traitement | |
Prostatectomie | Prix sur demande |
Embolisation de varicocèle | $4000 - $4900 |
Kyung Hee University Hospital at Gangdong, also known as KUIMS, is a multidisciplinary medical facility in Seoul (capital of South Korea).
KUIMS is a first and only global center that combines different medical approaches in one facility — international medicine with the traditional one.
Oncology, medical check-ups, orthopedics, and dentistry are the leading specialties at Kyung Hee University Medical Center.
The center is a medical partner of the FIFA World Cup Korea/Japan and is recognized as an outstanding facility by WHO and UNICEF.
1,500,000 patient visit KUIMS annually.
traitement | |
Prostatectomie | Prix sur demande |
Embolisation de varicocèle | $4000 - $4900 |
traitement | |
Accouchement | Prix sur demande |
Ablation du kyste ovarien | $5350 - $6200 |
Hystérectomie (ablation de l'utérus) | $27000 - $30000 |
traitement | |
Curiethérapie pour le cancer de la prostate | Prix sur demande |
Prostatectomie laparoscopique | $18000 - $20000 |
Segmentectomie pulmonaire | $21400 - $23200 |
Chimiothérapie pour le cancer du poumon | $1000 - $1500 |
Radiothérapie pour le cancer du poumon | $20000 |
traitement | |
Remplacement de la hanche | $15000 - $17000 |
Méniscectomie arthroscopique | $6000 - $6200 |
traitement | |
Radiothérapie | Prix sur demande |
traitement | |
Ablation par radiofréquence | $15000 - $17000 |
diagnostic | |
Bilan gastro-entérologique | $890 - $990 |
traitement | |
Résection de l'estomac | $25000 - $30000 |
traitement | |
Myomectomie (ablation des fibromes utérins) | $8000 - $9000 |
Résection de l'œsophage | $35000 - $40000 |
Chirurgie du cancer du poumon | $10000 - $30000 |
Chirurgie du cancer du sein | $10000 - $14000 |
Chirurgie du cancer du pancréas | $17700 - $23000 |
traitement | |
Extraction des dents | $140 - $200 |
Pose d'un implant dentaire avec couronne | $4700 - $5000 |
Blanchiment des dents | $1000 |
Facettes | $800 |
Placage De Porcelaine | $800 |
traitement | |
Traitement médicamenteux du lupus érythémateux systémique | $120 |
traitement | |
Thymectomie | $9000 - $10500 |
traitement | |
Hypophysectomie trans-sphénoïdale (adénoectomie) | $14000 - $16000 |
Chirurgie du cancer de la langue | $20000 - $60000 |
Ablation chirurgicale du kyste cérébral | $30000 |
traitement | |
Thérapie à l'iode radioactif | $800 - $3500 |
traitement | |
Ablation d'une tumeur cérébrale | $30000 - $45000 |
traitement | |
Thérapie médicamenteuse pour l'acné | $300 - $500 |
Traitement de l'acné au laser (par séance) | $800 - $1500 |
traitement | |
Amygdalectomie | $3500 - $4000 |
traitement | |
Chirurgie du décollement de la rétine | $5400 - $6900 |
Chirurgie du strabisme | $3400 - $3800 |
Vitrectomie | $4600 - $6100 |
traitement | |
Stenting vasculaire périphérique | $12000 - $16000 |
traitement | |
Augmentation mammaire | $15000 - $20000 |
traitement | |
Rééducation (par 1 jour) | $100 - $150 |
traitement | |
Traitement au laser des varices | $2500 - $5500 |
Élimination des varices | $3000 - $5500 |
Kyung Hee University Hospital at Gangdong (Seoul) was founded in 1971. KUIMS is the first Korean university hospital united integrated treatment centers of Internal Medicine, Surgery, Traditional Korean Medicine and Dental Medicine in one hospital.
International Medical Association (KMMA/KIMA) has recognized KUIMS as the leading hospital in South Korea for medical tourism.
Leading specialties at Kyung Hee University Medical Center
A medical check-up is one of the leading specialties at KUIMS. The center has received an award as the best one for health screening in the world by Bookimed. The award winners have been chosen according to the patients' reviews, medical service quality, and treatment success index.
KUIMS doctors provide Smart Check-Up, a diagnostic approach when a patient undergoes tests appropriate for their health condition, sex, age, and other personal characteristics.
Check-up Center at KUIMS Medical Center
KUIMS is among the best Korean clinics specializing in the treatment of stomach, liver, colorectal, pancreatic, breast, lung, brain, gynecological, prostate cancers, lymphomas, and blood malignant disorders as well.
Treatment of digestive organs tumors is a leading specialty at KUIMS Oncology Center. The Endoscopy Department is the best in the country according to the Korean Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy.
Doctors here prefer conducting minimally invasive interventions that reduce the risk of complications and speed up recovery period after surgery.
Oncologists at KUIMS Medical Center carry out radiological therapy with RapidArc — a new type of radio technology. Doctors use this device to destroy 2.5-5 mm tumors (size of a pencil tip).
RapidArc works with intensity modulation (IGRT / IMRT technologies) and visual control. It makes therapy more precise than traditional radiotherapy and accelerates the patient's recovery period.
Pros of RapidArc:
Gamma Knife is the most innovative radiation treatment for tumors of small or medium size in children and adults. KUIMS doctors use Perfection Leksell Gamma Knife — the most precise radiotherapy technology.
Advantages of Perfection Gamma Knife:
Kyung Hee University Hospital is well-known among international patients for state-of-the-art robot-assisted equipment. Surgeons use an innovative Da Vinci XI device for surgical treatment of different organs.
Da Vinci XI system is the most advanced minimally invasive option for colorectal, general, urological, gynecological, thoracic complex surgeries.
The Da Vinci XI robot helps the surgeon to:
Kyung Hee University Hospital is the world's first hospital to provide gene therapy for knee osteoarthritis — Invossa K injection. This therapeutic method is the best option to reduce pain for elderly patients, and those who cannot go through the knee replacement.
Invossa K is a non-surgical method. An orthopedist makes only one injection to the knee joint allowing the cells to repair and regenerate the tissues. The procedure does not require anesthesia. A patient quickly returns to their everyday life and does not feel pain for 2 years and more.
Specialists of Kyung Hee University Medical Center combine Western and Korean medical approaches to achieve better results in vertebra diseases treatment.
✓ International patients receive a discount for accommodation in VIP rooms. So you receive VIP accommodation for the price of standard single room.
✓ Single, double, triple, quad, 5- and 6-person rooms are available in Kyung Hee University Hospital at Gangdong. The price of accommodation depends on the chosen type of a ward.
✓ Transfer from an airport is paid additionally.
Single room at Kyung Hee University Medical Center