Banobagi is a plastic and aesthetic clinic in Seoul, South Korea.
The clinic specializes in face and body plastic surgery, rejuvenation with stem cells.
Banobagi is an official medical center of a popular Asian show — Let Me In. The participants of this show change their appearance at Banobagi.
2,000 people choose Banobagi for plastic surgery each year.
Patients from the USA, China, Vietnam, Thailand, etc. pick Banobagi.
AYT Clinic is a private multi-specialty medical center located in Antalya, Turkey. The strongest specialities are gastroenterology, plastic surgery, and weight loss surgery. AYT Clinic serves only adults. Patients from CIS, Europe, and the USA visit the clinic most often.
Révision des implants mammaires | $4191.31 - $5239.14 |
Innovare Hospital is recognized as the first and only hospital center in Latin America that brings together more than 40 correlated specialists in a single complex focused on plastic surgery with the top plastic surgeons in Guadalajara and Mexico City.
Innovare Hospital has 38 beds and 10 surgical rooms. The clinic provides services to approximately 3,400 patients per year. There is Innovare Recovery Center, a luxury post-surgical recovery house with 24-hour nursing assistance, homemade menu, transportation, and specialized treatments, among others.
Révision des implants mammaires | $5239.14 - $6286.97 |
Instituto Perez de la Romana is a specialized aesthetic surgery center located in Spain. The medical team is focused on facial and breast surgery, genital rejuvenation, and obesity treatment. The clinic was founded by Dr. Federico Pérez de la Romana, a plastic surgeon with over 40 years of practice.
The clinic is located in Alicante attracting patients who want to combine treatment with relax at the Mediterranean coast.
Révision des implants mammaires | $10834.54 - $11468.48 |
BLK Hospital est l'une des plus grandes cliniques privées et est classée parmi les 10 meilleurs hôpitaux multi-spécialisés de Delhi. L'hôpital est spécialisé dans les greffes de moelle osseuse, le traitement du cancer, la chirurgie bariatrique et la cardiologie. L'hôpital BLK suit les innovations et utilise les analogues des équipements diagnostiques et thérapeutiques modernes des meilleurs hôpitaux européens.