Turquie, Pamukkale

Rééducation des blessés médullaires à Nobel Medical, Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Center

6 avis

À propos de la Clinique

année de création

  • Taux de réussite de 90 à 95 % dans la réduction de la taille des hernies vertébrales à l'aide du système robotique Antalgic-Trak.
  • utilise un traitement non chirurgical de décompression de la colonne vertébrale, réduisant la douleur et améliorant le rétablissement sans médicaments ni hospitalisation.
  • Thérapie à base de sources minérales naturelles et de boue, bénéfique pour la désintoxication et le soulagement de la douleur.
  • La rééducation des lésions de la moelle épinière est assurée par le Dr Fatih Temiztürk, spécialiste de la rééducation neurologique depuis plus de dix ans.
  • Offre des forfaits complets comprenant l'hébergement, les repas et diverses procédures thérapeutiques pour les patients internationaux.


Prix des traitements dans la clinique

Dernière mise à jour de prix — 29/04/2024. Les prix peuvent être changés selon le cas médical et les recommandations du médecin.
Rééducation des blessés médullaires $160 - $220
IRM cérébrale $800 - $1000

Médecins de la clinique

Nobel Medical, Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Center: plus de détails à propos de la clinique

Turquie, Pamukkale

Nobel Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Center was founded in 2007. It is situated next to the forest in the garden of Pam Thermal Hotel, 5 km away from the world-renowned Pamukkale wells.


Nobel Rehabilitation Center: benefits and statistics

  • Balneotherapy (spa therapy). This is a type of rehab treatment that relies on bathing in mineral waters to treat illness. Natural thermal springs are located at this medical center for this purpose. Wells have a detoxifying, anti-inflammatory, and pain-relieving effect.
  • Packages. The rehabilitation cost includes accommodation in a standard room, meals, and a set of therapeutic procedures.
  • Extensive approach. According to the Turkish Ministry of Health, Nobel is the only medical facility in Turkey to combine physical medicine, robotic technologies, and thermal springs/pool rehabilitation.



Robotic rehabilitation

Nobel doctors use advanced robotic technologies for lower and upper limb rehabilitation. Specialists use walking robots to restore limb motion and balance.

During rehabilitation, a patient repeats rhythmic movements after the robot. The neural pathways send the signals from the limbs to the brain and spinal cord. As a result, they create new neural connections that restore the patient's motion and balance functions.

Robot therapy is available for children and adults. Nobel specialists use walking robots to help patients restore motion and balance functions with orthopedic and neurological diseases:

  • Stroke
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Brain injury
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Postoperative hip and knee conditions.


Non-surgical spinal decompression treatment

Nobel rehab specialists use the Antalgic-Trak robotic system to treat neck and spine hernias. This device reduces pressure, pain, numbness, and weakness in the spine and neck.

Therapy with Antalgic-Trak is non-surgical and painless. A patient does not require medications or hospitalization. This technique does not harm a patient and does not irradiate the body.

In 90-95% cases, Antalgic-Trak reduces the hernia size in 3-4 months after the treatment, according to Nobel Center data.

Treatment with Antalgic-Trak takes 10 sessions of 20 minutes per day.


Orthopedic and neurological rehabilitation

Patients of 7-99 years old may undergo rehab at Nobel.

Nobel specialists accept patients with:

  • spinal, knee, and hip arthritis
  • herniated discs
  • spinal strokes caused by infections, tumors, soft tissue diseases, or trauma
  • cerebral palsy
  • rheumatoid diseases (ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia)
  • muscle atrophy
  • postoperative conditions after joint replacements and other orthopedic surgeries
  • sport traumas
  • dermatological diseases (acne, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis).

Rehabilitation takes from 2 days to several months, depending on its type.


Thermal water springs and natural mud wells

Nobel Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Center is the only medical facility in Turkey to provide therapy in hot water and mud springs.

4 thermal water and 1 mud wells attract local and international patients for health resort treatment.

Balneotherapy in hot water wells

Thermal water springs have a natural origin. The average water temperature is 33-38 degrees. A patient undergoes therapy in thermal pools 3 times a day. Doctors limit the patient's time in the water to 20 minutes.

Thermal water has a unique mineral composition. That's why specialists recommend drinking this water, but only after the patient's complete examination.


Spa therapy in hot mud springs

Thermal water therapy is effective for diseases and traumas related to the musculoskeletal system. Natural mud detoxifies the body, stimulates the blood circulation, reduces pain, strengthens the sexual function, and has an anti-stress effect.

Rehab specialists provide this therapy at different mud temperatures (from 30 to 45 degrees). The temperature depends on the patient's health condition and disease stage.


Medical team at Nobel Rehabilitation Center

  • 3 Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Specialists / Doctors
  • 10 Physiotherapists
  • 10 Physical therapy technician
  • 5 Aqua coaches
  • 3 Nurses
  • 1 Radiologist
  • 5 Medical Masseurs
  • 4 Mud therapists.


Services for international patients

Accommodation, rehabilitation, and meals are included in the standard package.

Nobel staff may organize transfers from/to an airport for an additional fee.


Pam Thermal Hotel and Nobel Rehab Center

Pam Thermal Hotel and Nobel Rehabilitation Center

Services supplémentaires
De l'aéroport à la clinique
$100 - $250
De la clinique à l'aéroport
$100 - $250
Hôtel (appartements) près de la clinique, facturé quotidiennement
Conditions d'admission
Méthodes de paiement
Cartes de crédit
3 - 85

Avis des patients

1 étoiles
2 étoiles
3 étoiles
4 étoiles
5 étoiles
Le tarif global de Nobel Medical, Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Center comprend
Support linguistique

Anonyme • Réadaptation après un AVC Kazakhstan

20 juil. 2022
Avis vérifié.
Avis vérifié.

Le centre de rééducation Nobel a proposé à ma mère, victime d'un accident vasculaire cérébral, un bon programme. Il comprend à la fois des méthodes traditionnelles, telles que les massages, la kinésithérapie et les piscines, et des méthodes modernes faisant appel à des robots. Ma mère suit un cours de rééducation intensif. Je tiens à souligner l'attitude respectueuse et attentive du personnel. Maman est entièrement satisfaite des conditions de vie et de la nourriture. Lire la suite moins
À propos du service bookimed
Je remercie le personnel du département des soins, Oleksiy et Natalia, de m'avoir fourni des informations sur la clinique et de m'avoir aidée à me préparer et à remplir les formalités administratives.

Ирина • Rééducation neurologique Bulgarie

13 janv. 2023
Avis vérifié.
Avis vérifié.

Олим • Rééducation complète Ouzbékistan

20 déc. 2022
Avis vérifié.
Avis vérifié.