Pediatric Rehabilitation of Children with Special Needs
Newborn Monitoring
Newborn and Childhood Vaccinations
Child Follow-up Monitoring and Development
Growth and Development Retardation
Childhood Diseases
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Pediatric Rehabilitation of Children with Special Needs
Newborn Monitoring
Newborn and Childhood Vaccinations
Child Follow-up Monitoring and Development
Growth and Development Retardation
Childhood Diseases
Inguinal (Gubic) Area Diseases (Hernia, Hydrocele, Undescended Testis)
Laparoscopic Undescended Testis Investigation
Laparoscopic Surgery in Children (Cholecystectomy, Appendectomy, Ovarian Pathologies)
Gastrointestinal System Surgery in Children
Newborn Surgery
Thoracic Surgery in Children-VATS
Childhood Tumors
Thyroid Surgery in Children
Trauma in Children
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Inguinal (Gubic) Area Diseases (Hernia, Hydrocele, Undescended Testis)
Laparoscopic Undescended Testis Investigation
Laparoscopic Surgery in Children (Cholecystectomy, Appendectomy, Ovarian Pathologies)
Gastrointestinal System Surgery in Children
Newborn Surgery
Thoracic Surgery in Children-VATS
Childhood Tumors
Thyroid Surgery in Children
Trauma in Children
Balgrist University, Zurich
Bezmialem Vakif University
Istanbul Sisli Etfal Research and Training Hospital
Hospital for Special Surgery, USA
Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine
Istanbul Sisli Hamidiye Etfal Research and Training Hospital
Kilis State Hospital
Yedikule Surp Pırgiç Armenian Hospital
Istanbul Sisli Hamidiye Etfal Research and Training Hospital
Medipol Acıbadem Hospital
Balgrist University, Zurich
Bezmialem Vakif University
Istanbul Sisli Etfal Research and Training Hospital
Hospital for Special Surgery, USA
Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine
Istanbul Sisli Hamidiye Etfal Research and Training Hospital
Kilis State Hospital
Yedikule Surp Pırgiç Armenian Hospital
Istanbul Sisli Hamidiye Etfal Research and Training Hospital
Medipol Acıbadem Hospital
Dr. Yavuz, a highly experienced and accomplished medical professional, has dedicated over 37 years to the field of healthcare management and family medicine. He graduated from the prestigious Gulhane Military Medical Academy in 1987 and began his career in 1988 as the Chief Physician at Hakkari Military Hospital, where he led medical teams and managed the hospital’s healthcare operations with excellence. Dr. Yavuz further advanced his leadership skills by completing master’s degrees in Health Management at Bahçeşehir University and Hospital Services Management at Beykent University.
Throughout his career, Dr. Yavuz has held numerous leadership positions, including Chief Physician at the Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı and KK Logistics Command, and various roles in health coordination during critical periods, such as the post-earthquake recovery in Adapazarı in 1999. His medical expertise extends across family medicine, emergency care, and healthcare management, having served as a medical director at leading health centers.
Lire la suiteDr. Yavuz, a highly experienced and accomplished medical professional, has dedicated over 37 years to the field of healthcare management and family medicine. He graduated from the prestigious Gulhane Military Medical Academy in 1987 and began his career in 1988 as the Chief Physician at Hakkari Military Hospital, where he led medical teams and managed the hospital’s healthcare operations with excellence. Dr. Yavuz further advanced his leadership skills by completing master’s degrees in Health Management at Bahçeşehir University and Hospital Services Management at Beykent University.
Throughout his career, Dr. Yavuz has held numerous leadership positions, including Chief Physician at the Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı and KK Logistics Command, and various roles in health coordination during critical periods, such as the post-earthquake recovery in Adapazarı in 1999. His medical expertise extends across family medicine, emergency care, and healthcare management, having served as a medical director at leading health centers.
Lieu et date de naissance : 08.12.1983 / ANKARA
Nationalité : TR
État civil : Il est marié et père d'un enfant.
Langue étrangère : anglais
•École primaire Hamdullah Suphi Tanrıöver/Istanbul
• Lycée anatolien Karşıyaka/Izmir
• Académie de médecine militaire Gülhane (2001 – 2007)
•Clinique d'orthopédie de l'hôpital Haydarpaşa Numune – Spécialisation (2012-2018)
Expérience professionnelle
• École de médecine Sahra de Samsun (2007-2008)
• Dispensaire de commandement logistique de la gendarmerie d'Ankara (2008-2010)
• Médecin urgentiste de l'hôpital privé Yunus Emre d'Üsküdar (2010-2012)
•Clinique d'orthopédie de l'hôpital Haydarpaşa Numune (2012-2018)
•Hôpital d'État Şanlıurfa Suruç (2018-2019)
• Spécialiste orthopédique du Np Istanbul Brain Hospital – Spécialiste de la branche chirurgicale Médical
Directeur adjoint (2019- décembre 2020)
Hôpital universitaire Medipol Pendik (2020 -)
Membre d'organismes scientifiques
• Chambre des médecins
• Association turque d'orthopédie et de traumatologie
• Association turque de l'industrie et des entreprises
• Association de chirurgie robotique du genou
Études scientifiques
• Prévalence du syndrome métabolique et fréquence des facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire chez les enfants obèses M.Emre Taşcılar , Bülent Hacıhamdioğlu , Mehmet Soyarslan, Ayhan Abacı
(Journal médical Gülhane 2010 ;52 : 32-35)
• Détermination du centre de rotation de la hanche à partir de repères sur la radiographie pelvienne Hasan Bombacı, Bestami Şimşek, Mehmet Soyarslan Murat Yıldırım (Acta orthopaedica et traumatologica turcica 51(6) octobre 2017)
• Syndrome des loges secondaire à la rupture du kyste de Baker : à propos d'un cas et revue actualisée Serkan Erkuş, Mehmet Soyarslan, Özkan Köse, Önder Kalenderer
(International Journal of Critical Illness and Injury Science 9(2):82 avril 2019)
• Incidence de Cutibacterium Acnes (anciennement Propionibacterium Acnes) dans l'arthroscopie de l'épaule et corrélation avec l'état clinique Mehmet Soyarslan, Mehmet Kerem Canbora, Özkan Köse (HNH Medical Journal janvier 202
• 25. Congrès national d'orthopédie et de traumatologie (2015)
1) Comparaison de la chirurgie ouverte et fermée dans les fractures pédiatriques de l'humérus supracondylien (Poster)
2) Qu’est-ce qui affecte le plus le résultat clinique des fractures ouvertes du tibia ?
Est-ce le type de traitement choisi ou l’étendue des dégâts ? (Affiche)
3) L’épicondylite latérale affecte-t-elle la force de préhension ? (Déclaration orale)
• 26. Congrès national d'orthopédie et de traumatologie (2016)
1) Détection du centre de rotation de la hanche dans la radiographie du bassin d'individus turcs adultes (Poster)
• Hasan Bombaci*, Bestami Simsek, Mehmet Soyarslan, Mustafa Murat Yildirim, Détermination
du centre de rotation de la hanche à partir des repères radiographiques pelviens, Acta Orthopaedica et
Traumatologica Turcica, Disponible en ligne le 10 octobre 2017, doi :
• 38. Congrès mondial SICOT (Le Cap/Afrique du Sud 2017)
1) P.acnes Insidence dans l'arthroscopie de l'épaule et corrélation avec les résultats cliniques
• 27. Congrès national d'orthopédie et de traumatologie (2017)
1) Incidence de « Propionibacterium acids » et réflexions cliniques dans les cultures de tissus prélevées lors d'une arthroscopie de l'épaule
(Déclaration orale)
• 28. Congrès SECEC-ESSE (Genève/Suisse 2018)
1) P.acnes Insidence dans l'arthroscopie de l'épaule et corrélation avec les résultats cliniques
(Déclaration orale)
• 28. Congrès national d'orthopédie et de traumatologie (2018)
1) La flexion de la hanche est-elle efficace sur les paramètres respiratoires et hémodynamiques des patients ayant bénéficié d'une arthroscopie de l'épaule en position assise ? (Déclaration orale)
2) Nos applications conventionnelles de plaques de titane et de plaques PEEK dans les fractures multipartites de l'extrémité supérieure de l'humérus chez des patients âgés de 55 à 70 ans traités par chirurgie : existe-t-il une différence radiologique et clinique ? (Déclaration orale)
• 10. Congrès de chirurgie de l'épaule et du coude (2018)
1) Incidence de « P.acnes » et résultats cliniques en arthroscopie de l'épaule : nos applications conventionnelles de plaques de titane et de plaques PEEK dans les fractures multipartites de l'extrémité supérieure de l'humérus chez des patients âgés de 55 à 70 ans traités par articulation glénohumérale et chirurgie : existe-t-il un effet radiologique et différence clinique ? (Déclaration orale)
2) Évaluation de la valeur diagnostique de la grille de douleur dans les pathologies de l'épaule chez les patients subissant une chirurgie arthroscopique (Poster)
• 1. Congrès de l'Association de chirurgie numérique de l'épaule et du coude (2020)
1) L'ampleur de la perte osseuse et le nombre d'ancrages sont-ils efficaces dans les résultats cliniques et l'échec après réparation arthroscopique de Bankart des luxations récurrentes de l'épaule ?
(Déclaration orale)
2) Migration des broches K dans le canal rachidien après chirurgie de luxation acromio-claviculaire : Cas
Présentation (Affiche)
VI- Cours
• Cours de formation de formateur en médecine d'urgence (2007)
• Cours PEV DDH (Dysplasie développementale de la hanche et Pes Echinovarus) (2016)
• Cours de base en arthroscopie (2016)
• École des sciences fondamentales du Conseil turc d'enseignement de l'orthopédie et de la traumatologie (2016)
• Cours sur les fractures du tibia de l'Université Acıbadem (2017)
• Cours de base sur les tumeurs des os et des tissus mous (2017)
• Arthroscopie de l'articulation du genou et du pied - Applications d'interventions chirurgicales de la cheville Cours sur les cadavres (2017)
• Cours avancé sur les blessures causées par les sports périphériques du genou de l'Université Acıbadem (2018)
• Cours LIMA Corporate sur la chirurgie de l'épaule sur les cadavres, Vérone/Italie (2018)
• Cours sur les cadavres d'arthroscopie de la cheville de l'Université de Gazi (2019)
• Cours sur les cadavres d'arthroscopie du genou de l'Université d'Antalya (2019)
• Cours sur les cadavres d'arthroscopie de la cheville de l'Université d'Antalya (2019)
• Cours de base en microchirurgie – Ankara (2019)
• Cours sur les cadavres d'arthroscopie du poignet de l'Université d'Antalya (2019)
Lire la suiteLieu et date de naissance : 08.12.1983 / ANKARA
Nationalité : TR
État civil : Il est marié et père d'un enfant.
Langue étrangère : anglais
•École primaire Hamdullah Suphi Tanrıöver/Istanbul
• Lycée anatolien Karşıyaka/Izmir
• Académie de médecine militaire Gülhane (2001 – 2007)
•Clinique d'orthopédie de l'hôpital Haydarpaşa Numune – Spécialisation (2012-2018)
Expérience professionnelle
• École de médecine Sahra de Samsun (2007-2008)
• Dispensaire de commandement logistique de la gendarmerie d'Ankara (2008-2010)
• Médecin urgentiste de l'hôpital privé Yunus Emre d'Üsküdar (2010-2012)
•Clinique d'orthopédie de l'hôpital Haydarpaşa Numune (2012-2018)
•Hôpital d'État Şanlıurfa Suruç (2018-2019)
• Spécialiste orthopédique du Np Istanbul Brain Hospital – Spécialiste de la branche chirurgicale Médical
Directeur adjoint (2019- décembre 2020)
Hôpital universitaire Medipol Pendik (2020 -)
Membre d'organismes scientifiques
• Chambre des médecins
• Association turque d'orthopédie et de traumatologie
• Association turque de l'industrie et des entreprises
• Association de chirurgie robotique du genou
Études scientifiques
• Prévalence du syndrome métabolique et fréquence des facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire chez les enfants obèses M.Emre Taşcılar , Bülent Hacıhamdioğlu , Mehmet Soyarslan, Ayhan Abacı
(Journal médical Gülhane 2010 ;52 : 32-35)
• Détermination du centre de rotation de la hanche à partir de repères sur la radiographie pelvienne Hasan Bombacı, Bestami Şimşek, Mehmet Soyarslan Murat Yıldırım (Acta orthopaedica et traumatologica turcica 51(6) octobre 2017)
• Syndrome des loges secondaire à la rupture du kyste de Baker : à propos d'un cas et revue actualisée Serkan Erkuş, Mehmet Soyarslan, Özkan Köse, Önder Kalenderer
(International Journal of Critical Illness and Injury Science 9(2):82 avril 2019)
• Incidence de Cutibacterium Acnes (anciennement Propionibacterium Acnes) dans l'arthroscopie de l'épaule et corrélation avec l'état clinique Mehmet Soyarslan, Mehmet Kerem Canbora, Özkan Köse (HNH Medical Journal janvier 202
• 25. Congrès national d'orthopédie et de traumatologie (2015)
1) Comparaison de la chirurgie ouverte et fermée dans les fractures pédiatriques de l'humérus supracondylien (Poster)
2) Qu’est-ce qui affecte le plus le résultat clinique des fractures ouvertes du tibia ?
Est-ce le type de traitement choisi ou l’étendue des dégâts ? (Affiche)
3) L’épicondylite latérale affecte-t-elle la force de préhension ? (Déclaration orale)
• 26. Congrès national d'orthopédie et de traumatologie (2016)
1) Détection du centre de rotation de la hanche dans la radiographie du bassin d'individus turcs adultes (Poster)
• Hasan Bombaci*, Bestami Simsek, Mehmet Soyarslan, Mustafa Murat Yildirim, Détermination
du centre de rotation de la hanche à partir des repères radiographiques pelviens, Acta Orthopaedica et
Traumatologica Turcica, Disponible en ligne le 10 octobre 2017, doi :
• 38. Congrès mondial SICOT (Le Cap/Afrique du Sud 2017)
1) P.acnes Insidence dans l'arthroscopie de l'épaule et corrélation avec les résultats cliniques
• 27. Congrès national d'orthopédie et de traumatologie (2017)
1) Incidence de « Propionibacterium acids » et réflexions cliniques dans les cultures de tissus prélevées lors d'une arthroscopie de l'épaule
(Déclaration orale)
• 28. Congrès SECEC-ESSE (Genève/Suisse 2018)
1) P.acnes Insidence dans l'arthroscopie de l'épaule et corrélation avec les résultats cliniques
(Déclaration orale)
• 28. Congrès national d'orthopédie et de traumatologie (2018)
1) La flexion de la hanche est-elle efficace sur les paramètres respiratoires et hémodynamiques des patients ayant bénéficié d'une arthroscopie de l'épaule en position assise ? (Déclaration orale)
2) Nos applications conventionnelles de plaques de titane et de plaques PEEK dans les fractures multipartites de l'extrémité supérieure de l'humérus chez des patients âgés de 55 à 70 ans traités par chirurgie : existe-t-il une différence radiologique et clinique ? (Déclaration orale)
• 10. Congrès de chirurgie de l'épaule et du coude (2018)
1) Incidence de « P.acnes » et résultats cliniques en arthroscopie de l'épaule : nos applications conventionnelles de plaques de titane et de plaques PEEK dans les fractures multipartites de l'extrémité supérieure de l'humérus chez des patients âgés de 55 à 70 ans traités par articulation glénohumérale et chirurgie : existe-t-il un effet radiologique et différence clinique ? (Déclaration orale)
2) Évaluation de la valeur diagnostique de la grille de douleur dans les pathologies de l'épaule chez les patients subissant une chirurgie arthroscopique (Poster)
• 1. Congrès de l'Association de chirurgie numérique de l'épaule et du coude (2020)
1) L'ampleur de la perte osseuse et le nombre d'ancrages sont-ils efficaces dans les résultats cliniques et l'échec après réparation arthroscopique de Bankart des luxations récurrentes de l'épaule ?
(Déclaration orale)
2) Migration des broches K dans le canal rachidien après chirurgie de luxation acromio-claviculaire : Cas
Présentation (Affiche)
VI- Cours
• Cours de formation de formateur en médecine d'urgence (2007)
• Cours PEV DDH (Dysplasie développementale de la hanche et Pes Echinovarus) (2016)
• Cours de base en arthroscopie (2016)
• École des sciences fondamentales du Conseil turc d'enseignement de l'orthopédie et de la traumatologie (2016)
• Cours sur les fractures du tibia de l'Université Acıbadem (2017)
• Cours de base sur les tumeurs des os et des tissus mous (2017)
• Arthroscopie de l'articulation du genou et du pied - Applications d'interventions chirurgicales de la cheville Cours sur les cadavres (2017)
• Cours avancé sur les blessures causées par les sports périphériques du genou de l'Université Acıbadem (2018)
• Cours LIMA Corporate sur la chirurgie de l'épaule sur les cadavres, Vérone/Italie (2018)
• Cours sur les cadavres d'arthroscopie de la cheville de l'Université de Gazi (2019)
• Cours sur les cadavres d'arthroscopie du genou de l'Université d'Antalya (2019)
• Cours sur les cadavres d'arthroscopie de la cheville de l'Université d'Antalya (2019)
• Cours de base en microchirurgie – Ankara (2019)
• Cours sur les cadavres d'arthroscopie du poignet de l'Université d'Antalya (2019)
Dr. Alireza Soltanzadeh, born in Iran in 1969, is an esteemed anesthesiology and reanimation specialist with over 25 years of experience in critical care, cardiac anesthesia, and algology. After graduating from Urmia University of Medical Sciences in 1995, he quickly specialized in anesthesiology and critical care, beginning his practice abroad in 1998. Furthering his expertise, he completed a fellowship in cardiac anesthesia at Istanbul’s Çapa Medical Faculty and the Siyami Ersek Cardiovascular Center in 2006 and trained in pain management (algology) in 2013. His extensive knowledge in these fields makes him a vital asset to the medical community.
Dr. Soltanzadeh has held pivotal roles throughout his career, including a five-year tenure as Chief Physician at a state hospital in Iran. He has enriched his medical education by completing specialized courses in Germany and continues to be an active member of numerous international anesthesiology and medical societies. Since 2018, he has practiced in Istanbul, contributing his expertise to the private sector and currently serves in the Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation at Istanbul Okan University Hospital.
Fluent in multiple languages, including English, Farsi, Turkish, Azeri, Kurdish, German, and Arabic, Dr. Soltanzadeh’s professional interests extend to ozone therapy, digital medical device innovation, and enhanced patient safety during anesthesia. His research contributions are recognized internationally, with numerous publications and presentations at renowned anesthesia and pain management congresses worldwide. Dr. Soltanzadeh remains committed to advancing medical standards in his field and continuously expanding his clinical and research expertise.
Lire la suiteDr. Alireza Soltanzadeh, born in Iran in 1969, is an esteemed anesthesiology and reanimation specialist with over 25 years of experience in critical care, cardiac anesthesia, and algology. After graduating from Urmia University of Medical Sciences in 1995, he quickly specialized in anesthesiology and critical care, beginning his practice abroad in 1998. Furthering his expertise, he completed a fellowship in cardiac anesthesia at Istanbul’s Çapa Medical Faculty and the Siyami Ersek Cardiovascular Center in 2006 and trained in pain management (algology) in 2013. His extensive knowledge in these fields makes him a vital asset to the medical community.
Dr. Soltanzadeh has held pivotal roles throughout his career, including a five-year tenure as Chief Physician at a state hospital in Iran. He has enriched his medical education by completing specialized courses in Germany and continues to be an active member of numerous international anesthesiology and medical societies. Since 2018, he has practiced in Istanbul, contributing his expertise to the private sector and currently serves in the Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation at Istanbul Okan University Hospital.
Fluent in multiple languages, including English, Farsi, Turkish, Azeri, Kurdish, German, and Arabic, Dr. Soltanzadeh’s professional interests extend to ozone therapy, digital medical device innovation, and enhanced patient safety during anesthesia. His research contributions are recognized internationally, with numerous publications and presentations at renowned anesthesia and pain management congresses worldwide. Dr. Soltanzadeh remains committed to advancing medical standards in his field and continuously expanding his clinical and research expertise.
Ass. Prof. Dr. Nihat Mustafayev began his professional career by receiving his medical doctorate after a six-year disciplined education at Turgut Ozal University Faculty of Medicine. After completing his neurology specialization at Istanbul Bezmialem University, he conducted studies on neuromodulation and ultrasonography-guided botulinum toxin applications.
He completed a fellowship at the Department of Algology at UCLA University in the USA, worked at the Austrian American Association, gave speeches internationally, and edited the book “Practical Approaches to Medical Aesthetics.” He also further developed his knowledge by working at the Movement Disorder Clinic at AKH Hospital in Vienna, Austria.
He is also a member of prestigious organizations that reinforce his reputation in his field of expertise. He is an active member of important associations such as the International Headache Society and the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS). He is also a member of prestigious organizations such as the Turkish Neurological Association, the European Academy of Neurology and the International Headache Society
Lire la suiteAss. Prof. Dr. Nihat Mustafayev began his professional career by receiving his medical doctorate after a six-year disciplined education at Turgut Ozal University Faculty of Medicine. After completing his neurology specialization at Istanbul Bezmialem University, he conducted studies on neuromodulation and ultrasonography-guided botulinum toxin applications.
He completed a fellowship at the Department of Algology at UCLA University in the USA, worked at the Austrian American Association, gave speeches internationally, and edited the book “Practical Approaches to Medical Aesthetics.” He also further developed his knowledge by working at the Movement Disorder Clinic at AKH Hospital in Vienna, Austria.
He is also a member of prestigious organizations that reinforce his reputation in his field of expertise. He is an active member of important associations such as the International Headache Society and the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS). He is also a member of prestigious organizations such as the Turkish Neurological Association, the European Academy of Neurology and the International Headache Society
• Société turque d'orthopédie et de traumatologie, branche de chirurgie de la main
• Société turque d'orthopédie et de traumatologie, branche de chirurgie de la colonne vertébrale
• Société turque d'orthopédie et de traumatologie, branche des blessures sportives
• Société turque d'orthopédie et de traumatologie, branche d'orthopédie pédiatrique
Assoc. Le professeur Erkam KÖMÜRCÜ, MD est professeur agrégé d'orthopédie et de traumatologie, avec une expérience dans l'enseignement et les tâches administratives. Il est titulaire d'un certificat BOARD de la Société turque d'orthopédie et de traumatologie – Conseil de formation (TOTEK) de 2010 et d'un titre de professeur agrégé d'avril 2015. Le Dr Kömürcü possède une vaste expérience en orthopédie et traumatologie, en blessures de la main et des membres supérieurs, en fractures et en luxations. du membre inférieur, évaluation radiologique des tumeurs musculo-squelettiques, des dysplasies interventionnelles de la hanche, des tumeurs musculo-squelettiques bénignes et malignes, des fractures vertébrales, des lombalgies et des fractures du bassin.
Lire la suitech
• Société turque d'orthopédie et de traumatologie, branche de chirurgie de la main
• Société turque d'orthopédie et de traumatologie, branche de chirurgie de la colonne vertébrale
• Société turque d'orthopédie et de traumatologie, branche des blessures sportives
• Société turque d'orthopédie et de traumatologie, branche d'orthopédie pédiatrique
Assoc. Le professeur Erkam KÖMÜRCÜ, MD est professeur agrégé d'orthopédie et de traumatologie, avec une expérience dans l'enseignement et les tâches administratives. Il est titulaire d'un certificat BOARD de la Société turque d'orthopédie et de traumatologie – Conseil de formation (TOTEK) de 2010 et d'un titre de professeur agrégé d'avril 2015. Le Dr Kömürcü possède une vaste expérience en orthopédie et traumatologie, en blessures de la main et des membres supérieurs, en fractures et en luxations. du membre inférieur, évaluation radiologique des tumeurs musculo-squelettiques, des dysplasies interventionnelles de la hanche, des tumeurs musculo-squelettiques bénignes et malignes, des fractures vertébrales, des lombalgies et des fractures du bassin.
Visite du médecin | prix sur demande |
Thérapie par cellules souches | $10000 - $30000 |
Ahmet Cetinbas, Medical Doctor
Dr. Ahmet Cetinbas is a dedicated physician with a solid background in plastic surgery. With over 15 years of medical experience, Dr. Ahmet Cetinbas has successfully provided comprehensive care to patients and demonstrated a commitment to advancing medical practice through evidence-based approaches.
Dr. Ahmet Cetinbas's journey in medicine began with the successful completion of his Doctor of Medicine degree in 2007 from Gazi University, Faculty of Medicine. His academic excellence and hands-on clinical experience, particularly in plastic surgery, set a strong foundation for his future in the field.
Professional Experience
Throughout their career, Dr. Ahmet Cetinbas has contributed to medicine through their work at Firat University Plastic Surgery Clinic, where they served as a Research Associate from 2010 to 2015, at Kilis State Hospital, where they served as a Plastic Surgery Specialist from 2015 to 2019, and at Baskent University's Alanya Research and Application Hospital, where they served as a Plastic Surgery Specialist from 2019 to 2022. Here, they honed their diagnostic skills and built a reputation for providing empathetic, high-quality care to patients with different needs. Their responsibilities included conducting patient consultations, developing individualized treatment plans, etc.
Lire la suiteAhmet Cetinbas, Medical Doctor
Dr. Ahmet Cetinbas is a dedicated physician with a solid background in plastic surgery. With over 15 years of medical experience, Dr. Ahmet Cetinbas has successfully provided comprehensive care to patients and demonstrated a commitment to advancing medical practice through evidence-based approaches.
Dr. Ahmet Cetinbas's journey in medicine began with the successful completion of his Doctor of Medicine degree in 2007 from Gazi University, Faculty of Medicine. His academic excellence and hands-on clinical experience, particularly in plastic surgery, set a strong foundation for his future in the field.
Professional Experience
Throughout their career, Dr. Ahmet Cetinbas has contributed to medicine through their work at Firat University Plastic Surgery Clinic, where they served as a Research Associate from 2010 to 2015, at Kilis State Hospital, where they served as a Plastic Surgery Specialist from 2015 to 2019, and at Baskent University's Alanya Research and Application Hospital, where they served as a Plastic Surgery Specialist from 2019 to 2022. Here, they honed their diagnostic skills and built a reputation for providing empathetic, high-quality care to patients with different needs. Their responsibilities included conducting patient consultations, developing individualized treatment plans, etc.
1987-1988 100th year Mehmetçik Primary School, Denizli
1988-1990 İcadiye Primary School, Istanbul
1990-1991 Mustafa Aykın Primary School, Istanbul
1991-1994 Kadıköy Mehmed Bayazid High School, Istanbul (first place: 4.98/5.00 GPA)
1994-1998 Tarabya Private Yeni Yıldız College English (full scholarship), Istanbul (first place: 5.00/5.00 GPA)
1998-2004 Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine
2005-2010 Ministry of Health Istanbul Training and Research Hospital 2nd Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic
Profession Experience
January 2004 - May 2005 Private Health Insurance Officer, Başak Insurance Provision Center (KUNART Medical Assistance), Istanbul Headquarters
November 2005- May 2011 Ministry of Health Istanbul Training and Research Hospital 2nd Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic, Assistant Training
May 2011- May 2012 Ministry of Health Khorasan State Hospital, Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic, Specialist Doctor, Hospital Quality Director, Operating Room Specialist, Blood Unit Responsible Specialist
June 2012-November 2012 Medibaşarı Medical Center, Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist
November 2012 - August 2016 Bahçelievler Medical Park Hospital (Old Kemerburgaz University - new Altınbaş University) Assistant Professor - Faculty Member
August 2016-April 2018 Şişli Kolan International Hospital Orthopedics and Traumatology
April 2018 - Practice (Founder of Sportoteam Athlete and Spine Health Center)
Articles Published in National Refereed Journals
01 Lenke type 3 adolescent idiopathic with segmental posterior instrumentation
Coronal and sagittal evaluation in scoliosis
Tahir Mutlu Duymuş, Onat Üzümcügil, Merter Yalçınkaya, Yusuf Öztürkmen, Hilmi Karadeniz, Mustafa Caniklioğlu
The Journal of Turkish Spinal Surgery, 2011; 22(4): 233–244
Oral Papers Presented at International Congresses
01 Stability results of hamstring anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with Endobutton femoral fixation
Yusuf Öztürkmen, Mahmut Karamehmetoğlu, AliVolkan Özlük, Yener İnce, İbrahim Azboy, Hilmi Karadeniz
9th Turkish sports traumatology arthroscopy and knee surgery congress 2008, Istanbul, Turkey
02 Evaluation of intraoperative complications during arthroscopic ACL reconstruction
Murat Mert, Ali Volkan Özlük, İlhan Açıkgöz, Hilmi Karadeniz, Mustafa Caniklioğlu, Yunus Atıcı, Yener İnce, Erhan Şükür
9th Turkish sports traumatology arthroscopy and knee surgery congress 2008, Istanbul, Turkey
03 Posterior thoracic selective fusion in Lenke type 1 adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
Yunus Atıcı, Onat Üzümcügil, Özgür Çetinkaya, Merter Yalçınkaya, Gaddafi Duymuş, Hilmi Karadeniz, Murat Mert, Mustafa Caniklioğlu
9th International Turkish Spine Congress, April 27–30, 2011, Istanbul, Turkey
Oral Papers Presented at National Congresses
01. Total knee arthroplasty in gonarthroses with advanced varus and valgus deformities
Mustafa Caniklioğlu, Mahmut Karamehmetoğlu, Yusuf Öztürkmen, İbrahim Azboy, Hilmi Karadeniz
XX. National Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress 2007, Ankara
02. Treatment of acromiocalvicular dislocations with open reduction and K-wire fixation
Murat Mert, Mustafa Caniklioğlu, İlhan Açıkgöz, Hilmi Karadeniz, Yunus Atıcı, Gürdal Nursan
5th Turkish Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Congress, March 2008, Adana
03. Treatment of proximal humerus fractures with percutaneous nailing
Murat Mert, Mustafa Caniklioğlu, Ali Volkan Özlük, Yunus Atıcı, Hilmi Karadeniz, Yener İnce
5th Turkish Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Congress, March 2008, Adana
04. Calcium phosphate bone cement applications to subchondral bone defects occurring in the surgical treatment of tibial plateau fractures
Yusuf Öztürkmen, Mahmut Karamehmetoğlu, Erhan Şükür, Hilmi Karadeniz, Gaddafi Duymuş, Mustafa Caniklioğlu
XXI. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, 3–8 November, 2009, Çeşme, İzmir.
05. Comparison of the clinical results of the Bosworth technique and the bracing method after open reduction in the surgical treatment of type III acromioclavicular dislocations
Onat Üzümcügil, Murat Mert, Erhan Dalyaman, Merter Yalçınkaya, Hilmi Karadeniz, İ.Erhan Mumcuoğlu, Mustafa Caniklioğlu
XXI. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, 3–8 November, 2009, Çeşme, İzmir.
06. The relationship between aseptic pseudoarthrosis developing after posterior thoracolumbar instrumentation in scoliosis and the number of vertebrae participating in fusion
Hilmi Karadeniz, Onat Üzümcügil, Mustafa Caniklioğlu, Tahir Mutlu Duymuş, Yunus Atıcı, Yener İnce
Orthopedics and Traumatology Istanbul Meeting 2011, 4-7 May 2011, Istanbul
07. The effect of brace use on clinical results after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Onat Üzümcügil, Engin Çarkçı, Hilmi Karadeniz, Merter Yalçınkaya, Yusuf Öztürkmen
11th Turkish Sports Injuries, Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, 2-6 October 2012, Ankara
Posters Presented at International Congresses
01 Surgical treatment and results of acetabulum fracture dislocations
Murat Mert, Ali Volkan Özlük, Mustafa Caniklioğlu, Yunus Atıcı, Hilmi Karadeniz, Yener İnce, Gaddafi Duymuş, Gürdal Nursan
9th Turkish sports traumatology arthroscopy and knee surgery congress 2008, Istanbul, Turkey
02 Coronal and sagittal balance in Lenke type 3 adolescent idiopathic scoliosis with posterior fusion
Gaddafi Duymuş, Merter Yalçınkaya, Onat Üzümcügil, Yunus Atıcı, Özgür Çetinkaya, Hilmi Karadeniz, Mustafa Caniklioğlu
9th International Turkish Spine Congress, April 27–30, 2011, Istanbul, Turkey
Posters Presented at National Congresses
01 Plate application in the treatment of combined fractures of collum femoris and greater trochanter
Murat Mert, Ali Volkan Özlük, Hilmi Karadeniz, İlhan Açıkgöz, Yunus Atıcı, Mustafa Caniklioğlu
XXI. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, 3–8 November, 2009, Çeşme, İzmir.
02 Treatment of periprosthetic supracondular femur fractures occurring after total knee prostheses
Yusuf Öztürkmen, Mahmut Karamehmetoğlu, Mustafa Caniklioğlu, Erhan Şükür, Gürdal Nursan, Hilmi Karadeniz
XXI. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, 3–8 November, 2009, Çeşme, İzmir.
03 Evaluation of feet undergoing triple arthrodesis
Yusuf Öztürkmen, Mahmut Karamehmetoğlu, Erhan Şükür, Ali Volkan Özlük, Hilmi Karadeniz, Mustafa Caniklioğlu
XXI. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, 3–8 November, 2009, Çeşme, İzmir.
International Courses
01. XIII. Ilizarov Course “basic”, 2009, Çukurova University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Adana
02. Scientific Study Planning and Presentation Techniques Course, 13-15 March, 2009
Lire la suiteEducation
1987-1988 100th year Mehmetçik Primary School, Denizli
1988-1990 İcadiye Primary School, Istanbul
1990-1991 Mustafa Aykın Primary School, Istanbul
1991-1994 Kadıköy Mehmed Bayazid High School, Istanbul (first place: 4.98/5.00 GPA)
1994-1998 Tarabya Private Yeni Yıldız College English (full scholarship), Istanbul (first place: 5.00/5.00 GPA)
1998-2004 Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine
2005-2010 Ministry of Health Istanbul Training and Research Hospital 2nd Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic
Profession Experience
January 2004 - May 2005 Private Health Insurance Officer, Başak Insurance Provision Center (KUNART Medical Assistance), Istanbul Headquarters
November 2005- May 2011 Ministry of Health Istanbul Training and Research Hospital 2nd Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic, Assistant Training
May 2011- May 2012 Ministry of Health Khorasan State Hospital, Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic, Specialist Doctor, Hospital Quality Director, Operating Room Specialist, Blood Unit Responsible Specialist
June 2012-November 2012 Medibaşarı Medical Center, Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist
November 2012 - August 2016 Bahçelievler Medical Park Hospital (Old Kemerburgaz University - new Altınbaş University) Assistant Professor - Faculty Member
August 2016-April 2018 Şişli Kolan International Hospital Orthopedics and Traumatology
April 2018 - Practice (Founder of Sportoteam Athlete and Spine Health Center)
Articles Published in National Refereed Journals
01 Lenke type 3 adolescent idiopathic with segmental posterior instrumentation
Coronal and sagittal evaluation in scoliosis
Tahir Mutlu Duymuş, Onat Üzümcügil, Merter Yalçınkaya, Yusuf Öztürkmen, Hilmi Karadeniz, Mustafa Caniklioğlu
The Journal of Turkish Spinal Surgery, 2011; 22(4): 233–244
Oral Papers Presented at International Congresses
01 Stability results of hamstring anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with Endobutton femoral fixation
Yusuf Öztürkmen, Mahmut Karamehmetoğlu, AliVolkan Özlük, Yener İnce, İbrahim Azboy, Hilmi Karadeniz
9th Turkish sports traumatology arthroscopy and knee surgery congress 2008, Istanbul, Turkey
02 Evaluation of intraoperative complications during arthroscopic ACL reconstruction
Murat Mert, Ali Volkan Özlük, İlhan Açıkgöz, Hilmi Karadeniz, Mustafa Caniklioğlu, Yunus Atıcı, Yener İnce, Erhan Şükür
9th Turkish sports traumatology arthroscopy and knee surgery congress 2008, Istanbul, Turkey
03 Posterior thoracic selective fusion in Lenke type 1 adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
Yunus Atıcı, Onat Üzümcügil, Özgür Çetinkaya, Merter Yalçınkaya, Gaddafi Duymuş, Hilmi Karadeniz, Murat Mert, Mustafa Caniklioğlu
9th International Turkish Spine Congress, April 27–30, 2011, Istanbul, Turkey
Oral Papers Presented at National Congresses
01. Total knee arthroplasty in gonarthroses with advanced varus and valgus deformities
Mustafa Caniklioğlu, Mahmut Karamehmetoğlu, Yusuf Öztürkmen, İbrahim Azboy, Hilmi Karadeniz
XX. National Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress 2007, Ankara
02. Treatment of acromiocalvicular dislocations with open reduction and K-wire fixation
Murat Mert, Mustafa Caniklioğlu, İlhan Açıkgöz, Hilmi Karadeniz, Yunus Atıcı, Gürdal Nursan
5th Turkish Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Congress, March 2008, Adana
03. Treatment of proximal humerus fractures with percutaneous nailing
Murat Mert, Mustafa Caniklioğlu, Ali Volkan Özlük, Yunus Atıcı, Hilmi Karadeniz, Yener İnce
5th Turkish Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Congress, March 2008, Adana
04. Calcium phosphate bone cement applications to subchondral bone defects occurring in the surgical treatment of tibial plateau fractures
Yusuf Öztürkmen, Mahmut Karamehmetoğlu, Erhan Şükür, Hilmi Karadeniz, Gaddafi Duymuş, Mustafa Caniklioğlu
XXI. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, 3–8 November, 2009, Çeşme, İzmir.
05. Comparison of the clinical results of the Bosworth technique and the bracing method after open reduction in the surgical treatment of type III acromioclavicular dislocations
Onat Üzümcügil, Murat Mert, Erhan Dalyaman, Merter Yalçınkaya, Hilmi Karadeniz, İ.Erhan Mumcuoğlu, Mustafa Caniklioğlu
XXI. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, 3–8 November, 2009, Çeşme, İzmir.
06. The relationship between aseptic pseudoarthrosis developing after posterior thoracolumbar instrumentation in scoliosis and the number of vertebrae participating in fusion
Hilmi Karadeniz, Onat Üzümcügil, Mustafa Caniklioğlu, Tahir Mutlu Duymuş, Yunus Atıcı, Yener İnce
Orthopedics and Traumatology Istanbul Meeting 2011, 4-7 May 2011, Istanbul
07. The effect of brace use on clinical results after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Onat Üzümcügil, Engin Çarkçı, Hilmi Karadeniz, Merter Yalçınkaya, Yusuf Öztürkmen
11th Turkish Sports Injuries, Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, 2-6 October 2012, Ankara
Posters Presented at International Congresses
01 Surgical treatment and results of acetabulum fracture dislocations
Murat Mert, Ali Volkan Özlük, Mustafa Caniklioğlu, Yunus Atıcı, Hilmi Karadeniz, Yener İnce, Gaddafi Duymuş, Gürdal Nursan
9th Turkish sports traumatology arthroscopy and knee surgery congress 2008, Istanbul, Turkey
02 Coronal and sagittal balance in Lenke type 3 adolescent idiopathic scoliosis with posterior fusion
Gaddafi Duymuş, Merter Yalçınkaya, Onat Üzümcügil, Yunus Atıcı, Özgür Çetinkaya, Hilmi Karadeniz, Mustafa Caniklioğlu
9th International Turkish Spine Congress, April 27–30, 2011, Istanbul, Turkey
Posters Presented at National Congresses
01 Plate application in the treatment of combined fractures of collum femoris and greater trochanter
Murat Mert, Ali Volkan Özlük, Hilmi Karadeniz, İlhan Açıkgöz, Yunus Atıcı, Mustafa Caniklioğlu
XXI. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, 3–8 November, 2009, Çeşme, İzmir.
02 Treatment of periprosthetic supracondular femur fractures occurring after total knee prostheses
Yusuf Öztürkmen, Mahmut Karamehmetoğlu, Mustafa Caniklioğlu, Erhan Şükür, Gürdal Nursan, Hilmi Karadeniz
XXI. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, 3–8 November, 2009, Çeşme, İzmir.
03 Evaluation of feet undergoing triple arthrodesis
Yusuf Öztürkmen, Mahmut Karamehmetoğlu, Erhan Şükür, Ali Volkan Özlük, Hilmi Karadeniz, Mustafa Caniklioğlu
XXI. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, 3–8 November, 2009, Çeşme, İzmir.
International Courses
01. XIII. Ilizarov Course “basic”, 2009, Çukurova University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Adana
02. Scientific Study Planning and Presentation Techniques Course, 13-15 March, 2009
Field of Speciality: Urology
Date of Birth: 1980
School of Medicine: Istanbul University School of Medicine
Graduate Medical Education: University of Health Sciences Taksim Training & Research Hospital
Fellowship: Urological Oncology and Laparoscopic Urology Department of Urology SLK Kliniken Heilbronn University of Heidelberg, Germany
Foreign Language: English
Field of Speciality: Urology
Date of Birth: 1980
School of Medicine: Istanbul University School of Medicine
Graduate Medical Education: University of Health Sciences Taksim Training & Research Hospital
Fellowship: Urological Oncology and Laparoscopic Urology Department of Urology SLK Kliniken Heilbronn University of Heidelberg, Germany
Foreign Language: English
Surgeon Ekrem Keskin was born in 1986 in Istanbul. He completed his education at Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine in 2010, and was awarded the title of Medical Doctor. During his residency training he was instructed in nose, facial and breast aesthetics under the supervision of James Zins, MD and Raffi Gurunluoglu, MD, at Cleveland Clinic Plastic and Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Department, Cleveland, OHIO-USA in 2016. After 5 years of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery training, he completed his specialization and became a Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery Specialist.
Lire la suiteSurgeon Ekrem Keskin was born in 1986 in Istanbul. He completed his education at Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine in 2010, and was awarded the title of Medical Doctor. During his residency training he was instructed in nose, facial and breast aesthetics under the supervision of James Zins, MD and Raffi Gurunluoglu, MD, at Cleveland Clinic Plastic and Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Department, Cleveland, OHIO-USA in 2016. After 5 years of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery training, he completed his specialization and became a Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery Specialist.
Areas of Expertise
Stroke Rehabilitation
Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation
Orthopedic Rehabilitation
Neurological Rehabilitation
Pediatric Rehabilitation
Robotic Rehabilitation
Atroplasty Rehabilitation
Fracture Rehabilitation
Osteoarthritis (Calcification)
Osteoporosis (Bone Resorption)
Faculty of Medicine
Specialization: Ankara Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Training and Research Hospital
Associate Professor: 12.10.2015
Erkin Gülten, Elhan Atilla H, Aybay Canan, Şirzai Hülya, Özel Sumru (2007) Validity and reliability of the Turkish translation of the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI). Disability and Rehabilitation
Lire la suiteAreas of Expertise
Stroke Rehabilitation
Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation
Orthopedic Rehabilitation
Neurological Rehabilitation
Pediatric Rehabilitation
Robotic Rehabilitation
Atroplasty Rehabilitation
Fracture Rehabilitation
Osteoarthritis (Calcification)
Osteoporosis (Bone Resorption)
Faculty of Medicine
Specialization: Ankara Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Training and Research Hospital
Associate Professor: 12.10.2015
Erkin Gülten, Elhan Atilla H, Aybay Canan, Şirzai Hülya, Özel Sumru (2007) Validity and reliability of the Turkish translation of the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI). Disability and Rehabilitation
Hi, I am Serkan Sabancı. I was born in Adana and graduated from Adana Baraj High School in 1997. In the same year, I entered Çukurova Medical Faculty and started my university education. During my medical education, due to my interest in surgical branches, I spent most of my time outside of classes in the operating room of the faculty. After my medical education, I did my compulsory service in the emergency department. Although I loved saving the lives of hundreds of patients in the emergency unit and the emergency intervention and dynamism of this unit, after completing my compulsory service due to my interest in plastic surgery, I took the specialty exam and was accepted to the Department of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery at Çukurova University Faculty of Medicine.
In the first years of my specialist training, I attended many courses and events due to my interest in hair transplantation. In the second year of my assistantship as Serkan Sabancı, I developed my own hair transplantation technique with the vibrating Micromotor I produced and performed eyebrow and beard transplants on many patients with burnt faces, and I had the opportunity to share this technique with many of my colleagues in live surgery courses organized by the Plastic Surgery Association. During my specialty training, Çukurova University Faculty of Medicine was a regional hospital and I performed both reconstruction and aesthetic surgery operations intensively.
As Serkan Sabancı, after my specialty training, I did my compulsory service at Bilecik State Hospital, where I focused on plastic surgeries during my 2-year service period. After completing my compulsory service, I started working as a private physician in Istanbul. I am currently accepting patients in my private practice in Üsküdar, Istanbul.
Lire la suiteHi, I am Serkan Sabancı. I was born in Adana and graduated from Adana Baraj High School in 1997. In the same year, I entered Çukurova Medical Faculty and started my university education. During my medical education, due to my interest in surgical branches, I spent most of my time outside of classes in the operating room of the faculty. After my medical education, I did my compulsory service in the emergency department. Although I loved saving the lives of hundreds of patients in the emergency unit and the emergency intervention and dynamism of this unit, after completing my compulsory service due to my interest in plastic surgery, I took the specialty exam and was accepted to the Department of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery at Çukurova University Faculty of Medicine.
In the first years of my specialist training, I attended many courses and events due to my interest in hair transplantation. In the second year of my assistantship as Serkan Sabancı, I developed my own hair transplantation technique with the vibrating Micromotor I produced and performed eyebrow and beard transplants on many patients with burnt faces, and I had the opportunity to share this technique with many of my colleagues in live surgery courses organized by the Plastic Surgery Association. During my specialty training, Çukurova University Faculty of Medicine was a regional hospital and I performed both reconstruction and aesthetic surgery operations intensively.
As Serkan Sabancı, after my specialty training, I did my compulsory service at Bilecik State Hospital, where I focused on plastic surgeries during my 2-year service period. After completing my compulsory service, I started working as a private physician in Istanbul. I am currently accepting patients in my private practice in Üsküdar, Istanbul.
Dr. Murat Balanlı is an experienced internal medicine specialist with over 35 years in the field of modern medicine. Since completing his medical education, Dr. Balanlı has continuously expanded his expertise, ultimately embracing a holistic approach to healthcare. Rather than seeing holistic medicine as an alternative, he regards it as an essential extension of conventional treatment that focuses on restoring the unity of mind, body, and spirit. His philosophy, rooted in the idea that medicine is a branch of philosophy, aims to treat not only physical symptoms but also the underlying disruptions to an individual’s overall sense of well-being.
Dr. Balanlı's commitment to lifelong learning, his respect for the arts, and his passion for exploring new perspectives on health have enriched his practice and deepened his connection with patients. His experience includes positions in hospital administration, health institution management, and public health, equipping him with a comprehensive understanding of the healthcare system and patient care at various levels.
Doctor of Medicine (MD)
Ege University, Faculty of Medicine, 1988
Specialist Training in Internal Medicine
Tepecik Training and Research Hospital, 1994
Master’s Degree in Health Institutions Management
Başkent University, Faculty of Social Sciences, 2012
Founder and Head Practitioner
2014 - Present
Founded and oversees the Healthy Living Clinic, which offers personalized holistic treatment plans to patients. Here, Dr. Balanlı integrates modern medicine with holistic practices, aiming to support patients in achieving both physical health and emotional well-being.
Hospital Administrator
2015 - 2018
Managed administrative and operational functions at one of Turkey's leading children's hospitals, ensuring high standards of healthcare delivery.
Regional Director of Health Affairs
2004 - 2009
Oversaw healthcare services and managed regional health affairs for SGK, contributing to policy-making and service delivery improvements across the region.
Board Member
2009 - 2012
Served on the SGK Board of Directors, actively involved in shaping healthcare policies and advocating for quality, affordable healthcare.
Chief Physician
2003 - 2008
Directed medical services, focusing on the integration of patient-centered care with evidence-based medical practices.
Chief Physician
Completed mandatory service as a physician, gaining foundational experience in diverse clinical settings.
Dr. Balanlı has shared his insights on holistic medicine through articles, presentations, and community health talks, with a focus on bridging modern and holistic approaches. His dedication to sharing knowledge has made him a respected figure in both traditional and holistic medical communities.
Dr. Murat Balanlı is an experienced internal medicine specialist with over 35 years in the field of modern medicine. Since completing his medical education, Dr. Balanlı has continuously expanded his expertise, ultimately embracing a holistic approach to healthcare. Rather than seeing holistic medicine as an alternative, he regards it as an essential extension of conventional treatment that focuses on restoring the unity of mind, body, and spirit. His philosophy, rooted in the idea that medicine is a branch of philosophy, aims to treat not only physical symptoms but also the underlying disruptions to an individual’s overall sense of well-being.
Dr. Balanlı's commitment to lifelong learning, his respect for the arts, and his passion for exploring new perspectives on health have enriched his practice and deepened his connection with patients. His experience includes positions in hospital administration, health institution management, and public health, equipping him with a comprehensive understanding of the healthcare system and patient care at various levels.
Doctor of Medicine (MD)
Ege University, Faculty of Medicine, 1988
Specialist Training in Internal Medicine
Tepecik Training and Research Hospital, 1994
Master’s Degree in Health Institutions Management
Başkent University, Faculty of Social Sciences, 2012
Founder and Head Practitioner
2014 - Present
Founded and oversees the Healthy Living Clinic, which offers personalized holistic treatment plans to patients. Here, Dr. Balanlı integrates modern medicine with holistic practices, aiming to support patients in achieving both physical health and emotional well-being.
Hospital Administrator
2015 - 2018
Managed administrative and operational functions at one of Turkey's leading children's hospitals, ensuring high standards of healthcare delivery.
Regional Director of Health Affairs
2004 - 2009
Oversaw healthcare services and managed regional health affairs for SGK, contributing to policy-making and service delivery improvements across the region.
Board Member
2009 - 2012
Served on the SGK Board of Directors, actively involved in shaping healthcare policies and advocating for quality, affordable healthcare.
Chief Physician
2003 - 2008
Directed medical services, focusing on the integration of patient-centered care with evidence-based medical practices.
Chief Physician
Completed mandatory service as a physician, gaining foundational experience in diverse clinical settings.
Dr. Balanlı has shared his insights on holistic medicine through articles, presentations, and community health talks, with a focus on bridging modern and holistic approaches. His dedication to sharing knowledge has made him a respected figure in both traditional and holistic medical communities.
Dr. Ali Şahan, born on December 3, 1982, is a highly skilled dermatologist with extensive experience in hair transplantation and cosmetic dermatology. He completed his pre-university education at Balıkesir Sırrı Yırcalı Anatolian High School and earned his Medical Doctor degree from the Ankara GATA Faculty of Medicine. In 2014, he completed his specialization in dermatology at the Ankara GATA Department of Dermatology, earning the title Dermatology Specialist.
From 2012 to 2014, Dr. Şahan served as a consultant and trainer for Restylane, sharing his expertise in filler applications through boutique workshops. Currently, he continues to serve as a trainer for Allergan (Botox, Juvederm filler) and Aptos (non-surgical thread facelift) and regularly participates in dermatology conferences, where he leads workshops on cosmetic procedures.
Dr. Şahan has authored numerous publications in national and international journals and is deeply committed to advancing the field of dermatology. His primary areas of interest include the use of hyperbaric oxygen and ultrasound devices in hair transplantation, always staying updated with the latest technological advancements. He has successfully patented the HIBO hyperbaric oxygen device, which he developed to enhance the success of hair transplantation procedures. With over a decade of experience in treating hair loss, Dr. Şahan has personally managed more than 5,000 cases, demonstrating his dedication to achieving optimal results for his patients.
Lire la suiteDr. Ali Şahan, born on December 3, 1982, is a highly skilled dermatologist with extensive experience in hair transplantation and cosmetic dermatology. He completed his pre-university education at Balıkesir Sırrı Yırcalı Anatolian High School and earned his Medical Doctor degree from the Ankara GATA Faculty of Medicine. In 2014, he completed his specialization in dermatology at the Ankara GATA Department of Dermatology, earning the title Dermatology Specialist.
From 2012 to 2014, Dr. Şahan served as a consultant and trainer for Restylane, sharing his expertise in filler applications through boutique workshops. Currently, he continues to serve as a trainer for Allergan (Botox, Juvederm filler) and Aptos (non-surgical thread facelift) and regularly participates in dermatology conferences, where he leads workshops on cosmetic procedures.
Dr. Şahan has authored numerous publications in national and international journals and is deeply committed to advancing the field of dermatology. His primary areas of interest include the use of hyperbaric oxygen and ultrasound devices in hair transplantation, always staying updated with the latest technological advancements. He has successfully patented the HIBO hyperbaric oxygen device, which he developed to enhance the success of hair transplantation procedures. With over a decade of experience in treating hair loss, Dr. Şahan has personally managed more than 5,000 cases, demonstrating his dedication to achieving optimal results for his patients.