Parcours académique et professionnel
Principales réalisations et contributions à la recherche
Intérêts cliniques et de recherche
Formation et développement professionnel à l'international
Publications et citations
Le professeur Celil Göçer est un spécialiste reconnu de l'ORL dont l'expertise clinique et les contributions académiques ont grandement influencé le domaine. Il est très apprécié pour ses approches chirurgicales innovantes et son dévouement à l'avancement des connaissances médicales.
Lire la suiteVisite du médecin | prix sur demande |
Pose d'implant cochléaire | $22000 - $25000 |
Le Dr. est un spécialiste ORL certifié avec 20 ans d'expérience et occupe le poste de professeur Dr. depuis 2017. Il est membre de la Chambre médicale d'Istanbul, de l'Association turque d'ORL et de chirurgie cervico-faciale et de l'American Head et Société du cou.
Lire la suiteVisite du médecin | prix sur demande |
Pose d'implant cochléaire | $18000 - $25000 |
Name: Mehmet Palali
Place and year of birth:
Manisa, 11.01.1984
Istanbul university Cerrahpasa Medicine Faculty 2001-2007
Specialization: Ankara Numene Science and Research Hospital – ENT clinic – 2008-2013
Yozgat State Hospital: 2013-2016
Canakkale Biga Devlet Hospital : 2016-2017
Medlife Bagcilar Hospital -2017-2018
Erdem Hospital- 2018- present
Professional Interests
Revision rhinoplasty
Clinic Attended as a Researcher
1) Investigation of SCGB3A1 (UGRP2) gene arrays in patients with nasal polyposis.
Palalı M, Murat Özcan K, Ozdaş S, Köseoğlu S, Ozdaş T, Erbek SS, Yıldırım E, Ensari S, Dere H.
Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2014 Dec;271(12):3209-14.
2) Prognostic effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy starting time for sudden sensorineural hearing loss.
Yıldırım E, Murat Özcan K, Palalı M, Cetin MA, Ensari S, Dere H.
Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2015 Jan;272(1):23-8.
3) Endoskopik Dakriyosistorinostomide Başarısızlık Nedenleri
Mehmet Ali ÇETİN, Kürşat Murat ÖZCAN, Aykut İKİNCİOĞULLARI, Sabri KÖSEOĞLU, Mehmet PALALI, Serdar ENSARİ, Hüseyin DERE
Ortadoğu Tıp Dergisi 5 (1): 29-32 2013
4) Cervical lymphadenopathy: progressive transformation of germinal centers
İkincioğulları A, Köseoğlu S, Çetin MA, Palalı M, Ensari S, Kayaçetin S, Kulaçoğlu S, Dere H.
Kulak Burun Bogaz Ihtis Derg. 2013 Sep-Oct;23(5):307-11.
5) Papiller Onkositik Kistadenom: Olgu Sunumu Mehmet Palalı, Aykut İkincioğulları, Sabri Köseoğlu, Doğan Atan, Erol Yıldırım, Hüseyin Dere
34. Türk Ulusal Kulak Burun Boğaz ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresi P-377
6) Temporal Kemik Karsinomu İle Birlikte İnverted Papillom Zemininde Gelişen İntranazal Karsinom: Olgu Sunumu
35. Türk Ulusal Kulak Burun Boğaz ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresi PS3-073
Hüseyin Dere, Mehmet Ali Çetin, Emre Apaydın, Erol Yıldırım, Mehmet Palalı, Aykut İkincioğulları
7) Burun Tıkanıklığının Nadir Bir Nedeni: Alt Konka Bülloza
Hakan Dağıstan, Mehmet Palalı
37. Türk Ulusal Kulak Burun Boğaz ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresi EP-124
Play classical guitar
Draw cartoon
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Prof. Dr. Ali Vefa YÜCETÜRK was born in Aydın in 1963. He graduated from Hakimiyetimilliye Primary School in 1974, Izmir Private Turkish High School in 1980, and graduated from Ege University Faculty of Medicine in 1986.
After completing his compulsory service at Adıyaman's Çelikhan District Health Center in 1986-89, he specialized in Ear Nose and Throat Diseases at Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Medicine between 1989-92 and worked in the same clinic as a specialist until 1994. KKK in 1993. He did his military service at Izmir Military Hospital.
He started working as an ENT faculty member at Celal Bayar University Faculty of Medicine in 1994, and became an associate professor in 1999 and a professor in 2005.
In 1996, he carried out studies and research on larynx and parotid surgery at the ENT Clinic of the University of Ferrara, Italy, with Prof. Dr. Carlo Calearo and Prof. Dr. Antonio Pastore.
He is a member of the Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Association and the Laryngology Association.
He supervised four theses on laryngeal cancer, inner ear hearing loss and snoring-sleep apnea.
He participated in more than 40 congresses, courses and meetings at home and abroad as a speaker and participant.
He has 18 scientific articles published in international and 31 national journals, 11 international and 35 papers presented in national meetings, and 5 copyrighted book chapters. In particular, his studies on snoring, obstructive sleep apnea, voice diseases, laryngeal cancer and ear microsurgery have been at the forefront.
Lire la suiteOp.Dr. İbrahim Altoparlak was born in 1977 in Erzurum.
He started his medical education at Ankara University Faculty of Medicine in 1995 and completed it in 2001. In 2001, he started his specialization training at Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Ear Nose and Throat Clinic, and completed his specialization in 2006. Between 2006 and 2009, he improved himself in Head and Neck Tumor Surgery and Aesthetic Nose Operations in Ankara Oncology Hospital, Ear Nose and Throat Training Clinic. He has awarded papers at scientific meetings and articles published in scientific journals. Between 2010 and 2018, he worked as a physician at Istanbul Private Doğan Hospital and Private Service Hospital. He has been working in his own practice as of October 2018. In addition, since 2021,
Dr.Altoparlak continues his operations with the Aesthepan clinic. Dr.Altoparlak performs at least 2 or 3 aesthetic operations a day, and he has hundreds of successful surgeries.
Spécialisation : Oreille Nez Gorge
Langue étrangère : Anglais
Éducation :
2011 Faculté de médecine de l'Université Abant İzzet Baysal
2016 Faculté de médecine de l'Université de Selcuk – ENT AD.
Évaluation de la pression du sphincter supérieur de l'œsophage chez les patients présentant une pathologie des cordes vocales
Certificat de Compétence:
Il possède le certificat de qualification du Conseil turc d'oto-rhino-laryngologie - chirurgie de la tête et du cou.
Intérêts et spécialités médicales :
Esthétique du nez (Rhinoplastie Ultrasonique)
Chirurgie endoscopique (méthode fermée) de l'audition et du tympan
Maladies ORL pédiatriques
Traitement et chirurgie du ronflement
Tumeurs de la tête et du cou
Vertiges (étourdissements), acouphènes (acouphènes)
Problèmes de voix et de déglutition
2012-2016 Clinique ORL de l'Université de Selcuk
2016-2019 Clinique ORL de l'hôpital de formation et de recherche de Konya
Clinique ORL de l'hôpital d'État de Yalova 2019-2020
2020-2022 Spécialistes spéciaux Hôpital de Yalova
2022- …… Hôpital privé Sakarya Adatip
Adhésions :
1- Association turque de chirurgie oto-rhino-laryngologique de la tête et du cou
2- Association Européenne des Jeunes Médecins ORL
3- Association médicale turque
Article, Présentation, Publication, Congrès, Cours, Prix :
1- Symptômes du trouble déficitaire de l’attention avec hyperactivité chez les enfants présentant des nodules des cordes vocales
O Erdur, A Herguner, K Ozturk, E Kibar, C Elsurer, MK Bozkurt, Journal international d'oto-rhino-laryngologie pédiatrique 85, 5-7
2- Artère carotide interne aberrante : une cause rare de dysphagie
K Ozturk, O Erdur, E Kibar, F SofuogluJournal of Craniofacial Surgery 27 (3), 818
3- Évaluation du sphincter supérieur de l'œsophage dans les lésions vocales bénignes
E Kibar, O Erdur, K Ozturk Archives européennes d'oto-rhino-laryngologie 275 (12), 3033-3037
4- Quadriplégie permanente suite au remplacement d'une prothèse vocale
K Ozturk, O Erdur, E Kibar Journal de chirurgie craniofaciale 27 (8), e741-e743
5- Analyse des cas d'otosclérose
B Çolpan, K Öztürk, Ç Elsurer, E Kibar, Ö Erdur Journal of Otorhinolaryngology 4 (3), 105-10
6- Kyste hydatique de la glande parotide : une localisation rare
O Erdur, B Colpan, F Sofuoglu, E Kibar Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 29 (1), e98-e99
7- Fractures mandibulaires pédiatriques : Une étude rétrospective de 15 patients
E Demir, O Erdur, E Kibar, C Elsurer, MK Bozkurt, K Ozturk, B Colpan
Journal britannique de chirurgie buccale et maxillo-faciale 54 (10), e113-e114
8- Concha bullosa géante provoquant une grave congestion nasale
Ö Erdur, Ç Elsurer, E Kibar, MK Bozkurt Applications ORL 35 (Applications ORL)
9- Excision endoscopique du granulome pyogène septal nasal récurrent
Elsurer contemporain, Omer Erdur, Hakan Daghestan, Mete Kaan Bozkurt, Ertugrul Kibar
Applications ORL 81 (2016;4(2):81-84)
10- Ostéophytes des vertèbres cervicales responsables de dysphagie : à propos de deux cas.
Z Fazliogullari, A Nayman, E Kibar, H Karabagli, K Ozturk, AK Karabulut
Anatomie : Revue internationale d'anatomie expérimentale et clinique
11- Adénome pléomorphe géant de l'espace parapharyngé s'étendant jusqu'à la base du crâne
E Kibar, B Colpan, F Sofiev
Lire la suite
Le Dr Turgay Toğçuoğlu, avec 20 ans d'expérience, a réalisé de nombreuses interventions chirurgicales réussies dans le domaine de l'oto-rhino-laryngologie. Il a réalisé de nombreuses interventions chirurgicales en rhinoplastie
OREILLE– Otite séreuse et tube auriculaire– Calcification de l'oreille, otosclérose et spadétomie et application de piston en téflon– Infections chroniques de l'oreille moyenne et diverses chirurgies de tympanoplastie-Tympan perforé et chirurgie-Implant cochléaireNEZ-Courbure osseuse ou chirurgie de septoplastie-Esthétique du nez-RHINOPLASTIE-SEPTORHINOPLASTIE-Sinusite et chirurgies-Polypes nasaux et chirurgie-Conque-Opération endoscopique de l'obstruction du canal lacrymalGORGE– Amygdales et végétations adénoïdes-Examen du ronflement et diverses interventions chirurgicales pour éliminer le ronflement et l'apnéeCORDE VOCALE– Polypes et nodules et leurs interventions chirurgicalesGlande salivaire– Calcul des glandes salivaires sous-maxillaires et chirurgie– Masse et chirurgies des glandes salivairesCANCERS DE LA TÊTE ET DU COU-Cancers du poumon- Cancers de la bouche, de la langue et du pharynx- Cancers des glandes salivaires- Chirurgies de thyroïdectomieMASSES EN HAUTEUR-Dissection du cou |
Compétences Diagnostic et pronostic
Tout autre cours de formation et certificat (ceux dispensés également à l’international) :
1. Cours d'allergie oto-rhino-laryngologique 2004
2. Certificat OET du test d'anglais professionnel 2016
3. Cours DBsection Cadaver de l'université Ege 2017
Adhésions et associations (Veuillez lister toutes vos adhésions locales, régionales et internationales
Deaek de Chirurgie Plastique du Visage |
Société turque d'oto-rhino-laryngologie et de chirurgie de la tête et du cou |
Académie européenne d'allergologie et d'immunologie clinique |
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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Fatih Garça is a highly skilled and experienced ENT specialist currently practicing at Lokman Hekim Van Hospital. He completed his medical education at Istanbul University in 1997, and since then, he has built an impressive career in the field of otolaryngology. Throughout his career, Dr. Garça has contributed his knowledge and expertise to several prestigious institutions, including Van Yüzüncü Yıl University and İpekyolu State Hospital, where he has served in both clinical and academic roles.
Dr. Garça is recognized for his specialization in the diagnosis, treatment, and surgical management of a wide range of Ear, Nose, and Throat disorders. His areas of expertise include, but are not limited to, chronic sinusitis, hearing loss, nasal deformities, sleep apnea, and head and neck cancers. He is well-versed in performing both minimally invasive and complex surgical procedures, utilizing the latest technologies to ensure the best outcomes for his patients.
A highly regarded professional, Dr. Garça is dedicated to staying at the forefront of his field, regularly attending national and international conferences to further his medical knowledge. He is committed to delivering personalized care and effective treatment plans, taking into account each patient’s unique condition and needs.
Fluent in both Turkish and English, Dr. Garça is able to effectively communicate with a diverse range of patients, ensuring that they fully understand their diagnosis and treatment options. His compassionate approach and extensive expertise have earned him the trust of many individuals seeking high-quality care in the field of ENT.
Lire la suiteDr. Ender Şahin was born in Kırşehir, Turkey in 1981. He embarked on his journey in the field of medicine at an early age and went on to achieve great heights in his career as a prominent ear, nose, and throat specialist.
In 2007, Dr. Şahin successfully graduated from Hacettepe University Medical Faculty, marking the beginning of his illustrious medical career. His dedication to the field led him to pursue specialization at Ankara Education and Research Hospital in the same year. During his specialized training, he became actively involved in cadaver studies, focusing particularly on the areas of facial plastic and ear surgery.
Dr. Şahin’s commitment to advancing his field is reflected in his membership in prestigious medical associations, including the Turkish Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (Turkish KBB Society), the Facial Plastic Surgery Association, and the Turkish Medical Association (Türk Tabipleri Birliği).
He now practices at his own private clinic, where he specializes in a wide range of medical procedures, including genioplasty, tonsillectomies, correction of deviated septums, rhinoplasty, ear drum reconstruction, otoplasty (pinning back protruding ears), snoring surgery, endoscopic sinus surgery, endoscopic tear duct surgery, and vocal cord nodule and polyp removal surgeries.
His particular areas of interest include:
Dr. Ender Şahin’s passion for improving the quality of life for his patients and his dedication to advancing medical knowledge make him a respected figure in the field of otolaryngology. His commitment to the well-being of his patients and his contributions to the medical community continue to leave a lasting impact on the world of medicine.
Lire la suiteDr. Akın Zengin is a highly experienced Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) surgeon with over 27 years in the field and a remarkable 99% success rate in surgeries. His advanced training, including specialized education in facial aesthetics at Oregon Health & Science University in the United States, has positioned him as a leader in ENT and facial aesthetic surgery.
Education and Specialization
Dr. Zengin earned his medical degree from Gülhane Military Medical Academy (GATA) and completed his ENT specialization at GATA in 1997. He later completed a prestigious fellowship in facial aesthetics at Oregon Health & Science University (2003-2004), where he gained cutting-edge skills in both ENT and facial cosmetic procedures.
Professional Experience
Throughout his career, Dr. Zengin has worked at prominent military and private hospitals, including GATA, Kütahya Military Hospital, Malatya Military Hospital, and Özel Via Hospital. His extensive experience covers a wide range of ENT surgeries and facial aesthetic treatments, earning him widespread recognition in his field.
Professional Memberships
Dr. Zengin is an active member of the Turkish Otorhinolaryngology Association, staying current with the latest advancements in ENT and facial aesthetics.
With his vast experience, advanced training, and commitment to excellence, Dr. Akın Zengin is a trusted expert in ENT and facial aesthetics, providing exceptional care and outstanding results.
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