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La Plateforme de Tourisme Médicale n°1 depuis 2014
Fahad Mawlood
- Praticien généraliste. Lauréat de 4 prix scientifiques. Diplômé en Asie occidentale. Ancien Chef d'une équipe médicale aidant les patients arabes. Aujourd'hui responsable du traitement des données et de l'exactitude du contenu médical.
Avis Sans Frais de Votre Dossier Médical de cancer du col de l'utérus
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Découvrez les Meilleures Cliniques pour le Traitement de cancer du col de l'utérus en République de Corée : 9 Options Vérifiées et Prix
Consultez le classement de l'hôpital basé sur demandes et 0 avis afin de choisir la bonne clinique pour le traitement de cancer du col de l'utérus.
Classé parmi les meilleurs hôpitaux du monde par Newsweek, il fait preuve d'une expertise exceptionnelle dans le traitement du cancer du col de l'utérus.
Le plus grand centre anticancéreux d'Asie, doté de technologies de pointe telles que les systèmes chirurgicaux Novalis et Da Vinci.
Offre des traitements complets du cancer du col de l'utérus, notamment la curiethérapie, la trachélectomie et l'hystérectomie avec le robot Da Vinci.
La thérapie par faisceau de protons permet de cibler avec plus de précision les cellules cancéreuses et de réduire au minimum les dommages causés aux tissus sains.
Plus de 50 000 patientes atteintes d'un cancer ont été traitées depuis l'ouverture du centre, ce qui garantit une grande expérience dans la prise en charge du cancer du col de l'utérus.
Voir plus de détails
International Organization for Standardization
ISO International Standards ensure that products and services are safe, reliable and of good quality.
Korean Institute for Healthcare Accreditation
The KOIHA accreditation program warrants excellent quality and safety of medical care in Korean healthcare centers. Each medical facility with the KOIHA accreditation conforms to the international standards.
World's Best Hospitals 2021 by Newsweek
The authoritative list of The World's Best Hospitals 2021 by Newsweek magazine honors medical centers according to key medical performance indicators, patient satisfaction data, and recommendations from global medical experts.
The ranking is composed in partnership with data research company Statista.
World's Best Smart Hospitals 2021 by Newsweek
The authoritative list of The World's Best Hospitals 2021 by Newsweek magazine honors the most advanced medical facilities, which use AI, robotic surgery, digital imaging, telemedicine, smart buildings, and EHRs.
The ranking is composed in partnership with data research company Statista.
World's Best Hospitals 2022 by Newsweek
The authoritative list of The World's Best Hospitals 2022 by Newsweek magazine honors medical centers according to key medical performance indicators, patient satisfaction data, and recommendations from global medical experts.
The ranking is composed in partnership with data research company Statista.
World's Best Smart Hospitals 2023 by Newsweek
The authoritative list of The World's Best Hospitals 2023 by Newsweek magazine honors the most advanced medical facilities, which use AI, robotic surgery, digital imaging, telemedicine, smart buildings, and EHRs.
The ranking is composed in partnership with data research company Statista.
World's Best Hospitals 2022 by Newsweek
The authoritative list of The World's Best Hospitals 2022 by Newsweek magazine honors medical centers according to key medical performance indicators, patient satisfaction data, and recommendations from global medical experts.
The ranking is composed in partnership with data research company Statista.
World's Best Smart Hospitals 2023 by Newsweek
The authoritative list of The World's Best Hospitals 2023 by Newsweek magazine honors the most advanced medical facilities, which use AI, robotic surgery, digital imaging, telemedicine, smart buildings, and EHRs.
The ranking is composed in partnership with data research company Statista.
• 9 janv. 2020
Le personnel est bon, mais tout est mis à plat, comme s'ils ne traitaient pas mon problème très sérieusement, comme je le souhaiterais !
Après que mon mari ait insisté pour que nous fassions ceci et cela, nous avons été entendus.
80 à 95 % est un taux de survie à 5 ans pour les patientes atteintes d'un cancer du col de l'utérus de stades I et II au moment de la séparation. Cela signifie que 9 patients sur 10 guérissent.
Chaque année, 30 000 patients internationaux choisissent Severance.
L'hôpital coopère avec les centres médicaux MD Anderson et Johns Hopkins (États-Unis) pour découvrir et mettre en œuvre de nouvelles technologies.
L’indemnité de départ a droit à l’hôpital des normes internationales.
Voir plus de détails
Joint Commission International
Joint Commission International (JCI) identifies, measures, and shares best practices in quality and patient safety in the world.
Korean Institute for Healthcare Accreditation
The KOIHA accreditation program warrants excellent quality and safety of medical care in Korean healthcare centers. Each medical facility with the KOIHA accreditation conforms to the international standards.
World's Best Hospitals 2021 by Newsweek
The authoritative list of The World's Best Hospitals 2021 by Newsweek magazine honors medical centers according to key medical performance indicators, patient satisfaction data, and recommendations from global medical experts.
The ranking is composed in partnership with data research company Statista.
World's Best Smart Hospitals 2021 by Newsweek
The authoritative list of The World's Best Hospitals 2021 by Newsweek magazine honors the most advanced medical facilities, which use AI, robotic surgery, digital imaging, telemedicine, smart buildings, and EHRs.
The ranking is composed in partnership with data research company Statista.
World's Best Hospitals 2022 by Newsweek
The authoritative list of The World's Best Hospitals 2022 by Newsweek magazine honors medical centers according to key medical performance indicators, patient satisfaction data, and recommendations from global medical experts.
The ranking is composed in partnership with data research company Statista.
World's Best Smart Hospitals 2023 by Newsweek
The authoritative list of The World's Best Hospitals 2023 by Newsweek magazine honors the most advanced medical facilities, which use AI, robotic surgery, digital imaging, telemedicine, smart buildings, and EHRs.
The ranking is composed in partnership with data research company Statista.
World's Best Hospitals 2022 by Newsweek
The authoritative list of The World's Best Hospitals 2022 by Newsweek magazine honors medical centers according to key medical performance indicators, patient satisfaction data, and recommendations from global medical experts.
The ranking is composed in partnership with data research company Statista.
World's Best Smart Hospitals 2023 by Newsweek
The authoritative list of The World's Best Hospitals 2023 by Newsweek magazine honors the most advanced medical facilities, which use AI, robotic surgery, digital imaging, telemedicine, smart buildings, and EHRs.
The ranking is composed in partnership with data research company Statista.
• 7 oct. 2019
I have breast cancer and I went through chemotherapy in Moscow. Six sessions have passed. It was very difficult to tolerate these procedures. A doctor in Kazakhstan said that this is enough, it is necessary to switch to tableted chemistry. And Moscow offered to continue doing chemotherapy. Opinions are divided. It was necessary to find a third party. I accidentally found your site on the Internet. Ekaterina Koliko wrote very quickly. The benevolence of Katyusha was immediately arranged towards her. She asked me what I would like to go to. I said that I want to go to the Severance clinic in Korea. Katyusha approved my choice. I sent all the necessary documents and Katyusha quickly redirected everything to the clinic. They began to wait for the invitation. For some reason (and for what I already knew in the clinic), there was no invitation. I am very grateful to Katyusha that she was in touch all the time, supported me, gave me hope. We arrived in Seoul in the morning, we were met by a transfer, brought to the hotel. After lunch, they were already in the clinic, I began to take tests. Constantly with me was one of the translators. Girls translators are great fellows, these are Lida, Olesya, Sofia, Tatyana, Alena. Any question could be addressed, they always prompted. They are professionals. Always with a smile, polite, with enormous patience, and most importantly, they understand that they work with a special audience, with people who did not come to rest. Someone to find out the diagnosis, and someone to do the operation. Thank you so much to the girls. The clinic was impressive. Doctors are professionals. The equipment is super. I got the opinion of a third party, it coincided with the opinion of a doctor from Kazakhstan. I was prescribed a prescription, I bought medicines at the pharmacy and started drinking on arrival home. I also want to write about Darina, who was engaged in transfer (the transfer to the clinic was very convenient and met and carried out), the selection of the hotel was also always in touch, and if I had any questions, she quickly answered them. I want to say that I am very happy for getting to know BOOKIMED, professionals really work there, and most importantly, they are not indifferent people. I am grateful to the Almighty and all who were near me. And the words of the doctor gave me inspiration and inspired great hope, for the sake of these words it was worth a long way to go. Once again, many thanks to all.
Reconnu à l'échelle mondiale grâce à des accréditations telles que le Global Healthcare Accreditation Program et classé parmi les meilleurs hôpitaux du monde en 2021 par Newsweek.
Offre des traitements spécialisés contre le cancer du col de l'utérus, notamment la trachélectomie, l'hystérectomie et la radiothérapie, garantissant des options de soins complètes.
L'unité de radio-oncologie avancée propose des traitements précis tels que l'IMRT et l'IGRT, minimisant ainsi les effets secondaires pour les patientes atteintes d'un cancer du col de l'utérus.
L'assistance aux patients internationaux comprend une aide linguistique, le transfert depuis l'aéroport d'Incheon et des soins personnalisés tout au long du traitement.
Le système innovant BESTcare renforce la sécurité et l'efficacité des traitements, en réduisant les erreurs et en améliorant la communication entre le patient et le médecin.
Voir plus de détails
Global Healthcare Accreditation Program
Global Healthcare Accreditation (GHA) evaluates the quality of services provided to international patients in medical facilities worldwide (medical tourism). GHA is an independent institution. Its advisory board includes representatives of leading hospitals, insurance companies, and organizations that deal with patient experience and risk management.
World's Best Hospitals 2021 by Newsweek
The authoritative list of The World's Best Hospitals 2021 by Newsweek magazine honors medical centers according to key medical performance indicators, patient satisfaction data, and recommendations from global medical experts.
The ranking is composed in partnership with data research company Statista.
World's Best Smart Hospitals 2023 by Newsweek
The authoritative list of The World's Best Hospitals 2023 by Newsweek magazine honors the most advanced medical facilities, which use AI, robotic surgery, digital imaging, telemedicine, smart buildings, and EHRs.
The ranking is composed in partnership with data research company Statista.
YANA Tkachenko
• 27 sept. 2019
Je voudrais vous faire part de mes impressions sur mon séjour à la clinique. Grâce aux coordinateurs et au personnel du Centre international de la clinique, tous les souhaits ont été pris en compte. Un remerciement particulier au médecin traitant, la procédure s'est parfaitement déroulée, le personnel a été très attentif et courtois. J'ai été placée dans un service de 5 lits, mais il n'y a pas eu d'inconfort, la nourriture peut être choisie selon les préférences personnelles (cuisine coréenne, européenne) et en même temps nourrissante et variée. Je ne peux dire qu'une chose, ma gratitude n'a pas de limite, je ne recommande à mes amis et connaissances que cette clinique ! Les prix sont acceptables.
Chez Bookimed, nous mettons votre santé au premier rang avec des solutions sûres et faciles. La qualité de nos soins est attestée par d'excellentes critiques de la part des patients.
Reconnu par Newsweek parmi les meilleurs hôpitaux du monde et les hôpitaux intelligents de 2020 à 2023, faisant preuve d'excellence dans le traitement du cancer du col de l'utérus.
Offre une gamme complète d'opérations pour le cancer du col de l'utérus, y compris la trachélectomie, l'hystérectomie, la conisation du col de l'utérus et l'hystérectomie assistée par robot.
utilise une radiothérapie de pointe spécifiquement pour le cancer du col de l'utérus, afin d'améliorer la précision et l'efficacité du traitement
dispose d'un institut du cancer dédié avec des centres spécialisés, garantissant des soins ciblés et spécialisés pour les patientes atteintes d'un cancer du col de l'utérus
Offre aux patientes internationales une coordination personnalisée, y compris des transferts gratuits depuis l'aéroport et un soutien tout au long du diagnostic et du traitement.
Voir plus de détails
International Organization for Standardization
ISO International Standards ensure that products and services are safe, reliable and of good quality.
Korean Institute for Healthcare Accreditation
The KOIHA accreditation program warrants excellent quality and safety of medical care in Korean healthcare centers. Each medical facility with the KOIHA accreditation conforms to the international standards.
World's Best Hospitals 2020 by Newsweek
The authoritative list of The World's Best Hospitals 2020 by Newsweek magazine honors medical centers according to key medical performance indicators, patient satisfaction data, and recommendations from global medical experts.
The ranking is composed in partnership with data research company Statista.
World's Best Hospitals 2021 by Newsweek
The authoritative list of The World's Best Hospitals 2021 by Newsweek magazine honors medical centers according to key medical performance indicators, patient satisfaction data, and recommendations from global medical experts.
The ranking is composed in partnership with data research company Statista.
World's Best Smart Hospitals 2021 by Newsweek
The authoritative list of The World's Best Hospitals 2021 by Newsweek magazine honors the most advanced medical facilities, which use AI, robotic surgery, digital imaging, telemedicine, smart buildings, and EHRs.
The ranking is composed in partnership with data research company Statista.
World's Best Hospitals 2022 by Newsweek
The authoritative list of The World's Best Hospitals 2022 by Newsweek magazine honors medical centers according to key medical performance indicators, patient satisfaction data, and recommendations from global medical experts.
The ranking is composed in partnership with data research company Statista.
World's Best Smart Hospitals 2023 by Newsweek
The authoritative list of The World's Best Hospitals 2023 by Newsweek magazine honors the most advanced medical facilities, which use AI, robotic surgery, digital imaging, telemedicine, smart buildings, and EHRs.
The ranking is composed in partnership with data research company Statista.
World's Best Smart Hospitals 2021 by Newsweek
The authoritative list of The World's Best Hospitals 2021 by Newsweek magazine honors the most advanced medical facilities, which use AI, robotic surgery, digital imaging, telemedicine, smart buildings, and EHRs.
The ranking is composed in partnership with data research company Statista.
World's Best Hospitals 2022 by Newsweek
The authoritative list of The World's Best Hospitals 2022 by Newsweek magazine honors medical centers according to key medical performance indicators, patient satisfaction data, and recommendations from global medical experts.
The ranking is composed in partnership with data research company Statista.
World's Best Smart Hospitals 2023 by Newsweek
The authoritative list of The World's Best Hospitals 2023 by Newsweek magazine honors the most advanced medical facilities, which use AI, robotic surgery, digital imaging, telemedicine, smart buildings, and EHRs.
The ranking is composed in partnership with data research company Statista.
• 9 sept. 2022
Oui. La seule chose est que j'étais censé être remboursé pour l'annulation de l'examen dentaire et de la radiographie. Je ne l'ai pas eu.
L'accréditation JCI et la reconnaissance par Newsweek's World's Best Hospitals garantissent des normes élevées dans le traitement du cancer du col de l'utérus.
La tomothérapie offre une radiothérapie précise, protégeant les cellules saines pendant le traitement du cancer du col de l'utérus.
Les chirurgies robotiques utilisant le système da Vinci permettent un rétablissement plus rapide et réduisent les complications.
La curiethérapie et diverses procédures d'hystérectomie sont disponibles pour un traitement complet du cancer du col de l'utérus.
Les patientes internationales bénéficient d'un service unique, y compris l'assistance d'un interprète et un traitement accéléré.
Voir plus de détails
Joint Commission International
Joint Commission International (JCI) identifies, measures, and shares best practices in quality and patient safety in the world.
Korean Institute for Healthcare Accreditation
The KOIHA accreditation program warrants excellent quality and safety of medical care in Korean healthcare centers. Each medical facility with the KOIHA accreditation conforms to the international standards.
World's Best Hospitals 2021 by Newsweek
The authoritative list of The World's Best Hospitals 2021 by Newsweek magazine honors medical centers according to key medical performance indicators, patient satisfaction data, and recommendations from global medical experts.
The ranking is composed in partnership with data research company Statista.
World's Best Smart Hospitals 2021 by Newsweek
The authoritative list of The World's Best Hospitals 2021 by Newsweek magazine honors the most advanced medical facilities, which use AI, robotic surgery, digital imaging, telemedicine, smart buildings, and EHRs.
The ranking is composed in partnership with data research company Statista.
World's Best Hospitals 2022 by Newsweek
The authoritative list of The World's Best Hospitals 2022 by Newsweek magazine honors medical centers according to key medical performance indicators, patient satisfaction data, and recommendations from global medical experts.
The ranking is composed in partnership with data research company Statista.
World's Best Hospitals 2022 by Newsweek
The authoritative list of The World's Best Hospitals 2022 by Newsweek magazine honors medical centers according to key medical performance indicators, patient satisfaction data, and recommendations from global medical experts.
The ranking is composed in partnership with data research company Statista.
Reconnu par Newsweek comme l'un des meilleurs hôpitaux du monde et l'un des hôpitaux intelligents depuis plusieurs années.
Propose la trachélectomie, l'hystérectomie et la conisation du col de l'utérus pour le traitement du cancer du col de l'utérus.
Le processus Hi-pass permet une consultation, un examen et une hospitalisation le jour même pour les patients dont le cancer vient d'être diagnostiqué.
Offre des conseils génétiques basés sur la médecine de précision et des programmes de soins familiaux après le traitement.
Accrédité par la Joint Commission International et l'Institut coréen pour l'accréditation des soins de santé.
Voir plus de détails
Joint Commission International
Joint Commission International (JCI) identifies, measures, and shares best practices in quality and patient safety in the world.
Korean Institute for Healthcare Accreditation
The KOIHA accreditation program warrants excellent quality and safety of medical care in Korean healthcare centers. Each medical facility with the KOIHA accreditation conforms to the international standards.
World's Best Hospitals 2021 by Newsweek
The authoritative list of The World's Best Hospitals 2021 by Newsweek magazine honors medical centers according to key medical performance indicators, patient satisfaction data, and recommendations from global medical experts.
The ranking is composed in partnership with data research company Statista.
World's Best Smart Hospitals 2021 by Newsweek
The authoritative list of The World's Best Hospitals 2021 by Newsweek magazine honors the most advanced medical facilities, which use AI, robotic surgery, digital imaging, telemedicine, smart buildings, and EHRs.
The ranking is composed in partnership with data research company Statista.
World's Best Hospitals 2022 by Newsweek
The authoritative list of The World's Best Hospitals 2022 by Newsweek magazine honors medical centers according to key medical performance indicators, patient satisfaction data, and recommendations from global medical experts.
The ranking is composed in partnership with data research company Statista.
World's Best Smart Hospitals 2023 by Newsweek
The authoritative list of The World's Best Hospitals 2023 by Newsweek magazine honors the most advanced medical facilities, which use AI, robotic surgery, digital imaging, telemedicine, smart buildings, and EHRs.
The ranking is composed in partnership with data research company Statista.
World's Best Hospitals 2022 by Newsweek
The authoritative list of The World's Best Hospitals 2022 by Newsweek magazine honors medical centers according to key medical performance indicators, patient satisfaction data, and recommendations from global medical experts.
The ranking is composed in partnership with data research company Statista.
World's Best Smart Hospitals 2023 by Newsweek
The authoritative list of The World's Best Hospitals 2023 by Newsweek magazine honors the most advanced medical facilities, which use AI, robotic surgery, digital imaging, telemedicine, smart buildings, and EHRs.
The ranking is composed in partnership with data research company Statista.
Classé parmi les meilleurs hôpitaux du monde 2021 et 2022 par Newsweek, ce qui témoigne de son excellence dans le traitement du cancer du col de l'utérus.
Propose des chirurgies mini-invasives telles que l'hystérectomie avec le robot Da Vinci, réduisant ainsi les cicatrices et le temps de rétablissement.
Équipé d'un robot Da Vinci à caméra 3D-HD haute résolution, permettant des interventions chirurgicales précises pour le cancer du col de l'utérus.
Reconnu pour la qualité de ses services, il a obtenu la première place lors d'un concours national basé sur les commentaires des patients pendant trois années consécutives.
Offre des options de traitement complètes, y compris la trachélectomie, la conisation du col de l'utérus et la radiothérapie pour le cancer du col de l'utérus.
Voir plus de détails
Joint Commission International
Joint Commission International (JCI) identifies, measures, and shares best practices in quality and patient safety in the world.
Korean Institute for Healthcare Accreditation
The KOIHA accreditation program warrants excellent quality and safety of medical care in Korean healthcare centers. Each medical facility with the KOIHA accreditation conforms to the international standards.
World's Best Hospitals 2021 by Newsweek
The authoritative list of The World's Best Hospitals 2021 by Newsweek magazine honors medical centers according to key medical performance indicators, patient satisfaction data, and recommendations from global medical experts.
The ranking is composed in partnership with data research company Statista.
World's Best Hospitals 2022 by Newsweek
The authoritative list of The World's Best Hospitals 2022 by Newsweek magazine honors medical centers according to key medical performance indicators, patient satisfaction data, and recommendations from global medical experts.
The ranking is composed in partnership with data research company Statista.
• 16 janv. 2020
Maman n'ayant pas pu obtenir de diagnostic précis, nous avons décidé de faire un bilan de santé en Corée. J'ai déposé une demande auprès de bukimed. À ma grande surprise, ils m'ont appelée tout de suite. Je leur ai dit ce qu'il fallait faire, toutes les analyses effectuées, et on m'a conseillé la clinique Ihwa. Nous nous sommes immédiatement mis d'accord sur tout et avons pris rendez-vous avec un mammologue. La clinique est propre, tous les médecins, tout le personnel médical sont qualifiés et très sympathiques. Tout le temps avec ma mère, il y avait un interprète, et il a expliqué très clairement tout ce qu'il y avait à faire. Rapidement les analyses ont été faites, et tout de suite le diagnostic a été établi, il a été dit qu'il fallait faire l'opération. L'opération a duré 5 heures (préparation générale, etc.) après l'opération à la clinique a duré 10 jours. Tout a été fait avec précision, tout est presque guéri. Je suis satisfaite de la clinique et des coordinateurs médicaux de Bukimed. Merci beaucoup à tous !
Classé parmi les meilleurs hôpitaux du monde et les meilleurs hôpitaux intelligents de Newsweek en 2021, 2022 et 2023.
Offre des traitements complets du cancer du col de l'utérus, notamment la curiethérapie, la trachélectomie, l'hystérectomie et la radiothérapie.
Taux de réussite élevé des traitements grâce à des interventions avancées contre le cancer et à d'excellents résultats en termes de survie.
Le service international offre aux patients une assistance linguistique en anglais, en chinois, en arabe, etc.
Des essais cliniques approfondis sont menés, mettant en valeur la recherche et l'innovation dans le traitement du cancer.
Voir plus de détails
World's Best Hospitals 2021 by Newsweek
The authoritative list of The World's Best Hospitals 2021 by Newsweek magazine honors medical centers according to key medical performance indicators, patient satisfaction data, and recommendations from global medical experts.
The ranking is composed in partnership with data research company Statista.
World's Best Smart Hospitals 2021 by Newsweek
The authoritative list of The World's Best Hospitals 2021 by Newsweek magazine honors the most advanced medical facilities, which use AI, robotic surgery, digital imaging, telemedicine, smart buildings, and EHRs.
The ranking is composed in partnership with data research company Statista.
World's Best Hospitals 2022 by Newsweek
The authoritative list of The World's Best Hospitals 2022 by Newsweek magazine honors medical centers according to key medical performance indicators, patient satisfaction data, and recommendations from global medical experts.
The ranking is composed in partnership with data research company Statista.
World's Best Smart Hospitals 2023 by Newsweek
The authoritative list of The World's Best Hospitals 2023 by Newsweek magazine honors the most advanced medical facilities, which use AI, robotic surgery, digital imaging, telemedicine, smart buildings, and EHRs.
The ranking is composed in partnership with data research company Statista.
Classé parmi les meilleurs hôpitaux du monde en 2021 par Newsweek, il met en avant son expertise dans le traitement du cancer du col de l'utérus.
Il propose la radiothérapie et l'hystérectomie pour le cancer du col de l'utérus, ce qui garantit aux patientes des options de traitement complètes.
Le service international traite chaque année plus de 15 000 patients originaires de plus de 100 pays, ce qui témoigne d'une confiance et d'une reconnaissance mondiales.
Équipé d'outils de diagnostic avancés tels que le PET-CT et l'IRM 3.0T pour un diagnostic précis du cancer du col de l'utérus.
Plus de 130 médecins-professeurs qualifiés fournissent des soins spécialisés, améliorant ainsi la qualité des traitements et les résultats pour les patients.
Voir plus de détails
World's Best Hospitals 2021 by Newsweek
The authoritative list of The World's Best Hospitals 2021 by Newsweek magazine honors medical centers according to key medical performance indicators, patient satisfaction data, and recommendations from global medical experts.
The ranking is composed in partnership with data research company Statista.
• 12 juin 2018
The clinic meets all the stated criteria of the service. Efficiency in servicing and reliability of diagnoses at the highest level. A very good option for passing the narrow specialists and the entire diagnostics in general.