traitement | |
Cryoablation cardiaque | $9000 |
Ablation par radiofréquence | $6000 |
Istinye University Liv Hospital Bahçeşehir is a multidisciplinary medical facility based in Istanbul, a member of Liv Hospital Group.
The organ transplant, cancer treatment, neurosurgery, and urology are the leading specialties at Istinye.
The local hospital staff provides patients with premium and luxury medical services.
traitement | |
Cryoablation cardiaque | $9000 |
Ablation par radiofréquence | $6000 |
traitement | |
Chirurgie oculaire au LASIK | $1200 |
Chirurgie du décollement de la rétine | $3900 |
Phacoémulsification avec implantation de LIO | $1650 |
Greffe de cornée | $6750 - $12200 |
traitement | |
Anneau gastrique | $6000 |
Pontage gastrique | $12500 |
Chirurgie du manchon gastrique (gastrectomie en manchon) | $11000 |
traitement | |
Colectomie (résection du gros intestin) | $8650 - $16000 |
Chimiothérapie pour le cancer du poumon | $2000 - $9000 |
Chirurgie du cancer du pancréas | $10000 - $14000 |
Chimiothérapie intrapéritonéale hyperthermique (HIPEC) | $20000 |
Lobectomie | $9174.81 - $12123.86 |
traitement | |
Fécondation In Vitro (FIV) | $3500 |
Extraction de spermatozoïdes testiculaires (TESE) | $700 - $800 |
traitement | |
Vaporisation (avec GreenLight Laser) | $13000 |
Prostatectomie | $7300 - $16000 |
Lithotripsie urétroscopique | $13000 |
Stenting urétéral | $12400 |
traitement | |
Remplacement de la hanche | $9000 |
MAKOplastie du genou | $22600 - $35000 |
Arthroplastie totale de hanche MAKOplastie | $13300 |
Chirurgie d'allongement des membres | $21500 - $23000 |
Reconstruction du ligament croisé antérieur | $5000 - $6000 |
traitement | |
Appendicectomie | $3000 - $3500 |
traitement | |
Chirurgie de Whipple | $25000 |
Myomectomie (ablation des fibromes utérins) | $7000 |
Chirurgie du cancer du poumon | $10300 - $16400 |
Résection rectale | $8000 - $30000 |
Segmentectomie pulmonaire | $11300 - $15800 |
traitement | |
Chirurgie de la syringomyélie | $10500 - $18000 |
Gamma Knife pour une tumeur cérébrale | $5000 - $5500 |
Chirurgie d'une tumeur cérébrale | $15000 - $18000 |
Ablation d'une tumeur cérébrale | $14000 - $22000 |
traitement | |
Chirurgie de la hernie discale | $6500 - $8500 |
Ablation chirurgicale du kyste cérébral | $9000 - $12000 |
traitement | |
Blépharoplastie (Correction des paupières) | $1500 - $2500 |
Rhinoplastie (travail du nez) | $3549.78 - $4587.41 |
Lifting du cou | $1250 |
Augmentation mammaire | $5000 - $9000 |
Greffe de cheveux | $2000 |
traitement | |
Greffe du foie | $60000 - $65000 |
Greffe du rein | $18000 |
traitement | |
Ostéotomie mandibulaire | $33000 |
traitement | |
Chimiothérapie | $2000 - $9000 |
Transplantation allogénique de moelle osseuse d'un donneur apparenté | $75000 |
Transplantation allogénique de moelle osseuse provenant d'un donneur non apparenté | $110000 |
Une greffe de moelle osseuse | $40000 - $110000 |
traitement | |
Hystérectomie (ablation de l'utérus) | $15000 |
traitement | |
Greffe de moelle osseuse autologue | $40000 |
traitement | |
Chirurgie de stimulation cérébrale profonde (DBS) | $22000 - $23000 |
traitement | |
Stenting coronaire | $7000 |
diagnostic | |
Consultation avec un oto-rhino-laryngologiste | $100 |
Istinye Liv Hospital is located on the Bosphorus coast 40 minutes drive from the Istanbul New Airport.
2,700 international patients choose Istinye Liv for treatment annually.
Doctors of the Oncology Department accept children and adults.
PET-CT is available here for an accurate diagnosing and individual treatment plan development. Using PET-CT, doctors can detect even the smallest tumors up to 1 mm in size.
The Istinye oncologists carry out such cancer treatments as:
This method is considered the most minimally invasive — the operation is performed through small incisions of 0.5-5 cm. In contrast, an open intervention requires the 10-15 cm incision.
Laparoscopy minimizes the damage of healthy tissues and blood loss, so the patient recovers faster than after open surgery.
The Istinye Liv oncologists apply chemotherapy for comprehensive cancer treatment. There are such types of chemo as:
Radiation therapy is used for benign and malignant tumors treatment with ionizing radiation. It destroys cancer cells and therefore stops the development of the disease.
Radiotherapy is prescribed both independently and in combination with other cancer treatment methods.
RFA affects the tumor with a high temperature of radiofrequency waves. During the procedure, the doctor uses an ultrasound or CT scan to accurately direct the radiofrequency waves and not damage the healthy tissues.
Radiofrequency ablation is used to treat small neoplasms up to 3 cm in bones, lungs, liver, kidneys, adrenal glands, and prostate gland.
This cancer treatment method stimulates the immune system to fight the tumor, so the body can recognize cancer cells and destroy them.
According to the hospital data, immunotherapy is the most effective for Hodgkin's lymphoma, melanoma, neck tumors, lungs, breast, kidney, and bladder treatment. Immunotherapy does not cause side effects compared with chemotherapy.
Neurosurgeons accept patients with spinal cord, brain, and peripheral nervous system disorders. To make the operations as safe and effective as possible, doctors use:
For operations on the brain and spinal cord, doctors perform microsurgery, an intervention enlarging and illuminating the operated area that allows minimizing the risk of bleeding.
The Istinye specialists perform organ transplants for adults and children. They carry out liver and kidney transplant operations along with complex interventions like simultaneous transplantation of several organs.
The Organ Transplant Department is headed by Professor Ayhan Dinсkan who performed more than 1,000 liver transplants and 5,000 kidney transplants in children and adults. The success rate of the donor organ acceptance is 91.7%, as Istinye Liv Hospital reports.
The Istinye urologists conduct surgical treatment of urolithiasis (stones), cysts, acute renal failure, prostate diseases and congenital malformations of the urinary system. Doctors accept adults and children for treatment.