Pologne, Katowice

Diagnostic complexe de l'infertilité chez la femme à Gyncentrum Fertility Clinic

58 avis
3 accréditations de qualité de l'hôpital

À propos de la Clinique

année de création

The network of private clinics Gyncentrum is one of the oldest in Poland for the treatment of infertility. Gyncentrum provides a full range of medical services for artificial insemination, prenatal diagnosis, plastic gynecology. The Clinic provides access to the International Bank of Sperm and Eggs Gyncentrum International. Ginsentrum has been implementing the state IVF programs in Poland. Specialists of the clinic were the first in the country to start using the innovative technology of Anevivo fertilization in natural environment.


Prix des traitements dans la clinique

Dernière mise à jour de prix — 29/04/2024. Les prix peuvent être changés selon le cas médical et les recommandations du médecin.
Test génétique pour l'aneuploïdie jusqu'à 8 embryons $1556.74 - $2075.66
Aspiration testiculaire de spermatozoïdes (TESA) $311.35
Extraction de spermatozoïdes testiculaires (TESE) $311.35
Insémination artificielle $186.81 - $259.46
Fécondation In Vitro (FIV) $4277 - $5527

accréditations de qualité de l'hôpital

International Organization for Standardization
CH, Le diplôme International Organization for Standardization atteste pour Gyncentrum Fertility Clinic
TÜV AG Сompany Research & Investing Certificate
DE, Le diplôme TÜV AG Сompany Research & Investing Certificate atteste pour Gyncentrum Fertility Clinic
Patient choice for IVF
UA, Le diplôme Patient choice for IVF atteste pour Gyncentrum Fertility Clinic

Gyncentrum Fertility Clinic: plus de détails à propos de la clinique

Pologne, Katowice

Gyncentrum – a network of private clinics specializing in gynecology, infertility treatment and gynecological plastic. Сlinics are located in Katowice, Bielsko-Biala and Częstochowa.


Methods of diagnostics and treatment of infertility

  • ANEVIVO (fertilization and development of the embryo in the natural physiological environment);
  • IMSI (visualization and selection of spermatozoa);
  • ICSI (injection of the selected sperm into the egg);
  • Cryopreservation of oocytes and embryos;
  • Prenatal (antenatal) studies;
  • Primo Vision (monitoring of embryological development);
  • EmbryoGlue and EmbryoGen (medium that improves cultivation and implantation of embryos);
  • Oosight (definition of oocyte quality);
  • SCA / CASA (evaluation of sperm parameters).



Features of treatment at Gyncentrum

The age of patients for artificial insemination is not limited: possibility of IVF depends on a patient's health indicators. There are patients with successful IVF at the age of 52-53 years.>

It is possible to choose the sex of the unborn child for medical reasons in the clinic (genetically determined).

At Gyncentrum, the method of fertilization Anevivo is applied. Fertilization is performed in the womb and stimulated by natural substances. The method increases the chance of pregnancy and is acceptable in case of a woman's refusal from IVF due to religious and other reasons.

The clinical laboratory conducts general clinical, genetic, hormonal and bacteriological studies. The Сlinic uses new diagnostic methods – The ERA (endometrial susceptibility test) is a revolutionary solution in the field of reproductive genetics. At Gyncentrum preimplantation diagnositics of PGD has been recently introduced. It is used to identify and eliminate the risk of transmission of more than 100 genetic diseases from parents to child.

Gyncentrum International, the International Bank of sperm and ova was made for couples who can't have children due to cancer treatment, premature menopause, etc. The donation is anonymous for both sides.

Clinic applies innovative treatment for urogynaecological problems as laser therapy of urinary incontinence, Mini Sling (insertion into the urethra with a special tape of synthetic material for lifting and supporting the bladder neck).


Success rates at Gyncentrum

  • 90%of women are pregnant after IVF
  • 66% of women up to 30 years old are pregnant after 1 IVF cycle
  • 50% of women aged 31-35 years old are pregnant after 1-3 IVF cycles
  • 45% of women aged 36-40 years old are pregnant after 1-3 IVF cycles
  • 42% of women aged 40+ years old are pregnant after 1-3 IVF cycles.
Services supplémentaires
De l'aéroport à la clinique
$0 - $0
De la clinique à l'aéroport
$0 - $0
Hôtel (appartements) près de la clinique, facturé quotidiennement
Conditions d'admission
Méthodes de paiement
Cartes de crédit

Avis des patients

1 étoiles
2 étoiles
3 étoiles
4 étoiles
5 étoiles
Le tarif global de Gyncentrum Fertility Clinic comprend
Support linguistique

Ольга • Diagnostic complexe de l'infertilité chez la femme

13 mars 2020
Avis vérifié.
Avis vérifié.