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Turquie, Istanbul

Medipol Acibadem District Hospital

À propos de la Clinique

année de création

Medipol Acibadem District Hospital is the 11th hospital of Medipol Education and Health Group. The medical center specializes in all functional diseases, medical oncology, gynecology and obstetrics, orthopedics, interventional radiology, weight loss surgery, as well as plastic and reconstructive surgery. It uses the da Vinci robot-assisted system for advanced surgical procedures.

Medipol Acıbadem Hospital offers premium services and exclusive care. The facility, equipped with expert physicians and state-of-the-art technology, delivers VIP treatment to international patients. The medical team aims to elevate its standards to the highest level and provide foreign patients with a high-quality experience from start to finish.


Prix des traitements dans la clinique

Dernière mise à jour de prix — 29/04/2022. Les prix peuvent être changés selon le cas médical et les recommandations du médecin.
Médecine Esthétique et Cosmétologie

Médecins de la clinique

Medipol Acibadem District Hospital: plus de détails à propos de la clinique

Turquie, Istanbul

Medipol Acıbadem District Hospital represents the pinnacle of premium healthcare, driven by a commitment to patient satisfaction and equipped with the latest technology. Nestled in the surroundings of Anatolia's coast, the hospital is just 100 meters from the Eurasia Tunnel, connecting to the European side. Its central location in Istanbul ensures easy access for patients from both Anatolia and Europe. Anatolia's largest shopping mall and lifestyle hubs adjacent to the hospital offer added convenience and luxury for every visit.

Services supplémentaires
Hôtel (appartements) près de la clinique, facturé quotidiennement