Le BLK Digestive & Liver Diseases Center est l'un des meilleurs en Inde pour une transplantation hépatique. Le Centre a réalisé plus de 700 transplantations hépatiques. Des spécialistes exerçant dans les meilleurs centres médicaux mondiaux ; ils réalisent désormais des transplantations hépatiques de premier ordre pour les enfants et les adultes. Le chef du département de transplantation du professeur Sanjay Singh Negi est l'un des principaux chirurgiens de transplantation hépatique en Inde ; il a été récompensé par la Société européenne de transplantation d'organes.
Le coût d’une greffe du foie comprend :
- examens préopératoires pour un donneur et un receveur ;
- médicaments et chirurgie de transplantation hépatique ;
- les honoraires des chirurgiens et autres spécialistes ;
- séjour hospitalier d'un donneur en chambre individuelle pendant 8 jours et 21 jours pour un receveur.
Voir plus de détails
Doctors of the clinic are qualified, speak English well. But the organization of treatment, that is, all these coordinators and translators already when you are in India, is a huge minus of the process. Simply huge. Expectations of everything and everywhere for hours, sometimes at times, poor awareness, a terrible accent on Russian, that one can understand a lot to the exact opposite, ignorance of medical terms, that is, only life can translate. I accompanied mamutna treatment, I speak English a little, therefore something accelerated due to this. One patient should not go, look for an accompanying person if other countries do not fit the prices for treatment. If someone is traveling alone or an accompanying person does not know English, the process will spoil your nerves. The very examination and treatment, surgery, everything is at a good level. But before the ability to organize everything painlessly for the patient, it will still come to BLK not soon. I do not know, as in other clinics in India, I think it's the same. Translators are different here, and the problems are the same. So in the whole country I think. But if there is no way out, you can entrust local doctors to the health. The patient is well fed in the hospital and the accompanying person. Chambers of any size isolate the patient with curtains around the perimeter, you see only the staff, but keep in mind that the multiple rooms are very noisy. Who prays in Arabic for the whole room, who sings the song, who plays the game with sound effects, who is screaming on the phone, because there is still no silence, people still have groans for the illnesses of people ... they do not do anybody for unconnected phones, loud talks and other inadequacy.