Prof. Dr. Cenk Eray Yıldız, who graduated from Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine in 1996, completed his specialization in the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery at Istanbul University Cardiology Institute.
During his specialization, he took part in studies on stem cell (Stem Cell Therapy) related to the heart and blood vessels in America and Germany, and studies on artificial heart support systems. He was a member of the surgical team in the application of the artificial heart support device, which was first installed at Yeditepe University in Istanbul, and worked on the artificial heart project. He took part in the establishment of the Cardiovascular Surgery Department of Cyprus Near East University and successfully completed 35 open heart surgeries as a team. The duty of an academician; "It should not only be to perform surgeries, but also to produce scientific studies from these cases in the light of science." is his professional philosophy.
After 17 years of adult and pediatric heart surgeries, Prof. Dr. Cenk Eray Yıldız has been particularly interested in varicose veins and vascular diseases and ankle wounds that develop due to these for the last 12 years.
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Je recommande vivement l'hôpital Cevre et son personnel dévoué et professionnel, qui a contribué à rendre mon séjour aussi confortable que possible et je suis ravie du résultat de mon traitement.
J'ai séjourné à la clinique pendant 6 jours, dans de bonnes conditions, dans une chambre séparée, avec 3 repas par jour. Le personnel médical était toujours au téléphone, ils m'ont aidé dans toutes le... Lire la suite
La clinique et le personnel sont excellents et je prévois d'y retourner pour un autre service à l'avenir. Je tiens à remercier chaleureusement toute l'équipe qui a travaillé avec moi : "Vous êtes parf... Lire la suite