Assoc Prof Sema KOC possède l'accréditation internationale-nationale la plus prestigieuse et travaille en oto-rhino-laryngologie et chirurgien cervico-facial avec plus de 18 ans d'expérience chirurgicale. Le Dr Koc est diplômé de la faculté de médecine de l'Université Gazi d'Ankara, l'une des écoles de médecine les plus réputées de Turquie. En plus d'effectuer neuf mille opérations de chirurgie oto-rhino-laryngée et tête-cou, elle a été acceptée à l'Université de Wurzburg, département de chirurgie oto-rhino-laryngée et tête-cou en Allemagne, et a eu la chance d'améliorer ses compétences chirurgicales, son expérience et sa communication internationale. capacités. Elle a des études approfondies et réussies dans les domaines du nez, de la rhinoplastie fermée, de la rhinoplastie ouverte, de la rhinoplastie de révision, de la reconstruction de l'oreille, de la perte auditive, de la chirurgie de l'oreille, de la chirurgie du tympan, de la stapédectomie (chirurgien de l'otosclérose), de la chirurgie des sinus, du traitement chirurgical du ronflement et de l'apnée du sommeil. , chirurgie des cancers de la tête et du cou, elle a été invitée à plus de 30 congrès en tant que conférencière et professeure. Il compte en outre plus de 50 publications scientifiques internationales. Le Dr Koc est un rare membre turc de la prestigieuse ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery), European Head & Neck Society, The European Head and Neck Cancer Community, AHNS - American Head and Neck Society, Société canadienne d'oto-rhino-laryngologie-tête et cou. Surgery, la Société européenne d'oto-rhino-laryngologie pédiatrique et prête régulièrement son expertise et ses opinions à la télévision, à la radio et dans la presse écrite.
Traitements populaires
- Rhinoplastie ouverte,
- Rhinoplastie fermée
- Chirurgie Esthétique du Nez
- Chirurgie de la pointe nasale
- Alarplastie
- Septoplastie
FESS - Chirurgie Endoscopique Fonctionnelle des Sinus
Chirurgie de l'apnée du ronflement et du sommeil - Pharyngoplastie du sphincter d'expansion
- Pharyngoplastie d'expansion du sphincter
-Pharyngoplastie latérale
-Pharyngoplastie d'expansion
-Suspension à base de langue
-Résection robotique de la base de la langue
Chirurgie de l'oreille - Otoplastie
- Otoplastie
-Chirurgie de tympanoplastie
-Chirurgie mastoïdectomie
-Chirurgie de décompression faciale de la Nèvre
-Implantation cochléaire
Chirurgie du cancer de la tête et du cou - Cancer du larynx
-Cancer de la langue
-Cancer de la thyroïde
-Cancer des lèvres
-Cancer de la cavité buccale
-Dissection radicale et fonctionnelle du cou
-Cancer de la peau
Test Vertigo -VNG (vidéonystagmographie)
-VHIT -Rééducation Vestibulaire
Lire la suiteAssoc Prof Sema KOC possède l'accréditation internationale-nationale la plus prestigieuse et travaille en oto-rhino-laryngologie et chirurgien cervico-facial avec plus de 18 ans d'expérience chirurgicale. Le Dr Koc est diplômé de la faculté de médecine de l'Université Gazi d'Ankara, l'une des écoles de médecine les plus réputées de Turquie. En plus d'effectuer neuf mille opérations de chirurgie oto-rhino-laryngée et tête-cou, elle a été acceptée à l'Université de Wurzburg, département de chirurgie oto-rhino-laryngée et tête-cou en Allemagne, et a eu la chance d'améliorer ses compétences chirurgicales, son expérience et sa communication internationale. capacités. Elle a des études approfondies et réussies dans les domaines du nez, de la rhinoplastie fermée, de la rhinoplastie ouverte, de la rhinoplastie de révision, de la reconstruction de l'oreille, de la perte auditive, de la chirurgie de l'oreille, de la chirurgie du tympan, de la stapédectomie (chirurgien de l'otosclérose), de la chirurgie des sinus, du traitement chirurgical du ronflement et de l'apnée du sommeil. , chirurgie des cancers de la tête et du cou, elle a été invitée à plus de 30 congrès en tant que conférencière et professeure. Il compte en outre plus de 50 publications scientifiques internationales. Le Dr Koc est un rare membre turc de la prestigieuse ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery), European Head & Neck Society, The European Head and Neck Cancer Community, AHNS - American Head and Neck Society, Société canadienne d'oto-rhino-laryngologie-tête et cou. Surgery, la Société européenne d'oto-rhino-laryngologie pédiatrique et prête régulièrement son expertise et ses opinions à la télévision, à la radio et dans la presse écrite.
Traitements populaires
- Rhinoplastie ouverte,
- Rhinoplastie fermée
- Chirurgie Esthétique du Nez
- Chirurgie de la pointe nasale
- Alarplastie
- Septoplastie
FESS - Chirurgie Endoscopique Fonctionnelle des Sinus
Chirurgie de l'apnée du ronflement et du sommeil - Pharyngoplastie du sphincter d'expansion
- Pharyngoplastie d'expansion du sphincter
-Pharyngoplastie latérale
-Pharyngoplastie d'expansion
-Suspension à base de langue
-Résection robotique de la base de la langue
Chirurgie de l'oreille - Otoplastie
- Otoplastie
-Chirurgie de tympanoplastie
-Chirurgie mastoïdectomie
-Chirurgie de décompression faciale de la Nèvre
-Implantation cochléaire
Chirurgie du cancer de la tête et du cou - Cancer du larynx
-Cancer de la langue
-Cancer de la thyroïde
-Cancer des lèvres
-Cancer de la cavité buccale
-Dissection radicale et fonctionnelle du cou
-Cancer de la peau
Test Vertigo -VNG (vidéonystagmographie)
-VHIT -Rééducation Vestibulaire
Visite du médecin | prix sur demande |
Implants dentaires tout-en-4 | $4101.81 - $5889.78 |
Implants dentaires tout-en-6 | $5784.6 |
Placage De Porcelaine | $262.94 - $5784.6 |
Hello everyone!
My name is Hamide Uzun. I am experienced Nutritionist on Wellness, detox and anti aging programmes.
My aim is helping persons to understand eating habits and sustaining their lifestyle habits about nutrition.
I am graduated ın 2011 Erciyes University Health Sciences Faculty and now also studying PhD İn İzmir Katip Celebi University.
The fact that nutrition science increases with new information every day makes me enthusiastic about doing this profession.My mission is to combine my professional talent with my deep knowledge of health and well-being to provide solutions that will bring balance and harmony to people's physical and mental health. My goal is to continuously improve this field and implement comprehensive approaches that will improve people's lives.
Lire la suiteHello everyone!
My name is Hamide Uzun. I am experienced Nutritionist on Wellness, detox and anti aging programmes.
My aim is helping persons to understand eating habits and sustaining their lifestyle habits about nutrition.
I am graduated ın 2011 Erciyes University Health Sciences Faculty and now also studying PhD İn İzmir Katip Celebi University.
The fact that nutrition science increases with new information every day makes me enthusiastic about doing this profession.My mission is to combine my professional talent with my deep knowledge of health and well-being to provide solutions that will bring balance and harmony to people's physical and mental health. My goal is to continuously improve this field and implement comprehensive approaches that will improve people's lives.
Visite du médecin | prix sur demande |
Placage composite | $120 - $320 |
Implants dentaires tout-en-6 | $4500 - $12000 |
Lumineuse | $260 |
Ce médecin est un chirurgien plasticien, reconstructeur et esthétique avec 28 ans d'expérience dans le domaine médical. Ils se spécialisent dans la chirurgie reconstructive, y compris la microchirurgie et la chirurgie des lambeaux, la chirurgie de guerre, la chirurgie de la main, les reconstructions des membres inférieurs, la reconstruction mammaire, la chirurgie plastique pédiatrique, la chirurgie de la tête et du cou, la chirurgie buccale et maxillo-faciale, la chirurgie orthognatique, ainsi que les soins des brûlés et la chirurgie des brûlés. Ils possèdent également une expertise en chirurgie esthétique, notamment le lifting du visage, le lifting du cou, le lifting mi-visage, le rajeunissement périorbitaire et frontal, la rhinoplastie, l'augmentation mammaire, la réduction mammaire, la liposuccion, l'injection de graisse, l'abdominoplastie de remodelage du corps, l'augmentation des mollets, le lifting des fesses, la restauration capillaire et chirurgie de transplantation, injections de botox, produits de comblement et applications laser. Ils ont 37 crédits de recherche et de publication internationaux et 24 nationaux et ont occupé des postes au GMMA et à la faculté de médecine, au centre médical Talya, dans leur propre bureau, au centre de chirurgie esthétique ECM, à la clinique du Kentucky, à l'académie de médecine militaire de Gülhane et à la 5e base aérienne de l'armée de l'air turque. .
Lire la suiteCe médecin est un chirurgien plasticien, reconstructeur et esthétique avec 28 ans d'expérience dans le domaine médical. Ils se spécialisent dans la chirurgie reconstructive, y compris la microchirurgie et la chirurgie des lambeaux, la chirurgie de guerre, la chirurgie de la main, les reconstructions des membres inférieurs, la reconstruction mammaire, la chirurgie plastique pédiatrique, la chirurgie de la tête et du cou, la chirurgie buccale et maxillo-faciale, la chirurgie orthognatique, ainsi que les soins des brûlés et la chirurgie des brûlés. Ils possèdent également une expertise en chirurgie esthétique, notamment le lifting du visage, le lifting du cou, le lifting mi-visage, le rajeunissement périorbitaire et frontal, la rhinoplastie, l'augmentation mammaire, la réduction mammaire, la liposuccion, l'injection de graisse, l'abdominoplastie de remodelage du corps, l'augmentation des mollets, le lifting des fesses, la restauration capillaire et chirurgie de transplantation, injections de botox, produits de comblement et applications laser. Ils ont 37 crédits de recherche et de publication internationaux et 24 nationaux et ont occupé des postes au GMMA et à la faculté de médecine, au centre médical Talya, dans leur propre bureau, au centre de chirurgie esthétique ECM, à la clinique du Kentucky, à l'académie de médecine militaire de Gülhane et à la 5e base aérienne de l'armée de l'air turque. .
Hello everyone! I’m Nikolay, and I’m a Physiotherapist & Clinical Psychologist.
I hold a Master’s degree in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation from International Dublin University, along with additional qualifications in Kinesiology and Adaptive Physical Therapy from Moscow. I also have clinical psychology training from the V.M. Bekhterev Institute in Saint Petersburg, which gives me a unique perspective on integrating physical and psychological health in my practice.
Throughout my career, I have gained expertise in Manual Therapy, Acupuncture from the Beijing Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and various detox therapies. I’ve developed a holistic method called "Kinesio-Psychocorrection" (KPK), which combines physical therapy, neurophysiology, and psychology to restore balance in the body and enhance overall health.
My main areas of interest lie in researching the effects of movement on health, from the cellular level to the biomechanics of the entire body. I am constantly seeking ways to develop new techniques for regenerating the musculoskeletal and nervous systems and creating tools that diagnose and correct posture and movement patterns.
My goal is to help people improve their health through personalized rehabilitation and preventative treatments, and I am passionate about finding innovative approaches to support my patients’ well-being.
Lire la suiteHello everyone! I’m Nikolay, and I’m a Physiotherapist & Clinical Psychologist.
I hold a Master’s degree in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation from International Dublin University, along with additional qualifications in Kinesiology and Adaptive Physical Therapy from Moscow. I also have clinical psychology training from the V.M. Bekhterev Institute in Saint Petersburg, which gives me a unique perspective on integrating physical and psychological health in my practice.
Throughout my career, I have gained expertise in Manual Therapy, Acupuncture from the Beijing Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and various detox therapies. I’ve developed a holistic method called "Kinesio-Psychocorrection" (KPK), which combines physical therapy, neurophysiology, and psychology to restore balance in the body and enhance overall health.
My main areas of interest lie in researching the effects of movement on health, from the cellular level to the biomechanics of the entire body. I am constantly seeking ways to develop new techniques for regenerating the musculoskeletal and nervous systems and creating tools that diagnose and correct posture and movement patterns.
My goal is to help people improve their health through personalized rehabilitation and preventative treatments, and I am passionate about finding innovative approaches to support my patients’ well-being.
I’m Zeynep, a Physiotherapist born in the magnificent city of Antalya.
My interest in medicine and especially human anatomy, and my creative perspective, encouraged me to become a physiotherapist.
That’s why I went to university in Cyprus from 2015 – 2019.
When I came back to Antalya, I participated in many certificate programs in the field of physiotherapy.
Then I attended language courses to improve my English.
Because my city is visited by many tourists, I have always been interested in communicating with people from different cultures.
This is why I began my career in a health and rehabilitation hotel.I had patients from different parts of the world.It was a great experience treating them and learning about their cultures at the same time.
As a therapist, postural awareness is what I focus on most when helping my patients.
I believe that the pain complaints we often encounter today begin with a lack of this awareness.
This was the reason behind my starting at Medworld Clinics in 2024, which offered me many innovative opportunities and adopted a holistic approach.
Lire la suiteI’m Zeynep, a Physiotherapist born in the magnificent city of Antalya.
My interest in medicine and especially human anatomy, and my creative perspective, encouraged me to become a physiotherapist.
That’s why I went to university in Cyprus from 2015 – 2019.
When I came back to Antalya, I participated in many certificate programs in the field of physiotherapy.
Then I attended language courses to improve my English.
Because my city is visited by many tourists, I have always been interested in communicating with people from different cultures.
This is why I began my career in a health and rehabilitation hotel.I had patients from different parts of the world.It was a great experience treating them and learning about their cultures at the same time.
As a therapist, postural awareness is what I focus on most when helping my patients.
I believe that the pain complaints we often encounter today begin with a lack of this awareness.
This was the reason behind my starting at Medworld Clinics in 2024, which offered me many innovative opportunities and adopted a holistic approach.
Prof. Dr. Emre Şeker is a renowned dental specialist with a distinguished academic career and extensive clinical experience. As the founder of Dentarma Dental Clinic, he combines his expertise with a patient-centered approach to deliver exceptional dental care.
Prof. Dr. Şeker holds a Ph.D. in Prosthodontics and has served as an Associate Professor at esteemed universities in Turkey. His academic background, coupled with his hands-on clinical practice, positions him as a leading authority in the field of implant dentistry, smile design, and advanced prosthetic treatments.
With a focus on patient satisfaction and utilizing cutting-edge technology, Prof. Dr. Emre Şeker and his team at Dentarma are committed to providing world-class dental solutions.
Key Areas of Expertise:
Prof. Dr. Emre Şeker is a renowned dental specialist with a distinguished academic career and extensive clinical experience. As the founder of Dentarma Dental Clinic, he combines his expertise with a patient-centered approach to deliver exceptional dental care.
Prof. Dr. Şeker holds a Ph.D. in Prosthodontics and has served as an Associate Professor at esteemed universities in Turkey. His academic background, coupled with his hands-on clinical practice, positions him as a leading authority in the field of implant dentistry, smile design, and advanced prosthetic treatments.
With a focus on patient satisfaction and utilizing cutting-edge technology, Prof. Dr. Emre Şeker and his team at Dentarma are committed to providing world-class dental solutions.
Key Areas of Expertise:
Tahsin Dayanıçlıer, DDS is a highly skilled prosthodontist with a passion for creating beautiful and functional smiles. With extensive experience in both general dentistry and advanced prosthetic treatments, Dr. Dayanıçlıer is committed to providing his patients with the highest quality of care.
Areas of Expertise:
Dr. Dayanıçlıer stays at the forefront of dental technology and techniques, ensuring that his patients benefit from the latest advancements in the field. He is fluent in both clinical practice and academic research, having completed a thesis on the evaluation of edentulous spaces treated with short implants.
Key qualities of Dr. Dayanıçlıer:
Whether you are seeking a complete smile makeover or need to replace missing teeth, Dr. Dayanıçlıer can help you achieve your desired outcome.
Lire la suiteTahsin Dayanıçlıer, DDS is a highly skilled prosthodontist with a passion for creating beautiful and functional smiles. With extensive experience in both general dentistry and advanced prosthetic treatments, Dr. Dayanıçlıer is committed to providing his patients with the highest quality of care.
Areas of Expertise:
Dr. Dayanıçlıer stays at the forefront of dental technology and techniques, ensuring that his patients benefit from the latest advancements in the field. He is fluent in both clinical practice and academic research, having completed a thesis on the evaluation of edentulous spaces treated with short implants.
Key qualities of Dr. Dayanıçlıer:
Whether you are seeking a complete smile makeover or need to replace missing teeth, Dr. Dayanıçlıer can help you achieve your desired outcome.
Visite du médecin | prix sur demande |
Placage De Porcelaine | $189.31 - $262.94 |
Implants dentaires tout-en-4 | $1472.44 - $2944.89 |
Lumineuse | $283.97 |