Pologne, Jelenia Gora

Gastroscopie avec biopsie à Clinique KCM

55 avis
2 accréditations de qualité de l'hôpital

À propos de la Clinique

année de création

KCM Clinic Poland is a comprehensive medical center in Jelenia Góra city, 90 km from Wroclaw.

Doctors specialize in weight loss surgery, plastic surgery, orthopedics, and minimally invasive spine surgery.

The hospital offers special package programs to International patients.

Every year, 700 patients from the UK, Germany, Iceland, Spain, and Oman come to KCM for treatment.


Prix des traitements dans la clinique

Dernière mise à jour de prix — 29/04/2024. Les prix peuvent être changés selon le cas médical et les recommandations du médecin.
Foraminotomie $4124.37 - $5356.33
Laminectomie $2571.04 - $3053.11
Ablation d'une hernie discale avec diagnostic préopératoire $5388.47 - $5924.1
Discectomie $3267.36 - $4445.75
Chirurgie de la hernie discale $4820.7 - $5356.33
Arthroplastie du genou $4177.94 - $5034.95
Méniscectomie arthroscopique $3192.37 - $4649.29
Remplacement de la hanche $7249 - $8364
Arthroscopie de la cheville $1949.7 - $2656.74
Remplacement de l'épaule Prix sur demande
Chirurgie de la cataracte avec remplacement de la LIO $910.58 - $2731.73
Chirurgie du décollement de la rétine $2188 - $2735
Chirurgie de la cataracte (un œil) $910.58 - $2731.73
Chirurgie plastique
Abdominoplastie et liposuccion $5938
Levage du dos $3749.43 - $5088.51
Lifting des bras (brachioplastie) $3695.87 - $4606.44
Lifting complet du corps $4017.25 - $7284.61
Blépharoplastie inférieure $1606.9 - $1864
Chirurgie de perte de poids
Chirurgie du manchon gastrique (gastrectomie en manchon) $5881.25
Ballon gastrique $2346.07 - $3749.43
Gastroplastie endoscopique par manchon (ESG) $7381.02
Pontage gastrique $6095.5
Agrafage du ventre Prix sur demande
Rééducation orthopédique $2954 - $3227
Rééducation complète $3556 - $3829
Réadaptation après un AVC $3556 - $3829
Rééducation après un accident vasculaire cérébral (par 1 jour) $4267
Rééducation pour les enfants atteints de paralysie cérébrale $3282 - $3556
Traitement dentaire
Implants dentaires tout-en-6 $11891.05 - $12362.41
Dentier $482.07 - $4145.8
Implants dentaires Zircone All-on-4 $11355.42
Implant dentaire $1944.35
Installation de couronne dentaire $567.77 - $723.1
Gastroscopie avec biopsie $192.83 - $257.1
Résection de la vésicule biliaire $2988.83 - $3095.96
Cholécystectomie $2900
Appendicectomie $3492.33 - $3535.18
Résection de l'estomac $5345.62 - $7166.77
Gastroentérostomie $109 - $164
L'opération Wertheim-Meigs Prix sur demande
Chirurgie du cancer du sein $2735 - $3282
Hystérectomie (ablation de l'utérus) $4070.81 - $5142.08
Anesthésie générale $328 - $547
Réparation d'une hernie ombilicale $3642.3
Enlèvement des lipomes $2754.22 - $3213.8
Réparation d'une hernie incisionnelle $4540 - $4814
Otorhinolaryngologie/Oreille, Nez et Gorge (ORL)
Septoplastie $2481
Vasectomie $2462 - $2620
Intervention microchirurgicale pour la varicocèle $4075 - $4321
Circoncision $1368 - $1477
Obstétrique et de gynécologie
Trachélectomie (cervicectomie) $3749.43
Myomectomie (ablation des fibromes utérins) $3642.3 - $4606.44
Chirurgie laparoscopique de l'endométriose $4212 - $5032
Chirurgie de la main
Chirurgie du syndrome du canal carpien $501
Chirurgie cardiaque
Ablation par radiofréquence avec cartographie 3D $4531.46
Médecine Esthétique et Cosmétologie
Élimination des taupes $857.01

accréditations de qualité de l'hôpital

International Organization for Standardization
CH, Le diplôme International Organization for Standardization atteste pour Clinique KCM
Polish Association of Medical Tourism
PL, Le diplôme Polish Association of Medical Tourism atteste pour Clinique KCM

Clinique KCM: plus de détails à propos de la clinique

Pologne, Jelenia Gora

KCM Clinic was opened in 2011. It is located in the city of Jelenia Góra in 1-hour drive to Wroclaw and Prague.

Why do patients choose KCM for treatment?

  • Package prices. The clinic provides package programs, which may include pick-up from/to the hotel, accommodation, hospitalization, and meals. Consult Bookimed coordinators about additional services.
  • International patients coordination. Personal assistants help patients with comfortable diagnosis and treatment arrangements.
  • Modern treatment methods. KCM doctors perform weight loss surgery with 3D visualization, ultrasonic liposuction, joint replacement with American Zimmer Biomet implants, endoscopic spinal surgery through several punctures.
  • Partnership with American facilities. KCM Clinic collaborates with Stanford Health, which includes 150 medical centers. The collaboration helps doctors apply their knowledge and get new experience.

Bariatric surgery

The Weight Loss Surgery Center at KCM is among very few in Europe where surgeons provide operations under the control of the Olympus technology 3D-visualization system. The system ensures a high-quality image so a doctor can quickly and accurately perform laparoscopic surgery through several small punctures.

Comprehensive Weight Loss Program

The program includes:

  • the operation under 3D-visualization control — sleeve resection and mini gastric bypass surgery. Sleeve resection is the removal of a part of the stomach and the formation of a smaller volume organ from the remaining tissue. Mini gastric bypass is a reduction of the stomach in volume and its connection with the intestines.
  • comprehensive preliminary diagnosis.
  • transfer from the airport by car.
  • hotel accommodation.
  • individual weight loss plan for 7 weeks and weight maintenance program for 5 years.

Every six months, the clinic hosts the conference "Recent laparoscopic methods in bariatric surgery," where KCM doctors share knowledge with foreign colleagues.

Before-after bariatric surgery

Before and after weight loss surgery at KCM, Poland

A man after bariatric surgery at KCM: before-after

Plastic surgery

KCM plastic surgeons provide reconstructive and cosmetic operations. Reconstructive plastic surgery is prescribed if a patient has had burns, surgeries, or injuries.

Among the procedures performed:

  • skin lift, nose and ears correction
  • nipple enlargement, lift, reduction, and correction
  • tummy tuck, hips, and buttocks lift, correction of the hands;
  • genital plastic surgery.

The key specialty here is ultrasonic liposuction. It is performed under local anesthesia. The procedure allows getting rid of a few centimeters of body fat. Ultrasonic vibration makes the skin even and smooth.

Before-after plastic surgery at KCM

Before-after breast enhancement at KCM in Poland

Breast enlargement

Before-after breast correction in Polish KCM CLinic

Breast correction

Before-after breast reduction in Polish KCM CLinic

Breast reduction

Before-after facelift in Polish KCM CLinic


Before-after nose job at KCM


Before-after liposuction at KCM



KCM orthopedic surgeons are experts in knee and hip joint replacement. They have performed over 4,500 surgeries.

The procedures that are performed in the Orthopedic Department:

  • Hip joint replacement with the Zimmer Biomet implants (USA). Doctors choose cemented or uncemented prosthesis individually to each patient.
  • The prosthesis are made from polyethylene, titanium, ceramics.
  • Knee replacement with Zimmer Biomet (USA). Doctors conduct a partial or full replacement for medical reasons.
  • Shoulder, hip, and knee arthroscopy. Surgeons perform this intervention, either diagnostic or treatment purposes, through several small punctures up to 1-2 cm with a mini-camera.
  • Cruciate ligament reconstruction.
  • Stem cell therapy is an advanced method of treatment when doctors inject stem cells to the affected joint. Stem cells have regeneration quality and develop new similar cells.

What does the comprehensive program include?

  • surgery
  • detailed diagnostics
  • hospitalization
  • accommodation at the partner hotel Accor Mercure 3*
  • personal physiotherapist
  • transfer from the airport and back
  • personal coordinator in the clinic.

Spine surgery

Minimally invasive spinal surgery is one of the key specialties of the medical center. KCM is the leader among European clinics by the number of endoscopic surgery (with means through small incisions) in the cervical spine. Doctors have carried out over 3,000 interventions so far.

Operations are performed with modern endoscopic equipment. It helps provide small punctures more precisely. Unlike large cuts, small ones have minimal risk of infection and bleeding, a short recovery period compared with a conventional approach.

Doctors specialize in:

  • herniated disc removal
  • vertebral disc decompression
  • nucleoplasty by cold plasma
  • artificial disc replacement
  • vertebroplasty — treating cement injection to the fractures.

The package price of spinal treatment includes:

  • minimally invasive surgery
  • 1 day hospitalization at the center
  • preoperative diagnosis
  • meal and medicine at the hospitalization
  • coordinator's assistance
  • transfer between hotel and clinic.

What is the schedule of international patient treatment?

1 day — arrival at Copernicus Airport Wrocław, transfer to Jelenia Góra and check-in at the hotel.

2 day — coming at the clinic and detailed preoperative diagnosis.

3 day — surgery and hospitalization.

4 day — recovery and discharge if a doctor prescribes.

5-11 days — specialized rehabilitation and physiotherapy.

11 day — check-out from the hotel and transfer to the airport.


Doctor's operations are carried out with laparoscopic technique through small punctures in the lower abdomen no remaining extensive scars if compared with an open procedure.

The doctors of the Gyno Department specialize in:

  • microsurgery of the ovaries and fallopian tubes
  • endometriosis treatment
  • fibroid removal
  • hysterectomy (removal of the uterus)
  • the prolapsed uterus or vagina treatment.
Services supplémentaires
De l'aéroport à la clinique
$120 - $190
De la clinique à l'aéroport
$120 - $190
Hôtel (appartements) près de la clinique, facturé quotidiennement
Conditions d'admission
Méthodes de paiement
Cartes de crédit

Avis des patients

1 étoiles
2 étoiles
3 étoiles
4 étoiles
5 étoiles
Le tarif global de Clinique KCM comprend
Support linguistique

ABDULLA AL-MAKHVITI-KARMELIUK • Gastroscopie avec biopsie Pologne

23 janv. 2024
Avis vérifié.
Avis vérifié.

Une équipe de professionnels, tout est au plus haut niveau

Je suis très satisfait du travail de l'équipe Bookimed L'équipe de professionnels, tout est au plus haut niveau. Je voudrais également exprimer ma gratitude à la coordinatrice personnelle, Dariya Lisina, pour son efficacité et la rapidité avec laquelle elle a résolu tous les problèmes que je n'aurais jamais rencontrés. Lire la suite moins
Clinique à Elena Goura Je ne la recommande pas.