diagnostic | |
Bilan féminin | Prix sur demande |
TDM des organes thoraciques, abdominaux et pelviens | $921.11 |
Bilan pédiatrique | Prix sur demande |
ECG | $54.18 |
Révision des résultats IRM | Prix sur demande |
Solingen Municipal Hospital/Academic Hospital of the University of Cologne is among top clinics in Germany according to Focus magazine - one of the most widely circulated German editions. Städtisches Klinikum Solingen is a certified medical institution treating over 60,000 patients per year.
diagnostic | |
Bilan féminin | Prix sur demande |
TDM des organes thoraciques, abdominaux et pelviens | $921.11 |
Bilan pédiatrique | Prix sur demande |
ECG | $54.18 |
Révision des résultats IRM | Prix sur demande |
diagnostic | |
Gastroscopie avec ablation des polypes | $1300.38 |
Biopsie | $2167.31 - $2384.04 |
IRM d'une zone | $866.92 |
Test Helicobacter Pylori | Prix sur demande |
IRM abdominale | $921.11 |
diagnostic | |
Révision histopathologique | $1083.65 |
Coloscopie avec biopsie | $1300.38 |
Gastroscopie avec biopsie | $1192.02 |
TEP/TDM | $2167.31 |
Mutation du gène BRAF | $5418.27 |
diagnostic | |
Colposcopie à biopsie | $433.46 |
Diagnostic complexe du cancer du col de l'utérus | $4226.25 |
Test de Papanicolaou (analyse PAP) | $1083.65 |
Colposcopie | $216.73 |
Cystoscopie | $541.83 |
diagnostic | |
Échographie thyroïdienne | $108.37 |
Biopsie rénale | $164 - $274 |
Diagnostic complexe de la thyroïde | Prix sur demande |
Coloscopie | $866.92 |
IRM de la poitrine | $921.11 |
diagnostic | |
Examen à la lampe à fente | $108.37 |
diagnostic | |
Analyse sanguine biochimique | $108.37 - $650.19 |
Ultrason | $325.1 - $541.83 |
Numération globulaire complète | $162.55 |
Analyse approfondie du sang | $270.91 |
Trépanobiopsie | $1300.38 - $2167.31 |
diagnostic | |
Contrôle de base | $1354.57 |
Consultation avec un urologue | $270.91 |
Bilan masculin | $1940 |
Tomodensitométrie abdominale | $547 - $766 |
Analyse d'urine | $54.18 |
diagnostic | |
Test sanguin pour le profil hormonal | $216.73 |
Tests de la fonction thyroïdienne (y compris T3, T4, TSH) | $270.91 |
Test de glycémie | $54.18 |
Consultation avec un endocrinologue | $433.46 |
diagnostic | |
Consultation avec un oto-rhino-laryngologiste | $541.83 |
Laryngoscopie | $108.37 |
diagnostic | |
Surveillance Holter | $162.55 |
Consultation avec un cardiologue | Prix sur demande |
Échocardiographie | $325.1 |
diagnostic | |
Consultation d'un radiologue | $270.91 |
Consultation avec un oncologue | $325.1 |
diagnostic | |
Bilan cardiaque | $1625.48 |
Bilan somnologique | $1083.65 |
diagnostic | |
IRM cérébrale avec contraste | $1625.48 |
IRM cérébrale | $1083.65 |
Test sanguin avec marqueur tumoral | $109 - $164 |
diagnostic | |
Consultation avec un chirurgien | $270.91 |
CT de la poitrine | $596.01 |
diagnostic | |
Mammographie | $270.91 |
diagnostic | |
Vaisseaux d'échographie Doppler (échographie, angioscanner duplex) | $270.91 |
diagnostic | |
CT (tomodensitométrie) | $438 - $656 |
Städtisches Klinikum Solingen consists of 15 clinics, centers and institutes and is one of the largest in the most populous state of Germany - North Rhine-Westphalia. The clinic works as the Academic Hospital of the University of Cologne.
Städtisches Klinikum Solingen has certifications of the German Trauma Center, German Cancer Society, WHO and UNICEF and TÜV RHEINLAND for safety and high quality in treatment.
The team of neurosurgeons provides 3 surgeries per day and over 1,000 surgeries per year. German specialists receive patients with brain tumors, neurotraumas, and spine tumors. They cooperate with colleagues from Boston and Cleveland Hospitals in the USA providing patients with the best medical solutions.
Prof. Ralf Buhl with over 20 years of experience heads the Department. Dr. Buhl has provided over 4,000 neurosurgeries. One of the doctor's patients is a Hollywood actor George Clooney.
The specialists of the Department receive patients with oncology, gastroenterology, blood and lymph diseases. The Department is certified by the German Cancer Society as a reliable institution for fighting with cancer.
The Head of the Department is Prof. Boris Pfaffenbach, the specialist with over 26 of experience.
Solingen Klinikum in cooperation with Sana-Klinikum Remscheid founded the Senology Clinic (Bergische Brustzentrum) to diagnose and treat patients with all types of the breast diseases including cancer of the mammary gland. The success rate of the treatment is 90%. Doctors apply systematic treatment (for instance, chemotherapy and antibody immunotherapy) and immediate breast reconstruction.The Senology Clinic offers breast plastic surgeries as well.
If you would like to find out more about specialties at Klinikum Solingen, the prices, or get an appointment, leave a request to Bookimed Doctor-Coordinator.
Bookimed and the International Department of the Hospital make arrangements for your trip, stay and transfer.
Accommodation: standard and VIP wards, meal included.
The apartment (up to 4 people) near the hospital is €50-60.
Infrastructure: cafe, shops, pharmacies are on the premises of the Hospital. The cost of the apartment rent, transport and meal in Solingen is much lower than in big German cities.
The cost for interpreter service (if required) is €35 per hour. The treatment cost in Solingen Municipal Hospital is the same for foreigners and German citizens. This means the price of the treatment is 10-20% lower than in other German hospitals with extra charges.