La Plateforme de Tourisme Médicale n°1 depuis 2014
Kazakhstan, Astana

Medical Centre Hospital of President’s Affairs Administration

100% de patients
ont recommandé cette clinique

À propos de la Clinique

Medical Centre Hospital of President’s Affairs Administration is a multidisciplinary hospital in Astana, the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The main specialties are surgery, check-ups, and rehabilitation.

The Hospital is accredited by Joint Commission International (JCI) for the high quality of treatment, coordination, and sanitary.

The equipment of the Medical Center is at the same level as in world leading clinics — hybrid operating room, a diagnostic unit with MRI, CT, and PET-CT.

The employees of embassies and consular agencies are treated at the President’s Medical Center.

Points Clés

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Medical Centre Hospital of President’s Affairs Administration
plus-square La clinique n'accepte pas de nouvelles demandes
Soumettez votre demande pour obtenir la meilleure option en Kazakhstan
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clock Temps de réponse moyen — 5 minutes

Prix des traitements dans la clinique

Dernière mise à jour de prix — 29/04/2024. Les prix peuvent être changés selon le cas médical et les recommandations du médecin.
Discectomie Prix sur demande
Chirurgie de la colonne vertébrale
Plastique vertébral Prix sur demande
Chirurgie cardiaque
Installation d'un stimulateur cardiaque Prix sur demande
Pontage aorto-coronarien Prix sur demande
Chirurgie de la communication interventriculaire Prix sur demande
Stenting coronaire $800
IRM de la poitrine $60 - $180
Ablation par radiofréquence Prix sur demande
Myomectomie (ablation des fibromes utérins) $350
Hémorroïdectomie $250
Chirurgie cardiaque pédiatrique
Chirurgie de la communication interauriculaire Prix sur demande
TEP/TDM $1117
Consultation avec un oncologue $15 - $20
Révision histopathologique $20
Biopsie par aspiration à l'aiguille fine Prix sur demande
Chimioembolisation du foie Prix sur demande
Élimination du cancer du foie Prix sur demande
Résection transurétrale de la prostate (TURP) Prix sur demande
Investigation ophtalmologique $80 - $120
Phacoémulsification avec implantation de LIO Prix sur demande
Trabéculotomie $220
Remplacement de la hanche Prix sur demande
Arthroplastie du genou Prix sur demande
Néphrectomie $800
Chirurgie de perte de poids
Chirurgie du manchon gastrique (gastrectomie en manchon) $6600
Pontage gastrique $7600
Obstétrique et de gynécologie
Diagnostic complexe du cancer du col de l'utérus Prix sur demande

Où en sommes-nous ?

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Medical Centre Hospital of President’s Affairs Administration: plus de détails à propos de la clinique

Kazakhstan, Astana

Medical Centre Hospital of President’s Affairs Administration was established in 1997. In March 2005, a new building of the Hospital was opened. The President of Kazakhstan took part in this event.

The Hospital is located in the quiet area uptown, 7 km far away from Astana International Airport, and 17 km from the Central Railway Station.

It is important to know: the Center does not treat children — there is no pediatric department.

Advantages of the Medical Center

  • Experienced doctors work at the Center: professors, candidates of medical science, physicians of a superior expert category. They regularly upgrade the skills in the world’s leading hospitals.
  • The medical equipment is at the same level as in top European hospitals. 60% of equipment devices are made by world-renowned producers from Switzerland, Germany, and South Korea.
  • MRI, PET-CT, multi-slice CT devices are applied. They are the most modern diagnostic methods which detect neoplasms up to 0.1 cm in size.
  • Confidentiality. All the data about a patient is stored in electronic form. Only your doctor has access to it.

The Hospital in figures

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Awards and achievements

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JCI certificate

Independent Joint Commission International certifies Medical Centre Hospital of President's Affairs Administration. It confirms the medical services quality and doctors’ professionalism.

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ISO certificate

The Hospital is accredited by International Organization for Standardization. It means that all procedures in the Hospital are conducted according to strict standards.

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Membership in AMT

Medical Centre Hospital of President’s Affairs Administration has become a member of the Medical Tourism Association in America.

Check-up — total health screening

Doctors perform 2 diagnostic programs — check-up for women and men.

Check-up for women

The investigation has a preventative aim. After a check-up, a woman receives a report about the functioning of the genitourinary, cardiovascular, digestive, nervous, and respiratory systems.

Check-up for women includes 44 tests. They may be corrected according to patient’s preferences. The diagnostics takes 2-3 days.

Check-up for men

Check-up for men is applied to determine the health condition. After the investigation, they receive a report about functioning of the main body systems and the medical recommendations for treatment.

Check-up for men includes 42 tests and lasts for 2-3 days.

Surgical Suite with hybrid operating room

The Surgical Suite consists of 8 operating rooms. Over 90% of all procedures are carried out with the endoscope — a special tube with a camera. It transmits the image on the screen. A doctor controls the surgery process on the screen that increases the accuracy of moments.

Surgeries of such specialties are performed:

  • cardiac surgery
  • arrhythmology
  • neurosurgery
  • orthopedics and traumatology
  • urology
  • gynecology
  • ophthalmology
  • gynecology.

The surgical suite is equipped with the 1st hybrid operating room in Kazakhstan. This operating theatre is used to perform several single-step surgeries.

The Surgical Department is equipped with the electronic air filtration system. It cleans the air of bacteria and nullifies the risk of infections during the operation.

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The operating theatre

Recovery and Rehabilitation Center

Such types of recovery are available:

  • Remedial gymnastics and kinesiotherapy. The special exercises with a physiotherapist help a patient to restore muscles and joints after orthopedic surgeries.
  • Hydrotherapy — a rehabilitation in the pool.
  • Cryotherapy — treatment with a cold.

Mud treatment, needle therapy, sauna, and salt therapy room are also used to boost the recovery.

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Salt therapy room at the Center

Services for foreign patients in the Hospital

  • Assistance in applying for a visa
  • Airport-clinic transfer
  • Accommodation in single and double hospital rooms.
Services supplémentaires
Hôtel (appartements) près de la clinique, facturé quotidiennement

E495 build №2, Astana

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Information ajoutée par
Fahad Mawlood
Représentant de la clinique
mis à jour 07/03/2025

Obtenez une consultation gratuite

Medical Centre Hospital of President’s Affairs Administration
plus-square La clinique n'accepte pas de nouvelles demandes
Soumettez votre demande pour obtenir la meilleure option en Kazakhstan
Obtenez une consultation gratuite
clock Temps de réponse moyen — 5 minutes

Comment ça fonctionne :

  • Nous trouvons un coordinateur médical familier avec le sujet
  • Vous obtenez une offre personnelle avec un guide étape par étape et l'estimation du coût
  • Nous organisons votre voyage, y compris la planification des rendez-vous et la réservation des vols
  • Vous arrivez à l'hôpital, nous vous assistons 24/7

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