Chirurgie plastique
traitement | |
Réduction mammaire | $3500 |
Implants fesses | $4200 |
Révision des implants mammaires | $4150 - $4400 |
Blépharoplastie (Correction des paupières) | $2950 |
Chirurgie des implants péniens | $8500 - $12250 |
Hospital de la Familia is a 32 all-private rooms boutique hospital located just yards away from the Calexico CA USA / Mexicali BC Mexico border. The clinic offers affordable pricing and high quality of surgical outcomes for medical travelers seeking excellent medical care in gastroenterology, cardiac surgery, neurosurgery, and other specialties.
traitement | |
Réduction mammaire | $3500 |
Implants fesses | $4200 |
Révision des implants mammaires | $4150 - $4400 |
Blépharoplastie (Correction des paupières) | $2950 |
Chirurgie des implants péniens | $8500 - $12250 |
traitement | |
Mastectomie | $3000 - $4000 |
Une greffe de moelle osseuse | $80000 - $100000 |
Prostatectomie laparoscopique | $7000 - $8650 |
Prothèse testiculaire | $5800 |
Néphrectomie | $8425 - $9175 |
traitement | |
Arthroscopie de la cheville | $3000 - $7000 |
Chirurgie de réparation de la coiffe des rotateurs | $7950 |
Arthroscopie de la hanche | $8000 - $12000 |
Remplacement de la hanche | $12500 |
Arthroplastie du genou | $8750 - $9550 |
traitement | |
Ligature des trompes par laparocopie | $600 |
Chirurgie | $3100 - $4000 |
Myomectomie (ablation des fibromes utérins) | $3775 - $4625 |
Chirurgie de la hernie inguinale | $3250 |
Chirurgie laparoscopique de l'endométriose | $5900 - $6400 |
traitement | |
Prostatectomie | $7950 |
Correction de la courbure du pénis (traitement chirurgical de la maladie de La Peyronie) | $2950 - $3200 |
Implantation de sphincter urinaire artificiel | $12500 |
Peniflex | $3000 - $3500 |
Circoncision | $1950 - $2200 |
traitement | |
Agrafage du ventre | $5000 |
Anneau gastrique | $4500 - $5500 |
Ballon gastrique | $2850 - $2900 |
Chirurgie du manchon gastrique (gastrectomie en manchon) | $5350 |
Pontage gastrique | $6900 |
traitement | |
Chirurgie de la hernie discale | $10750 |
Foraminotomie | $10750 |
Chirurgie de fusion vertébrale mini-invasive | $7000 - $20000 |
traitement | |
Chirurgie oculaire au LASIK | $1800 - $2100 |
traitement | |
Septoplastie | $3250 |
traitement | |
Ablation par radiofréquence | $3625 - $4100 |
traitement | |
Cholécystectomie | $2800 - $3500 |
traitement | |
Lifting des sourcils | $2000 |
Injection de produits de comblement | $300 |
traitement | |
Implants dentaires tout-en-4 | $9980 |
Implant incliné | $500 |
traitement | |
Entretien annuel de la cryoconservation des œufs | $500 - $600 |
Insémination artificielle | Prix sur demande |
Transfert d'embryon | $1000 - $1500 |
traitement | |
Angioplastie coronaire | $8000 - $12000 |
Chirurgie de la communication interauriculaire | $1000 - $16000 |
traitement | |
Chirurgie du syndrome du canal carpien | $2100 - $3050 |
traitement | |
Ocrevus (ocrélizumab) | $13500 |
traitement | |
Hystérectomie (ablation de l'utérus) | $5350 - $6337 |
traitement | |
Thérapie par cellules souches | $5000 - $9000 |
traitement | |
Élimination des varices | $1200 |
The Family Hospital is a beautiful state-of-the-art facility located just 200 yards south of the US border entry in the city of Mexicali BC Mexico. Its up-to-date medical technology & operating theaters make it the safest & reliable option for surgical interventions in the city. The Family Hospital is part of Grupo Mac, a Mexican Hospital chain that purchased the hospital in 2020 after 17 years of operation by its previous owners. The Hospital features over 24 medical specialties and staffs over 120 employees. The hospital's infrastructure is configured by 32 all-private rooms, 5 operating rooms, an imaging center, 24/7 cafeteria, private parking, a chapel. The Family Hospital has achieved thousands of satisfied international patients and is a leading hospital in medical tourism since it started its medical tourism department in 2009. Hospital de la Familia has been featured in many international coverages such as New York Times, CNN, Current TV, Chicago Tribune, San Diego Tribune, KMS, China News, Univision and French TV.