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Turquie, Istanbul

Hématologie Oncologie Traitements en Memorial Bahçelievler Hospital

95 avis
2 accréditations de qualité de l'hôpital

À propos de la Clinique

année de création

Memorial Hospital Bahçelievler (Memorial Bahçelievler Hastanesi) is a multidisciplinary medical center in Istanbul with an eco-friendly design. There are a lot of green areas on the hospital territory, which contribute to patients’ psychological comfort and their speedy recovery.

The medical facility specializes in oncology treatments, cardiovascular surgery, orthopedics, brain surgery, urology, gynecology, general and robotic surgery.


Prix des traitements dans la clinique

Dernière mise à jour de prix — 29/04/2022. Les prix peuvent être changés selon le cas médical et les recommandations du médecin.
Chirurgies stéréotaxiques $15000
Chirurgie de stimulation cérébrale profonde (DBS) $27500 - $29000
Neurochirurgie pédiatrique
Craniotomie $19000 - $27000
Chirurgie d'une tumeur cérébrale $15000 - $23000
Chirurgie de la cataracte avec remplacement de la LIO $2200
Vitrectomie $5500
Chirurgie des yeux au LASEK $1900
Chirurgie de la cataracte (un œil) $3450
Greffe de cornée $8500
Discectomie $15000
Hypophysectomie trans-sphénoïdale (adénoectomie) $12000
Ablation chirurgicale du kyste cérébral $19000 - $25000
Laminectomie $9000
Cholécystectomie $7500
Résection de la vésicule biliaire $7729.57
Pose d'implant cochléaire $27000
Chirurgie cardiaque
Remplacement de la valve aortique $13500
Pontage aorto-coronarien $10000
Installation d'un stimulateur cardiaque $7500
Stenting coronaire $4000
Hématologie Oncologie
Ultrason $160
IRM cérébrale $550
Immunohistochimie Prix sur demande
Biopsie $1500
Analyse approfondie du sang $200 - $500
Une greffe de moelle osseuse $40000 - $95000
Transplantation allogénique de moelle osseuse d'un donneur apparenté $65000
Transplantation allogénique de moelle osseuse provenant d'un donneur non apparenté $95000
Transplantation de cellules souches haploidentiques $95000
Traitement conservateur de la scoliose $22000
Remplacement de la hanche $12000
Méniscectomie arthroscopique $6000
Arthroplastie du genou $12000
Radiothérapie $4793.53 - $8388.68
Chirurgie du cancer du pancréas $8500
Hystérectomie (ablation de l'utérus) $10000 - $12000
Immunothérapie avec Keytruda (Pembolizumab) $4550
Radiothérapie pour les sarcomes $6500
Chirurgie plastique
Blépharoplastie (Correction des paupières) $2650
Greffe de cheveux $2050
Abdominoplastie $5600 - $8000
Augmentation mammaire $5000
Greffe de cheveux FUE $1650
Chirurgie de perte de poids
Chirurgie du manchon gastrique (gastrectomie en manchon) $6000
Ballon gastrique $3500
Pontage gastrique $6500
Prostatectomie $12000
Prostatectomie robotisée Da Vinci $12000
Greffe du foie $65000
Greffe du rein $22000
Rééducation neurologique $225
Fécondation In Vitro (FIV) $2900
Otorhinolaryngologie/Oreille, Nez et Gorge (ORL)
Septoplastie $3000
Obstétrique et de gynécologie
Césarienne $2700
Oncologie pédiatrique
Greffe de moelle osseuse autologue $40000
Myomectomie (ablation des fibromes utérins) $11000
Lumpectomie $5011.42
Thyroïdectomie $11000
Chirurgie du cancer du sein $11330.16
Médecine Esthétique et Cosmétologie
Injections de Botox $600 - $1800
Ablation par radiofréquence $15000
Chirurgie plastique de la valvule cardiaque $13500
Chirurgie de la colonne vertébrale
Traitement chirurgical de la scoliose $14500
Thérapie à l'iode radioactif $4500

Médecins de la clinique

accréditations de qualité de l'hôpital

International Organization for Standardization
CH, Le diplôme International Organization for Standardization atteste pour Memorial Bahçelievler Hospital
Joint Commission International
US, Le diplôme Joint Commission International atteste pour Memorial Bahçelievler Hospital

Memorial Bahçelievler Hospital: plus de détails à propos de la clinique

Turquie, Istanbul

Memorial Bahçelievler in Istanbul was established at the beginning of 2018. It is the 11th hospital of the largest network of medical centers in Turkey — Memorial Healthcare Group. Hospitals, which belong to this network, are famous for their achievements in cancer treatment and organ transplant. According to the statistics, the success rate of the kidney transplant is 99%, the liver — 93.5%.

Memorial Bahçelievler Hastanesi is located in Istanbul, 5 minutes by car from Istanbul Ataturk International Airport.


Advantages of Memorial Bahçelievler Hospital

  • The high level of equipment. The hospital has one of the most technologically advanced infrastructures in the world. The complete examination of the body is made on Magnetom Skyra 3T MRI for several minutes. Its specific structure allows diagnosing patients with overweight and claustrophobia. The noise level is reduced by 97% compared to the previous apparatuses, so even children feel comfortable during the examination. The clinic has Elekta Versa HD SIGNATURE — an innovative radiotherapy system. It accurately determines the location, shape, size of the tumor, the required dose of radiation, and adapts to the patient's breathing. These features make the procedure efficient and safe — only malignant cells are exposed to radiation, and the surrounding healthy tissues are protected. Elekta Versa HD SIGNATURE provides high-dose irradiation as well. Thus, the duration of the procedure is reduced by 3 times, compared to radiosurgical interventions on devices of the older generation.
  • “Green hospital” conception. Memorial Bahçelievler rooms are designed in that way to positively affect the patient's psychological condition. Only living hypoallergenic plants are used in the design.
  • Coordination of international patients. Each patient has a personal coordinator who will inform about all diagnostics and treatment steps, arrange transfer and medical interpreter services.


Memorial Bahçelievler in figures

Memorial Bahçelievler Hospital in figures


Awards and achievements of Memorial Bahçelievler

LEED Platinum certificate

LEED Platinum certificate

LEED standard is developed by U.S. Green Building Council. This certificate is given to energy-efficient, environmentally friendly buildings where people feel comfortable.

Memorial Bahçelievler Hastanesi is the 1st hospital in Turkey to comply with LEED standard.

Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery Department at Memorial

Doctors perform medication and surgical treatments of cardiovascular diseases. The department cooperates with the leading medical centers of the USA and Europe; doctors regularly interchange the experience with the foreign colleagues.

The team of Memorial Group doctors was the 1st to perform the radiofrequency ablation for a patient with an arrhythmia. Memorial doctors are also the 1st to use AESOP robotic hand was used for heart bypass surgery.

Interventional cardiology

Memorial Bahçelievler cardiologists specialize in the heart catheterization. The surgery is performed through the puncture in the inguinal artery, where a doctor inserts a thin tube (a catheter). At the end of the catheter, a microcamera and necessary equipment are installed. This method allows performing valve replacement and correction, treating a total chronic artery occlusion.

The interventional cardiology does not suppose big incisions or general anesthesia. After such procedures, the admission takes about 1-2 days, no scars remain.

Memorial Bahçelievler Orthopedics Department

Orthopedists of Memorial Bahçelievler Hospital specialize in the joints defects treatment. They carry out the replacement of hip, knee, shoulder joints; perform the bones lengthening and correct their deformation.

Doctors also treat scoliosis and spondylolisthesis (vertebral displacement).


Operating theatre at Memorial in Istanbul

Operating theatre for orthopedic surgeries at Memorial in Istanbul


Arthroscopy Center for a sparing treatment of ligaments and joints

The Arthroscopy Center works on the premises of the Orthopedics Department. Here, doctors perform surgeries on the knee, shoulder, ankle joints.

Arthroscopic interventions are conducted through the small incisions up to 5-6 cm in size applying microinstruments and camera. A patient can stand up the next day after the procedure.

Memorial Urology Department

Doctors of the Department of Urology specialize in the treatment of prostate cancer, bladder, kidney and organ transplantation.

Robotic kidney transplant

Doctors provide kidney transplant using the Da Vinci robot, a high-precision surgical unit that minimizes the risks of postoperative complications. The robot has the camera, which transmits a three-dimensional image of the operated area to the surgical team. The image is 15 times scaled up so doctors can see the structures of the organ, veins in the smallest detail and perform their actions as accurately as possible. The additional benefit is the elimination of the human factor as possible shaking hands. Patient recovery after robotic transplant is much faster than after open surgery.

Non-surgical prostate cancer treatment

Focused ultrasound ablation (HIFU) is available at Memorial Bahçelievler for the non-surgical treatment of prostate cancer. The treatment is provided with the latest equipment model with the highest available precision. It affects only malignant cells minimizing the risks of side effects and preserves urinary function and erection.

Women’s Health Center at Memorial Bahçelievler

The center consists of the Gynecological Check-up, Gynecological Diseases Treatment, Obstetrics and Gynecology Departments.

Memorial Bahçelievler offers the most comfortable environment for the deliveries — natural childbirth in the ward or in the water.


Childbirth room at Memorial in Istanbul

Childbirth room, Memorial Bahçelievler Hospital in Istanbul


Services for international patients


The hospital provides a patient with a free airport-hospital transfer.


The patients live in the comfortable hospital room — in a standard or VIP one. Each room has a free internet, TV, bathroom, WC.

Medical interpreter

The hospital provides the language assistance to assist a patient during the consultations with a doctor.


1-bed room at Memorial, Istanbul

Hospital room at Memorial Bahçelievler

Services supplémentaires
De l'aéroport à la clinique
De la clinique à l'aéroport
Hôtel (appartements) près de la clinique, facturé quotidiennement
Conditions d'admission
Méthodes de paiement
Cartes de crédit
0 - 100

Avis des patients

1 étoiles
2 étoiles
3 étoiles
4 étoiles
5 étoiles
Le tarif global de Memorial Bahçelievler Hospital comprend
Support linguistique

Anonyme • Leucémie lymphoblastique aiguë

28 févr. 2020
Avis vérifié.
Avis vérifié.
La clinique est récente, quand on y entre, on n'a pas peur qu'il s'agisse d'un hôpital, le parcours est beau, très, et odorant, le médecin et le personnel sont très réactifs, nettoyés souvent, les chambres sont douillettes. Lire la suite moins

Anonyme • Consultation avec un oncologue

20 nov. 2023
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vous avez un groupe médical fantastique. merci beaucoup Lire la suite moins
les médecins, leur amabilité, leur volonté d'aider les gens et de les rendre heureux et pleins d'espoir

Сергей • Transplantation allogénique de moelle osseuse provenant d'un donneur non apparenté
Fédération Russe

28 oct. 2021
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