Turquie, Istanbul

Greffe de cheveux DHI à Smile Hair Clinic | Hair Transplant In Turkey

41 avis
2 accréditations de qualité de l'hôpital

À propos de la Clinique

année de création
opérations par an

Smile Hair Clinic en Turquie, à Istanbul, est un centre médical de transplantation capillaire de renommée mondiale fondé par le Dr M. Erdogan et le Dr G. Bilgin. Elle propose la greffe de cheveux DHI en Turquie avec la méthode Micro FUE, sans cicatrices sur la peau. Les patients sont accueillis avec un personnel, une attention et des soins excellents. Leur expérience est enrichie par le Dr Erdogan lui-même, le fondateur de la clinique, et d'autres employés qui assurent une organisation impeccable. Le Dr Mehmet Erdogan est l'un des meilleurs chirurgiens plasticiens de Turquie et est titulaire d'un diplôme en médecine de l'Université Yeditepe. Il a réalisé plus de 4000 opérations de greffe de cheveux avec des techniques avancées et une expérience approfondie.​


Prix des traitements dans la clinique

Dernière mise à jour de prix — 29/04/2024. Les prix peuvent être changés selon le cas médical et les recommandations du médecin.
Chirurgie plastique
Greffe de cheveux DHI Prix sur demande

Médecins de la clinique

accréditations de qualité de l'hôpital

Turkish Medical Association
TR, Le diplôme Turkish Medical Association atteste pour Smile Hair Clinic | Hair Transplant In Turkey
International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery
, Le diplôme International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery atteste pour Smile Hair Clinic | Hair Transplant In Turkey

Smile Hair Clinic | Hair Transplant In Turkey: plus de détails à propos de la clinique

Turquie, Istanbul

Smile Hair Clinic is located in the financial district of East Istanbul. A team of 100+ well-trained staff members works in an elegant, high-tech 10-floor building. The quality and excellence of hair transplantation operations performed at Smile depend on intensive training procedures. Every team member at Smile is tested by TrueTM Philosophy success criteria.

Founders' top priority consists of three critical components:

  1. aesthetics — extremely natural-looking hair is one of the top pursuits at the operations;
  2. the ultimate comfort of the patient during and after the operation;
  3. the total transformation of the patient in the long run.

Approach & Techniques

Up-to-date scientific advancements support aesthetic techniques. The first critical step is extracting correct grafts from the donor area. True Planning helps determine the exact number of grafts needed, select them carefully, and avoid over-harvesting. A common myth in transplantation is that extracting more grafts guarantees success. The Smile Hair team believes this is incorrect. The key principle at Smile Hair is planning the selection of the correct grafts from the donor area in the first place. True Planning also ensures that the donor area stays resourceful if the patient needs another transplantation operation in the long run. During extraction, specialists monitor the fractal rates to ensure the extracted graft is high-quality and healthy.

Another critical step is planning the transplantation area by arranging single, double, and triple grafts to sustain the natural and thick look. Scientific studies have shown that it's unnecessary to transplant large numbers in specific areas. Therefore, planning the correct angles and planting the correct grafts in certain areas is much more effective than merely increasing the number of grafts.

Considering that every patient has a unique facial structure and different skin tones, it is essential to plan according to their facial features. At this step, the canals' parameters are crucial for success. These parameters are the direction, angle, and depth of the canal. They should be in harmony with patients' existing hair. Determining the correct depth of the canal results in the healthy growth of new hair.

Hair transplantation surgery is all about sustaining a natural look, seamless transitions, and correct shading. Local experts combine this art with scientific principles, physics, and mathematics.

Highest Grade Medical Operation Standards

At Smile Hair Clinic, the patient's benefit comes first. Therefore, it never promises unrealistic results or creates unreachable expectations.

Smile Hair Clinic practitioners are there to understand the patient's expectations, find the best possible solutions, and be ready for all possible complications. According to the AHA (American Heart Association) guidelines, the entire team receives recurrent training on emergency life support.

Smile Gentle Care

Specialized Smile Hair assistants are assigned to patients when they first contact the clinic via Bookimed.com, and there's always someone to support them during the entire process. The services include translation in all languages, hotel reservations, airport pick-up and drop-off, visa consultancy, transfer, and comprehensive support on the operation day.

Step-by-step guide to the future journey:

  • Every hair transplant inquiry is assigned to Bookimed and Smile Hair Clinic case managers, who oversee the entire process.
  • The case manager sends a Medical Evaluation Survey to collect the patient's information and expectations, including photos.
  • The case manager and the surgeon overview the patient's demands and expectations, execute pre-planning, and prepare the Evaluation Report.
  • The case manager submits the treatment plan to the patient and finalizes the commercial agreement with the patient.
  • The case manager assists the patient with every step leading up to the operation day in Istanbul, including travel information, visa, booking, hotel, and transfers.
  • Operation day: bilingual guest relations specialists welcome the patient and guide them through each step of the process.
  • Pre-operation briefing: the doctor briefs the patient early in the morning about the procedures they will undergo.
  • True Planning: the hair transplant surgeon conducts hairline planning before the operation.
  • Operation: medical doctors and the healthcare team perform all operations at Smile Hair. 
  • Post-operation: the team controls the patient's final check-up.
  • After discharge, the patient is assigned to and introduced to a Smile patient care specialist who will be responsible for monitoring their hair growth over the next 18 months. These specialists are experts in hair growth observation and work closely with doctors to ensure healthy growth.

The Patient Experience Department manages the Smile Gentle Care Program under Smile Hair Clinic Corporate Management Standards. Smile Hair Clinic's patient-first attitude guarantees patients' satisfaction.

TrueTM Philosophy

Smile Hair Clinic has built its approach to hair transplantation around the TRUE Philosophy, which is based on the brand's core values: Analysis, Accomplishment, and Advancement. When the founders established Smile, they believed these values would help them become the region's most recognized hair transplantation clinic. These values have shaped Smile Hair Clinic's standards and philosophy for hair transplantation.

TrueTM Philosophy consists of four key aspects:

True Planning

At Smile, every procedure begins with analysis. The True Planning technique helps achieve natural-looking transplantation results. Examining the data before making a decision is a key step in hair transplantation.

During the True Planning stage, doctors thoroughly examine the donor area. Smile believes that defining the appropriate number of grafts for each patient depends on the doctor's skill and passion for hair design. After the donor area examination, the transplantation area is planned using the prior examination data. Then, the doctor draws the hairline with the help of special tools that ensure optimal and natural results.

True Hair Line Design

Hairline design is key for natural-looking hair transplantation results. The True Hair Line Design procedures prioritize placing single hair follicular units on the front lines to maintain aesthetic proportions and appearance.

The front-line drawing considers angles to ensure hair grows naturally, preserving the masculinity of the hairline. This approach includes sensitive calculations of facial proportions. Additionally, designing a hairline while considering the patient's age is essential. Aging is a natural process, so natural-looking hair transplantation should be in harmony with the patient's age.

True Execution

The operation day is a key milestone for a successful transformation. Smile Hair Clinic recruits, trains, and manages highly skilled medical experts, confirming that they meet ISHRS criteria.

True Innovation

Smile's medical experts and consultants are always searching for more effective ways to perform hair transplant operations. The inclusion of the Sapphire Transplantation technique in all operations is one of the brightest manifestations of True Innovation.

All team members at Smile Hair Clinic are trained following the TrueTM Philosophy and regularly tested by its success criteria. The three elements of the True Philosophy guarantee that all the processes at Smile conform to industry standards.

Services supplémentaires
De l'aéroport à la clinique
De la clinique à l'aéroport
Hôtel (appartements) près de la clinique, facturé quotidiennement
Conditions d'admission
Méthodes de paiement
Cartes de crédit
18 - 65

Avis des patients

1 étoiles
2 étoiles
3 étoiles
4 étoiles
5 étoiles
Le tarif global de Smile Hair Clinic | Hair Transplant In Turkey comprend
Support linguistique

john • Greffe de cheveux

25 nov. 2021
Avis vérifié.
Avis vérifié.
J'ai quitté l'Amérique pour subir une greffe de cheveux et j'étais nerveuse car c'était la première fois que j'allais à l'étranger. Tout s'est très bien passé, la Smile Clinic dispose d'un personnel amical et professionnel. Je suis une semaine après l'opération et la greffe semble prometteuse. Il est presque incroyable que j'aie pu obtenir un travail d'une telle qualité pour un prix aussi bas. Lire la suite moins

Salah ellaz • Greffe de cheveux
Viêt Nam

13 sept. 2019
Avis vérifié.
Avis vérifié.
Je suis un homme d'affaires Et la façon dont Smile Clinic s'est occupé de moi si extrêmement professionnelle. Je voudrais remercier chacun des membres du personnel pour le professionnalisme dont ils ont fait preuve. Je suis très heureux du résultat de ma greffe de cheveux. Je les recommanderais certainement à tout le monde. Merci beaucoup de vous être occupés de moi. Sal de Sydney, Australie Lire la suite moins

Jozef • Greffe de cheveux

13 févr. 2020
Avis vérifié.
Avis vérifié.

Сергей • Greffe de cheveux

15 juin 2022
Avis vérifié.
Avis vérifié.
Tout était agréable. Le médecin et le personnel étaient dignes de confiance. Le service était confortable. L'opération a été accompagnée d'une musique agréable, jouée par l'une des filles du personnel (mon équipe). Lire la suite moins

Владимир • Greffe de cheveux

3 mars 2022
Avis vérifié.
Avis vérifié.
Il est même difficile d'associer un séjour à la clinique au mot "clinique" en termes d'attention, de sentiments et d'impressions. Il s'agit tout simplement d'un niveau qualitatif de service médical totalement nouveau. Mon médecin était le Dr Erdogan, le fondateur de la clinique. Lorsque je l'ai vu, tous mes doutes et mes moindres inquiétudes se sont évaporés. Il est INCROYABLE en tant que personne et en tant que médecin. Je suis très heureuse que ce soit lui qui m'ait soignée. Tous les autres membres du personnel sont également des personnes merveilleuses et je leur suis très reconnaissante pour l'organisation parfaite de l'ensemble du processus. Je voudrais remercier Ersin en particulier, car c'est lui qui a tout organisé et qui a répondu à toutes mes questions avec calme et clarté. Cela ne fait que 6 jours et il est trop tôt pour parler des résultats, mais cette fois-ci tout est... jusqu'ici tout va bien :) Lire la suite moins