Orthopédiste-Traumatologue, Spécialiste du traitement du genou, des tendons et des ligaments
Lire la suiteMes principaux centres d'intérêt sont les prothèses de genou et de hanche, les complications après les endoprothèses, les infections périprothétiques, les procédures de reconstruction de l'articulation du genou, y compris les procédures arthroscopiques et les ostéotomies correctives du tibia (par exemple HTO, ostéotomies de la tubérosité tibiale), ainsi que le traitement chirurgical des neuropathies : syndrome du canal carpien, syndrome du nerf ulnaire. Je suis l'auteur et le co-auteur de nombreuses publications.
Lire la suite2010-2012: (Specialist. Dr.) TR Ministry of Health, Istanbul Metin Sabancı Bone Diseases Training and Research Hospital
2012-2017: (Specialist Dr.) TR Ministry of Health, Istanbul Metin Sabancı Bone Diseases Training and Research Hospital
2017-Present: Assoc. Dr. Istanbul Aydın University VM Medical Park Hospital
1. European Board of Orthopedics and Traumatology(EBOT), Member, 2014
2. Hip and Knee Arthroplasty Association, Member, 2014
3. Orthopedic Trauma Branch, Member, 2011
4. Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Education Council (TOTEK), Member, 2010
5. Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association (TOTBID), Member, 2007
6. Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association (TOTDER), Member, 2005
7. Turkish Medical Association Istanbul Branch, Member, 2005
Lire la suiteDr. Jarosław Dawiskiba is a specialist in orthopedics and traumatology of the musculoskeletal system.
he provides specialist consultations and is the operator of the KCM Clinic’s Orthopedics and Traumatology Department, specializes in arthroscopic procedures with particular emphasis on the knee and shoulder joints. He also performs highly specialized surgical procedures of diagnostic and surgical video-arthroscopy of the knee joint, as well as post-traumatic reconstruction of the cruciate ligaments with titanium and bio-absorbable implants.
Diseases treated:
knee pain
tennis elbow
shoulder pain
hip pain
Carpal tunnel syndrome
degenerative diseases
calcaneal spur
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Formation et expertise
Faculté de médecine de l'Université d'Istanbul d'Istanbul - 2010
Hôpital de formation et de recherche sur les maladies osseuses Metin Sabancı Baltalimanı d'Istanbul – Orthopédie et traumatologie – 2016
Expériences de travail
Hôpital familial privé
Hôpital privé d'Ataköy
Centre de santé de Sancaktepe
Hôpital de formation et de recherche sur les maladies osseuses Baltalimanı
Hôpital d'État de Diyarbakir Selahaddin Eyyubi
Sujets qu'il maîtrise et qui l'intéressent :
Calcification du genou
Douleur au genou
Déchirure du ménisque
Blessures aux ligaments du genou
Syndrome du canal carpien
La douleur du cou
Maladies orthopédiques
Instabilité de l'épaule
Luxation de l'épaule
Mal d'épaule
Luxations récurrentes de l'épaule
Prothèse de hanche et de genou
Lire la suiteLe Dr Aviram Gold est un chirurgien orthopédique très expérimenté, spécialiste des prothèses de la hanche et du genou, avec plus de 20 ans d'expérience. Il est titulaire d'un doctorat en médecine de l'Université hébraïque de Jérusalem, de l'École de médecine Hadassah et d'une maîtrise en administration de la santé de l'Université Ben-Gourion du Néguev, École de gestion, Département de gestion des systèmes de santé. Il est certifié par le conseil israélien de chirurgie orthopédique et générale, certifié en médecine aéronautique et a suivi le cours avancé de l'AO : Advances in fracture treatment, Leeds et Advanced Trauma Life Support Instructor course. Il propose des traitements pour toute une série d'affections musculo-squelettiques, les interventions les plus courantes étant la réparation du tendon de l'épaule (coiffe de rotation), l'arthroscopie du genou, l'arthrodèse de la cheville, l'arthroplastie totale du genou B/L, l'arthroplastie totale de la hanche B/L, la chirurgie de resurfaçage de la hanche, la reconstruction du ligament croisé antérieur (LCA), la réparation du ménisque, la libération du canal carpien et l'arthroscopie de l'épaule. Heures d'ouverture : Du lundi au samedi, de 8 heures à 16 heures.
Lire la suiteLe professeur Schabus est un spécialiste autrichien de la reconstruction arthroscopique et ouverte des articulations, de l'ostéosynthèse et du remplacement artificiel des articulations, ainsi que de la chirurgie des ligaments et des ménisques. Il a été le médecin de l'équipe de l'Association autrichienne de tennis et est l'auteur de plus de 400 articles et conférences scientifiques. Il est titulaire d'un doctorat en traumatologie et est membre de plusieurs sociétés privilégiées.
Lire la suitesurgeon. Dr. Serdar Karaman graduated from İnönü University Faculty of Medicine. Subsequently, he completed his specialist training in Orthopedics and Traumatology at İnönü University. His previous experiences include Elbistan State Hospital and İnönü University.
Areas of particular interest: Hand surgery, sports surgery, arthroplasty, cartilage injuries, pediatric orthopedics, foot and ankle surgery, arthroscopic surgeries, lengthening surgeries and pelvic fractures.
Scientific Publications
Articles Published in International Refereed Journals: 1. Which is more dangerous, earthquake, or the panic? Evaluation of the 24 January 2020 Elazig/Türkiye earthquake related musculoskeletal injuries. E Ergen, O Kaya, Ö Yılmaz, HU Özdeş, ÖC Batur, S Karaman, İ Güzel, .Ulus Travma Emergency Surgery Derg 28 (9), 1335-1339 2. The Clinical Results of Tendon Transfers in Patients with Ulnar Palsy. S Karaman, S Ekrem, K Ertem. Journal of Medical Case Reports and Reviews 5 (6), 1144- 1152 3. Clinical results of endoprosthetic reconstructions in metastatic and primary bone tumors. R Sevimli, S Karaman. Medicine Science 11 (1), 199-203 4. A Case of Glomus Tumor in an Unusual Localization of Hand. S Ekrem, S Karaman, K Ertem, H Köse. Clin Case Rep Int. 2020; 4 1198 5. Spontaneous extensor pollicis longus (EPL) tendon rupture after ironing. S Karaman, M Köroğlu, ZM Özdemir, K Ertem. Oral Presentations Presented at Annals of Clinical and Analytical Medicine 2020 National and International Congresses: 1. Medium and Long-Term Results of Patients to whom We Performed Microfracture for Knee Joint Cartilage Damage. Karaman S, Ergen E, Aslantürk O, Kılınç Ö. 30th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 9-14 November 2021. 2. Medium and Short-Term Results in Our Patients Treated with Reconstruction with Endoprosthesis After Resection for Malignant Bone Tumors. Sevimli R., Karaman S. Bone Joint 2021 Online Congress, Ankara, Turkey, 1 - 04 April 2021, p.82 3. Mid-Term Clinical Results of Surgical Treatment of Thumb Metacarpophalangeal Joint and Collateral Ligament Injuries. Karaman S., Ekrem S., Ertem K. 17th National Turkish Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery Congress, Turkey, 16 - 20 November 2020 4. Mid-Term Results of Surgical Treatment of Thumb Metacarpophalangeal Joint Collateral Ligament Injuries. Karaman S., Ekrem S., Ertem K., Aslantürk O. 17th National Turkish Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery Congress (ONLINE), Turkey, 16 - 20 November 2020 5. Evaluation of Mid-Term Functional Results of Our Patients Who Had Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair. Kilinç Ö., Ertem K., Ergen E., Karaman S. 17th National Turkish Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery Congress, Turkey, 16 - 20 November 2020 6. Retrospective Examination of Patients Treated Surgically Due to Carpal Bone Cyst. Karaman S., Ekrem S., Ertem K. 29th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 22 - 27 October 2019, vol.53, p.47 7. Streptococus Pneumonia in the Proximal Humerus in a Baby Presenting with Brachial Plexus Disorder Clinic Case Report of Osteomyelitis Due to Disease. Karaman S., Özdeş H. U., Gündüz E. 29th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 22 - 27 October 2019, vol.53, pp.152 8. Retrospective Examination of Mid-Term Results of Surgical Treatment of ThumbMmetacarpophalangeal JointCollateral Ligament Injuries. Karaman S., Ekrem S., Ertem K. 29th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 22 - 27 October 2019, vol.53, pp.139-140 9. Retrospective Examination of Patients Who Had Tendon Transfers Due to Ulnar Nerve Paralysis. Karaman S., Ekrem S., Ertem K. 29th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 22 - 27 October 2019, vol.53, p.139 10. Case Report of Radial Nerve Interference Between the Fracture Line in Supracondylar Humerus Fracture . Karaman S., Sağir A., Çoban İ., Sevimli R. 29th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 22 - 27 October 2019, vol.53, pp.147-148 11. Should We Have A Controlling Hip X-Ray In A Child Whom His Hip Ultrasonography Reported As Normal Previously? Ceylan M. F., Karaman S., Karakaplan M. 17th International Eastern Mediterranean Family Medicine Congress, Adana, Turkey 10 - 13 May 2018 12. Medico-Legal Examination Of Patients With Developmental Dysplasia Of Hip Treated Surgically Due To Late Diagnosis. Ceylan M. F., Karakaplan M., Karaman S. 17. 17th International Eastern Mediterranean Family Medicine Congress, Adana, Turkey, 10 - 13 May 2018 13. Does The Implemented "Developmental Dysplasia Early Screening Program" Reduced The Need For Surgical Treatment? Ceylan M. F., Karakaplan M., Karaman S., Kaya R. 17th international eastern mediterranean family medicine congress, Adana, Turkey, 10 - 13 May 2018 14. Shoulder Septic Arthritis Occurring In Newborn With Brachial Plexus Paralysis Clinic; Case Report Presentation. Yıldırım E, Karaman S. 16th National Congress of the Turkish Society for Surgery of the Hand and Upper Extremity and 5th National Congress of the Hand Therapist Society Abstract Supplement. May 6-9 2018, Pamukkale, Denizli, Turkey. Hand Microsurg 2018;7: Suppl1. P.47
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