Kolan International Hospital in Istanbul is a part of huge medical institution group. It consists of 6 hospitals and 2 medical centers. It can accommodate 1,230 patients. The main specializations are cardiology, oncology, orthopedics, neurology, and ophthalmology.
OrtoCare Clinic specializes in orthopedics, physical therapy, medical pilates, and joint/pain treatments. Its goal is to help patients regain health through individualized and comprehensive treatment. The clinic's experienced team provides personalized care, focusing on each patient's health and comfort. Using physiotherapy and other therapeutic methods, the clinic helps patients restore their health and improve their quality of life.
Le Dr Haberal est le fondateur et le président de la Turkish Transplantation Society.
Le taux de réussite des transplantations à l'université de Başkent est de 90%.
Les taux de réussite des transplantations à l'université de Başkent sont de 90%.
Tuzla İçme et les sources thermales guérissent les gens depuis la période byzantine du 12e siècle et offrent des traitements naturels, des thermes traditionnels et des cures de désintoxication.
La qualité des traitements est attestée par le certificat de qualité ISO 9001:2008.