il est entré à la faculté de médecine dentaire de l'université de Marmara et a obtenu son diplôme en 2012 avec une thèse intitulée "Les effets de la marge gingivale sur l'esthétique du sourire". Il s'est classé troisième de sa promotion. En 2013, il a commencé sa formation de spécialisation au département d'orthodontie de l'université Aydın d'Istanbul, se classant 22e à l'examen de spécialisation en dentisterie. Il a soutenu sa thèse sur "Le rapport entre les condyles mandibulaires et le volume mandibulaire chez les patients de classe 1 et de classe 3 du squelette" et est devenu spécialiste en orthodontie en 2017. Il a ensuite poursuivi son travail dans sa propre clinique privée à Istanbul, où il a effectué divers traitements de patients à l'aide d'appareils orthodontiques linguaux et d'aligneurs transparents (Invisalign). Il est membre de l'Association dentaire turque (TDB), de la Société turque d'orthodontie (TOD) et de la Société européenne d'orthodontie (EOS).
Lire la suiteil est entré à la faculté de médecine dentaire de l'université de Marmara et a obtenu son diplôme en 2012 avec une thèse intitulée "Les effets de la marge gingivale sur l'esthétique du sourire". Il s'est classé troisième de sa promotion. En 2013, il a commencé sa formation de spécialisation au département d'orthodontie de l'université Aydın d'Istanbul, se classant 22e à l'examen de spécialisation en dentisterie. Il a soutenu sa thèse sur "Le rapport entre les condyles mandibulaires et le volume mandibulaire chez les patients de classe 1 et de classe 3 du squelette" et est devenu spécialiste en orthodontie en 2017. Il a ensuite poursuivi son travail dans sa propre clinique privée à Istanbul, où il a effectué divers traitements de patients à l'aide d'appareils orthodontiques linguaux et d'aligneurs transparents (Invisalign). Il est membre de l'Association dentaire turque (TDB), de la Société turque d'orthodontie (TOD) et de la Société européenne d'orthodontie (EOS).
Dr.Büşra Bozbay was graduated from Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry in 2017. During her education in Istanbul University, she was an observer student at the Sapienza University of Rome in 2013 and 2015, and at Malmö University, Sweden in 2015. She followed the clinical and academic developments during her visits. In 2018, she started her Master’s education in Departments of Orthodontics and Pedodontics at the Sapienza University of Rome. Here, she completed her master’s courses on orthodontic treatments in childhood and adolescence with Dr.Lorenzo Franchi and presented her thesis in the same field. In the same year, she attended the Orthodontics and Orthognatic Surgery master program directed by Prof.Dr.Piero Cascone. In 2019, she attended the PhD exams of the Orthodontics Department of the La Sapienza University of Rome and completed her doctoral thesis on laser accelerated orthodontic treatments under the directorship of Prof.Dr.Gabriella Galluccio. she graduated from the department with the title of Doctor of Orthodontics in 2023. She presented many oral posters and publications in many international congresses. Büşra Bozbay is a member of the American Orthodontic Society, the Turkish Dental Association and the Italian Orthodontic Society. Her areas of interest are orthodontic treatments in childhood and adolescence, temporomandibular joint disorders, orthodontic treatments with clear aligners, orthodontic treatments with orthognathic surgeries and treatments of facial asymmetries, maintenance of impacted teeth and laser accelerated orthodontic treatments. Dr. Bozbay is fluent in Italian, English and Turkish.
Lire la suiteDr.Büşra Bozbay was graduated from Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry in 2017. During her education in Istanbul University, she was an observer student at the Sapienza University of Rome in 2013 and 2015, and at Malmö University, Sweden in 2015. She followed the clinical and academic developments during her visits. In 2018, she started her Master’s education in Departments of Orthodontics and Pedodontics at the Sapienza University of Rome. Here, she completed her master’s courses on orthodontic treatments in childhood and adolescence with Dr.Lorenzo Franchi and presented her thesis in the same field. In the same year, she attended the Orthodontics and Orthognatic Surgery master program directed by Prof.Dr.Piero Cascone. In 2019, she attended the PhD exams of the Orthodontics Department of the La Sapienza University of Rome and completed her doctoral thesis on laser accelerated orthodontic treatments under the directorship of Prof.Dr.Gabriella Galluccio. she graduated from the department with the title of Doctor of Orthodontics in 2023. She presented many oral posters and publications in many international congresses. Büşra Bozbay is a member of the American Orthodontic Society, the Turkish Dental Association and the Italian Orthodontic Society. Her areas of interest are orthodontic treatments in childhood and adolescence, temporomandibular joint disorders, orthodontic treatments with clear aligners, orthodontic treatments with orthognathic surgeries and treatments of facial asymmetries, maintenance of impacted teeth and laser accelerated orthodontic treatments. Dr. Bozbay is fluent in Italian, English and Turkish.