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Les meilleurs doctors en Turquie pour votre Sourire hollywoodien - TOP 155 des médecins

Le contenu respecte la Politique Éditoriale Bookimed et est examinée médicalement par
Fahad Mawlood - Praticien généraliste. Lauréat de 4 prix scientifiques. Diplômé en Asie occidentale. Ancien Chef d'une équipe médicale aidant les patients arabes. Aujourd'hui responsable du traitement des données et de l'exactitude du contenu médical.
Imad Alboshe
8 années d'expérience
Turquie, Istanbul

Imad Alboshe

8 années d'expérience
Le docteur Imad Alboshe est un multi-spécialiste qui exerce dans les domaines de l'orthodontie, de la parodontie et de l'endodontie.Lire la suite
Le docteur Imad Alboshe est un multi-spécialiste qui exerce dans les domaines de l'orthodontie, de la parodontie et de l'endodontie.
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Prix du package tout compris :
Paquet de facettes en zirconium de qualité supérieure Hollywood Smile - 20 facettes dentaires en zirconium ✨
$6240 $5040
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Maryam Fazeli
8 années d'expérience
Turquie, Izmir
Nifa Dent International

Maryam Fazeli

8 années d'expérience

Prosthetic dental treatment specialist Maryam FAZELI completed her primary, middle, and high school education in Iran. In 2011, she began her dental education as a student at the Faculty of Dentistry at Ege University and successfully graduated in 2016.

In 2018, she completed her specialization education at the Department of Prosthetic Dental Treatment at Izmir Katip Çelebi University with her thesis titled "Radiographic Evaluation of Bone Loss in Implant-Supported Prostheses with Different Crown/Implant Ratios Placed in the Maxillary Posterior Region."

During and after her education, she attended numerous courses, seminars, and congresses. She started working as a prosthesis specialist at Izmirdent Oral and Dental Health Clinic in Izmir, where she focused on "Aesthetic Smile Design" and "Hollywood Smile" applications.

In 2024, she began working as a Prosthesis Specialist at Nifa Dent Oral and Dental Health Clinic. She is fluent in English, Persian, and Azerbaijani.

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Prosthetic dental treatment specialist Maryam FAZELI completed her primary, middle, and high school education in Iran. In 2011, she began her dental education as a student at the Faculty of Dentistry at Ege University and successfully graduated in 2016.

In 2018, she completed her specialization education at the Department of Prosthetic Dental Treatment at Izmir Katip Çelebi University with her thesis titled "Radiographic Evaluation of Bone Loss in Implant-Supported Prostheses with Different Crown/Implant Ratios Placed in the Maxillary Posterior Region."

During and after her education, she attended numerous courses, seminars, and congresses. She started working as a prosthesis specialist at Izmirdent Oral and Dental Health Clinic in Izmir, where she focused on "Aesthetic Smile Design" and "Hollywood Smile" applications.

In 2024, she began working as a Prosthesis Specialist at Nifa Dent Oral and Dental Health Clinic. She is fluent in English, Persian, and Azerbaijani.

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Prix du package tout compris :
Relooking du sourire avec 12 couronnes en zirconium (Hollywood Smile)
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Cigdem Karakus
4 années d'expérience
Turquie, Izmir
Dent Glow Clinique

Cigdem Karakus

4 années d'expérience

The patient has a Certificate of Honor from Ege University Faculty of Dentistry, obtained in 2020 and a Certificate of Attendance in Basic Implantology from Megagen, obtained in 2021.

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The patient has a Certificate of Honor from Ege University Faculty of Dentistry, obtained in 2020 and a Certificate of Attendance in Basic Implantology from Megagen, obtained in 2021.

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Prix du package tout compris :
28 Couronnes en Zirconium - Hôtel, Transfert et Protège-dents inclus
$6270 $5300
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Bogac Gurur Temeller
13 années d'expérience
1 avis
Turquie, Istanbul

Bogac Gurur Temeller

13 années d'expérience

Dt. Boğaç Kurur Temeller was born in Zonguldak in 1989. He

completed his Dentistry education at Istanbul University Çapa

Faculty of Dentistry between 2006-2011. He worked as a dentist at

Superplast Aesthetic Center, Anadolu Health Center, Well World

Aesthetic & Longevity Clinic and Dentway Dental Clinic. Dt. Boğaç

continues to work as a dentist at Empclinics. 

His certificates are:

Certificates Anterior Area Aesthetic Composite Restorations - 3M 

International Dentistry Congresses 

Occlusion and vertical dimension - 3M Digital dentistry

Training with Cerec CAD/CAM

Sirona International Aesthetic Dentistry Congress EDAD - 2012

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Dt. Boğaç Kurur Temeller was born in Zonguldak in 1989. He

completed his Dentistry education at Istanbul University Çapa

Faculty of Dentistry between 2006-2011. He worked as a dentist at

Superplast Aesthetic Center, Anadolu Health Center, Well World

Aesthetic & Longevity Clinic and Dentway Dental Clinic. Dt. Boğaç

continues to work as a dentist at Empclinics. 

His certificates are:

Certificates Anterior Area Aesthetic Composite Restorations - 3M 

International Dentistry Congresses 

Occlusion and vertical dimension - 3M Digital dentistry

Training with Cerec CAD/CAM

Sirona International Aesthetic Dentistry Congress EDAD - 2012

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1 avis
Prix du package tout compris :
Nous appliquons 16 couronnes en zircone pure, organisons l'hébergement à l'hôtel et les transferts, pour la communication nous avons un traducteur dans la clinique
$6306 $4830
Voir l'offre
Goksel Kalyaz
4 années d'expérience
26 avis
Turquie, Antalya
Soraca Med

Goksel Kalyaz

4 années d'expérience
Le Dr Goksel Kalyaz est un dentiste hautement accrédité, associé à de nombreuses organisations professionnelles en Turquie.Lire la suite
Le Dr Goksel Kalyaz est un dentiste hautement accrédité, associé à de nombreuses organisations professionnelles en Turquie.
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26 avis
Visite du médecin prix sur demande
Sourire hollywoodien $2364.89 - $4729.77
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Eren Pera
Oral and maxillofacial surgeon
11 années d'expérience
4 avis
Turquie, Istanbul
Hospitaprime Clinic

Eren Pera

Oral and maxillofacial surgeon
11 années d'expérience
  • Spécialisé dans l'implantologie dentaire et les implants zygomatiques pour un sourire hollywoodien.
  • Formé en Turquie aux universités de Hacettepe et d'Ankara.
  • Chirurgien buccal et maxillo-facial certifié, titulaire d'un DDS et d'un MSc.
  • Membre d'organisations dentaires et maxillo-faciales internationales.
  • A fondé Hospitaprime, qui se concentre sur l'esthétique dentaire avancée.
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  • Spécialisé dans l'implantologie dentaire et les implants zygomatiques pour un sourire hollywoodien.
  • Formé en Turquie aux universités de Hacettepe et d'Ankara.
  • Chirurgien buccal et maxillo-facial certifié, titulaire d'un DDS et d'un MSc.
  • Membre d'organisations dentaires et maxillo-faciales internationales.
  • A fondé Hospitaprime, qui se concentre sur l'esthétique dentaire avancée.
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Dentist Mustafa Kemal
35 années d'expérience
47 avis
Turquie, Istanbul
Health Point World Clinic

Dentist Mustafa Kemal

35 années d'expérience

Aesthetic Dentistry o Conservative Treatments o Prosthodontic Treatment o Implant and Over-Implant treatments o Laminate Veneer.

What is the advantage of Smile Makeover?

Establishing a full extra-and-intra oral aesthetic and structural evaluation

Improving communication between the team members

Providing better education and motivation for patients

Achieving predictable results through digital technology.





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Aesthetic Dentistry o Conservative Treatments o Prosthodontic Treatment o Implant and Over-Implant treatments o Laminate Veneer.

What is the advantage of Smile Makeover?

Establishing a full extra-and-intra oral aesthetic and structural evaluation

Improving communication between the team members

Providing better education and motivation for patients

Achieving predictable results through digital technology.





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Meral Nizam
21 années d'expérience
Turquie, Izmir
Nifa Dent International

Meral Nizam

21 années d'expérience

Prosthetic dental treatment specialist Meral Nizam completed her primary, middle, and high school education in Kahramanmaraş. In 1998, she started her education at the Faculty of Dentistry at Ege University and successfully graduated in 2003. In the same year, she graduated and started her doctorate education at the Department of Prosthetic Dental Treatment at the Faculty of Dentistry at Ege University. She completed her education in 2009 with her doctoral thesis titled "Evaluation of the Treatment Effectiveness of Stable Type Occlusal Splints in Classic Temporomandibular Disorders."

Between 2010-2013, she worked as a Prosthetic Dental Treatment (Prosthesis) Specialist at a Dental Health Center affiliated with the Ministry of Health. In 2024, she started working as a prosthesis specialist at Nifa Dent Oral and Dental Health Clinic.

During and after her education, she attended numerous courses, seminars, and congresses. She is interested in all kinds of fixed prostheses, Temporomandibular Joint Disorders, Aesthetic Smile Design, and Implant-Supported Prosthetic Restorations.

She is fluent in English and has an intermediate level of German.

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Prosthetic dental treatment specialist Meral Nizam completed her primary, middle, and high school education in Kahramanmaraş. In 1998, she started her education at the Faculty of Dentistry at Ege University and successfully graduated in 2003. In the same year, she graduated and started her doctorate education at the Department of Prosthetic Dental Treatment at the Faculty of Dentistry at Ege University. She completed her education in 2009 with her doctoral thesis titled "Evaluation of the Treatment Effectiveness of Stable Type Occlusal Splints in Classic Temporomandibular Disorders."

Between 2010-2013, she worked as a Prosthetic Dental Treatment (Prosthesis) Specialist at a Dental Health Center affiliated with the Ministry of Health. In 2024, she started working as a prosthesis specialist at Nifa Dent Oral and Dental Health Clinic.

During and after her education, she attended numerous courses, seminars, and congresses. She is interested in all kinds of fixed prostheses, Temporomandibular Joint Disorders, Aesthetic Smile Design, and Implant-Supported Prosthetic Restorations.

She is fluent in English and has an intermediate level of German.

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Visite du médecin prix sur demande
Sourire hollywoodien $5768
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Fahri Doruk
11 années d'expérience
3 avis
Turquie, Marmaris
Polyclinique dentaire Dent48

Fahri Doruk

11 années d'expérience
  • Spécialisé dans les facettes en porcelaine pour les transformations du sourire à la hollywoodienne.
  • Diplômé de la faculté de dentisterie de l'université d'Ege.
  • Utilise la technique des implants dentaires All-on-4 pour des restaurations complètes du sourire.
  • Expert en gestion de la douleur et en soulagement de l'anxiété dentaire.
  • Se concentre sur les traitements dentaires conservateurs et esthétiques.
Lire la suite
  • Spécialisé dans les facettes en porcelaine pour les transformations du sourire à la hollywoodienne.
  • Diplômé de la faculté de dentisterie de l'université d'Ege.
  • Utilise la technique des implants dentaires All-on-4 pour des restaurations complètes du sourire.
  • Expert en gestion de la douleur et en soulagement de l'anxiété dentaire.
  • Se concentre sur les traitements dentaires conservateurs et esthétiques.
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Tahir Mehmed Tahir
11 années d'expérience
1 avis
Turquie, Istanbul
Dr. Tahir Mehmed Tahir Clinique

Tahir Mehmed Tahir

11 années d'expérience

Dr. Soho has been practicing at the Health Point Clinic in Nişantaşı, Istanbul, since 2022, and has previously worked at Esteworld Clinic (2018-2022), Hekimler Clinics (2016-2016), Caner Duvacı Dental Clinic (2014-2016), and Başdent Dental Clinic (2013-2014). He obtained his dental degree from GAZİ University in Ankara in 2013 and graduated from Vesil Levsky High School in Bulgaria in 2006.

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Dr. Soho has been practicing at the Health Point Clinic in Nişantaşı, Istanbul, since 2022, and has previously worked at Esteworld Clinic (2018-2022), Hekimler Clinics (2016-2016), Caner Duvacı Dental Clinic (2014-2016), and Başdent Dental Clinic (2013-2014). He obtained his dental degree from GAZİ University in Ankara in 2013 and graduated from Vesil Levsky High School in Bulgaria in 2006.

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Emrah Yesilyurt
16 années d'expérience
Turquie, Istanbul
Clinique Dentaire Avangart

Emrah Yesilyurt

16 années d'expérience

Avangart Clinic Founder and Board Member Dentist Emrah Yeşilyurt was born in Ordu. He completed his secondary and high school education at Ordu Anatolian High School and Ordu Science High School. In 2007, he graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Dentistry. Between 2008-2019, he actively worked in the surgical and integrated departments of Sakarya Geyve State Hospital and Okmeydanı Oral and Dental Health Hospital. Since 2008, he has performed approximately 35,000 implant cases. In 2020, he became the co-founder of Avangart Clinic. Dentist Emrah Yeşilyurt continues to work in Avangart Clinic in the field of implant surgery and cosmetic dentistry. He has numerous certificates in oral implantology and cosmetic dentistry.

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Avangart Clinic Founder and Board Member Dentist Emrah Yeşilyurt was born in Ordu. He completed his secondary and high school education at Ordu Anatolian High School and Ordu Science High School. In 2007, he graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Dentistry. Between 2008-2019, he actively worked in the surgical and integrated departments of Sakarya Geyve State Hospital and Okmeydanı Oral and Dental Health Hospital. Since 2008, he has performed approximately 35,000 implant cases. In 2020, he became the co-founder of Avangart Clinic. Dentist Emrah Yeşilyurt continues to work in Avangart Clinic in the field of implant surgery and cosmetic dentistry. He has numerous certificates in oral implantology and cosmetic dentistry.

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Visite du médecin prix sur demande
Sourire hollywoodien $2890.42 - $4467.01
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Mehmet Kose
14 années d'expérience
1 avis
Turquie, Izmir
Adaport Dental Clinic

Mehmet Kose

14 années d'expérience
Le Dr Mehmet Kose est un dentiste qui a plus de 13 ans d'expérience et qui s'est spécialisé dans la prosthodontie. Il est titulaire d'un certificat internationalement reconnu en formation orthodontique avancée et en formation sur l'occlusion conjointe. Il est reconnu pour son expertise dans diverses procédures, notamment Hollywood Smile, les prothèses dentaires, l'installation de ponts dentaires et bien d'autres. Il a fait des présentations lors de congrès importants et a été acclamé pour son professionnalisme et ses compétences.Lire la suite
Le Dr Mehmet Kose est un dentiste qui a plus de 13 ans d'expérience et qui s'est spécialisé dans la prosthodontie. Il est titulaire d'un certificat internationalement reconnu en formation orthodontique avancée et en formation sur l'occlusion conjointe. Il est reconnu pour son expertise dans diverses procédures, notamment Hollywood Smile, les prothèses dentaires, l'installation de ponts dentaires et bien d'autres. Il a fait des présentations lors de congrès importants et a été acclamé pour son professionnalisme et ses compétences.
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1 avis
Visite du médecin prix sur demande
Sourire hollywoodien $3153.18 - $4204.24
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Onur Uguz
19 années d'expérience
1 avis
Turquie, Istanbul
Megadentist Oral & Dental Aesthetıc Dentistry

Onur Uguz

19 années d'expérience

Onur Uğuz, our managing director, has achieved success in his professional life with the duties of specialist medicine and managing director after completing his undergraduate and specialization programs in his education life. Onur Uğuz, who is an expert in the field of Restorative Dentistry, is one of our successful dentists who is currently working as the Managing Director and Specialist Dentists in our clinic with 18 years of experience.


2005 -Undergraduate Degree – Ankara University Faculty of Dentistry

2011 Ph.D. - Ankara University Department of Dental Diseases and Treatment


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Onur Uğuz, our managing director, has achieved success in his professional life with the duties of specialist medicine and managing director after completing his undergraduate and specialization programs in his education life. Onur Uğuz, who is an expert in the field of Restorative Dentistry, is one of our successful dentists who is currently working as the Managing Director and Specialist Dentists in our clinic with 18 years of experience.


2005 -Undergraduate Degree – Ankara University Faculty of Dentistry

2011 Ph.D. - Ankara University Department of Dental Diseases and Treatment


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1 avis
Visite du médecin prix sur demande
Sourire hollywoodien $2300 - $6800
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Berk Aksoy
4 années d'expérience
5 avis
Turquie, Istanbul
Hospitadent Dental Group - Mecidiyeköy Clinic

Berk Aksoy

4 années d'expérience

Berk Aksoy graduated from Hacettepe University Faculty of Dentistry in 2018 and then received his specialization in Prosthesis from the same school. He has been working at Hospitadent Dental Hospital since 2022. During this period, he has performed numerous procedures such as zirconium coating, emax coating, laminate veneer, All on Four prosthesis, All on Six prosthesis, removable prosthesis, fixed prosthesis.


The doctor's certificates:

Greatist Dentistry Congress, May 28, 2017 – May 30, 2017, DİŞSİAD

Seminars / Courses with Engin Taviloğlu, January, 2016, EDAD

Smile Design Course

Crownson Implant Prosthetic Treatments

Anterior Aesthetic Composite Restorations

Use of Correct Antibiotic

Turkish Dental Association International Congress – 2019

Botulinum Toxin Theory and Practice – Dentsem – October 2020 Istanbul/Turkey

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Berk Aksoy graduated from Hacettepe University Faculty of Dentistry in 2018 and then received his specialization in Prosthesis from the same school. He has been working at Hospitadent Dental Hospital since 2022. During this period, he has performed numerous procedures such as zirconium coating, emax coating, laminate veneer, All on Four prosthesis, All on Six prosthesis, removable prosthesis, fixed prosthesis.


The doctor's certificates:

Greatist Dentistry Congress, May 28, 2017 – May 30, 2017, DİŞSİAD

Seminars / Courses with Engin Taviloğlu, January, 2016, EDAD

Smile Design Course

Crownson Implant Prosthetic Treatments

Anterior Aesthetic Composite Restorations

Use of Correct Antibiotic

Turkish Dental Association International Congress – 2019

Botulinum Toxin Theory and Practice – Dentsem – October 2020 Istanbul/Turkey

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Busra Cagirici
Oral rehabilitation specialist
14 années d'expérience
1 avis
Turquie, Istanbul
Megadentist Oral & Dental Aesthetıc Dentistry

Busra Cagirici

Oral rehabilitation specialist
14 années d'expérience

Büşra Çağırıcı, a 2019 graduate of Marmara University Faculty of Dentistry, works as a responsible manager and general dentist within the scope of her successful education life. Experience has been gained in general dental treatments and smile design such as Lamina, zirconium, implant-supported fixed prosthesis, hybrid prosthesis, aesthetic filling. Successful treatments continue in our clinic.

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Büşra Çağırıcı, a 2019 graduate of Marmara University Faculty of Dentistry, works as a responsible manager and general dentist within the scope of her successful education life. Experience has been gained in general dental treatments and smile design such as Lamina, zirconium, implant-supported fixed prosthesis, hybrid prosthesis, aesthetic filling. Successful treatments continue in our clinic.

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1 avis
Visite du médecin prix sur demande
Sourire hollywoodien $2300 - $6800
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Ceren Golcu
14 années d'expérience
1 avis
Turquie, Istanbul
Megadentist Oral & Dental Aesthetıc Dentistry

Ceren Golcu

14 années d'expérience

After graduating from Ankara University Faculty of Dentistry, she played important roles in prestigious institutions. She has gained deep experience in General Anesthesia and Dental Treatments under Sedation, and has achieved success in her professional life with the duties of Founding Physician and Chief Physician in private polyclinics. Crowning her professional life with national and global trainings, Dt. Ceren Gölcü is one of the successful dentists who meet with their patients in our clinic.

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After graduating from Ankara University Faculty of Dentistry, she played important roles in prestigious institutions. She has gained deep experience in General Anesthesia and Dental Treatments under Sedation, and has achieved success in her professional life with the duties of Founding Physician and Chief Physician in private polyclinics. Crowning her professional life with national and global trainings, Dt. Ceren Gölcü is one of the successful dentists who meet with their patients in our clinic.

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1 avis
Visite du médecin prix sur demande
Sourire hollywoodien $2300 - $6800
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Ahmet Dortkose
32 années d'expérience
Turquie, Istanbul
İstanbul Diş Akademisi

Ahmet Dortkose

32 années d'expérience

Dentist Ahmet Dörtköşe was born in Bursa in 1964. He completed his primary and secondary education in Izmir and graduated from Izmir Atatürk High School. He completed his higher education at Marmara University Faculty of Dentistry. He worked in 4th Levent Polyclinic in 1992-1994. He worked in his own dental clinic in Yeniköy between 1994-2012. He worked in Başkent University Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic between 2012-2019. His areas of interest are Smile design, Implants, Zirconium crowns, Emax crowns, Laminate veneer and Oral Diagnosis.

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Dentist Ahmet Dörtköşe was born in Bursa in 1964. He completed his primary and secondary education in Izmir and graduated from Izmir Atatürk High School. He completed his higher education at Marmara University Faculty of Dentistry. He worked in 4th Levent Polyclinic in 1992-1994. He worked in his own dental clinic in Yeniköy between 1994-2012. He worked in Başkent University Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic between 2012-2019. His areas of interest are Smile design, Implants, Zirconium crowns, Emax crowns, Laminate veneer and Oral Diagnosis.

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Visite du médecin prix sur demande
Sourire hollywoodien $2690.71 - $4204.24
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Dr Dt Alper T
5 années d'expérience
3 avis
Turquie, Istanbul

Dr Dt Alper T

5 années d'expérience

Dr. Dt. Alper T.
Prosthesis Specialist


  • 2015-2022: Master's Degree in Prosthetic Dentistry, Istanbul University
  • 2006-2011: Undergraduate Education, Istanbul University, Faculty of Dentistry


  • 2021-present: Prosthodontist, Clinicexpert
  • 2019-2021: Prosthodontist, Prof. Dr. Osman Gümrü Clinic
  • 2019-2021: Prosthodontist, ParkDental ODHC
  • 2012-2019: Dentist, Silivri Aesthetic ODHC


  • 2021: The Effect of Surface Treatments with Different Laser Types on the Bond Strength of Zirconia-Reinforced Lithium Disilicate Glass Ceramics with Resin Composite


  • 2021: Biohorizons DAY, Dr. Marius Steigmann (Periodontal Tissue Advanced Surgery HandsOn)
  • 2018: Nobel Biocare Turkey Symposium Applications
  • 2018: Soft Tissue Management by Marius Steigmann, Frankfurt - Germany
  • 2017: Turkish Society of Oral Implant. XXXIX Sinus Lifting
  • 2017: Turkish Society of Oral Implantology XXXIX. International Scientific Congress
  • 2017: Advanced Training for i50FH/ i51FH Implant System and its Surgical System (Seul-Kore)
  • 2016: Turkish Society of Oral Implantology Congress. Prosthodontics and Implantology Logic
  • 2017: Gum BioHorizons International Symposium on Implantology and Surgery
  • 2017: IBS Advanced Surgery Symposium
  • 2017: Digital Transformation in 3D Dentistry
  • 2016: Nobel Biocare Turkey Symposium
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Dr. Dt. Alper T.
Prosthesis Specialist


  • 2015-2022: Master's Degree in Prosthetic Dentistry, Istanbul University
  • 2006-2011: Undergraduate Education, Istanbul University, Faculty of Dentistry


  • 2021-present: Prosthodontist, Clinicexpert
  • 2019-2021: Prosthodontist, Prof. Dr. Osman Gümrü Clinic
  • 2019-2021: Prosthodontist, ParkDental ODHC
  • 2012-2019: Dentist, Silivri Aesthetic ODHC


  • 2021: The Effect of Surface Treatments with Different Laser Types on the Bond Strength of Zirconia-Reinforced Lithium Disilicate Glass Ceramics with Resin Composite


  • 2021: Biohorizons DAY, Dr. Marius Steigmann (Periodontal Tissue Advanced Surgery HandsOn)
  • 2018: Nobel Biocare Turkey Symposium Applications
  • 2018: Soft Tissue Management by Marius Steigmann, Frankfurt - Germany
  • 2017: Turkish Society of Oral Implant. XXXIX Sinus Lifting
  • 2017: Turkish Society of Oral Implantology XXXIX. International Scientific Congress
  • 2017: Advanced Training for i50FH/ i51FH Implant System and its Surgical System (Seul-Kore)
  • 2016: Turkish Society of Oral Implantology Congress. Prosthodontics and Implantology Logic
  • 2017: Gum BioHorizons International Symposium on Implantology and Surgery
  • 2017: IBS Advanced Surgery Symposium
  • 2017: Digital Transformation in 3D Dentistry
  • 2016: Nobel Biocare Turkey Symposium
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3 avis
Visite du médecin prix sur demande
Sourire hollywoodien $2102.12 - $8408.48
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Serkan Celebi
18 années d'expérience
Turquie, Marmaris
Clinique Celebi Dental

Serkan Celebi

18 années d'expérience

Dr Serkan Çelebi was born in Berlin. He obtained his dental degree from Aegean University’s Faculty of Dentistry in 2004.Çelebi Dental Clinics formally known as Dental Marmaris started in 2006 is based over 2 Beautifuly Designed, State of the Art Clinics in the heart of Marmaris, Turkey.

your Treatments and care are made Clearly along with our Native and English Speaking Patient Co-ordinators.your Treatments and care are made Clearly along with our Native and English Speaking Patient Co-ordinators.your Treatments and care are made Clearly along with our Native and English Speaking 

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Dr Serkan Çelebi was born in Berlin. He obtained his dental degree from Aegean University’s Faculty of Dentistry in 2004.Çelebi Dental Clinics formally known as Dental Marmaris started in 2006 is based over 2 Beautifuly Designed, State of the Art Clinics in the heart of Marmaris, Turkey.

your Treatments and care are made Clearly along with our Native and English Speaking Patient Co-ordinators.your Treatments and care are made Clearly along with our Native and English Speaking Patient Co-ordinators.your Treatments and care are made Clearly along with our Native and English Speaking 

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Natiga Israfil
18 années d'expérience
1 avis

Natiga Israfil

18 années d'expérience
Turquie, Istanbul
TWT Health Clinic
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