Les meilleurs doctors à Chypre pour votre Consultation en ligne avec un chirurgien - TOP 2 des médecins

Le contenu respecte la Politique Éditoriale Bookimed et est examinée médicalement par
Fahad Mawlood
Petros Tsafrakidis
  • Nouveau
  • 16 années d'expérience
  • Chypre, République de Chypre, German Medical Institute
  • Éducation/Expérience académique

    Avril 1995 – Octobre 2001 Faculté de médecine de l'Université Aristote de Thessalonique, Grèce

    Certificat IELTS de mars 2007 (score global de 7,5)

    Février 2011 CCST en urologie, Université Aristote de Thessalonique, Grèce

    Juin 2012 Membre du Conseil Européen d'Urologie (FEBU)

    Septembre 2014 Fellow en andrologie/chirurgie reconstructive (M. Giulio Garaffa , UCLH / Mid-Essex)

    Avril 2016 Membre du Collège royal des chirurgiens d'Angleterre (FRCS Eng)

    Oct. 2018 Maître de conférences honoraire à l'Université de St Andrews

    Septembre 2019 Tuteur ChM en urologie en andrologie et chirurgie mini-invasive (MIMS) Université d'Édimbourg

    Août 2020 Membre du groupe d'experts de l'Union européenne sur les dispositifs médicaux in vitro (EU EXPAMED)

    Nominations actuelles et antérieures

    Nomination actuelle

    Mai 2022 - Présent Urologue consultant Centre allemand d'oncologie, Limassol, Chypre

    Nominations antérieures

    16 novembre - mai 2021 Chirurgien urologue consultant Victoria/Queen Margaret Hospital Fife, Écosse.

    Novembre 2012 - Octobre 2016 Urologue consultant Hôpital Broomfield, Mid-Essex Hospitals Trust

    Janv. 2011 - Oct. 2012 Chargé de recherche clinique en urologie, niveau de médecin spécialiste, Bristol Royal Infirmary, United Bristol Hospitals Trust

    Déc 2009 - Déc 2010 Résident en urologie Hôpital G. Gennimatas, Université Aristote de Thessalonique


    • Réalisation de procédures de reconstruction pénienne/urétrale de routine et majeures ainsi que d'interventions d'urologie de base deux fois par semaine aux hôpitaux Victoria et Queen Margaret (prostatectomie à feu vert, responsable du service Urolift, biopsies de modèles de prostate, urologie générale)

    Urologue consultant fournissant et supervisant les services d'andrologie et de chirurgie de reconstruction urétrale. Couvre également une consultation externe d'urologie générale trois fois par semaine (hôpitaux Victoria et Queen Margaret).

    Participation à des réunions hebdomadaires de cancérologie locale et à des réunions mensuelles de spécialistes en reconstruction uro-génitale masculine (contrat honorifique au Western General Hospital, Édimbourg) ainsi qu'à des visites de service.

    Formateur d'étudiants de premier cycle et membre du jury d'examen à l'Université de St Andrews, en Écosse.

    Participation à un roulement de consultants en urologie de garde 1:9.


    • Hôpital Victoria, Kirkcaldy (NHS Fife), chercheur principal. Étude prospective multicentrique avec randomisation de sous-groupes en biopsies de la prostate guidées par fusion d'images IRM-U/S et biopsies de routine guidées par échographie transrectale. (Étude MULTIPROS)
    • Sous-investigateur de l'hôpital Broomfield (MEHT). Essai pragmatique multicentrique randomisé de supériorité de l'urétroplastie ouverte par rapport à l'urétrotomie endoscopique. (Étude OPEN)
    • Sous-investigateur de l'hôpital Broomfield (MEHT). Essai contrôlé randomisé multicentrique de lithotritie extracorporelle par ondes de choc, comme première option de traitement, comparée à la progression directe vers le traitement urétéroscopique, pour les calculs urétéraux. (TISU)
    • Étude)
    • Sous-investigateur au Bristol Royal Infirmary. Essai contrôlé randomisé multicentrique sur l'utilisation de la pharmacothérapie dans la prise en charge des calculs urétéraux symptomatiques chez les patients hospitalisés. (Étude SUSPENDRE)
    • Sous-investigateur au Bristol Royal Infirmary. Essai multicentrique prospectif à bras unique évaluant la thérapie focale utilisant des ultrasons focalisés de haute intensité (Sonablate 500) pour le cancer localisé de la prostate. (Étude HIFU INDEX)
    • Sous-investigateur au Bristol Royal Infirmary, essai contrôlé randomisé visant à déterminer l'effet du décapeptyl sur la réduction du volume de la prostate avant la radiothérapie par rapport au traitement standard (Zoladex). (Étude EDVART)

    Expérience d'enseignement

    Animateur du cours Fife Simulation BPH (Programme de formation en urologie écossais, hôpital Queen Margaret, Dumfermline Fife)

    Stage de simulation en urologie Membre du corps professoral (hôpital universitaire St James, Leeds)

    Animateur du programme de formation des médecins généralistes en urologie (ScotGem)

    Évaluateur de l'examen clinique objectif structuré (ECOS) (école de médecine de l'université de St Andrews)

    Enseignement (discussions basées sur des cas) et supervision de stagiaires dans les théâtres (stagiaires des doyennés d'East Anglia / East of Scotland)

    FY1 Médecins enseignant en urologie Bristol Royal Infirmary (University Bristol Hospitals Trust)

    Enseignement de premier cycle aux étudiants en médecine à l'hôpital général de la ville de Drama, Grèce

    Anatomie, physiologie et premiers soins pour les étudiants en sciences infirmières de premier cycle

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Panayiotis Kyzas
  • Nouveau
  • 20 années d'expérience
  • Chypre, République de Chypre, German Medical Institute
  • Professor Kyzas completed his PhD thesis in H&N Cancer with Honours (Αριστα), producing several highly cited influential publications. He has published > 70 scientific papers in high impact journals and has > 6000 citations.

    Following his studies, Professor Kyzas has undertaken postgraduate training in the UK and was successful in securing a very competitive training post in the UK Higher Specialty Training Programme for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. He was trained in some of the biggest University Teaching hospitals in the North West of the UK. He has been awarded the Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery by the General Medical Council (GMC). Subsequently, he was successful in securing one of the very few and prestigious UK-wide Training Interface (TIG) Fellowships in Head and Neck Surgical Oncology. He has successfully completed his fellowship and was awarded the subspecialty of Head and Neck Surgery by the Joint Committee of Surgical training (JCST).

    In 2014 he has been appointed as a permanent substantive Consultant in Oral and Maxillofacial/Head and Neck Surgery in Manchester. He has treated hundreds of patients with Head and Neck cancer, offering state of the art major ablative and reconstructive surgery. He specialises in microvascular free tissue transfer and he has introduced and developed the 3D printer – personalised planning (PSP) reconstructive surgery in his hospital. He led his unit to become a reference centre by having the highest number of successful 3D PSP cases in the UK. Besides head and neck cancer, Professor Kyzas offers treatment to patients with facial skin cancer, oral and maxillofacial trauma, dentoalveolar surgery, orthognathic surgery, salivary gland diseases, facial cosmetic surgery, surgery of the temporomandibular joint, and anything else within the broad spectrum of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. He has performed many thousands of surgical procedures and has vast experience in any oral and maxillofacial condition. He has a special interest in the use of laser for oral pathologies and he is the Principal Investigator for an international trial examining the effectiveness of Transoral Laser resection in Ηead and Νeck Cancer. He is a certified microvascular surgeon and has accreditation in advanced trauma life support (ATLS).

    Just before the covid pandemic, Professor Kyzas was presented with a unique opportunity to lead on the development of a Head and Neck Cancer Service in Lancashire. Professor Kyzas and his team managed to establish the service within months, and throughout the challenging covid period. The ELHT H&N Unit now produces oncological outcomes that compare favourably with any major H&N unit worldwide. Professor Kyzas has been appointed as the Clinical Director for all cancer services in ELHT, covering population of > 1M people.

    In 2021, Professor Kyzas has been awarded the highly prestigious Bronze National Clinical Excellence Award for his overall services in the NHS. He was the youngest consultant to achieve this award and the only Cypriot OMFS surgeon ever to be considered for one.

    Professor Kyzas has a long history of involvement in medical research. In 2007 he has completed his PhD thesis which has resulted in several highly cited publications in some of the most prestigious medical journals. He has participated in international collaborations for the improvement of medical research (http://progress-partnership.org/publications) and some of his papers have had a significant impact in improving research methodology. He has given several invited international lectures, and he has presented in national and international conferences. He has been a panel member for the selection committees for trainees in every level in oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in the UK. He is a regular peer-reviewer for many medical journals. He is the Lead trainer for the TIG H&N fellowship for his hospital and the Research Lead for his Deanery. He participates actively in Clinical Research, and he is the Principal Investigator for many clinical trials. He is a faculty member for the «Head and Neck resection tactics and free flap» course run by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. He offers themed training in Head and Neck Oncological Surgery to medical students. In 2018 he was awarded the «Surgical Educator Excellence Award» by Health Education North West (HEENW). In the same year, he was nominated as doctor of the year in Northern Care Alliance.

    Professor Kyzas is the Chief Investigator of the MANTRA trial, a UK multicentre RCT with multimillion pounds NIHR funding, launched in July 2023. This is the biggest randomised controlled trial ever to be performed in the specialty of OMFS.

    As a result of his outstanding clinical and research/academic achievements, Professor Kyzas has been appointed as a visiting Professor in OMFS H&N Surgery at Edge Hill University

    In 2018 Professor Kyzas was elected as the Deputy Editor for the British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (BJOMS). In January 2024, Professor Kyzas started his role as Editor in Chief for the BJOMS. This is the first time that a Greek Cypriot has ever been chosen for this highly prestigious role. Professor Kyzas sits in the council of the British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (BAOMS).

    Professor Kyzas is a fully accredited medical expert witness and has provided hundreds of medical expert negligence reports (πραγματογνώμονας). In June 2024, Professor Kyzas has completed his Degree in Law with Honours (Άριστα), becoming a member of a very prestigious club of medical professionals with an active interest and certified knowledge in medicolegal practice.

    Professor Kyzas is a fully accredited Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon on the specialist register of the General Medical Council (GMC) UK, the Cyprus Medical Association (Cyprus), and the Cyprus Dental Association (Cyprus). In addition, he is also fully recognised and registered as Oral Surgeon by the General Dental Council (GDC) UK. He is a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons (FRCSEd), member of the Faculty of Surgical Trainers (MFSTEd), fellow of the British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (BAOMS), member of the Hellenic Society of Head and Neck Oncology (HeSHNO) and member of the European Association of Craniomaxillofacial Surgery (ECAMFS).

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Choisir le bon médecin et la bonne clinique : conseils d'initiés
Lors du choix d’un médecin ou d’une clinique, gardez ces points essentiels à l’esprit :
Vérifiez les qualifications
Vérifiez les certifications d’organismes tels que l’ISAPS, la JCI, etc.
Examinez les taux de réussite
Choisissez des médecins ayant une solide expérience dans votre traitement spécifique.
Lisez les avis des patients
Consultez les avis patients réels sur Bookimed pour découvrir leur expérience.
Assurer la communication
Choisissez des cliniques offrant un support linguistique pour un traitement fluide.
Demander les services
Confirmez s'ils offrent un hébergement et des transferts, et vérifiez les coûts.
Choisir une clinique à l'étranger peut être stressant. Chez Bookimed, avec plus de 800 000 patients aidés, nous comprenons vos préoccupations. Nous savons comment trouver des médecins de confiance, les meilleures options qualité-prix, et des solutions pour les cas les plus complexes. Nous sommes là pour vous guider à chaque étape.
Yan Matsiivskiy
Responsable de l'équipe de coordination médicale