Le professeur Ralf Buhl est un neurochirurgien de renommée mondiale avec plus de 20 ans d'expérience. Le docteur Buhl dirige le service de neurochirurgie de la Solingen Klinikum. Sa réputation atteint la Chine et les États-Unis où il donne des conférences en neurochirurgie.
Le Dr Buhl se spécialise dans les méthodes non invasives de traitement des hernies discales et des tumeurs du cerveau et de la moelle épinière. Le médecin traite les troubles du système nerveux périphérique et réalise des microchirurgies de navigation assistées par ordinateur.
Le Dr Ralf Buhl a réalisé plus de 4 000 neurochirurgies réussies. Parmi ses patients figurent des hommes politiques, des hommes d'affaires, des musiciens et des acteurs célèbres. En 2015, la star hollywoodienne George Clooney souffrait de graves maux de dos et a été soignée par le professeur Buhl.
Le Dr Buhl mène des travaux scientifiques et des recherches sur le traitement des cavernomes intracrâniens, le traitement chirurgical des métastases cérébrales et d'autres domaines de la neurochirurgie.
Le professeur Buhl a cofondé le Fonds consacré à l'étude des tumeurs cérébrales.
Professor Dihné is a true master in understanding the subtle mechanisms of the nervous system. His professionalism is manifested in his profound knowledge of anatomy and physiology, as well as in his ability to accurately identify and effectively treat diseases that can affect both the physical and psychological state of the patient. Professor Dihné listens carefully to everyone, creating an atmosphere of trust, and based on thorough examinations and analyses, develops an individualized treatment plan. He not only has knowledge in his hands, but also the ability to feel and understand how to restore harmony in a person's body and mind, giving them back their quality of life.
Membership in societies and awards:
German Society of Physicians.
Research Award of the Christian and Claudia Hempel Foundation for outstanding research in the field of clinical stem cell research.
Author of numerous publications in leading medical journals in Germany and Europe.
Work experience:
2001-2004: Training at the Centre for Molecular Neurobiology in Hamburg.
2004-2011: Training at the Neurological University Clinic Düsseldorf.
2011-2013: Training at the Neurological University Hospital Tübingen and the Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research.
Professor Dihne began his scientific career at the University of Düsseldorf.
2013-2023 Professor Dihne successfully headed the Department of Neurology at the St. Lukas Klinik Solingen for 10 years.
Since 2024: Chief Physician at the Department of Neurology at the Academic Hospital Solingen.