Le Dr Cem Altındağ est un chirurgien consultant en oto-rhino-laryngologie et chirurgie de la tête et du cou diplômé de l'Université d'Istanbul en 1989. Il a effectué plusieurs stages d'observation, consultations honoraires, cours et réunions dans divers pays tels que les États-Unis, l'Autriche, l'Allemagne, le Royaume-Uni, le Portugal, Pays-Bas, Italie et France. Il est également membre de la Société Européenne de Rhinoplastie.
Lire la suiteLe Dr. est titulaire d'une maîtrise en gestion des hôpitaux et des établissements de santé et a travaillé dans de nombreuses institutions, telles que l'hôpital de formation et de recherche Haseki du ministère de la Santé et l'université Bezmialem. Il a participé à de nombreuses conférences internationales et remporté des prix, et a publié des articles de recherche. Ses domaines d'expertise comprennent l'esthétique du nez, l'implant cochléaire, les pertes auditives, les infections de l'oreille, les troubles de l'équilibre, les allergies nasales, la polypose nasale, la chirurgie du cancer, la chirurgie plastique faciale, les troubles de la voix, les nodules thyroïdiens, la sinusite, la chirurgie endoscopique des sinus, les maladies des amygdales et des végétations adénoïdes et le ronflement, la chirurgie de l'apnée du sommeil. Il a acquis une expérience internationale aux États-Unis à l'université Johns Hopkins, à l'université Harvard, à la faculté de médecine de Harvard, à l'hôpital pour enfants de Boston, à l'université Tufts et à la Cleveland Clinic.
Lire la suiteAssoc. Le professeur Selman SARICA, MD est un oto-rhino-laryngologiste expérimenté possédant une expertise en otologie, oto-rhino-laryngologie pédiatrique, chirurgie du ronflement, tumeurs bénignes et malignes de la tête et du cou, laryngologie, chirurgies nasales fonctionnelles, chirurgie endoscopique des sinus, chirurgie de la thyroïde et maladies des glandes salivaires. Il est titulaire d'un diplôme de médecine de la faculté de médecine Cerrahpaşa de l'université d'Istanbul et d'une expertise du département d'oto-rhino-laryngologie de l'université Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam. Il est professeur agrégé de médecine dans la même université.
Lire la suiteLe médecin est spécialisé dans les infections de l'oreille et la réparation de la membrane tympanique, ainsi que dans d'autres procédures telles que la rhinoplastie, la septorhinoplastie, l'adénoïdectomie, l'amygdalectomie, la mise en place d'un tube de ventilation, le ronflement, la chirurgie de l'apnée du sommeil, les nodules des cordes vocales, les kystes, les polypes, l'œdème, la laryngoscopie. , MLS, laryngectomie, curage des ganglions lymphatiques cervicaux, curage du cou, chirurgie des tumeurs de la tête et du cou, reconstruction et microlaryngochirurgie. Il est titulaire d'un diplôme de premier cycle de l'Université Inonu et a suivi une formation dans plusieurs institutions, dont l'Université Abant Izzet Baysal, le centre médical universitaire de Hambourg-Eppendorf, l'Université Gazi et le Comprehensive Cancer Center de l'Ohio State University. Il a travaillé dans des hôpitaux privés et des centres de santé à Istanbul et à Malatya.
Lire la suiteLe Dr Süleyman Hilmi YILMAZ est professeur adjoint et médecin, né en 1981. Il est spécialisé dans la congestion nasale et les déformations nasales, la polypose nasale, les obstructions des glandes lacrymales, les tumeurs bénignes et malignes de la tête et du cou, le cancer de la thyroïde, les maladies des amygdales et des végétations adénoïdes, l'adénoïdectomie, amygdalectomie et placement du tube auriculaire, correction septale, chirurgie endoscopique des sinus, visualisation de l'oreille moyenne et des osselets et chirurgie des glandes sous-mandibulaires. Il est membre de l'Association turque de chirurgie oto-rhino-laryngologique de la tête et du cou, de l'Association des spécialistes ORL-BCC d'Istanbul et de la Skull Base Association.
Lire la suiteOp. Dr. K. Ali Rahimi was born in Urumiyeh on 01.01.1961. He graduated from Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine in 1992. Then he completed his specialization at Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of ENT in 1997. He worked as an ENT Specialist at Erdem Hospital, Kadıoğlu Hospital, Çamlıca Medicana Hospital, Huzur Hospital and Atlas Hospital. He served as Chief Physician in all hospitals except Erdem Hospital. During his tenure, he worked on Septo Rhinoplasty, Septoplasty, FESS (Sinusitis Surgeries), Adenoid Surgeries, Tonsil Surgeries, Snoring Surgeries, Hoarseness Surgeries, Hearing Loss, Tinnitus, Head and Neck Tumors. Today, he worked as an Otorhinolaryngologist at NPIstanbul Brain Hospital.
Date of Birth: 01.01.1961
Place of Birth Urumiyeh
Faculty of Medicine Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine
Graduation Year 1992
Specialization Education: Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine- Department of ENT 1997
Formation et expertise
2003 - À la Faculté de médecine de l'Université d'Istanbul
2003 - 2009 - Hôpital de formation et de recherche Şişli Etfal
2009 - 2011 - Hôpital d'État de Bayburt
2013 - Hôpital privé Safa d'Istanbul
Adhésions professionnelles
Fondation turque oreilles-nez-gorge
Association médicale turque
Association de chirurgie plastique du visage
Association turque d'ORL et de chirurgie
Lire la suiteDr. Shahriyar is a European Board-Certified Specialist Otorhinolaryngologist and Head and Neck Surgeon with over 14 years of experience in ENT and Head and Neck Surgery. He also possesses a Master’s Degree in Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery from India and MRCS in ENT from Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh, UK. Dr. Shahriyar, is a seasoned ENT surgeon with vast ENT Experience. Moreover, his international engagements include working in King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, one of the largest tertiary care ENT and Head and Neck Oncology Institute adding precious experience to his expertise in dealing with comprehensive ENT & Head and Neck Disorders. In India, He has worked with Apollo Hospitals Group one of the biggest and the oldest Healthcare provider in India. Dr Shahriyar has a zeal to stay updated in the fast changing medical field by meticulously continuing medical education, participating frequently in meetings and national and International conferences.
Dr. Nicola Vione specializes in Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Pathology.
He began his training at the University of Turin where, in 1996 he obtained a degree in Medicine and Surgery, and in 1997 the qualification to practice. Subsequently, in 2001 he obtained the specialist diploma in Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Pathology.
Over the years of his career he has attended various prestigious hospitals, perfecting himself in Functional and Aesthetic Surgery of the nose, performing thousands of operations and obtaining excellent results. He regularly attends specialization courses and national and international congresses, learning the most avant-garde techniques of the moment such as preservation rhinoplasty which allows primary rhinoplasty operations to be performed, guaranteeing respect for the anatomy of the nose and obtaining extremely natural and a shorter post-operative period.
Since 2015, he has been collaborating with the "Micheli-Pellegrini" Study Center, one of the most prestigious schools in Italy of rhino-cervical-facial reconstructive surgery, as a member of the scientific committee and as a Professor of Functional and Aesthetic Surgery of the Nose. He currently works at the San Luigi Gonzaga public hospital in Orbassano (Turin), as Medical Director of the Otolaryngology Operative Unit. He also works in some private clinics, such as Santa Caterina da Siena GVM and the Fornaca Clinic in Sessant.
Dr Vione is a member of numerous national scientific societies such as AICEFF (Italian Association of Aesthetic and Functional Surgery of the Face), AOOI (Association of Italian Hospital Otorhinolaryngologists), AIOCC (Italian Association of Head and Neck Oncology) and SIOeChCF ( Italian Society of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery). Registered, since 1997, in the Provincial Order of Surgeons of Asti
Dr. Nicola Vione is an established professional in the field of Otolaryngology and particularly expert in Functional and Aesthetic Surgery of the nose.
Lire la suiteLe professeur Ralf Buhl est un neurochirurgien de renommée mondiale avec plus de 20 ans d'expérience. Le docteur Buhl dirige le service de neurochirurgie de la Solingen Klinikum. Sa réputation atteint la Chine et les États-Unis où il donne des conférences en neurochirurgie.
Le Dr Buhl se spécialise dans les méthodes non invasives de traitement des hernies discales et des tumeurs du cerveau et de la moelle épinière. Le médecin traite les troubles du système nerveux périphérique et réalise des microchirurgies de navigation assistées par ordinateur.
Le Dr Ralf Buhl a réalisé plus de 4 000 neurochirurgies réussies. Parmi ses patients figurent des hommes politiques, des hommes d'affaires, des musiciens et des acteurs célèbres. En 2015, la star hollywoodienne George Clooney souffrait de graves maux de dos et a été soignée par le professeur Buhl.
Le Dr Buhl mène des travaux scientifiques et des recherches sur le traitement des cavernomes intracrâniens, le traitement chirurgical des métastases cérébrales et d'autres domaines de la neurochirurgie.
Le professeur Buhl a cofondé le Fonds consacré à l'étude des tumeurs cérébrales.
Lire la suiteSpecialist Dr. Ali Can Sungur is a highly experienced ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat) specialist practicing at Lokman Hekim Health Group Etlik Hospital. With years of professional expertise, Dr. Sungur is dedicated to diagnosing and treating a comprehensive range of conditions related to the ear, nose, and throat. His extensive knowledge allows him to offer both medical and surgical treatments, customized to the unique needs of each patient. Emphasizing a patient-centered approach, Dr. Sungur ensures that all treatments are carefully planned to deliver the best possible outcomes. His practice is built on a foundation of compassion, professionalism, and a commitment to utilizing the most advanced medical technologies and techniques. Whether addressing routine concerns or more complex issues, Dr. Sungur is devoted to providing effective, personalized care in a supportive and professional environment.
Lire la suiteAnkara University Faculty of Medicine - Ear-Nose-Throat Diseases
1998-2005 Erciyes University Faculty of Medicine, KAYSERİ
Courses and Conferences
Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Foundation OSAS Surgery Educational Course ,November 05, 2009,Ankara
Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Foundation Pediatric Sinusitis Educational Course,07 January 2010,Ankara
9th International Congress of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, April 8-10, 2010, Ankara.
Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Foundation Academy Congress, April 15-18, 2010, Hatay
Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Association, Neck Dissections Meeting ;May 6, 2010 ,Ankara
Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Foundation Approach to Conductive Hearing Loss Educational Course; December 16, 2010,Ankara
33rd Turkish National Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Congress; September 26-30, 2011, Ankara
Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Foundation Middle Ear Implants Educational Course; November 17, 2011,Ankara
Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Association , Current Approach to Thyroid and Parathyroid Diseases Meeting ;November 19, 2011 ,Ankara
Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Foundation Current Tonsillectomy Methods Educational Course; December 15, 2011 ,Ankara
National Laryngology Congress, February 17-18, 2012, Ankara
Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Foundation Educational Course on Approach to Children with Stiridor; April 05, 2012 ,Ankara
10th International Congress of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery; April 26-28, 2012, Ankara
8th Turkish Rhinology Congress, May 24-27, 2012, Antalya
Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Foundation Vertigo Educational Course;November 01, 2012,Ankara
7th National Laryngology Congress September 27-28, 2013 ,Istanbul
35th Turkish National Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Congress, November 02-06, 2013, Antalya
35th Turkish National Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Congress Clinically Applied Allergic Rhinitis Course, November 02-06, 2013, Antalya
ORL seminars Salzburg Medical Seminars International April 12-19, 2014
38th Turkish National Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Congress, , Antalya
Articles he wrote and contributed to;
1. Elgörmüş M.N, Başak H, Balcıoğlu M ,Özgürsoy O.B, Dursun G, Hidden Cavernous Hemangioma in Tongue; 9th International Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Congress, April 8-10, 2010, Ankara.
2.ELGÖRMÜŞ M.N, BASAK H, BALCIOĞLU M, ÖZGÜRSOY O.B, DURSUN G. Hidden Hemangioma in Tongue. 9th International ENT- Head and Neck Surgery Congress 8-10 April 2010, Ankara, Turkey
3.Mülazımoğlu S, Başak H, Beton S, Elgörmüş M.N, Aktürk T, Arat A, Gökcan M.K,Emergency Intraoperative Angiographic Embolization in Acute Carotid Blowout Syndrome ; 35th Turkish National Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Congress, 02-06 November 2013, Antalya
1.İslamoğlu Y, Kıcalı M.M, Elgörmüş M.N, Beton S, Gökcan M.K ,Is Hyoid Bone Removal Necessary in Thyroglossal Cyst Excision? ;35th Turkish National Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Congress,
2.BAŞAK H, MÜLAZIMOGLU S, TEZCANER Z.Ç., BETON S, MECO B.C, ELGÖRMÜS MN, MEÇO C. Endonasal endoscopic excision of frontal sinus and supraorbital resess cholesteatoma extending from the temporal muscle to the middle fossa. 10th Turkish Rhinology Congress May 25-22, 2014 Antalya, Turkey. (oral presentation)
3.M.N.Elgörmüs , C. Meco Endonasal Endoscopic Management of Traumatic CSF Fistula 19-12 April 2014 ORL seminars Salzburg Medical Seminars International
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