive training and experience in plastic and reconstructive surgery he has developed a keen interest in Aesthetic Surgery, Face Lift, Neck Lift, Vaser Liposuction, Abdominoplasty or Tummy Tuck ,Breast Surgery and Otoplasty.
As a professional, thorough surgeon, he is able to accomplish your desired results by implementing the most advanced surgical techniques in both plastic and reconstructive surgery.
Dr. Siripong is now as well serving as a lecturer at a medical school in Bangkok.
Lire la suite
Dr. Siripong is a fully qualified and experienced Plastic Surgeon , with a Fellowship in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery from The Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital , Mahidol University. He is a member of The Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Surgeons of Thailand and The Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons of Thailand . Additionally, Dr.Siripong is also an international member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). His main areas of focus are cosmetic surgery, reconstructive surgery and craniofacial surgery.
Dr. Siripong studied medical school in Thailand for six years and pursued further studies in General Surgery for another four years at Chulalongkorn University where he received his diploma and is recognized by the Thai Board of General Surgery in 2008. He had then undertaken fellowship in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and completed three years of specialist plastic surgical training in 2012. Through his extensive training and experience in plastic and reconstructive surgery he has developed a keen interest in Aesthetic Surgery, Face Lift, Neck Lift, Vaser Liposuction, Abdominoplasty or Tummy Tuck ,Breast Surgery and Otoplasty.
As a professional, thorough surgeon, he is able to accomplish your desired results by implementing the most advanced surgical techniques in both plastic and reconstructive surgery.
Dr. Siripong is now as well serving as a lecturer at a medical school in Bangkok.
Visite du médecin | prix sur demande |
Chirurgie de reconstruction mammaire | $5926.11 - $14815.26 |
Breast Surgery, Rhinoplasty
2013 Clinical Observer at Beaumont Health System, The Beaumont Hospital, 3601 W, Thirteen Mile Road, Royal Oak, Michigan 48703, USA Division of Plastic, Reconstructive and Microsurgery, lan Jackson and Cleft Palate Clinic, Oakland University, William Beaumont School of Medicine Reconstructive and Microsurgery July 1 through August 31, 2013
2013 Clinical Observer at The Valley Health System, The Valley Hospital 223 N, Van Dien Avenue, Ridgewood, New Jersey 07450, USA Surgical Oncology and Robotic Surgery September 1 through 30
2002-2004 Residency of Plastic Surgery, Chulalongkorn Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University
1996-2002 Residency of General Surgery, Ramathibodi Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Mahidol University
Lire la suiteBreast Surgery, Rhinoplasty
2013 Clinical Observer at Beaumont Health System, The Beaumont Hospital, 3601 W, Thirteen Mile Road, Royal Oak, Michigan 48703, USA Division of Plastic, Reconstructive and Microsurgery, lan Jackson and Cleft Palate Clinic, Oakland University, William Beaumont School of Medicine Reconstructive and Microsurgery July 1 through August 31, 2013
2013 Clinical Observer at The Valley Health System, The Valley Hospital 223 N, Van Dien Avenue, Ridgewood, New Jersey 07450, USA Surgical Oncology and Robotic Surgery September 1 through 30
2002-2004 Residency of Plastic Surgery, Chulalongkorn Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University
1996-2002 Residency of General Surgery, Ramathibodi Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Mahidol University
Ankara Melikşah PrimarySchool 1993-2002
Ankara Süleyman Demirel Anatolian High School 2002-2006
Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine 2006- 2012
Ankara University Faculty of Medicine,Department of Plastic,Reconstructive and AestheticSurgery 2012- 2017
English / Turkish
Gülhane Training and Research Hospital(GATA) 2018-2021
Ankara Abdurrahman YurtaslanOncology Hospital i 2019 – 3 months Private Practice 2021- August22
Vanity Aesthetic SurgeryClinic August 2022 - March 2023
Turkish Plastic,Reconstructive and AestheticSurgery Association (TPRCD)Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Association (EPCD)
Istanbul Medical Chamber
Breast Aesthetics and Body ShapingOperations
1. Serel S, Tuzlalı ZY, Akkaya Z, Uzun Ç, Kaya B, Bayar S. Physical Effectsof Unilateral Mastectomy on Spine Deformity. Clin Breast Acncer. 2016 Oct pii: S1526-8209(16)30368-8. doi: 10.1016/j.clbc.2016.10.004.
Neurosurgery Policlinico di Monza, AnimalFacility – Pavia University Botta 2 BuildingVia Ferrata, 9 , 17-20 May 2016,Pavia- Italy.
Ankara Melikşah PrimarySchool 1993-2002
Ankara Süleyman Demirel Anatolian High School 2002-2006
Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine 2006- 2012
Ankara University Faculty of Medicine,Department of Plastic,Reconstructive and AestheticSurgery 2012- 2017
English / Turkish
Gülhane Training and Research Hospital(GATA) 2018-2021
Ankara Abdurrahman YurtaslanOncology Hospital i 2019 – 3 months Private Practice 2021- August22
Vanity Aesthetic SurgeryClinic August 2022 - March 2023
Turkish Plastic,Reconstructive and AestheticSurgery Association (TPRCD)Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Association (EPCD)
Istanbul Medical Chamber
Breast Aesthetics and Body ShapingOperations
1. Serel S, Tuzlalı ZY, Akkaya Z, Uzun Ç, Kaya B, Bayar S. Physical Effectsof Unilateral Mastectomy on Spine Deformity. Clin Breast Acncer. 2016 Oct pii: S1526-8209(16)30368-8. doi: 10.1016/j.clbc.2016.10.004.
Neurosurgery Policlinico di Monza, AnimalFacility – Pavia University Botta 2 BuildingVia Ferrata, 9 , 17-20 May 2016,Pavia- Italy.
Chirurgie plastique, reconstructive et esthétique de l'hôpital municipal d'Ankara (formation de spécialisation) (2019-2020)
Hôpital de formation et de recherche Ankara Numune. Plastique,
Chirurgie Reconstructive et Esthétique (Formation de Spécialisation) (2015-2019)
Faculté de médecine de l’Université Hacettepe, anglais (2008-2014)
Lycée scientifique d'Ankara (2004-2008)
Hôpital d'État de Gelibolu (2014-2015)
Ankara NumuneHôpital de Formation et de Recherche, Chirurgie Plastique, Reconstructrice et Esthétique
Clinique (2015-2019)
Hôpital municipal d'Ankara, chirurgie plastique, reconstructive et esthétique
Clinique (2019-2020)
Hôpital de formation et de recherche Ankara Di§kapi Yildirim Beyazit, clinique de chirurgie plastique, reconstructive et esthétique (2020-2022)
Clinique Elixirmed (2022 - jusqu'à maintenant)
Clinique de Chirurgie Plastique, Reconstructrice et Esthétique
Association turque de chirurgie plastique, reconstructive et esthétique
Fellow du Conseil européen de chirurgie plastique reconstructive et esthétique (EBOPRAS)
Lire la suiteÉDUCATION
Chirurgie plastique, reconstructive et esthétique de l'hôpital municipal d'Ankara (formation de spécialisation) (2019-2020)
Hôpital de formation et de recherche Ankara Numune. Plastique,
Chirurgie Reconstructive et Esthétique (Formation de Spécialisation) (2015-2019)
Faculté de médecine de l’Université Hacettepe, anglais (2008-2014)
Lycée scientifique d'Ankara (2004-2008)
Hôpital d'État de Gelibolu (2014-2015)
Ankara NumuneHôpital de Formation et de Recherche, Chirurgie Plastique, Reconstructrice et Esthétique
Clinique (2015-2019)
Hôpital municipal d'Ankara, chirurgie plastique, reconstructive et esthétique
Clinique (2019-2020)
Hôpital de formation et de recherche Ankara Di§kapi Yildirim Beyazit, clinique de chirurgie plastique, reconstructive et esthétique (2020-2022)
Clinique Elixirmed (2022 - jusqu'à maintenant)
Clinique de Chirurgie Plastique, Reconstructrice et Esthétique
Association turque de chirurgie plastique, reconstructive et esthétique
Fellow du Conseil européen de chirurgie plastique reconstructive et esthétique (EBOPRAS)
“I was born in 1991 in the district of Ünye in Ordu. I am married and a fatherof one child. I graduated from Ondokuz Mayıs University Faculty of Medicine in 2015. Between 2016 and 2021, I completed my residency training in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery at Eskişehir Osmangazi University.
Subsequently, from 2021 to 2023, I worked as a specialist in Plastic, Reconstructive and AestheticSurgery at Sancaktepe Şehit Prof.
Dr. İlhan Varank Training and Research Hospital. Currently, I provide services in Istanbul at a private healthcare institution, specializing in all types of aesthetic surgical procedures, non-surgical aesthetic treatments, hair transplantation, reconstructive surgery, congenital anomalies, and skin cancers.”
Lire la suite“I was born in 1991 in the district of Ünye in Ordu. I am married and a fatherof one child. I graduated from Ondokuz Mayıs University Faculty of Medicine in 2015. Between 2016 and 2021, I completed my residency training in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery at Eskişehir Osmangazi University.
Subsequently, from 2021 to 2023, I worked as a specialist in Plastic, Reconstructive and AestheticSurgery at Sancaktepe Şehit Prof.
Dr. İlhan Varank Training and Research Hospital. Currently, I provide services in Istanbul at a private healthcare institution, specializing in all types of aesthetic surgical procedures, non-surgical aesthetic treatments, hair transplantation, reconstructive surgery, congenital anomalies, and skin cancers.”
Le Dr Ömer Faruk DEVECİ est un chirurgien plasticien, reconstructeur et esthétique né à Ankara en 1988. Il a terminé sa formation médicale en 2012 et est devenu spécialiste en 2018. Il a depuis travaillé dans divers hôpitaux et exerce en pratique privée depuis septembre. 2020.
Lire la suiteLe Dr Ömer Faruk DEVECİ est un chirurgien plasticien, reconstructeur et esthétique né à Ankara en 1988. Il a terminé sa formation médicale en 2012 et est devenu spécialiste en 2018. Il a depuis travaillé dans divers hôpitaux et exerce en pratique privée depuis septembre. 2020.
Visite du médecin | prix sur demande |
Chirurgie de reconstruction mammaire | $3161.16 - $4360.22 |
Face lift
Body shaping
Brazilian butt aesthetics
Breast aesthetics
Breast reconstruction
Reconstructive and microsurgical operations
Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine - 2015
Necmettin Erbakan University Meram Faculty of Medicine - 2021
Health Sciences University, Başakşehir Çam and Sakura City Hospital, Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery 2021- 2023
Haliç University Medical Faculty, Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery2022
Necmettin Erbakan University, Meram Faculty of Medicine, Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery 2016-2021
Kars Digor State Hospital 2015-2016
Liv Hospital Ulus
Face lift
Body shaping
Brazilian butt aesthetics
Breast aesthetics
Breast reconstruction
Reconstructive and microsurgical operations
Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine - 2015
Necmettin Erbakan University Meram Faculty of Medicine - 2021
Health Sciences University, Başakşehir Çam and Sakura City Hospital, Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery 2021- 2023
Haliç University Medical Faculty, Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery2022
Necmettin Erbakan University, Meram Faculty of Medicine, Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery 2016-2021
Kars Digor State Hospital 2015-2016
Liv Hospital Ulus
Plastic and reconstructive surgeon who is currently a medical professor in Thammasat University. With over 20 years of experience, the doctor has expertise in both cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. He is well known in Thailand and world wide for his facelift, eyelid, nose, breast augmentation surgery and tummy tuck along with sex reassignment surgery from male to female. With great attention to detail and ready to explain and provide all information with honesty to help patients increase confidence in their decision based on safety being our biggest priority.
Board Certification
2002 Diploma Thai Board of General Surgery
2004 Diploma Thai board of Family Medicine
2008 Diploma Thai Board of Plastic Surgery
Reconstruction surgery
Head and Neck reconstruction, Maxillofacial surgery, Flap, etc.
Cosmetic surgery
Sex change male to female, Facelift, facial contouring surgery, Rhinoplasty,
Mammoplasty, Blepharoplasty, Liposuction etc.
1.American Society of Plastic Surgery (ASPS)
2.Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons of Thailand (ThPRS)
3.Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons of Thailand (THSAPS)
4.International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery(ISAPS)
5.Oriental Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (OSAPS)
Lire la suite
Plastic and reconstructive surgeon who is currently a medical professor in Thammasat University. With over 20 years of experience, the doctor has expertise in both cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. He is well known in Thailand and world wide for his facelift, eyelid, nose, breast augmentation surgery and tummy tuck along with sex reassignment surgery from male to female. With great attention to detail and ready to explain and provide all information with honesty to help patients increase confidence in their decision based on safety being our biggest priority.
Board Certification
2002 Diploma Thai Board of General Surgery
2004 Diploma Thai board of Family Medicine
2008 Diploma Thai Board of Plastic Surgery
Reconstruction surgery
Head and Neck reconstruction, Maxillofacial surgery, Flap, etc.
Cosmetic surgery
Sex change male to female, Facelift, facial contouring surgery, Rhinoplasty,
Mammoplasty, Blepharoplasty, Liposuction etc.
1.American Society of Plastic Surgery (ASPS)
2.Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons of Thailand (ThPRS)
3.Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons of Thailand (THSAPS)
4.International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery(ISAPS)
5.Oriental Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (OSAPS)
Breast Surgery, Rhinoplasty
General Practice) M.D. Chulalongkorn University
General Surgery Department of Surgery Ching Mai University
Broad of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Chulalongkorn University
Lire la suite
Breast Surgery, Rhinoplasty
General Practice) M.D. Chulalongkorn University
General Surgery Department of Surgery Ching Mai University
Broad of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Chulalongkorn University