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La Plateforme de Tourisme Médicale n°1 depuis 2014

Erkan Topak

Dentist, Implantologist

30 années d'expérience

Dr. Erkan Topak is a proficient dentist and founder of a dental practice, specializing in a variety of procedures including All-on-4 and All-on-6 Dental Implants, Porcelain Veneer, Lumineer, Mini dental implant, Veneers, Composite Veneer, Tooth Whitening, Hollywood Smile, and more.


Aqua Dental Clinic ,Istanbul , Turquie

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Turquie, Istanbul
Aqua Dental Clinic
All On 6 avec implants Hi-ossen + 14 couronnes en porcelaine Pack Vip complet
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Appuyer pour en savoir plus sur le package
Turquie, Istanbul
Aqua Dental Clinic
Relooking complet au zirconium avec forfait Vip inclus
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Dr. Erkan Topak is acclaimed for his proficiency in a multitude of dental procedures and his commitment to delivering top-tier dental care. As the founder of a dental practice, he provides a comprehensive suite of services to accommodate all types of dental requirements.