Turquie, Istanbul

Traitement de cancer du colon à Memorial Ataşehir Hospital

45 avis
1 accréditations de qualité de l'hôpital

À propos de la Clinique

année de création

  • L'hôpital est titulaire du certificat de la Joint Commission International, qui atteste de son adhésion aux normes internationales de traitement et de qualité en matière de soins du cancer du côlon.
  • Il est spécialisé dans les opérations telles que la colectomie et l'ablation des polypes gastriques, cruciales pour le traitement du cancer du côlon.
  • Propose l'immunothérapie avec Keytruda, une option de traitement efficace pour certains cas de cancer du côlon.
  • Des services complets pour les patients internationaux, notamment des transferts gratuits depuis l'aéroport, une assistance linguistique et un hébergement confortable.
  • Fait partie d'un grand groupe hospitalier doté d'une vaste expérience, qui accueille chaque année 1,6 million de patients originaires de 92 pays.


Prix des traitements dans la clinique

Dernière mise à jour de prix — 29/04/2024. Les prix peuvent être changés selon le cas médical et les recommandations du médecin.
Angiographie $1300
Biopsie mammaire $1800
TEP/TDM $700
Coloscopie $1400
Tests de la fonction thyroïdienne (y compris T3, T4, TSH) Prix sur demande
Immunothérapie avec Keytruda (Pembolizumab) Prix sur demande
Ablation des polypes gastriques Prix sur demande

accréditations de qualité de l'hôpital

Joint Commission International
US, Le diplôme Joint Commission International atteste pour Memorial Ataşehir Hospital

Memorial Ataşehir Hospital: plus de détails à propos de la clinique

Turquie, Istanbul

Memorial Atasehir Hospital was established in 2008. It is one of other medical facilities in Memorial Hospitals Group serving 1,600,000 patients from 92 countries annually.

The hospital is located in Atasehir district of Istanbul. The distance to the Ataturk Airport is 48 km.


Advantages of Memorial Atasehir

  • The leading organ transplant center. The Organ Transplant Center working on Memorial Atasehir Hospital premises is one of the best in Turkey. According to the hospital data, the success of organ transplant here is 99.5% for the liver and 99% for the kidney.
  • Excellent coordination of international patients. The International Department of Memorial Atasehir assists in transfer arrangement, interpreter’s services, accommodation. Its staff accompanies patients during all steps of diagnostics and treatment.


Awards and achievements of Atasehir Memorial

JCI international certificate

Joint Commission International certificate


Joint Commission International certificate confirms the high quality of medical service and management at Memorial Atasehir.



Memorial Atasehir Hospital in figuresMemorial Atasehir in figures

Organ Transplant Center

Liver transplant

Surgeons of Memorial Atasehir Hospital conduct such types of liver transplant:

  • from a related donor
  • from an unrelated donor in case of approval by Ethics Committee
  • swap transplant (the donor exchange between 2 patients).

During the intervention, doctors remove an affected part of the liver and replace it with a healthy donor’s part. The organ completely restores within 6-8 weeks.


Kidney transplant

The kidney transplant procedure is indicated for patients with advanced kidney failure.

Doctors conduct the transplantation from living related donors.


Organ transplant for children

Memorial Atasehir doctors also specialize in organ transplant for children from 0 to 5 years old. Surgeons use special small instruments to perform the operation with the highest accuracy.


Diagnostic procedures at Memoria Atasehir Hospital

Diagnostic process at Memoria Atasehir Hospital

Memorial Atasehir IVF and reproductive genetics center

Doctors of Memorial Atasehir Hospital manage over 15,000 IVF procedures. This means that specialists have great experience in this field.

✔ 65% is IVF success rate for patients up to 35 years old.

Doctors use 18 additional methods to increase the effectiveness of conception. Among them are:

  • ICSI microinjection. This procedure is performed in case of male infertility when the sperm is inactive. During ICSI, a doctor chooses the most active sperm and inserts it into the egg with a special fine need.
  • IMSI is the same as ICSI but doctors use a more powerful microscope for sperm selecting.
  • PICSI is similar to ICSI. They differ in sperm selecting method.
  • Micro-TESE is a sperm receiving applying a testicle biopsy.

Before the implantation, doctors make a genetic testing to prevent genetic diseases in a child.


Ultrasound in Memorial Atasehir Hospital

Ultrasound diagnostics at Memorial Atasehir


Services for international patients


Memorial Atasehir Hospital provides patients a free airport-hospital-airport transfer.


Patients stay in 1- or 2-bed ward. There are WC, TV, and WiFi in every hospital room.

Language assistance

An interpreter accompanies a patient for free.


A 1-bed ward in Memorial Atasehir Hospital

A 1 bed hospital room at Memorial Atasehir


Hospitals of Memorial Healthcare Group in another cities:

Services supplémentaires
De l'aéroport à la clinique
De la clinique à l'aéroport
Hôtel (appartements) près de la clinique, facturé quotidiennement
Conditions d'admission
Méthodes de paiement
Cartes de crédit
0 - 100