traitement | |
Thérapie par cellules souches pour l'arthrite | $3500 - $4500 |
Remplacement de l'épaule | $14000 - $19000 |
MAKOplastiques | $6175 |
Arthroplastie totale de hanche MAKOplastie | $13500 |
Arthroscopie de la cheville | $6500 - $9500 |
Emsey Hospital, one of Turkey's multi-specialty private medical centers, provides health services at the A+ class level hospital. The hospital has ISO and JCI accreditations as a reliable medical center. The facility offers general, surgical, and internal medicine treatments as a general hospital. Emsey Hospital has provided healthcare services to patients worldwide since 2012. The hospital's Advanced Spine Surgery Center performs congenital and complicated orthopedic treatments, from scoliosis to spine fusion surgeries. The Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit is one of the largest BMT units in Turkey, with 45 beds.
traitement | |
Thérapie par cellules souches pour l'arthrite | $3500 - $4500 |
Remplacement de l'épaule | $14000 - $19000 |
MAKOplastiques | $6175 |
Arthroplastie totale de hanche MAKOplastie | $13500 |
Arthroscopie de la cheville | $6500 - $9500 |
traitement | |
Stenting urétéral | $3728 |
Néphrectomie | $15000 |
Prostatectomie | $13000 - $20000 |
Ablation de la vessie avec reconstruction | $20000 - $25000 |
traitement | |
Radiothérapie pour le cancer de la prostate | $11000 |
Radiothérapie pour le cancer du poumon | $13000 - $18500 |
Radiothérapie pour le cancer de l'estomac | $9000 - $15500 |
Chimiothérapie pour le cancer du pancréas | $1500 - $4500 |
Lobectomie | $14000 - $26000 |
traitement | |
Chirurgie du cancer du poumon | $12500 - $24000 |
Thyroïdectomie | $4800 - $5850 |
Chirurgie du cancer de l'ovaire | $17500 - $27000 |
Résection rectale | $7500 - $27000 |
Résection de l'œsophage | $14000 |
diagnostic | |
Numération globulaire complète | $200 - $450 |
Biopsie | $1500 - $5000 |
Ultrason | $200 - $350 |
IRM d'une zone | $400 - $700 |
traitement | |
Appendicectomie | $3589 |
Cholécystectomie | $4000 |
traitement | |
Ablation chirurgicale du kyste cérébral | $8000 - $15000 |
Angioplastie de l'artère vertébrale et pose de stent | $1125 |
Chirurgies d'hydrocéphalie, chirurgies de dérivation | $4000 |
Chirurgie du cancer de la langue | $19000 |
Ablation d'une tumeur de la moelle épinière | $16000 - $28000 |
traitement | |
Plastique vertébral | $5456 |
Chirurgie fœtale du spina bifida | $12335 |
Ablation d'une hernie discale avec diagnostic préopératoire | $2250 |
Traitement chirurgical de la scoliose | $25000 - $35000 |
Foraminotomie | $1690 |
traitement | |
Ablation d'une tumeur cérébrale | $14000 - $24000 |
Radiochirurgie stéréotaxique | $4500 |
Chirurgie des tumeurs hypophysaires | $6800 |
Chirurgie d'une tumeur cérébrale | $13000 |
Excision de la tumeur de la base du crâne | $3150 |
diagnostic | |
TDM des sinus paranasaux | $150 |
traitement | |
Chimiothérapie | $1500 - $5000 |
Transplantation allogénique de moelle osseuse provenant d'un donneur non apparenté | $85000 |
Une greffe de moelle osseuse | $39000 - $125000 |
Transplantation allogénique de moelle osseuse d'un donneur apparenté | $65000 |
traitement | |
Implantation valvulaire aortique par cathéter (TAVI) | $4250 |
Remplacement de la valvule cardiaque | $14000 - $23000 |
Pontage aorto-coronarien | $27000 |
Stenting coronaire | $4500 - $6500 |
traitement | |
Thérapie par cellules souches | $6000 |
Pose d'implant cochléaire | $18000 - $25000 |
traitement | |
Fécondation In Vitro (FIV) | Prix sur demande |
Stimulation pharmacologique pour la FIV | Prix sur demande |
traitement | |
Gastroectomie | $11192 |
traitement | |
Chirurgie de stimulation cérébrale profonde (DBS) | $38000 |
traitement | |
Hystérectomie (ablation de l'utérus) | $9500 - $14500 |
Hystérectomie laparoscopique | $14500 |
Myomectomie (ablation des fibromes utérins) | $4750 - $7500 |
traitement | |
Chimiothérapie pour les sarcomes | $1400 - $6000 |
Radiothérapie | $8000 |
Greffe de moelle osseuse autologue | $39000 |
Radiothérapie pour les sarcomes | $8000 - $11000 |
diagnostic | |
Anti-VHA Total | Prix sur demande |
Test sanguin d'acide urique | Prix sur demande |
IRM de la moelle épinière | $180 |
Test de capacité totale de liaison du fer | Prix sur demande |
Niveau de sucre dans le sang | Prix sur demande |
diagnostic | |
Analyse approfondie du sang | Prix sur demande |
Analyse sanguine biochimique | Prix sur demande |
Contrôle de base | $990 |
Bilan pédiatrique | Prix sur demande |
CT (tomodensitométrie) | $170 |
diagnostic | |
Test sanguin de ferritine | Prix sur demande |
Test de protéine C-réactive (CRP) | Prix sur demande |
Test de vitamine B12 | Prix sur demande |
Échographie abdominale | Prix sur demande |
Test de fer sérique | Prix sur demande |
diagnostic | |
Test de créatinine | Prix sur demande |
Scintigraphie | $280 |
diagnostic | |
Test d'azote uréique du sang (BUN) | Prix sur demande |
Test TSH (hormone stimulant la thyroïde) | Prix sur demande |
Test sanguin AST et ALT | Prix sur demande |
Profile lipidique | Prix sur demande |
Gamma-glutamyltransférase (GGT) | Prix sur demande |
Emsey Hospital is a private institution located on the Asian side of İstanbul. It was established in 2012 to provide high-quality healthcare services to patients in Turkey and worldwide. The hospital is equipped with high-tech Technology and has 254 beds, 9 operating rooms, and 46 medical departments.
There are 104 doctors, 20 professors, 16 general, 38 neonatal intensive care beds, 5 ambulances, and 800 experienced medical professionals to provide the best possible care for patients. Emsey Hospital has the largest pediatric and adult Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit in the region, with 45 beds. The exclusive Technology of the hospital are such as:
Several departments are located at Emsey Hospital, including Orthopedics & Spine Surgery Centre of Excellence, Pediatric and Adult Hematology, Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgery, Medical, gynecologic and Radiation Oncology, Nuclear Medicine, Interventional Radiology, General Surgery, Pediatric Surgery Departments, medical oncology, cardiology, Interventional Radiology, orthopedics, gynecology, urology, IVF, and obesity surgery.
The hospital offers complementary services such as:
The hospital received several accreditations in 2017, including the Joint Commission International (JCI) accreditation, which is a globally recognized accreditation for Healthcare facilities that meet international standards of quality and patient safety.
Emsey is the first hospital to receive the International Health Tourism Authorization certificate (Document number: 001) issued by the Ministry of Health along with the ISO:9001 Quality Management Certificate, TÜSKA (Türkiye Health Care Quality and Accreditation Institute) certificate included with the Turquality certificate proceed by the Turkish Ministry of Trade.
Certificates for inpatient and outpatient diagnosis and treatment services following ISO:27001 are also available. The approval process of the TEMOS accreditation (Excellence Medical Tourism v.3.0) is in progress.
According to EUROSPINE, the Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Advanced Spine Surgery Centre has been registered and successfully awarded accreditation to the Surgical Spine Centre of Excellence.
Emsey Hospital Surgical Spine Centre of Excellence is the first Eurospine-certified Surgical Spine Centre of Excellence in Turkey and the territory of Asia.
Overall, Emsey Hospital is a well-respected Healthcare institution in İstanbul that offers high-quality medical services to patients worldwide.
A residence collaborates with the hospital, which provides significant advantages and accommodation opportunities for the hospital's international patients — Emin Residence.