Allemagne, Duisbourg

Consultation en ligne avec un ophtalmologiste à Nordrhein-Westfalen Clinic Complex

5 avis
2 accréditations de qualité de l'hôpital

À propos de la Clinique

année de création

The North Rhine-Westphalia Association includes 5 hospitals located not far from Düsseldorf (Germany).

Doctors of the network conduct treatment in 27 specialties. The strongest are oncology, robotic surgery, orthopedics, cardiology, urology, and gynecology.

The Heart Center of the Association is the largest in Germany. It is the place where pilots of civil aviation undergo heart check-ups.

Each year, more than 100,000 outpatients and 45,000 inpatients are treated in the hospitals of Association.


Prix des traitements dans la clinique

Dernière mise à jour de prix — 29/04/2024. Les prix peuvent être changés selon le cas médical et les recommandations du médecin.
Réparation d'une hernie ombilicale $6007.68
Hémorroïdectomie $1856.92
Résection rectale $19661.49
Résection du gros intestin $19661.49
Pose d'implant cochléaire $1915 - $2188
Chimiothérapie pour le cancer du rein $1092.31
Chimiothérapie pour le cancer de l'estomac $1092.31
Chimiothérapie pour le cancer de l'utérus $1092.31
Chimiothérapie pour le cancer de la vésicule biliaire $1092.31
Gastroentérostomie $24030.72
Œsophagectomie $2730.76
Résection de la vésicule biliaire $9284.59
Résection de l'estomac $19661.49
Cholécystectomie $9284.59
Résection de l'intestin grêle $19661.49
Arthroplastie du genou $18569.19
Remplacement de la hanche $18023.04
Traitement chirurgical de la déformation valgus $8738.44
Arthroplastie du genou $8738.44
Chirurgie de l'hallux valgus $8738.44
Traitement dentaire
Traitement canalaire $1638.46
Traitement des caries $436.92
Extraction des dents $273.08
Extraction des dents de sagesse $1092.31
Implant dentaire $2730.76
Prostatectomie robotisée Da Vinci $24030.72
Néphrectomie $19661.49
Résection transurétrale de la vessie $7646.14
Ablation de la vessie $26215.33
Prostatectomie $19661.49
Trabéculotomie $3823.07
Trabéculoplastie au laser $3823.07
Chirurgie de la cataracte (un œil) $3276.92
Chirurgie des yeux au laser $3276.92
Traitement du glaucome $3823.07
Otorhinolaryngologie/Oreille, Nez et Gorge (ORL)
Amygdalectomie $6553.83
Septoplastie $10923.05
Intervention sur les polypes laryngés par microchirurgie endolaryngée $2184.61
Thyroïdectomie $13107.66
Chirurgie métabolique $10923.05
Thérapie à l'iode radioactif $8738.44
Neurochirurgie pédiatrique
Ablation d'une tumeur cérébrale $27307.63
Craniotomie $27307.63
Chirurgie des tumeurs hypophysaires $27307.63
Ablation chirurgicale du kyste cérébral Prix sur demande
Chirurgie de perte de poids
Gastroectomie $29492.24
Pontage gastrique $24030.72
Lumpectomie $12015.36
Chirurgie de la hernie discale $12015.36
Ablation d'une tumeur de la moelle épinière $16384.58
Discectomie $16384.58
Chirurgie de fusion vertébrale mini-invasive $25123.02
Chirurgie du cancer de la langue $16384.58
Hématologie Oncologie
Chimiothérapie $1092.31
Obstétrique et de gynécologie
Hystérectomie (ablation de l'utérus) $10923.05
Excision chirurgicale du fibroadénome $10923.05
Trachélectomie (cervicectomie) $15292.27
Ablation du kyste ovarien $10923.05
Suivi de grossesse $1092.31
Oncologie pédiatrique
Radiothérapie Prix sur demande
Résection transnasale de la tumeur $27307.63
Médecine Esthétique et Cosmétologie
Injections de Botox $327.69

accréditations de qualité de l'hôpital

German Cancer Society
DE, Le diplôme German Cancer Society atteste pour Nordrhein-Westfalen Clinic Complex
Cooperation for transparency and quality in the health service
DE, Le diplôme Cooperation for transparency and quality in the health service atteste pour Nordrhein-Westfalen Clinic Complex

Nordrhein-Westfalen Clinic Complex: plus de détails à propos de la clinique

Allemagne, Duisbourg

The North Rhine-Westphalia Association of hospitals includes Petrus-Krankenhaus, Krankenhaus St.Josef, St. Anna-Klinik, Diadentis, Radprax Klinikum. The very first clinic of the Association was founded in 1912.

Hospitals can accept 1,800 patients at a time. The largest hospitals have helipads.


Why do patients choose the North Rhine-Westphalia Association?

  • The cost of treatment is lower compared with more famous German hospitals.
  • The latest medical equipment: the Da Vinci robotic system, linear accelerators of the latest generation, 3 Tesla MRI, 3D printers, 3D tomographs, 3D ultrasound, and other.
  • Comfortable environment. Most buildings remind castles in the midst of parks for walks.
  • Coordination for International patients. The Association has a single international center with 20 employees. They help to arrange all steps of diagnostics and treatment, so a patient completely focuses on health.


Robotic surgery with Da Vinci system

Surgeons use Da Vinci robotic system to remove tumors through small punctures up to 1-3 cm. The robot has tools which can rotate 360 degrees and operate in places where the surgeon's hand cannot reach.

The key benefits of Da Vinci — minimal traumatizing of the neighboring tissues and fast recovery compared with open surgery. For instance, the robotic prostate gland surgery preserves an erection. Only small, hardly noticeable scars remain after the operation.

Where is Da Vinci robot applied?

  • Abdominal and visceral surgery — for the treatment of reflux disease. Over 2,500 operations are performed annually in this department.
  • Urology — the treatment of benign and malignant prostate tumors, bladder cancer, ovarian cancer, kidney cancer. The Urology Clinic of the Association is one of the largest in Germany: 4,000 inpatients are treated annually, 5 operating rooms are available.


Cancer treatment

Oncologists, hematologists, palliative medicine specialists, radiation therapists, and endocrinologists participate in the treatment program development.

Doctors apply international protocols and approaches developed in their clinical research. The Association has a laboratory where molecular genetic diagnosis of tumors is provided.


  • early diagnosis
  • combined (or multimodal) chemo- and radiation therapy
  • treatment with targeted drugs that detect and affect cancer cells not injuring healthy ones
  • immunotherapy to activate the patient's immune system and fight against cancer
  • brachytherapy
  • surgical removal of new formations.


Orthopedics and traumatology

The Center is certified by the EndoCert from the German Society for Orthopedics and Orthopedic Surgery. In 2019, it was recognized as the TOP orthopedic hospital in Germany according to Focus-Health.


  • Arthroscopic diagnosis and treatment. These are procedures through small punctures up to 1-2 cm. Doctors use thin tools, a mini-camera, and a light source to diagnose the disease as accurately as possible or to treat the joint from the inside out.
  • Knee, hip, and shoulder joint replacement. During operations, doctors use a computer navigation system to precisely install the artificial joint and prevent it from loosening.
  • Foot and ankle surgery — hallux valgus, bone spurs
  • Spine treatment
  • Orthopedic surgery in sports and dance medicine
  • Removal of primary and secondary tumors (metastases) of the musculoskeletal system
  • Rehabilitation is provided locally — the rehab center has a gym and pool.


Women's health

The Gynecology Clinic is certified by the German Cancer Society. The team treats severe cases which are studied by gynecologists, urologists, and oncologists.


  • early diagnosis of malignant tumors
  • treatment of all types of breast formations
  • therapy and surgery for diseases of the genitourinary system as uterine fibroids, endometriosis, pelvic prolapse, and incontinence.



International patients stay in comfortable wards with WiFi.

A patient can choose a menu — vegetarian, gluten-free, etc.


A ward at The North Rhine-Westphalia Association hospitals in Germany

Services supplémentaires
De l'aéroport à la clinique
$100 - $100
De la clinique à l'aéroport
$140 - $140
Hôtel (appartements) près de la clinique, facturé quotidiennement
Conditions d'admission
Méthodes de paiement
Cartes de crédit
7 - 90
Politique d'Acompte et d'Annulation/Remboursement