Susana Akdas

  • Spécialisation: Dentist
  • 11 années d'expérience
  • Speaks:
  • Consultations en ligne : disponibles
  • Espace de travail: Turquie, Izmir, TKC Health Services
  • Notable Facts: Multilingual – Speaks 3 languages, including English, Turkish, and Russian. Painless Treatments – Many patients report feeling minimal discomfort during procedures. Smile Design & Aesthetic Dentistry – Works extensively with zirconium crowns and aesthetic restorations. Experienced Professional – Has treated both local and international patients at her clinic.

Consultation en ligne avec Susana Akdas

Pratique et facile
100 % sécurisé et confidentiel
Prix sur demande

Doctor's services

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Dr. Dt. Susana Akdaş was born in Maiskiy, Russia. She began her medical education at SGU University in Russia before moving to Turkey to study dentistry.

  • 2007: Started her dental education at Ege University Faculty of Dentistry.
  • 2014: Graduated with a thesis on "Implant-Supported Prosthetics and Aesthetics."
  • Career: Worked in various private dental clinics before founding her own clinic, WestDent Private Oral and Dental Health Clinic in İzmir, Turkey.

Areas of Expertise:

  • Implantology
  • Endodontics
  • Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Aesthetic Dentistry
  • Cosmetic Dentistry

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