He graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Padua, where, in 1996, he obtained the specialization in Endocrinology, Diabetology and Metabolic Diseases. In 1994 he specialized in Metabolic Diseases from the San Bortolo University Hospital in Vicenza. Engaged in research activities in the areas of use of engineered tissues and growth factors for tissue regeneration, new technologies in the field of conservative surgical treatment, and extreme percutaneous revascularization protocols. He has been chairman of several international courses on Diabetic Foot and Charcot Foot and he is a member of the Editorial Board of the journal "Diabetic Foot and Ankle", and of the European Diabetic Foot Study Group (DFSG).
Author of over 100 scientific publications and about 300 speeches at international congresses, including several editions of the National Congress of the Diabetes Doctors Association or the Italian Journal of Diabetology.
Awarded with "Ilizarov Award of Excellence" at the International External Fixation Symposium, 2018; -“Paul Brand Memorial Lecture” Award in 2016.
Lire la suiteLe Dr X est le directeur de l'unité de radio-oncologie. Il est titulaire d'un diplôme de médecine et de chirurgie de l'Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, à Rome, en Italie, et d'un certificat de spécialiste en radiologie. Il s'intéresse particulièrement à l'imagerie oncologique et aux techniques d'intervention, notamment dans la région du sein. Il enseigne la formation professionnelle en radiologie depuis 2005 et est l'auteur de plus de 100 articles de journaux évalués par des pairs, d'articles et de chapitres de livres sur la radiologie et la radiologie du sein. Il est membre de la SIRM et de l'ESR et co-rédacteur en chef d'une revue internationale.
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