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Installation d'accolades claires
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Les Meilleurs doctors pour votre Installation d'accolades claires - TOP 148 des médecins

Le contenu respecte la Politique Éditoriale Bookimed et est examinée médicalement par
Fahad Mawlood - Praticien généraliste. Lauréat de 4 prix scientifiques. Diplômé en Asie occidentale. Ancien Chef d'une équipe médicale aidant les patients arabes. Aujourd'hui responsable du traitement des données et de l'exactitude du contenu médical.
Tran Thi Giang
3 années d'expérience
Viêt Nam,
Clinique dentaire Greenfield

Tran Thi Giang

3 années d'expérience

Éducation :

Docteur en chirurgie dentaire, Université de médecine de Hanoi

Facettes dentaires avancées et réhabilitation complète de la bouche

Cours de base sur les implants par Dentium Academy

Cours de formation de base en orthodontie

Participez au séminaire sur les traitements contemporains de la maladie des points blancs organisé par l'Institut d'odonto-stomatologie de l'Université médicale de Hanoi


Expérience professionnelle :

Expérience : 4 ans et plus

Lire la suite

Éducation :

Docteur en chirurgie dentaire, Université de médecine de Hanoi

Facettes dentaires avancées et réhabilitation complète de la bouche

Cours de base sur les implants par Dentium Academy

Cours de formation de base en orthodontie

Participez au séminaire sur les traitements contemporains de la maladie des points blancs organisé par l'Institut d'odonto-stomatologie de l'Université médicale de Hanoi


Expérience professionnelle :

Expérience : 4 ans et plus

Lire la suite
Visite du médecin prix sur demande
Installation d'accolades claires $3000 - $20000
Plus de traitements
Nhung Ta
12 années d'expérience
Viêt Nam,
Clinique dentaire Greenfield

Nhung Ta

12 années d'expérience


Docteur en chirurgie dentaire, Université de médecine de Hanoi

Master en odonto-stomatologie, Université de Médecine de Hanoi

Diplôme Inter Universitaire D'Implantologie Chirurgicale Et Prothétique, Université De Bordeaux


Expérience professionnelle :

Dentiste en chef, Greenfield Dental

Spécialisé en orthodontie et dentisterie familiale

Expert dans les systèmes d'aligneurs transparents (Invisalign, ClearCorrect, Angel Aligner) et les appareils orthodontiques

Fournisseur Invisalign Platine

Expert en placage et implant

Certifié et expérimenté dans l'utilisation de la toxine botulique (Botox) et des produits de comblement dans les traitements esthétiques

Dévoué à créer un environnement accueillant et sécuritaire pour tous les patients

Excellent communicateur, s'assurant que les patients sont informés et à l'aise avec leurs plans de traitement

Lire la suite


Docteur en chirurgie dentaire, Université de médecine de Hanoi

Master en odonto-stomatologie, Université de Médecine de Hanoi

Diplôme Inter Universitaire D'Implantologie Chirurgicale Et Prothétique, Université De Bordeaux


Expérience professionnelle :

Dentiste en chef, Greenfield Dental

Spécialisé en orthodontie et dentisterie familiale

Expert dans les systèmes d'aligneurs transparents (Invisalign, ClearCorrect, Angel Aligner) et les appareils orthodontiques

Fournisseur Invisalign Platine

Expert en placage et implant

Certifié et expérimenté dans l'utilisation de la toxine botulique (Botox) et des produits de comblement dans les traitements esthétiques

Dévoué à créer un environnement accueillant et sécuritaire pour tous les patients

Excellent communicateur, s'assurant que les patients sont informés et à l'aise avec leurs plans de traitement

Lire la suite
Visite du médecin prix sur demande
Installation d'accolades claires $3000 - $20000
Plus de traitements
Dra Danet Alejandra
3 années d'expérience
Mexique, Tijuana
Clinique dentaire Quality International

Dra Danet Alejandra

3 années d'expérience

diplôme de chirurgien dentiste, août 2012

Campus de l'Université autonome de Basse-Californie, Valle de las Palmas

Tijuana Basse Californie Mexique

Postgraduate en orthodontie et orthopédie

PDG Renato de Toledo Centre de Spécialités Dentaires

J'étudie actuellement le quatrième semestre, au mois de décembre de l'année en cours je termine le diplôme de troisième cycle

Cours théorique et clinique présentiel sur les mini-implants pour l'orthodontie avec TD Orthodontics (mars 2020)

Cours présentiel théorique et clinique sur la biomécanique en orthodontie avec mini-implants avec le Dr Ricardo Medellín (octobre 2021)

Certification en aligneurs dentaires FUTURA LABS de MOONS

Diplôme en biomécanique de haut niveau avec le Dr David Ortiz (2023-2024)

Certification en aligneurs Clear Correct de la marque du groupe Strauman (2024)

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diplôme de chirurgien dentiste, août 2012

Campus de l'Université autonome de Basse-Californie, Valle de las Palmas

Tijuana Basse Californie Mexique

Postgraduate en orthodontie et orthopédie

PDG Renato de Toledo Centre de Spécialités Dentaires

J'étudie actuellement le quatrième semestre, au mois de décembre de l'année en cours je termine le diplôme de troisième cycle

Cours théorique et clinique présentiel sur les mini-implants pour l'orthodontie avec TD Orthodontics (mars 2020)

Cours présentiel théorique et clinique sur la biomécanique en orthodontie avec mini-implants avec le Dr Ricardo Medellín (octobre 2021)

Certification en aligneurs dentaires FUTURA LABS de MOONS

Diplôme en biomécanique de haut niveau avec le Dr David Ortiz (2023-2024)

Certification en aligneurs Clear Correct de la marque du groupe Strauman (2024)

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Dt Omer Alatas
10 années d'expérience
3 avis
Turquie, Istanbul

Dt Omer Alatas

10 années d'expérience

CV : Dr. Ömer A.


Enseignement de premier cycle :
- 2009 - 2014 : Faculté de médecine dentaire de l'Université Çukurova


2024 - Présent : ClinicExpert - Dentiste
2023 - 2024 : Centre de santé dentaire 360 Bakırköy - Dentiste
2019 - 2023 : Centre de santé dentaire Bahçeşehir Dentopia - Dentiste
2015 - 2023 : Polyclinique de santé bucco-dentaire Dentopia - Dentiste
2014 - 2017 : Polyclinique de Santé Bucco-Dentaire de Şenay - Dentiste


- Prof. Dr. Uğur Erdemir : Restaurations de dents fracturées
- Prof. Dr. Aslıhan Üşümez : Conseils cliniques sur le stratifié en porcelaine
- Dr Caner Yılmaz : Formation au Botox dentaire
- Prof. Dr. Erhan Çömlekoğlu : Formation sur les prothèses fixes numériques et traditionnelles


Association dentaire turque

Lire la suite

CV : Dr. Ömer A.


Enseignement de premier cycle :
- 2009 - 2014 : Faculté de médecine dentaire de l'Université Çukurova


2024 - Présent : ClinicExpert - Dentiste
2023 - 2024 : Centre de santé dentaire 360 Bakırköy - Dentiste
2019 - 2023 : Centre de santé dentaire Bahçeşehir Dentopia - Dentiste
2015 - 2023 : Polyclinique de santé bucco-dentaire Dentopia - Dentiste
2014 - 2017 : Polyclinique de Santé Bucco-Dentaire de Şenay - Dentiste


- Prof. Dr. Uğur Erdemir : Restaurations de dents fracturées
- Prof. Dr. Aslıhan Üşümez : Conseils cliniques sur le stratifié en porcelaine
- Dr Caner Yılmaz : Formation au Botox dentaire
- Prof. Dr. Erhan Çömlekoğlu : Formation sur les prothèses fixes numériques et traditionnelles


Association dentaire turque

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Fanny Martínez Lopez
5 années d'expérience
3 avis
Mexique, Cancún

Fanny Martínez Lopez

5 années d'expérience

Docteur Fanny Martínez López


Je suis chirurgien-dentiste et j'ai plus de cinq ans d'expérience dans la prestation de soins dentaires complets et esthétiques. Je me spécialise en réadaptation buccale et en dentisterie générale, en me concentrant sur des techniques peu invasives et hautement esthétiques. Ma pratique est centrée sur le confort et la satisfaction du patient et sur l'obtention de résultats à long terme en matière de santé bucco-dentaire. Je suis un professionnel dévoué qui s'engage à offrir des traitements personnalisés de haute qualité.


• Baccalauréat en chirurgie dentaire

Université nationale autonome du Mexique (UNAM)

• Diplôme en prothèse et en esthétique avancée


• Participation aux congrès dentaires : Plus de 10 éditions annuelles d'Amic Dental


• Dentisterie générale : Évaluations complètes et traitements préventifs et réparateurs visant une santé bucco-dentaire holistique.

• Réhabilitation orale : Utilisation de techniques peu invasives et hautement esthétiques pour restaurer la fonctionnalité et l’apparence dentaire.

• Dentisterie préventive : Développement de programmes favorisant l’éducation à l’hygiène bucco-dentaire et d’applications topiques pour réduire l’incidence des maladies dentaires.

• Blanchiment des dents et correction des taches : procédures visant à éliminer les taches causées par des affections telles que la fluorose, garantissant des résultats esthétiques optimaux.

• Réhabilitation implantaire : Restauration des implants dentaires pour obtenir une intégration fonctionnelle et esthétique au sein de l'arcade dentaire du patient.

• Extractions dentaires : Réalisation d’extractions simples et chirurgicales en fonction de la complexité du cas et des besoins du patient.

• Traitements de canal radiculaire : Réalisation de procédures endodontiques pour préserver les dents affectées par des infections ou des lésions pulpaires.

• Contrôle des infections dentaires et parodontales : mise en œuvre de protocoles stricts pour traiter les infections des tissus dentaires et parodontaux.


• Participation à deux symposiums et à un concours de cas cliniques à l'Universidad de Ixtlahuaca CUI, axés sur le thème « La santé bucco-dentaire chez les étudiants universitaires mexicains en fonction des habitudes d'hygiène et des consultations dentaires ».

• Présenté sur le « tourisme dentaire » lors du symposium « Dentisterie contemporaine », explorant les intersections de la dentisterie et du tourisme et leurs implications pour les soins dentaires modernes.


• Plus de 5 ans en dentisterie : j'ai commencé comme assistante dentaire en effectuant des procédures de base comme des nettoyages et des blanchiments. Après avoir obtenu mon diplôme de chirurgien-dentiste, j'ai ouvert un cabinet privé proposant une large gamme de traitements de dentisterie générale en mettant l'accent sur la réhabilitation buccale minimalement invasive et esthétique.

• Travail bénévole : J'ai collaboré avec la Fondation de l'Association dentaire mexicaine pendant cinq ans, en participant à des brigades fournissant des traitements préventifs et de réadaptation aux enfants et aux adultes dans diverses communautés du centre du Mexique.

• Rôle actuel : Travailler dans une clinique dentaire de haut niveau spécialisée en dentisterie esthétique et réhabilitatrice, concevant des plans de traitement personnalisés adaptés aux besoins de chaque patient.


• Diplôme en Prothèses et Esthétique Avancée (IAOP)

• Formation en recherche dentaire et investigation scientifique

• Formation en prévention des maladies systémiques et en éducation à la santé bucco-dentaire

• Formation aux bonnes techniques de brossage et à l'application du fluor

• Modules avancés en soins dentaires pendant la grossesse, anesthésie locale, médecine interne et pharmacologie pour la gestion des infections.

• Membre actif et bénévole à l'Association dentaire mexicaine


• Soins complets pour les patients de tous âges, y compris les enfants, les adolescents et les adultes.

• Expertise dans la gestion des patients souffrant d’anxiété dentaire, axée sur la réadaptation esthétique et la promotion de saines habitudes bucco-dentaires.

• Spécialisation en réhabilitation dentaire esthétique mini-invasive, incluant facettes et couronnes, adaptées aux besoins individuels.

• Connaissances avancées en technologie dentaire, telles que les radiographies numériques et les scanners 3D, permettant des diagnostics précis et des traitements efficaces.


• Radiographies numériques : imagerie de haute qualité avec exposition réduite aux rayonnements.

• Scanners 3D : Diagnostic précis et planification de traitement personnalisée.

• Lasers dentaires : blanchiment efficace des dents et amélioration du confort du patient.


• Bénévole auprès de la Fondation de l'Association dentaire mexicaine, promouvant la santé bucco-dentaire par le biais de traitements préventifs et d'éducation dans les communautés mal desservies.


• Première place au concours d'affiches au Congrès international de dentisterie à Boca del Río sur le thème « Procédures de biopsie pour les patients systémiquement compromis ».


Je participe activement à des congrès et des cours dentaires pour me tenir au courant des dernières avancées en dentisterie. Mon dévouement à l'apprentissage continu garantit des soins de la plus haute qualité à mes patients, en combinant des techniques, des traitements et des technologies de pointe avec une attention personnalisée pour répondre à leurs besoins.


• Espagnol

• Anglais

Lire la suite

Docteur Fanny Martínez López


Je suis chirurgien-dentiste et j'ai plus de cinq ans d'expérience dans la prestation de soins dentaires complets et esthétiques. Je me spécialise en réadaptation buccale et en dentisterie générale, en me concentrant sur des techniques peu invasives et hautement esthétiques. Ma pratique est centrée sur le confort et la satisfaction du patient et sur l'obtention de résultats à long terme en matière de santé bucco-dentaire. Je suis un professionnel dévoué qui s'engage à offrir des traitements personnalisés de haute qualité.


• Baccalauréat en chirurgie dentaire

Université nationale autonome du Mexique (UNAM)

• Diplôme en prothèse et en esthétique avancée


• Participation aux congrès dentaires : Plus de 10 éditions annuelles d'Amic Dental


• Dentisterie générale : Évaluations complètes et traitements préventifs et réparateurs visant une santé bucco-dentaire holistique.

• Réhabilitation orale : Utilisation de techniques peu invasives et hautement esthétiques pour restaurer la fonctionnalité et l’apparence dentaire.

• Dentisterie préventive : Développement de programmes favorisant l’éducation à l’hygiène bucco-dentaire et d’applications topiques pour réduire l’incidence des maladies dentaires.

• Blanchiment des dents et correction des taches : procédures visant à éliminer les taches causées par des affections telles que la fluorose, garantissant des résultats esthétiques optimaux.

• Réhabilitation implantaire : Restauration des implants dentaires pour obtenir une intégration fonctionnelle et esthétique au sein de l'arcade dentaire du patient.

• Extractions dentaires : Réalisation d’extractions simples et chirurgicales en fonction de la complexité du cas et des besoins du patient.

• Traitements de canal radiculaire : Réalisation de procédures endodontiques pour préserver les dents affectées par des infections ou des lésions pulpaires.

• Contrôle des infections dentaires et parodontales : mise en œuvre de protocoles stricts pour traiter les infections des tissus dentaires et parodontaux.


• Participation à deux symposiums et à un concours de cas cliniques à l'Universidad de Ixtlahuaca CUI, axés sur le thème « La santé bucco-dentaire chez les étudiants universitaires mexicains en fonction des habitudes d'hygiène et des consultations dentaires ».

• Présenté sur le « tourisme dentaire » lors du symposium « Dentisterie contemporaine », explorant les intersections de la dentisterie et du tourisme et leurs implications pour les soins dentaires modernes.


• Plus de 5 ans en dentisterie : j'ai commencé comme assistante dentaire en effectuant des procédures de base comme des nettoyages et des blanchiments. Après avoir obtenu mon diplôme de chirurgien-dentiste, j'ai ouvert un cabinet privé proposant une large gamme de traitements de dentisterie générale en mettant l'accent sur la réhabilitation buccale minimalement invasive et esthétique.

• Travail bénévole : J'ai collaboré avec la Fondation de l'Association dentaire mexicaine pendant cinq ans, en participant à des brigades fournissant des traitements préventifs et de réadaptation aux enfants et aux adultes dans diverses communautés du centre du Mexique.

• Rôle actuel : Travailler dans une clinique dentaire de haut niveau spécialisée en dentisterie esthétique et réhabilitatrice, concevant des plans de traitement personnalisés adaptés aux besoins de chaque patient.


• Diplôme en Prothèses et Esthétique Avancée (IAOP)

• Formation en recherche dentaire et investigation scientifique

• Formation en prévention des maladies systémiques et en éducation à la santé bucco-dentaire

• Formation aux bonnes techniques de brossage et à l'application du fluor

• Modules avancés en soins dentaires pendant la grossesse, anesthésie locale, médecine interne et pharmacologie pour la gestion des infections.

• Membre actif et bénévole à l'Association dentaire mexicaine


• Soins complets pour les patients de tous âges, y compris les enfants, les adolescents et les adultes.

• Expertise dans la gestion des patients souffrant d’anxiété dentaire, axée sur la réadaptation esthétique et la promotion de saines habitudes bucco-dentaires.

• Spécialisation en réhabilitation dentaire esthétique mini-invasive, incluant facettes et couronnes, adaptées aux besoins individuels.

• Connaissances avancées en technologie dentaire, telles que les radiographies numériques et les scanners 3D, permettant des diagnostics précis et des traitements efficaces.


• Radiographies numériques : imagerie de haute qualité avec exposition réduite aux rayonnements.

• Scanners 3D : Diagnostic précis et planification de traitement personnalisée.

• Lasers dentaires : blanchiment efficace des dents et amélioration du confort du patient.


• Bénévole auprès de la Fondation de l'Association dentaire mexicaine, promouvant la santé bucco-dentaire par le biais de traitements préventifs et d'éducation dans les communautés mal desservies.


• Première place au concours d'affiches au Congrès international de dentisterie à Boca del Río sur le thème « Procédures de biopsie pour les patients systémiquement compromis ».


Je participe activement à des congrès et des cours dentaires pour me tenir au courant des dernières avancées en dentisterie. Mon dévouement à l'apprentissage continu garantit des soins de la plus haute qualité à mes patients, en combinant des techniques, des traitements et des technologies de pointe avec une attention personnalisée pour répondre à leurs besoins.


• Espagnol

• Anglais

Lire la suite
Vo Nguyen Linh Chi
5 années d'expérience
Viêt Nam,
Clinique dentaire Greenfield

Vo Nguyen Linh Chi

5 années d'expérience


Docteur en chirurgie dentaire, Université de médecine de Hanoi

Formation sur les fondamentaux d'Invisalign (Align, Invisalign, iTero, exocad)

Orthodontie de base et applications cliniques par le NOW Ortho Club et la société Đại Tấn

L'art de la restauration moderne minimalement invasive.

Expérience professionnelle :

Expérience : 6 ans et plus

Lire la suite


Docteur en chirurgie dentaire, Université de médecine de Hanoi

Formation sur les fondamentaux d'Invisalign (Align, Invisalign, iTero, exocad)

Orthodontie de base et applications cliniques par le NOW Ortho Club et la société Đại Tấn

L'art de la restauration moderne minimalement invasive.

Expérience professionnelle :

Expérience : 6 ans et plus

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Visite du médecin prix sur demande
Installation d'accolades claires $3000 - $20000
Plus de traitements
Dr Nelly
7 années d'expérience
3 avis
Turquie, Istanbul

Dr Nelly

7 années d'expérience

Docteur Nelly



• Persan
• Anglais
• Azerbaïdjanais
• Turc


Enseignement de premier cycle

2017 - 2018
Faculté de médecine dentaire de l'Université Yeni Yüzyıl


2021 -
ClinicExpert - Dentist

2017 - 2019
Clinique du Prof. Dr. Selim Ersanlı - Dentiste

2017 - 2021
Centre de santé dentaire esthétique de Silivri - Dentiste


• 2024 - Congrès dentaire mondial de la FDI
• 2023 - Congrès scientifique international de la Société turque de prostodontie et d'implantologie
• 2022 - Symposium international de Bozok Turquie
• 2018 - Symposium Biolase Turquie
• 2018 - Robitans DAY, Dr. Marius Steigmann (Formation pratique en chirurgie avancée)
• 2018 - Gestion des tissus Marius Steigmann
• 2018 - Symposium Uludag Biocare Turquie
• 2018 - Transformation numérique en chirurgie orale et maxillo-faciale

Enseignement privé

• Formation sur la toxine botulique
• Formation en mésothérapie PRP et Dermapen
• Formation sur les produits de comblement dermique

Lire la suite

Docteur Nelly



• Persan
• Anglais
• Azerbaïdjanais
• Turc


Enseignement de premier cycle

2017 - 2018
Faculté de médecine dentaire de l'Université Yeni Yüzyıl


2021 -
ClinicExpert - Dentist

2017 - 2019
Clinique du Prof. Dr. Selim Ersanlı - Dentiste

2017 - 2021
Centre de santé dentaire esthétique de Silivri - Dentiste


• 2024 - Congrès dentaire mondial de la FDI
• 2023 - Congrès scientifique international de la Société turque de prostodontie et d'implantologie
• 2022 - Symposium international de Bozok Turquie
• 2018 - Symposium Biolase Turquie
• 2018 - Robitans DAY, Dr. Marius Steigmann (Formation pratique en chirurgie avancée)
• 2018 - Gestion des tissus Marius Steigmann
• 2018 - Symposium Uludag Biocare Turquie
• 2018 - Transformation numérique en chirurgie orale et maxillo-faciale

Enseignement privé

• Formation sur la toxine botulique
• Formation en mésothérapie PRP et Dermapen
• Formation sur les produits de comblement dermique

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Firdevs Aylin Sahiner
8 années d'expérience
Turquie, Istanbul
Luna Dente Clinic

Firdevs Aylin Sahiner

8 années d'expérience


-Eyüboğlu High School
-Yeditepe University Dentist (Honor Degree)
-Acıbadem Hospital
-Superdent Dental Clinic
-Luna Dente Clinic


Professional Organization Memberships
- ESCD (European Society of Cosmetic Dentistry) ,
- TDB (Turkish Dentists Association)
- EDAD (Aesthetic Dentistry Academy Association)


- Rotary Instrument Root Canal Shaping Systems, 

- Implant-Supported Fixed Prosthetic Restorations, 

- Dental Photography, 

- Botox-Dermal Filler-PRP-Mesotherapy,

 - Anterior Region Aesthetic Composite Restorations,

 - Laminate Veneer Porcelains,

 - Basic Implantology,

 - Double Immediate Implant Loading in Total Edentulousness,

 - Soft Tissue Surgery,

 - Hard Tissue Formation

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-Eyüboğlu High School
-Yeditepe University Dentist (Honor Degree)
-Acıbadem Hospital
-Superdent Dental Clinic
-Luna Dente Clinic


Professional Organization Memberships
- ESCD (European Society of Cosmetic Dentistry) ,
- TDB (Turkish Dentists Association)
- EDAD (Aesthetic Dentistry Academy Association)


- Rotary Instrument Root Canal Shaping Systems, 

- Implant-Supported Fixed Prosthetic Restorations, 

- Dental Photography, 

- Botox-Dermal Filler-PRP-Mesotherapy,

 - Anterior Region Aesthetic Composite Restorations,

 - Laminate Veneer Porcelains,

 - Basic Implantology,

 - Double Immediate Implant Loading in Total Edentulousness,

 - Soft Tissue Surgery,

 - Hard Tissue Formation

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Direnc Ulasan
Oral and maxillofacial surgeon
15 années d'expérience
Turquie, Bourse

Direnc Ulasan

Oral and maxillofacial surgeon
15 années d'expérience

Dr. Direnç Ulaşan


I was born in 1985 in Konya, a city renowned for Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi. I completed my secondary education at Meram Anatolian High School in 2003, after which I began my studies at Ankara University Faculty of Dentistry. Following a five-year undergraduate program, I pursued a specialization in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the same faculty, undertaking an additional five years of focused training. During the last two years of my specialization, I completed rotations in General Surgery, Otolaryngology, and Anesthesia. Throughout this period, I conducted extensive work in immediate implantology, and my PhD research focused on immediate and short implants.


Following this period, I established Milim Dental Hospital, where I currently lead a dedicated team of 30 professionals, including 9 doctors. Milim Dental Hospital holds the distinction of being Turkey’s first Ministry of Health-approved and internationally accredited health tourism organization. Our institution specializes extensively in procedures such as All-on-4, All-on-6, and zygomatic implants, as well as Hollywood Smile transformations. We maintain an active presence on social media, utilizing platforms like Instagram and TikTok to connect with and inform our audience. For further insights, please feel free to explore Milim Dental’s Instagram page.


I am a member of the Turkish Dental Association, the Bursa Dental Association, the Turkish Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (AÇBİD), Archbit, the International Team for Implantology (ITI), and the Turkish Young Businessmen Association (TÜGİAD). These memberships, along with my certifications, reflect my commitment to staying at the forefront of dental advancements and my dedication to professional growth within the field.


I reside in Bursa, a lush, green city known as the first capital of the Ottoman Empire, located just a one-hour drive from Istanbul. Here, I established Milim Dental Hospital with the purpose of offering patients a truly personalized experience in an exclusive environment. Our treatment packages not only address patients’ dental needs but also fulfill the “vacation” aspect of a Dental Holiday. Bursa offers a unique combination of natural beauty and cultural heritage—patients can ski on Mount Uludağ and swim in the sea at Mudanya, an ancient Greek village, all within the same day. The city is also a gastronomic hub and a destination of cultural significance, famously visited by Queen Elizabeth. Additionally, Iznik, renowned for its historical importance, is a short trip away within Bursa. With our VIP transfers and guides, patients can enjoy all these cultural and culinary experiences efficiently, without traffic delays, during their dental treatment’s downtime. This approach allows them to receive a niche, high-quality service that extends beyond traditional dental care.


In addition to my professional qualifications, I have extensive experience working with expatriates in Turkey and have cultivated a broad network among the international community. I am well-traveled, having visited over 30 countries, which has enriched my cultural understanding and adaptability. My frequent travels abroad and my connections with expatriates have greatly influenced my approach to providing culturally sensitive care. Additionally, my daughter was born in the United States, which further strengthens my global perspective and ease in working with individuals from diverse backgrounds.


I am married to Dr. Begüm Ulaşan, an orthodontist, and we have a young daughter. Additionally, I am a passionate collector of both books and automobiles, pursuits that complement my professional and personal life.

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Dr. Direnç Ulaşan


I was born in 1985 in Konya, a city renowned for Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi. I completed my secondary education at Meram Anatolian High School in 2003, after which I began my studies at Ankara University Faculty of Dentistry. Following a five-year undergraduate program, I pursued a specialization in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the same faculty, undertaking an additional five years of focused training. During the last two years of my specialization, I completed rotations in General Surgery, Otolaryngology, and Anesthesia. Throughout this period, I conducted extensive work in immediate implantology, and my PhD research focused on immediate and short implants.


Following this period, I established Milim Dental Hospital, where I currently lead a dedicated team of 30 professionals, including 9 doctors. Milim Dental Hospital holds the distinction of being Turkey’s first Ministry of Health-approved and internationally accredited health tourism organization. Our institution specializes extensively in procedures such as All-on-4, All-on-6, and zygomatic implants, as well as Hollywood Smile transformations. We maintain an active presence on social media, utilizing platforms like Instagram and TikTok to connect with and inform our audience. For further insights, please feel free to explore Milim Dental’s Instagram page.


I am a member of the Turkish Dental Association, the Bursa Dental Association, the Turkish Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (AÇBİD), Archbit, the International Team for Implantology (ITI), and the Turkish Young Businessmen Association (TÜGİAD). These memberships, along with my certifications, reflect my commitment to staying at the forefront of dental advancements and my dedication to professional growth within the field.


I reside in Bursa, a lush, green city known as the first capital of the Ottoman Empire, located just a one-hour drive from Istanbul. Here, I established Milim Dental Hospital with the purpose of offering patients a truly personalized experience in an exclusive environment. Our treatment packages not only address patients’ dental needs but also fulfill the “vacation” aspect of a Dental Holiday. Bursa offers a unique combination of natural beauty and cultural heritage—patients can ski on Mount Uludağ and swim in the sea at Mudanya, an ancient Greek village, all within the same day. The city is also a gastronomic hub and a destination of cultural significance, famously visited by Queen Elizabeth. Additionally, Iznik, renowned for its historical importance, is a short trip away within Bursa. With our VIP transfers and guides, patients can enjoy all these cultural and culinary experiences efficiently, without traffic delays, during their dental treatment’s downtime. This approach allows them to receive a niche, high-quality service that extends beyond traditional dental care.


In addition to my professional qualifications, I have extensive experience working with expatriates in Turkey and have cultivated a broad network among the international community. I am well-traveled, having visited over 30 countries, which has enriched my cultural understanding and adaptability. My frequent travels abroad and my connections with expatriates have greatly influenced my approach to providing culturally sensitive care. Additionally, my daughter was born in the United States, which further strengthens my global perspective and ease in working with individuals from diverse backgrounds.


I am married to Dr. Begüm Ulaşan, an orthodontist, and we have a young daughter. Additionally, I am a passionate collector of both books and automobiles, pursuits that complement my professional and personal life.

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Dr Barbara Sobczak
17 années d'expérience
Pologne, Gdańsk
Dr Sobczak Dental Clinic

Dr Barbara Sobczak

17 années d'expérience

Barbara Sobczak

Author of Sobczak Concept®
- a fully digital implant treatment protocol for toothless patients.


Dr Barbara Sobczak

  • First author of recent scientific publications in medical journals with a combined Impact Factor of over 4.5:
    • „An Integrated Fully Digital Prosthetic Workflow for the Immediate Full-Arch Restoration of Edentulous Patients – A Case Report”.
    • „A Versatile Integrated Prosthetic Workflow for the Immediate Pink-Free Full-Arch Restoration – A Case Series”.
  • Master of Science in Oral Implantology, graduated with honors from Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, Germany
  • Founder of Dr. Sobczak Joy Clinic in Warsaw, Poland
  • Founder of Dr. Sobczak Babice Clinic in Stare Babice, Poland
  • Founder of Dr Sobczak Dental Clinic in Dubai Mall, Dubai


  • Lecturer and opinion leader for Straumann in the field of implantology in Europe
  • Lecturer and opinion leader in implantology in the Middle East
  • Independent lecturer in the field of dental implantology worldwide
  • Medical consultant for Straumann in Poland
  • Medical consultant on behalf of Straumann Group in Switzerland
  • Dr. Sobczak’s clinics hold the title of Center of Excellence for Education Straumann – providing courses for dentists in advanced implantology
  • ITI Fellow, awarded by the Chapter in Switzerland for achievements in implantology
    Author of consecutive publications in implantology with Jagiellonian University in Krakow and Basel, Switzerland
  • Member of scientific projects on dental materials in implantology for temporary reconstruction of full arches
  • Member of the judging committee of the Smile Award 2022 edition
  • Member of the International Team for Implantology (ITI), an organization that supports the educational and scientific development of young implantologists
  • Founder of ITI Study Club Mazovia
  • Founder of ITI Study Club Polonika
  • Winner of the international Straumann Group Smile Award 2021 competition
  • XII Polish Businesswoman Award in the categories „Discovery of the Year 2021” and „Leader among Medical Clinics”
  • Women’s Brand of the Year 2020 and
  • Women Star Award
  • Women’s Brand of the Year 2019, Class & Style Award
  • Dentist of the Year Award 2019
  • Winner of the „Eagles of Medicine” award
  • Dr. Sobczak also regularly appears on the morning show on Polish TV. Each episode is based on the life story of one patient and the spectacular transformation after the Sobczak Concept® procedure performed by Dr. Barbara Sobczak.

Barbara Sobczak - Dr. Sobczak Clinic

Lire la suite

Barbara Sobczak

Author of Sobczak Concept®
- a fully digital implant treatment protocol for toothless patients.


Dr Barbara Sobczak

  • First author of recent scientific publications in medical journals with a combined Impact Factor of over 4.5:
    • „An Integrated Fully Digital Prosthetic Workflow for the Immediate Full-Arch Restoration of Edentulous Patients – A Case Report”.
    • „A Versatile Integrated Prosthetic Workflow for the Immediate Pink-Free Full-Arch Restoration – A Case Series”.
  • Master of Science in Oral Implantology, graduated with honors from Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, Germany
  • Founder of Dr. Sobczak Joy Clinic in Warsaw, Poland
  • Founder of Dr. Sobczak Babice Clinic in Stare Babice, Poland
  • Founder of Dr Sobczak Dental Clinic in Dubai Mall, Dubai


  • Lecturer and opinion leader for Straumann in the field of implantology in Europe
  • Lecturer and opinion leader in implantology in the Middle East
  • Independent lecturer in the field of dental implantology worldwide
  • Medical consultant for Straumann in Poland
  • Medical consultant on behalf of Straumann Group in Switzerland
  • Dr. Sobczak’s clinics hold the title of Center of Excellence for Education Straumann – providing courses for dentists in advanced implantology
  • ITI Fellow, awarded by the Chapter in Switzerland for achievements in implantology
    Author of consecutive publications in implantology with Jagiellonian University in Krakow and Basel, Switzerland
  • Member of scientific projects on dental materials in implantology for temporary reconstruction of full arches
  • Member of the judging committee of the Smile Award 2022 edition
  • Member of the International Team for Implantology (ITI), an organization that supports the educational and scientific development of young implantologists
  • Founder of ITI Study Club Mazovia
  • Founder of ITI Study Club Polonika
  • Winner of the international Straumann Group Smile Award 2021 competition
  • XII Polish Businesswoman Award in the categories „Discovery of the Year 2021” and „Leader among Medical Clinics”
  • Women’s Brand of the Year 2020 and
  • Women Star Award
  • Women’s Brand of the Year 2019, Class & Style Award
  • Dentist of the Year Award 2019
  • Winner of the „Eagles of Medicine” award
  • Dr. Sobczak also regularly appears on the morning show on Polish TV. Each episode is based on the life story of one patient and the spectacular transformation after the Sobczak Concept® procedure performed by Dr. Barbara Sobczak.

Barbara Sobczak - Dr. Sobczak Clinic

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Najeeb Memas
22 années d'expérience
Turquie, Istanbul
IST Smile Experts

Najeeb Memas

22 années d'expérience


  • Graduated from Istanbul University in 1997
  • PHD in dental surgeon in 2001

Work Experience

  • 22 years of experience.
  •  in specific dental treatments in implants, veneers, smile make over.

Dr. Najeeb Memas is a highly skilled and experienced dental professional committed to delivering exceptional care and stunning results for every patient. With a strong foundation in dental education and years of clinical expertise, Dr. Memas is renowned for his meticulous approach, innovative techniques, and patient-first philosophy.

Lire la suite


  • Graduated from Istanbul University in 1997
  • PHD in dental surgeon in 2001

Work Experience

  • 22 years of experience.
  •  in specific dental treatments in implants, veneers, smile make over.

Dr. Najeeb Memas is a highly skilled and experienced dental professional committed to delivering exceptional care and stunning results for every patient. With a strong foundation in dental education and years of clinical expertise, Dr. Memas is renowned for his meticulous approach, innovative techniques, and patient-first philosophy.

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Ortac Gop
17 années d'expérience
Turquie, Yalova

Ortac Gop

17 années d'expérience

Hello, my name is Ortaç Gop. I am a dentist and partner of Dental Park Yalova. I was born in Ankara in 1984. I graduated from Ankara Gazi University in 2007. I have worked in many aesthetic and digital dentistry practices. My greatest happiness is to see my patients smiling at the end of the day. I am happy to be part of a large team that offers dental treatments in Turkey.

With the rapidly growing health tourism, a tourist coming to Yalova sees that the total costs such as hotel, plane transfer and dental treatment are less than the cost of dental treatment alone in any European country. In addition, during the time he spends in our country, he discovers many places to visit and receives both holiday and dental care.

Most of our patients who come from abroad for treatment prefer our Implant and Hollywood Smile treatments. It is used for implant treatments, known as dental screwing, and zirconium, porcelain crown and bridge treatments that replace the extracted tooth.

Aesthetically speaking, smile design and Hollywood Smile treatment are very popular and especially preferred by the young generation.

Lire la suite

Hello, my name is Ortaç Gop. I am a dentist and partner of Dental Park Yalova. I was born in Ankara in 1984. I graduated from Ankara Gazi University in 2007. I have worked in many aesthetic and digital dentistry practices. My greatest happiness is to see my patients smiling at the end of the day. I am happy to be part of a large team that offers dental treatments in Turkey.

With the rapidly growing health tourism, a tourist coming to Yalova sees that the total costs such as hotel, plane transfer and dental treatment are less than the cost of dental treatment alone in any European country. In addition, during the time he spends in our country, he discovers many places to visit and receives both holiday and dental care.

Most of our patients who come from abroad for treatment prefer our Implant and Hollywood Smile treatments. It is used for implant treatments, known as dental screwing, and zirconium, porcelain crown and bridge treatments that replace the extracted tooth.

Aesthetically speaking, smile design and Hollywood Smile treatment are very popular and especially preferred by the young generation.

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Dr Barbara Sobczak
17 années d'expérience
Pologne, Varsovie

Dr Barbara Sobczak

17 années d'expérience

Barbara Sobczak

Author of Sobczak Concept®
- a fully digital implant treatment protocol for toothless patients.


Dr Barbara Sobczak

  • First author of recent scientific publications in medical journals with a combined Impact Factor of over 4.5:
    • „An Integrated Fully Digital Prosthetic Workflow for the Immediate Full-Arch Restoration of Edentulous Patients – A Case Report”.
    • „A Versatile Integrated Prosthetic Workflow for the Immediate Pink-Free Full-Arch Restoration – A Case Series”.
  • Master of Science in Oral Implantology, graduated with honors from Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, Germany
  • Founder of Dr. Sobczak Joy Clinic in Warsaw, Poland
  • Founder of Dr. Sobczak Babice Clinic in Stare Babice, Poland
  • Founder of Dr Sobczak Dental Clinic in Dubai Mall, Dubai


  • Lecturer and opinion leader for Straumann in the field of implantology in Europe
  • Lecturer and opinion leader in implantology in the Middle East
  • Independent lecturer in the field of dental implantology worldwide
  • Medical consultant for Straumann in Poland
  • Medical consultant on behalf of Straumann Group in Switzerland
  • Dr. Sobczak’s clinics hold the title of Center of Excellence for Education Straumann – providing courses for dentists in advanced implantology
  • ITI Fellow, awarded by the Chapter in Switzerland for achievements in implantology
    Author of consecutive publications in implantology with Jagiellonian University in Krakow and Basel, Switzerland
  • Member of scientific projects on dental materials in implantology for temporary reconstruction of full arches
  • Member of the judging committee of the Smile Award 2022 edition
  • Member of the International Team for Implantology (ITI), an organization that supports the educational and scientific development of young implantologists
  • Founder of ITI Study Club Mazovia
  • Founder of ITI Study Club Polonika
  • Winner of the international Straumann Group Smile Award 2021 competition
  • XII Polish Businesswoman Award in the categories „Discovery of the Year 2021” and „Leader among Medical Clinics”
  • Women’s Brand of the Year 2020 and
  • Women Star Award
  • Women’s Brand of the Year 2019, Class & Style Award
  • Dentist of the Year Award 2019
  • Winner of the „Eagles of Medicine” award
  • Dr. Sobczak also regularly appears on the morning show on Polish TV. Each episode is based on the life story of one patient and the spectacular transformation after the Sobczak Concept® procedure performed by Dr. Barbara Sobczak.

Barbara Sobczak - Dr. Sobczak Clinic

Lire la suite

Barbara Sobczak

Author of Sobczak Concept®
- a fully digital implant treatment protocol for toothless patients.


Dr Barbara Sobczak

  • First author of recent scientific publications in medical journals with a combined Impact Factor of over 4.5:
    • „An Integrated Fully Digital Prosthetic Workflow for the Immediate Full-Arch Restoration of Edentulous Patients – A Case Report”.
    • „A Versatile Integrated Prosthetic Workflow for the Immediate Pink-Free Full-Arch Restoration – A Case Series”.
  • Master of Science in Oral Implantology, graduated with honors from Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, Germany
  • Founder of Dr. Sobczak Joy Clinic in Warsaw, Poland
  • Founder of Dr. Sobczak Babice Clinic in Stare Babice, Poland
  • Founder of Dr Sobczak Dental Clinic in Dubai Mall, Dubai


  • Lecturer and opinion leader for Straumann in the field of implantology in Europe
  • Lecturer and opinion leader in implantology in the Middle East
  • Independent lecturer in the field of dental implantology worldwide
  • Medical consultant for Straumann in Poland
  • Medical consultant on behalf of Straumann Group in Switzerland
  • Dr. Sobczak’s clinics hold the title of Center of Excellence for Education Straumann – providing courses for dentists in advanced implantology
  • ITI Fellow, awarded by the Chapter in Switzerland for achievements in implantology
    Author of consecutive publications in implantology with Jagiellonian University in Krakow and Basel, Switzerland
  • Member of scientific projects on dental materials in implantology for temporary reconstruction of full arches
  • Member of the judging committee of the Smile Award 2022 edition
  • Member of the International Team for Implantology (ITI), an organization that supports the educational and scientific development of young implantologists
  • Founder of ITI Study Club Mazovia
  • Founder of ITI Study Club Polonika
  • Winner of the international Straumann Group Smile Award 2021 competition
  • XII Polish Businesswoman Award in the categories „Discovery of the Year 2021” and „Leader among Medical Clinics”
  • Women’s Brand of the Year 2020 and
  • Women Star Award
  • Women’s Brand of the Year 2019, Class & Style Award
  • Dentist of the Year Award 2019
  • Winner of the „Eagles of Medicine” award
  • Dr. Sobczak also regularly appears on the morning show on Polish TV. Each episode is based on the life story of one patient and the spectacular transformation after the Sobczak Concept® procedure performed by Dr. Barbara Sobczak.

Barbara Sobczak - Dr. Sobczak Clinic

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Osman Kucukcakir
7 années d'expérience
Turquie, Istanbul
Dentmetrik Dental Clinic

Osman Kucukcakir

7 années d'expérience

After completing his dentistry education at Istanbul University, the best university in Turkey, Dr. Osman, who achieved high success in the specialization exam held throughout the country, successfully completed Istanbul University Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, the best surgical clinic in Turkey. Dr. Osman, who participated in many local and international congresses and fairs during and after the education process, has made many presentations. He successfully provides treatments in many areas of surgery such as oral surgery, orthognathic surgery, dental implant surgery, cyst surgery, oral tumor surgery.

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After completing his dentistry education at Istanbul University, the best university in Turkey, Dr. Osman, who achieved high success in the specialization exam held throughout the country, successfully completed Istanbul University Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, the best surgical clinic in Turkey. Dr. Osman, who participated in many local and international congresses and fairs during and after the education process, has made many presentations. He successfully provides treatments in many areas of surgery such as oral surgery, orthognathic surgery, dental implant surgery, cyst surgery, oral tumor surgery.

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Busra Bozbay
7 années d'expérience
Turquie, Istanbul

Busra Bozbay

7 années d'expérience

Dr.Büşra Bozbay was graduated from Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry in 2017. During her education in Istanbul University, she was an observer student at the Sapienza University of Rome in 2013 and 2015, and at Malmö University, Sweden in 2015. She followed the clinical and academic developments during her visits. In 2018, she started her Master’s education in Departments of Orthodontics and Pedodontics at the Sapienza University of Rome.  Here, she completed her master’s courses on orthodontic treatments in childhood and adolescence with Dr.Lorenzo Franchi and presented her thesis in the same field. In the same year, she attended the Orthodontics and Orthognatic Surgery master program directed by Prof.Dr.Piero Cascone. In 2019, she attended the PhD exams of the Orthodontics Department of the La Sapienza University of Rome and completed her doctoral thesis on laser accelerated orthodontic treatments under the directorship of Prof.Dr.Gabriella Galluccio. she  graduated from the department with the title of Doctor of Orthodontics in 2023. She presented many oral posters and publications in many international congresses. Büşra Bozbay is a member of the American Orthodontic Society, the Turkish Dental Association and the Italian Orthodontic Society. Her areas of interest are orthodontic treatments in childhood and adolescence, temporomandibular joint disorders, orthodontic treatments with clear aligners, orthodontic treatments with orthognathic surgeries and treatments of facial asymmetries, maintenance of impacted teeth and laser accelerated orthodontic treatments. Dr. Bozbay is fluent in Italian, English and Turkish. 

Lire la suite

Dr.Büşra Bozbay was graduated from Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry in 2017. During her education in Istanbul University, she was an observer student at the Sapienza University of Rome in 2013 and 2015, and at Malmö University, Sweden in 2015. She followed the clinical and academic developments during her visits. In 2018, she started her Master’s education in Departments of Orthodontics and Pedodontics at the Sapienza University of Rome.  Here, she completed her master’s courses on orthodontic treatments in childhood and adolescence with Dr.Lorenzo Franchi and presented her thesis in the same field. In the same year, she attended the Orthodontics and Orthognatic Surgery master program directed by Prof.Dr.Piero Cascone. In 2019, she attended the PhD exams of the Orthodontics Department of the La Sapienza University of Rome and completed her doctoral thesis on laser accelerated orthodontic treatments under the directorship of Prof.Dr.Gabriella Galluccio. she  graduated from the department with the title of Doctor of Orthodontics in 2023. She presented many oral posters and publications in many international congresses. Büşra Bozbay is a member of the American Orthodontic Society, the Turkish Dental Association and the Italian Orthodontic Society. Her areas of interest are orthodontic treatments in childhood and adolescence, temporomandibular joint disorders, orthodontic treatments with clear aligners, orthodontic treatments with orthognathic surgeries and treatments of facial asymmetries, maintenance of impacted teeth and laser accelerated orthodontic treatments. Dr. Bozbay is fluent in Italian, English and Turkish. 

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Beyza Bilal
6 années d'expérience
Turquie, Istanbul

Beyza Bilal

6 années d'expérience

Dt. Beyza Bilal graduated from Konya Selçuk University Faculty of Dentistry in 2018. Beyza Bilal, who served in a private health institution in Istanbul between 2018-2023, is among the strong staff of Private Dehadent Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic as of 2023.

Our valuable dentist, who supports her professional development with modern and innovative methods by attending many trainings, congresses and seminars in her field, closely follows digital dentistry and current treatments.

Beyza Bilal’s professional interests include smile design, lamina, inlay-onlay, zirconium-porcelain veneers, implant porcelains and prosthetic rehabilitation of complete edentulous mouths.


Lire la suite

Dt. Beyza Bilal graduated from Konya Selçuk University Faculty of Dentistry in 2018. Beyza Bilal, who served in a private health institution in Istanbul between 2018-2023, is among the strong staff of Private Dehadent Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic as of 2023.

Our valuable dentist, who supports her professional development with modern and innovative methods by attending many trainings, congresses and seminars in her field, closely follows digital dentistry and current treatments.

Beyza Bilal’s professional interests include smile design, lamina, inlay-onlay, zirconium-porcelain veneers, implant porcelains and prosthetic rehabilitation of complete edentulous mouths.


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Andriana Jakubych
5 années d'expérience
1 avis
Ukraine, Lviv
Vidnova Clinic

Andriana Jakubych

5 années d'expérience

Qualification. Dentist, orthodontist

Work experience since 2018


conducting a consultation, timely and effective diagnostics of bite pathologies and deformations of the dentoalveolar system

selection of effective treatment methods taking into account the characteristics of patients

installation of various types of braces, removable and non-removable devices

patient care counseling during orthodontic treatment

Refresher courses

January 2022 - Simulation training. Microimplants microimplants. View of an orthodontist and surgeon

February 2022 - Effective orthodontic treatment without extraction

June 2022 - Removable orthodontic appliances for children

October 2022 - Periodontal diagnostics as an integral part of a dentist's practice

March 2023 - Aligners and digital positioning of braces

April 2023 - Functional diagnostics. Analog and digital protocols

May 2023:

Pediatric Orthodontics and Gnathology for Children

All about X-ray diagnostics of the condition and pathological changes of the TMJ

Andriana about herself: sociable, I can easily find a common language with patients, I infinitely love what I do, an individual approach to each patient.

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Qualification. Dentist, orthodontist

Work experience since 2018


conducting a consultation, timely and effective diagnostics of bite pathologies and deformations of the dentoalveolar system

selection of effective treatment methods taking into account the characteristics of patients

installation of various types of braces, removable and non-removable devices

patient care counseling during orthodontic treatment

Refresher courses

January 2022 - Simulation training. Microimplants microimplants. View of an orthodontist and surgeon

February 2022 - Effective orthodontic treatment without extraction

June 2022 - Removable orthodontic appliances for children

October 2022 - Periodontal diagnostics as an integral part of a dentist's practice

March 2023 - Aligners and digital positioning of braces

April 2023 - Functional diagnostics. Analog and digital protocols

May 2023:

Pediatric Orthodontics and Gnathology for Children

All about X-ray diagnostics of the condition and pathological changes of the TMJ

Andriana about herself: sociable, I can easily find a common language with patients, I infinitely love what I do, an individual approach to each patient.

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Funda Sarikaya
8 années d'expérience
Turquie, Ankara
Funda Sarıkaya Diş Polikliniği - Dental Clinic - Oran Çankaya Ankara

Funda Sarikaya

8 années d'expérience

About Funda Sarıkaya Dental Clinic

Located in the prestigious Park Oran district of Çankaya, Ankara, Funda Sarıkaya Dental Clinic is a leading provider of advanced dental care. Under the leadership of Dr. Funda Sarıkaya, an accomplished orthodontist, we combine expertise, innovation, and personalized care to deliver exceptional results for both local and international patients.

With a strong focus on health tourism, our clinic is designed to meet the needs of foreign and domestic patients, ensuring a comfortable, reliable, and stress-free experience.

Why Choose Us?

  • Expert Care: Dr. Funda Sarıkaya and her team bring years of experience, supported by international qualifications and advanced training.
  • Cutting-Edge Technology: From digital radiography and laser dentistry to high-resolution imaging, our state-of-the-art equipment ensures precision and efficiency.
  • Comprehensive Services: We offer a full spectrum of dental treatments for all ages.
  • Patient-Centered Approach: Flexible scheduling, multilingual support, and a focus on patient comfort set us apart.
  • Hygiene & Safety: Adhering to the highest sterilization standards, we ensure a safe and clean environment.
  • Seamless Health Tourism: Travel assistance, accommodation, and translation services make us a trusted partner for international patients.

Our Services

At Funda Sarıkaya Dental Clinic, we provide a wide array of dental treatments, including:

General Dentistry

  • Comprehensive oral exams and diagnostics
  • Routine cleanings and fluoride treatments
  • Tooth-colored fillings and sealants
  • Amalgam filling removal

Cosmetic Dentistry

  • Hollywood Smile Makeovers: Customized treatments to enhance the aesthetics of your smile
  • Teeth whitening (bleaching)
  • Porcelain veneers and laminates
  • Composite bonding for a natural look
  • Zirconia crowns for durability and aesthetics


  • Traditional braces (metal and ceramic)
  • Invisalign clear aligners for discreet teeth straightening
  • Phase I orthodontic treatments for children
  • Space maintenance for early tooth loss
  • Adult orthodontics for a straighter smile at any age

Dental Implants

  • Immediate and delayed implant placement
  • Implant-supported crowns and bridges
  • Sinus lifts and guided bone regeneration (GBR)

Periodontics (Gum Treatments)

  • Scaling and root planing for gum disease management
  • Gum surgery, including flap surgery and grafts
  • Treatment for gingivitis and periodontitis

Pediatric Dentistry

  • Preventive treatments, including fluoride applications and sealants
  • Pre-orthodontic evaluations for growing children
  • Dental restorations for baby teeth

Advanced Treatments

  • Laser dentistry for minimally invasive procedures
  • One-visit dentistry for select restorations
  • Digital dentistry for precise and efficient care

Holistic Dentistry

  • A personalized approach that focuses on your overall well-being
  • Safe amalgam removal and biocompatible materials

Smile Design & Makeovers

  • Customized esthetic smile designs
  • Full smile makeovers tailored to your unique facial features

Health Tourism

As a certified health tourism provider, we offer:

  • Assistance with travel and accommodations
  • Multilingual translation services
  • Affordable, high-quality treatments with detailed pre-arrival plans

Contact Us

Let us help you achieve the smile you deserve. Book your free consultation today!

  • Website:
  • Alternate Website:

Visit Us

We are conveniently located in Park Oran, Çankaya, Ankara, easily accessible from major transportation hubs. Our flexible appointment scheduling ensures that your treatment is tailored to your availability.

At Funda Sarıkaya Dental Clinic, we are committed to providing exceptional dental care that goes beyond expectations. Let us help you achieve the smile you’ve always dreamed of while ensuring a positive and stress-free experience.

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About Funda Sarıkaya Dental Clinic

Located in the prestigious Park Oran district of Çankaya, Ankara, Funda Sarıkaya Dental Clinic is a leading provider of advanced dental care. Under the leadership of Dr. Funda Sarıkaya, an accomplished orthodontist, we combine expertise, innovation, and personalized care to deliver exceptional results for both local and international patients.

With a strong focus on health tourism, our clinic is designed to meet the needs of foreign and domestic patients, ensuring a comfortable, reliable, and stress-free experience.

Why Choose Us?

  • Expert Care: Dr. Funda Sarıkaya and her team bring years of experience, supported by international qualifications and advanced training.
  • Cutting-Edge Technology: From digital radiography and laser dentistry to high-resolution imaging, our state-of-the-art equipment ensures precision and efficiency.
  • Comprehensive Services: We offer a full spectrum of dental treatments for all ages.
  • Patient-Centered Approach: Flexible scheduling, multilingual support, and a focus on patient comfort set us apart.
  • Hygiene & Safety: Adhering to the highest sterilization standards, we ensure a safe and clean environment.
  • Seamless Health Tourism: Travel assistance, accommodation, and translation services make us a trusted partner for international patients.

Our Services

At Funda Sarıkaya Dental Clinic, we provide a wide array of dental treatments, including:

General Dentistry

  • Comprehensive oral exams and diagnostics
  • Routine cleanings and fluoride treatments
  • Tooth-colored fillings and sealants
  • Amalgam filling removal

Cosmetic Dentistry

  • Hollywood Smile Makeovers: Customized treatments to enhance the aesthetics of your smile
  • Teeth whitening (bleaching)
  • Porcelain veneers and laminates
  • Composite bonding for a natural look
  • Zirconia crowns for durability and aesthetics


  • Traditional braces (metal and ceramic)
  • Invisalign clear aligners for discreet teeth straightening
  • Phase I orthodontic treatments for children
  • Space maintenance for early tooth loss
  • Adult orthodontics for a straighter smile at any age

Dental Implants

  • Immediate and delayed implant placement
  • Implant-supported crowns and bridges
  • Sinus lifts and guided bone regeneration (GBR)

Periodontics (Gum Treatments)

  • Scaling and root planing for gum disease management
  • Gum surgery, including flap surgery and grafts
  • Treatment for gingivitis and periodontitis

Pediatric Dentistry

  • Preventive treatments, including fluoride applications and sealants
  • Pre-orthodontic evaluations for growing children
  • Dental restorations for baby teeth

Advanced Treatments

  • Laser dentistry for minimally invasive procedures
  • One-visit dentistry for select restorations
  • Digital dentistry for precise and efficient care

Holistic Dentistry

  • A personalized approach that focuses on your overall well-being
  • Safe amalgam removal and biocompatible materials

Smile Design & Makeovers

  • Customized esthetic smile designs
  • Full smile makeovers tailored to your unique facial features

Health Tourism

As a certified health tourism provider, we offer:

  • Assistance with travel and accommodations
  • Multilingual translation services
  • Affordable, high-quality treatments with detailed pre-arrival plans

Contact Us

Let us help you achieve the smile you deserve. Book your free consultation today!

  • Website:
  • Alternate Website:

Visit Us

We are conveniently located in Park Oran, Çankaya, Ankara, easily accessible from major transportation hubs. Our flexible appointment scheduling ensures that your treatment is tailored to your availability.

At Funda Sarıkaya Dental Clinic, we are committed to providing exceptional dental care that goes beyond expectations. Let us help you achieve the smile you’ve always dreamed of while ensuring a positive and stress-free experience.

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