After graduated from Ege University, Faculty of Dentistry in 2003 he started his PhD education in the Department of Periodontology, Institute of Health in the same university. Having completed the PhD education in 2009 he started to work as a research assistant in Ege University Faculty of Dentistry Department of Periodontology.
He became Assoc.Prof in 2015 and continued both clinical and academic research. In 2022 he became full professor and have published more than 30 studies in well-known scientific journals. He developed a connective tissue graft harvesting tool (Nizam Punch), which is being produced in Germany and two implant systems which are being used in many countries. He still keeps his academic position in Ege University Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Periodontology.
Visite du médecin | prix sur demande |
Pose de pont dentaire | $709.69 - $806.46 |
Sourire hollywoodien | $2957.04 - $7096.89 |
Implants dentaires All-on-6 le jour même | $6451.72 - $9032.4 |
Prof. Dr. Kandemir was the head of the Periodontology Department at Ege University until 2019. He has made significant contributions to dental science, particularly in periodontal disease and implantology over his dynamic career.
Dr. Kandemir holds a Doctorate in Clinical Sciences from Ege University, where he has been a full professor since 1994. He has published 14 research papers and presented at various international conferences, including the İzmir Dişhekimleri Odası and ACBID International Conference.
He has supervised numerous doctoral theses and led impactful research projects, enhancing periodontal treatment methods. Dr. Kandemir is proficient in English and continues to advance dental education and care standards at Nifa Dent Oral and Dental Health Clinic.
Lire la suiteVisite du médecin | prix sur demande |
Pose de pont dentaire | $709.69 - $806.46 |
Sourire hollywoodien | $2957.04 - $7096.89 |
Implants dentaires All-on-6 le jour même | $6451.72 - $9032.4 |
Onur Uğuz, our managing director, has achieved success in his professional life with the duties of specialist medicine and managing director after completing his undergraduate and specialization programs in his education life. Onur Uğuz, who is an expert in the field of Restorative Dentistry, is one of our successful dentists who is currently working as the Managing Director and Specialist Dentists in our clinic with 18 years of experience.
2005 -Undergraduate Degree – Ankara University Faculty of Dentistry
2011 Ph.D. - Ankara University Department of Dental Diseases and Treatment
Lire la suite
Visite du médecin | prix sur demande |
Greffe osseuse | $190 |
Ascension du sinus crestal | $200 - $400 |
Extraction des dents de sagesse | $70 |
Welcome to Varto Oral Surgery, where we specialize in affordable and top-quality Oral Surgery and Implants in Los Algodones, México.
Dental Implants
Lire la suiteVisite du médecin | prix sur demande |
Facettes | $400 - $500 |
Placage composite | $400 - $450 |
Implants dentaires tout-en-6 | $11000 |
Eduardo Fernandez, MD
Medical Doctor & Stem Cell Expert
Dr. Eduardo Fernandez is a distinguished medical professional specializing in stem cell therapies and regenerative medicine. He is a certified member of the Mexican College of Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine, as well as the Mexican Council of Stem Cells for Therapeutic and Research Purposes. Dr. Fernandez’s certifications are the result of a rigorous 8-hour examination process, reserved for a select group of doctors who possess advanced knowledge and experience in these cutting-edge treatments. With only 50 certified doctors in Mexico, Dr. Fernandez’s expertise is highly sought after and respected.
In addition to his national recognition, Dr. Fernandez is awaiting international certification from the renowned International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR). Membership in this prestigious organization signifies Dr. Fernandez’s extensive experience and expertise in stem cell treatments. The ISSCR includes prominent scientists from renowned universities such as Harvard, Yale, Stanford, and other esteemed institutions worldwide. Being a part of this elite society represents the pinnacle of honor and prestige in the field of stem cell therapies.
Furthermore, Dr. Fernandez is also seeking membership and international certification from the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV), the largest community of extracellular vesicle researchers globally. With only two thousand members worldwide, ISEV’s select nature underscores Dr. Fernandez’s exceptional dedication to advancing scientific knowledge in the study of exosomes and cellular messengers. By pursuing membership in ISEV, Dr. Fernandez continues to demonstrate his commitment to staying at the forefront of research and innovation in the field of regenerative medicine.
Lire la suiteLe docteur Yuho Doh a obtenu une double licence en neurosciences et en mathématiques appliquées et statistiques à l'université Johns Hopkins avant de terminer ses études de dentisterie à l'université nationale de Séoul, au collège de dentisterie. Il est également titulaire d'un diplôme de spécialisation en dentisterie générale, ce qui lui a permis d'offrir des soins dentaires complets à ses patients. Le dévouement du Dr Doh à l'excellence se manifeste dans ses efforts constants pour développer ses connaissances et ses compétences dans son domaine. Grâce à ses études et à ses activités professionnelles, le docteur Doh s'est imposé comme un praticien dentaire de confiance et hautement qualifié.
Lire la suiteVisite du médecin | prix sur demande |
Greffe osseuse | $215.11 - $358.51 |
Implant dentaire | $537.77 - $681.17 |
Pose d'une couronne en zircone | $322.66 - $430.21 |
Visite du médecin | prix sur demande |
Gingivectomie | $161.29 |
Allongement de la couronne | $161.29 |
Nettoyage des dents (détartrage) | $43.01 - $86.02 |
Visite du médecin | prix sur demande |
Greffe osseuse | $537.64 |
Sourire hollywoodien | $10752.86 |
Pose d'un implant dentaire avec couronne | $1612.93 |
Congresses and/or Conferences Attended
2009: Achieving precision, function and aesthetics in oral rehabilitation, UCE, SPM, RD.
2010: Fola Dentistry Congress, Santo Domingo, SPM, RD. Root coverage technique for Cl. I Miller and implant placement in the aesthetic sector, UCE, SPM, RD.
2010: 2nd International Dentistry Conference, Santo Domingo, RD. Complete and removable prosthesis with patients, CSU, SPM, RD.
2012: Protocol for patients with systemic involvement, UCE, SPM, RD. Adhesion in restorative dentistry, functional occlusion and bioesthetic dentistry, UCE, SPM, RD.
2012: Guide to care for periodontal patients, UCE, SPM, RD.
2014: Dental Congress Meeting, New York, United States.
2014-2016: CPO Uninga, Brazil - Implantologist Doctor.
2017: Bichectomy (Crop Reduction) and Lipopapada, Brazil, Dr. Marcos Braite Institute.
2018: Scientific Exchange SIN Implants and Criteria Biomaterials, Brazil, IBOP Institute and SIN Implants Factory.
2021: Universidad Facop, São Paulo, Brazil, Degree Oral Face Harmonizer.
Lire la suiteLe patient est membre de l'Association turque de prosthodontie et d'implantologie (TPID), de l'Équipe internationale d'implantologie (ITI) et de l'Académie turque de dentisterie esthétique (EDAD).
Lire la suiteVisite du médecin | prix sur demande |
Pose de pont dentaire | $806.46 - $1075.29 |
Installation de couronne dentaire | $268.82 - $301.08 |
Blanchiment des dents | $209.68 |
Visite du médecin | prix sur demande |
Extraction des dents | $19.31 - $62.77 |
Facettes | $193.13 |
Plastique de récession gingivale | $51.91 - $106.22 |
Fondatrice de Smile Academy, le Dr Yaprak Kalkan est née à Istanbul en 1988. Elle est diplômée de la Faculté de médecine dentaire de l'Université de Marmara en 2011. Elle est allée à l'Université de Turku en Finlande pour mener les expériences de ses études sur des patients diabétiques au cours de ses études. doctorat, qu'elle a commencé au Département de Parodontologie de la même université. Après avoir travaillé dans des établissements de santé d'entreprise et VIP tels que l'hôpital Maslak Acıbadem, elle a prévu d'ouvrir sa propre clinique pour amener sa profession à un autre niveau et a jeté les bases de Smile Academy. Elle a de nombreuses publications et articles scientifiques nationaux et internationaux. Elle a participé à de nombreuses reprises à la direction des principales organisations scientifiques de la profession, comme le 101e Congrès Dentaire Mondial de la FDI. En 2019, elle occupe le poste de secrétaire générale adjointe du 25e Congrès international de la TDA. Elle a travaillé en tant que membre de la Commission communautaire de santé bucco-dentaire 2012-2016, membre de la Commission des jeunes dentistes 2016-2020 et depuis 2018 en tant que déléguée à l'Assemblée générale de l'Association dentaire turque à la Chambre des dentistes d'Istanbul.
Lire la suite
Visite du médecin | prix sur demande |
Blanchiment des dents | $162 |
Implants dentaires tout-en-6 | $4870 |
Traitement canalaire | $108 |
Büşra Çağırıcı, a 2019 graduate of Marmara University Faculty of Dentistry, works as a responsible manager and general dentist within the scope of her successful education life. Experience has been gained in general dental treatments and smile design such as Lamina, zirconium, implant-supported fixed prosthesis, hybrid prosthesis, aesthetic filling. Successful treatments continue in our clinic.
Lire la suiteVisite du médecin | prix sur demande |
Greffe osseuse | $190 |
Ascension du sinus crestal | $200 - $400 |
Extraction des dents de sagesse | $70 |
Dr. Dt. Nuri ÜNAL was born in Aydın in 1990. Following his primary and secondary education, ÜNAL completed his dental education at Atatürk University Faculty of Dentistry. After graduation, he was admitted to the doctoral program in Oral, Dental, and Maxillofacial Surgery at Izmir Katip Çelebi University Faculty of Dentistry. Having presented numerous papers, speeches, and studies at international scientific congresses on dental implant surgery, immediate loading, All on 4 & All on 6 treatment procedures, and embedded tooth extractions, ÜNAL has a strong background in his field. After providing maxillofacial surgery services in various clinics in cities such as Izmir, Istanbul, and Denizli, he, alongside Dr. Serdar Demirçal, established Dente Dental Studio Oral and Dental Health Clinic in 2021, where he continues to provide services
Lire la suiteVisite du médecin | prix sur demande |
Dentier | $860.23 |
Croisillons | $4301.14 |
Greffe osseuse | $322.59 |
Visite du médecin | prix sur demande |
Traitement canalaire | $750 |
Extraction des dents de sagesse | $200 - $250 |
Installation de couronne dentaire | $400 |