Inde, Bangalore

TEP/TDM à Manipal Hospitals

3 avis
4 accréditations de qualité de l'hôpital

À propos de la Clinique

année de création

  • Manipal Bangalore est accrédité NABH (National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare) pour confirmer son niveau élevé de services médicaux.
  • Plus de 60 ans d'expérience en traitement.
  • Manipal à Bangalore fait partie des 10 meilleurs hôpitaux multidisciplinaires en Inde.
  • L'un des hôpitaux les plus avancés techniquement en Inde selon les données de Manipal.
  • Manipal à Bangalore a un scanner TEP-CT GE à 16 coupes. Il existe des scanners osseux TEP-CT, Viabilité cardiaque TEP-CT, Cerveau PET-CT FDG, Corps entier TEP-CT.


Prix des traitements dans la clinique

Dernière mise à jour de prix — 29/04/2024. Les prix peuvent être changés selon le cas médical et les recommandations du médecin.
Chirurgie oculaire au LASIK Prix sur demande
Chirurgie des yeux au laser Prix sur demande
Prostatectomie Prix sur demande
Prostatectomie robotisée Da Vinci $11200 - $13400
Radiothérapie pour le cancer du col de l'utérus $3600 - $4000
Curiethérapie pour le cancer de la prostate Prix sur demande
Curiethérapie pour le cancer de l'utérus $2000
Immunothérapie avec Keytruda (Pembolizumab) Prix sur demande
Greffe du foie $40000 - $55000
Remplacement de la hanche Prix sur demande
Thyroïdectomie Prix sur demande
Neurochirurgie pédiatrique
Chirurgie des tumeurs hypophysaires Prix sur demande
Chirurgie de perte de poids
Pontage gastrique $10000
Chirurgie du manchon gastrique (gastrectomie en manchon) $7725
Chirurgie plastique
Rhinoplastie (travail du nez) Prix sur demande
Chirurgie cardiaque
Pontage aorto-coronarien Prix sur demande

accréditations de qualité de l'hôpital

International Organization for Standardization
CH, Le diplôme International Organization for Standardization atteste pour Manipal Hospitals
Indian National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories
IN, Le diplôme Indian National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories atteste pour Manipal Hospitals
Indian National Hospital Accreditation Board
IN, Le diplôme Indian National Hospital Accreditation Board atteste pour Manipal Hospitals
World's Best Hospitals 2021 by Newsweek
US, Le diplôme World's Best Hospitals 2021 by Newsweek atteste pour Manipal Hospitals

Manipal Hospitals: plus de détails à propos de la clinique

Inde, Bangalore

Prosperous company Manipal Group was founded in 1953 by Dr. Pai – a famous physician, educator, banker and philanthropist. It was he who organized the first Medical College (Kasturba Medical College) in India in 1955.


Manipal Hospital Bangalore

Multidisciplinary Manipal Hospital is located in Bangalore and offers a full range of services in 60 different fields. The hospital is equipped with the most modern facilities and meets all international standards. It was founded in 1991 and ranks today in Top 10 general hospitals in India and Best Hospital in Bangalore by Week Magazine for 6 years in a row. Every year Manipal Hospital Bangalore accepts over 2,000,000 patients from 30 different countries.

Manipal Hospital Bangalore has:

  • Over 56 specialties;
  • Inpatient capacity for 600 beds;
  • More than 2,000 employees;
  • Over 2 million patients per year;
  • ISO 9001 and NABH Certification;
  • JCI Accreditation.

Profiling areas of Manipal Hospitals network. The Clinic has equally well developed almost all currently existing medical branches, therefore only most prominent of them are mentioned:

  • Cardiology and Heart Surgery;
  • Orthopaedics and Traumatology;
  • Oncology;
  • Organ Transplantation;
  • Neurology and Neurosurgery;
  • Spine Surgery;
  • Bariatric Surgery;
  • Gynecology and Pediatrics;
  • Infertility Treatment;
  • Urology and Gynecology;
  • Dermatology.

Leading departments, doctors and key procedures

Department Doctors Key procedures
Cardiology and Heart Surgery (Manipal Heart Institute) Dr. S. S. Iyengar Coronary artery bypass graft surgery; congenital heart surgeries; valve replacement; coronary angiography.
Orthopedics and Traumatology Dr. D. B. Bhandare, Rohan Dessai Hip and knee replacement.
Oncology Dr. Amit Rauthan Breast cancer; radical hysterectomy; digestive system cancers; thyroidectomy; renal and hepatic malignancies.
Neurosurgery Dr. Ratnavalli Ellajosyla Brain tumors; subdural hematoma; aneurysms.
Ophthalmology Dr. Ajanta Chakravarty Laser treatments.
Plastic Surgery Dr. Anatheswar Y.N. Skin lifting, blepharoplasty, facial plastic; Breasts plastic; Weight loss surgery; Scars plastic surgery.
Gynecology and Pediatrics Dr. Anuradha Vinod Labour; neonatal and pediatric intensive care; breast cancer; infertility treatment.

Bangalore special room

Executive special room


Bangalore ultra deluxe room

Bangalore ultra deluxe room


Today, Manipal Hospital has become one of the leading clinics for international patients. The atmosphere here is very light and quiet, thanks to the excellent staff that takes care of all your needs, starting with a meeting at the airport, staying at a resort or hotel, and ending with the returning back home safe and sound.

Bookimed takes responsibility for all the arrangements regarding treatment in Manipal Hospital for international patients. Bookimed Doctors-Coordinators guarantee you highly quality treatment in Manipal Hospital. To make an appointment at Manipal Hospital Bangalore just contact Bookimed Medical Coordinator.